Exemple #1
def tropo_view(request):
    if request.method == "POST":
        data = json.loads(request.raw_post_data)
        session = data["session"]
        if "parameters" in session:
            params = session["parameters"]
            if ("_send_sms" in params) and ("numberToDial"
                                            in params) and ("msg" in params):
                numberToDial = params["numberToDial"]
                msg = params["msg"]
                t = Tropo()
                t.call(to=numberToDial, network="SMS")
                log("OUT", "TEXT", numberToDial, "TROPO",
                    request.raw_post_data, msg)
                return HttpResponse(t.RenderJson())
        if "from" in session:
            caller_id = session["from"]["id"]
            channel = session["from"]["channel"]
            msg = None
            if "initialText" in session:
                msg = session["initialText"]
            log("IN", channel, caller_id, "TROPO", request.raw_post_data, msg)
            if channel == "VOICE":
                send_sms_tropo(caller_id, "Callback received.")
        t = Tropo()
        return HttpResponse(t.RenderJson())
        return HttpResponseBadRequest()
Exemple #2
    def post(self):
        print "processing incoming request"

        # Initialize a tropo object
        t = Tropo()

        # Deserialize the request
        s = Session(json.dumps(request.json))

        if hasattr(s, 'parameters'):
            # Handle the case where this is a new visitor to the site, we will initiate an outbound
            # SMS session to the visitor
            number = s.parameters['numberToDial']
            print "sending welcome msg to {}".format(number)
            t.call(number, network="SMS")
                'Welcome to the Giant Ball of String! Please respond with "fact" for additional information'
            # Handle other scenarios
            if s.initialText:
                # Handle the case where the user sends us a text message
                if 'fact' in s.initialText.lower():

                        'Welcome to the Giant Ball of String',
                        'You can request facts by responding with the keyword "fact"'
        return make_response(t.RenderJson())
Exemple #3
def sms_in(request):
    Handles tropo messaging requests
    if request.method == "POST":
        data = json.loads(request.body)
        session = data["session"]
        # Handle when Tropo posts to us to send an SMS
        if "parameters" in session:
            params = session["parameters"]
            if ("_send_sms" in params) and ("numberToDial"
                                            in params) and ("msg" in params):
                numberToDial = params["numberToDial"]
                msg = params["msg"]
                t = Tropo()
                t.call(to=numberToDial, network="SMS")
                return HttpResponse(t.RenderJson())
        # Handle incoming SMS
        phone_number = None
        text = None
        if "from" in session:
            phone_number = session["from"]["id"]
        if "initialText" in session:
            text = session["initialText"]
        if phone_number is not None and len(phone_number) > 1:
            if phone_number[0] == "+":
                phone_number = phone_number[1:]
        incoming_sms(phone_number, text, TropoBackend.get_api_id())
        t = Tropo()
        return HttpResponse(t.RenderJson())
        return HttpResponseBadRequest("Bad Request")
Exemple #4
def tropo():
        Receive a JSON POST from the Tropo WebAPI

        @see: https://www.tropo.com/docs/webapi/newhowitworks.htm

    # Stored in modules/tropo.py
    from tropo import Tropo, Session

        s = Session(request.body.read())
        t = Tropo()
        # This is their service contacting us, so parse their request
            row_id = s.parameters["row_id"]
            # This is an Outbound message which we've requested Tropo to send for us
            table = s3db.msg_tropo_scratch
            query = (table.row_id == row_id)
            row = db(query).select().first()
            # Send the message
            t.call(to=row.recipient, network=row.network)
            # Update status to sent in Outbox
            outbox = s3db.msg_outbox
            db(outbox.id == row.row_id).update(status=2)
            # Set message log to actioned
            log = s3db.msg_log
            db(log.id == row.message_id).update(actioned=True)
            # Clear the Scratchpad
            return t.RenderJson()
            # This is an Inbound message
                message = s.initialText
                # This is an SMS/IM
                # Place it in the InBox
                uuid = s.id
                recipient = s.to["id"]
                    fromaddress = s.fromaddress["id"]
                    # SyntaxError: s.from => invalid syntax (why!?)
                    fromaddress = ""
                s3db.msg_log.insert(uuid=uuid, fromaddress=fromaddress,
                                    recipient=recipient, message=message,
                # Send the message to the parser
                reply = msg.parse_message(message)
                return t.RenderJson()
                # This is a Voice call
                # - we can't handle these yet
                raise HTTP(501)
        # GET request or some random POST
def index(request):
	t = Tropo()
	t.record(name = "recording", timeout = 10, maxSilence = 7, maxTime = 60, choices = {"terminator": "#"}, transcription = {"id":"1234", "url":"mailto:[email protected]", "language":"de_DE"}, say = {"value":"Willkommen zur Abfage! Sag uns bitte, wie es dir geht!"}, url = "http://www.example.com/recordings.py", voice =" Katrin")
	return t.RenderJson()
Exemple #6
def tropo():
        Receive a JSON POST from the Tropo WebAPI

