def test_list(self):
        """Lists of items should be represented properly"""
        params = {
            "name": "My thing",
            "items": [StringConstant("one"),
        made_params = make_parameters(**params)
        expected = '''name: "My thing"\n        items: [one, two]'''
        assert expected == made_params

        params = {"name": "My thing", "items": ["val1", "val2"]}
        made_params = make_parameters(**params)
        expected = '''name: "My thing"\n        items: ["val1", "val2"]'''
        assert expected == made_params
    def test_make_parameters(self):
        """A regular set of parameters"""

        params = {"name": "My thing", "source": "The internet"}
        made_params = make_parameters(**params)
        expected = '''name: "My thing"\n        source: "The internet"'''
        assert expected == made_params
Exemple #3
def format_mutation(mutationname: str, args: Dict[str, Any]):
    """Create a mutation to send to the Contributor Environment.
        mutationname: the name of the mutation to generate
        args: a dictionary of field: value pairs to add to the mutation
        A formatted mutation

    formatted_mutation = MUTATION_TEMPLATE.format(
        mutationname=mutationname, parameters=make_parameters(**args))
    return MUTATION.format(mutation=formatted_mutation)
Exemple #4
def mutation_update(args, mutation_string: str):
    """Returns a mutation for updating an object
        args: a dictionary of arguments for the template. The fucntion calling this function is responsible for validating the arguments.
        The string for the mutation for updating the object.
        Assertion error if the input language is not one of the supported languages.

    create_mutation = mutation_string.format(parameters=make_parameters(
    return MUTATION.format(mutation=create_mutation)
Exemple #5
def create_alias_mutation(mutationalias: str, mutationname: str,
                          args: Dict[str, Any]):
    """Create a mutation alias to send to the Contributor Environment.
        mutationalias: the alias of the mutation to generate
        mutationname: the name of the mutation to generate
        args: a dictionary of field: value pairs to add to the mutation
        A mutation string
    return MUTATION_ALIAS_TEMPLATE.format(mutationalias=mutationalias,
Exemple #6
def mutation_delete(identifier: str, mutation_string: str):
    """Returns a mutation for deleting an object
        identifier: The unique identifier of the object.
        The string for the mutation for creating the object.
        Assertion error if the input language is not one of the supported languages.

    args = {"identifier": identifier}

    delete_mutation = mutation_string.format(parameters=make_parameters(
    return MUTATION.format(mutation=delete_mutation)
Exemple #7
def format_itemlist_query(queryname: str, args: Dict[str, Any]):
    """Create a query to send to the Contributor Environment.
        queryname: the name of the query to generate
        args: a dictionary of field: value pairs to add to the query.
        return_items_list: A list of items for the query to return.
        A formatted query

    parameters = ""
    if args:
        parameters = make_parameters(**args)
    formatted_query = QUERY_ITEMLIST_TEMPLATE.format(queryname=queryname,
    return QUERY.format(query=formatted_query)
Exemple #8
def format_query(queryname: str, args: Dict[str, Any],
                 return_items: Union[list, str]):
    """Create a query to send to the Contributor Environment.
        queryname: the name of the query to generate
        args: a dictionary of field: value pairs to add to the query.
        return_items: A list of items for the query to return, or a formatted string of graphql.
        A formatted query

    parameters = ""
    if args:
        parameters = "({})".format(make_parameters(**args))
    if isinstance(return_items, list):
        return_items = make_select_query(return_items)
    formatted_query = QUERY_TEMPLATE.format(queryname=queryname,
    return QUERY.format(query=formatted_query)
    def test_Neo4jDate(self):
        """Neo4jDate values should output a date format with dateparts year, month and day encapsulated in {}"""
        params = {"date": _Neo4jDate(date(2020, 1, 15))}
        made_params = make_parameters(**params)
        expected = '''date: { year: 2020 month: 1 day: 15 }'''
        assert expected, made_params == "Date format did not equal expected result"

        params = {"date": _Neo4jDate([2020, 1, 15])}
        made_params = make_parameters(**params)
        expected = '''date: { year: 2020 month: 1 day: 15 }'''
        assert expected == made_params, "Year, month, day dateparts did not equal expected result"

