def testAut(self): """ Test for automorphisms between two the same graphs. :return: """ start = time.time() l = loadgraph('../../test_grafen/basis/', readlist=False) print(isomorphisms(l, l, True)) end = time.time() t = end - start print("Execution time: " + str(t))
def combinator(graphlist, count=False): """ Compares a list of graphs to each other in an efficient way. :param graphlist: :param count: :return: """ # Queuelist w = [] # Resultlist res = [] # Building w[0]-list wzero = [[], -1] for g in range(len(graphlist[0])): wzero[0].append(g) w.append(wzero) i = 0 # Add w[0][0][0] as first result res.append([[], -1]) res[i][0].append(w[i][0][0]) # Loop w[i] while i < len(w): # Pick g1 the first item of w[i] g1 = w[i][0][0] # Loop w with w[i][0] != w[j][0] for j, g2 in enumerate(w[i][0], 1): if g2 != g1: # Check if counting of automorphisms is required and not already known if count and w[i][1] == -1: result = isomorphisms(graphlist[0][g1], graphlist[0][g2], count) else: result = isomorphisms(graphlist[0][g1], graphlist[0][g2], False) # If automorphisms/isomorphisms are found if result > 0: # Add result if #automorphisms wasn't found if w[i][1] == -1: w[i][1] = result res[i][1] = result # Add graph to these isomorphism class res[i][0].append(g2) # Graphs are not isomorphic else: # Check if new entry in w must be made. if len(w) <= i + 1: w.append([[], -1]) res.append([[g2], -1]) w[i+1][0].append(g2) i += 1 # Print the result for i in res: print(i)