        @see: https://www.tropo.com/docs/webapi/newhowitworks.htm

    # Stored in modules/tropo.py
    from tropo import Tropo, Session

        s = Session(request.body.read())
        t = Tropo()
        # This is their service contacting us, so parse their request
            row_id = s.parameters["row_id"]
            # This is an Outbound message which we've requested Tropo to send for us
            table = s3db.msg_tropo_scratch
            query = (table.row_id == row_id)
            row = db(query).select().first()
            # Send the message
            t.call(to=row.recipient, network=row.network)
            # Update status to sent in Outbox
            outbox = s3db.msg_outbox
            db(outbox.id == row.row_id).update(status=2)
            # Set message log to actioned
            log = s3db.msg_log
            db(log.id == row.message_id).update(actioned=True)
            # Clear the Scratchpad
            return t.RenderJson()
            # This is an Inbound message
                message = s.initialText
                # This is an SMS/IM
                # Place it in the InBox
                uuid = s.id
                recipient = s.to["id"]
                    fromaddress = s.fromaddress["id"]
                    # SyntaxError: s.from => invalid syntax (why!?)
                    fromaddress = ""
                s3db.msg_log.insert(uuid=uuid, fromaddress=fromaddress,
                                    recipient=recipient, message=message,
                # Send the message to the parser
                reply = msg.parse_message(message)
                return t.RenderJson()
                # This is a Voice call
                # - we can't handle these yet
                raise HTTP(501)
        # GET request or some random POST
Exemple #7
def sms_in(request):
    Handles tropo messaging requests
    if request.method == "POST":
        data = json.loads(request.body)
        session = data["session"]
        # Handle when Tropo posts to us to send an SMS
        if "parameters" in session:
            params = session["parameters"]
            if ("_send_sms" in params) and ("numberToDial" in params) and ("msg" in params):
                numberToDial = params["numberToDial"]
                msg = params["msg"]
                t = Tropo()
                t.call(to = numberToDial, network = "SMS")
                return HttpResponse(t.RenderJson())
        # Handle incoming SMS
        phone_number = None
        text = None
        if "from" in session:
            phone_number = session["from"]["id"]
        if "initialText" in session:
            text = session["initialText"]
        if phone_number is not None and len(phone_number) > 1:
            if phone_number[0] == "+":
                phone_number = phone_number[1:]
        incoming_sms(phone_number, text, SQLTropoBackend.get_api_id())
        t = Tropo()
        return HttpResponse(t.RenderJson())
        return HttpResponseBadRequest("Bad Request")
Exemple #8
def tropo_view(request):
    if request.method == "POST":
        data = json.loads(request.raw_post_data)
        session = data["session"]
        if "parameters" in session:
            params = session["parameters"]
            if ("_send_sms" in params) and ("numberToDial" in params) and ("msg" in params):
                numberToDial = params["numberToDial"]
                msg = params["msg"]
                t = Tropo()
                t.call(to = numberToDial, network = "SMS")
                log("OUT", "TEXT", numberToDial, "TROPO", request.raw_post_data, msg)
                return HttpResponse(t.RenderJson())
        if "from" in session:
            caller_id = session["from"]["id"]
            channel = session["from"]["channel"]
            msg = None
            if "initialText" in session:
                msg = session["initialText"]
            log("IN", channel, caller_id, "TROPO", request.raw_post_data, msg)
            if channel == "VOICE":
                send_sms_tropo(caller_id, "Callback received.")
        t = Tropo()
        return HttpResponse(t.RenderJson())
        return HttpResponseBadRequest()
def index(request):

    t = Tropo()
    t.call("sip:[email protected]:5678")
    t.say("tropo status")
    t.wait(27222, allowSignals = 'dfghjm')
    t.say("today is Friday 2017-06-02")
    return t.RenderJson()
def index(request):
    s = Session(request.body)
    t = Tropo()
    t.call(to='tel:+' + TO_NUMBER, _from='tel:+' + FROM_NUMBER)
    t.say('This is your mother. Did you brush your teeth today?')
    json = t.RenderJson()
    return json
def index(request):
    s = Session(request.body)
    t = Tropo()
    t.call(to='tel:+' + TO_NUMBER, _from='tel:+' + FROM_NUMBER)
    t.say('This is your mother. Did you brush your teeth today?')
    json = t.RenderJson()
    print json
    return json
def index(request):

	t = Tropo()

