mfiles = [] nnoread = 0 nnopos = 0 nnowave = 0 tspec = 0 nbadeq = 0 nnojd = 0 nnoexp = 0 nnoobject = 0 ntcalc = 0 nnorec = 0 for mfile in mflist: try: for (nspec,mspec) in molly.grmolly(mfile): tspec += 1 # Set all items first. A value is always set although # some will be bad as in -1 for RA # object name if 'Object' in mspec: object = mspec['Object'] else: nnoobject += 1 object = 'UNKNOWN' # position if 'RA' in mspec and 'Dec' in mspec and 'Equinox' in mspec:
if root.endswith('.mol'): root = root[:-4] mname = root + '.mol' if not os.path.exists(mname): print 'Cannot fine file =',mname exit(1) fname = root + '.fits' if os.path.exists(fname): print 'File =',fname,'already exists.' exit(1) # Read in spectra specs = [] for nspec, mspec in molly.grmolly(mname): specs.append(mspec) def update_header(mspec, thead): """ Tries to convert as much of a standard molly header as it can into more standard FITS (note that molly headers are stored in FITS headers in trm.dnl but mostly by using HIERARCH """ mhead = mspec.head # Modify the molly header for a few special cases to allow the more # generic changes to be nicely ordered, if 'Day' in mhead and 'Month' in mhead and 'Year' in mhead: mhead['DATE-OBS'] = '{0:4d}-{1:02d}-{2:02d}'.format(mhead['Year'],mhead['Month'],mhead['Day'])