        params = {"date": _Neo4jDate([2020, 1])}
        made_params = make_parameters(**params)
        expected = '''date: { year: 2020 month: 1 }'''
        assert expected == made_params, "Year, month dateparts did not equal expected result"

        params = {"date": _Neo4jDate([2020])}
        made_params = make_parameters(**params)
        expected = '''date: { year: 2020 }'''
        assert expected == made_params, "Year datepart did not equal expected result"

        params = {"date": _Neo4jDate(2020)}
        made_params = make_parameters(**params)
        expected = '''date: { year: 2020 }'''
        assert expected == made_params, "Year integer did not equal expected result"

        params = {"date": _Neo4jDate([2020, 1, 15, 13, 30])}
        made_params = make_parameters(**params)
        expected = '''date: { year: 2020 month: 1 day: 15 }'''
        assert expected == made_params, "Year, month, day and more values did not output a date"

        # Date formatted as a string
        params = {"date": _Neo4jDate("2020-01-15")}
        made_params = make_parameters(**params)
        expected = '''date: { year: 2020 month: 1 day: 15 }'''
        assert expected == made_params, "Year, month, day and more values did not output a date"
async def request_controlaction(req_config_file='req_config1.ini'):
    Request a control action based on the configurations in the req_config_file
        req_config_file: The ini file with the configuration for the request to be sent.
        ValueNotFound exception if one of the required values for the property or property value specifications is not set.
    config = configparser.ConfigParser()

    entrypoint_id = config['EntryPoint']['ce_id']
    controlaction_id = config['ControlAction']['ce_id']
    num_props = int(config['ControlAction']['numprops'])
    num_pvs = int(config['ControlAction']['numpvs'])
    props = []
    pvss = []
    for i in range(num_props):
        prop_dict = {}
        prop = config['Property{}'.format(i + 1)]
        prop_dict['potentialActionPropertyIdentifier'] = prop['ce_id']
        if prop['value'] == '':
            raise ValueNotFound('potentialActionPropertyIdentifier{}'.format(1 + 1))
        prop_dict['nodeIdentifier'] = prop['value']
        prop_dict['nodeType'] = StringConstant(prop['rangeincludes'])
        # TODO: Right now, assumes that only one value is given.
        prop_params = make_parameters(**prop_dict)

    for i in range(num_pvs):
        pvs_dict = {}
        pvs = config['PropertyValueSpecification{}'.format(i + 1)]
        pvs_dict['potentialActionPropertyValueSpecificationIdentifier'] = pvs['ce_id']
        if pvs['value'] == '' and pvs.getboolean('valuerequired'):
            raise ValueNotFound('potentialActionPropertyValueSpecificationIdentifier{}'.format(1 + 1))
        pvs_dict['value'] = pvs['value']
        pvs_dict['valuePattern'] = StringConstant(pvs['valuepattern'])
        pvs_params = make_parameters(**pvs_dict)
    param_dict = {"entryPointIdentifier": entrypoint_id, "potentialActionIdentifier": controlaction_id, \
                  "propertyObject": props, "propertyValueObject": pvss}
    params = make_parameters(**param_dict)

    params = params.replace("\\n", "\n").replace("\\", "").replace("\"\"", "\"").replace("\"{", "{").replace("}\"", "}")

    query = q1.format(params=params)

    resp_1 = await submit_query(query)

    output_id = resp_1['data']['RequestControlAction']['identifier']

    # await subscribe_controlaction(control_id)

    status_query = q2.format(control_id=output_id)

    act_status = 'accepted'

    while act_status == 'accepted' or act_status == 'running':
        await asyncio.sleep(1)

        resp_2 = await submit_query(status_query)

        act_status = resp_2['data']['ControlAction'][0]['actionStatus']

        print("Action Status: {}".format(act_status))
 def test_boolean(self):
     """Boolean values should be represented as json bools (lowercase true/false)"""
     params = {"name": "My thing", "valueRequired": True}
     made_params = make_parameters(**params)
     expected = '''name: "My thing"\n        valueRequired: true'''
     assert expected == made_params
 def test_string_constant(self):
     """String constants are represented without quotes around them"""
     params = {"name": "My thing", "language": StringConstant("en")}
     made_params = make_parameters(**params)
     expected = '''name: "My thing"\n        language: en'''
     assert expected == made_params