	t.call(to="+17326820887", network = "SMS")
	t.say("Tag, you're it!")
	return t.RenderJson()
def index(request):
    s = Session(request.body)
    t = Tropo()
    t.call(to=' ' + TO_NUMBER, _from=' ' + FROM_NUMBER, label='xiangwyujianghu', voice='Tian-tian', callbackUrl='', promptLogSecurity='suppress')
    t.say('This is your mother. Did you brush your teeth today?')
    json = t.RenderJson() 
    print json
    return json
Exemple #14
def index(request):
	t = Tropo()
	t.call(to = "*****@*****.**", _from = "*****@*****.**", channel = "TEXT", network = "JABBER")
	t.ask(choices = "yes(yes,y,1), no(no,n,2)", timeout=60, name="reminder", say = "Hey, did you remember to take your pills?")	
	t.on(event = "continue", next ="verify_yes")
	t.on(event = "incomplete", next ="verify_no")
	json = t.RenderJson()
	print json
	return HttpResponse(json)
def index(request):
    #s = Session(request.body)
    t = Tropo()
    t.call(to=' ' + TO_NUMBER, _from=' ' + FROM_NUMBER, label='xiangwyujianghu', network = 'MMS')
    mediaa = ['http://www.gstatic.com/webp/gallery/1.jpg', 'macbook eclipse', 'http://artifacts.voxeolabs.net.s3.amazonaws.com/test/test.png', 1234567890, '0987654321', 'https://www.travelchinaguide.com/images/photogallery/2012/beijing-tiananmen-tower.jpg']
    t.say('This is your mother. Did you brush your teeth today?', media = mediaa)
    json = t.RenderJson() 
    print json
    return json
Exemple #16
def index(request):
    t = Tropo()

    # s = Session(request.get_json(force=True))
    sys.stderr.write(str(request.body) + "\n")

    s = Session(request.body)
    message = s.initialText
    # print("Initial Text: " + initialText)

    # Check if message contains word "results" and if so send results
    if not message:
        # number = s["session"]["parameters"]["numberToDial"]
        number = s.parameters["numberToDial"]
        reply = "Would you like to vote?"
        t.call(to=number, network="SMS")
        # t.say(reply)

    elif message.lower().find("results") > -1:
        results = get_results()
        reply = ["The current standings are"]
        for i, result in enumerate(results):
            if i == 0:
                reply.append("  *** %s is in the lead with %s percent of the votes.\n" % (result[0], str(round(result[2]))))
            elif i <= 3:
                reply.append("  -   %s has %s percent of the votes.\n" % (result[0], str(round(result[2]))))
    # Check if message contains word "options" and if so send options
    elif message.lower().find("options") > -1:
        options = get_options()
        reply = ["The options are..."]
        msg = ""
        for option in options:
            msg += "%s, " % (option)
        msg = msg[:-2] + ""
    # Check if message contains word "vote" and if so start a voting session
    elif message.lower().find("vote") > -1:
        # reply = "Let's vote!  Look for a new message from me so you can place a secure vote!"
        reply = [process_incoming_message(message)]
    # If nothing matches, send instructions
        # Reply back to message
        # reply = "Hello, welcome to the MyHero Demo Room.\n" \
        #         "To find out current status of voting, ask 'What are the results?'\n" \
        #         "To find out the possible options, ask 'What are the options?\n" \
        #         '''To place a vote, simply type the name of your favorite Super Hero and the word "vote".'''
        reply = ["Hello, welcome to the MyHero Demo Room." ,
                "To find out current status of voting, ask 'What are the results?'",
                "To find out the possible options, ask 'What are the options?",
                '''To place a vote, simply type the name of your favorite Super Hero and the word "vote".''']

    # t.say(["Really, it's that easy." + message])
    response = t.RenderJson()
    sys.stderr.write(response + "\n")
    return response
def index(request):

  t = Tropo()

  mc = MachineDetection(introduction="This is a test. Please hold while I determine if you are a Machine or Human. Processing. Finished. THank you for your patience.", voice="Victor").json
  t.call(to="+14071234321", machineDetection=mc)
  t.on(event="continue", next="/continue.json")

  return t.RenderJson()
def index(request):
    t = Tropo()
    t.call("sip:[email protected]:5678", say = "ha ha ha ha ha ah ah ah ah")
    t.say("a b c d e f g h i j k")
    on = On("connect", say = "emily", next = "http://freewavesamples.com/files/Kawai-K5000W-AddSquare-C4.wav", post = "").json
    t.transfer(TO_NUMBER, _from= FROM_NUMBER, on=on, callbackUrl="", label="erthnbvc")
    t.say("Hi. I am a robot q a z w s x e d c")
    json = t.RenderJson()
    print json
    return json
def index(request):
    session = Session(request.body)
    t = Tropo()
    #jj = JoinPrompt(value = "who are you who let you come in")
    jj = JoinPrompt("who are you who let you come in")
    #ll = LeavePrompt(value = "byebye samsung")
    ll = LeavePrompt("byebye samsung")
    t.call(to=session.parameters['callToNumber'], network='SIP')
    t.conference(id='yuxiangj', joinPrompt=jj.json, leavePrompt=ll.json)
    return t.RenderJsonSDK()
def index(request):
    t = Tropo()
    t.call("sip:[email protected]:5678", say = "ha ha ha ha ha ah ah ah ah")
    t.say("ah ah ah ah ah uh uh uh uh ha ha ha")
    on1 = On("connect", ask = Ask(Choices("[5 DIGITS]")).json).json
    on2 = On("ring", say = "emily2").json
    t.transfer(TO_NUMBER, _from= FROM_NUMBER, on=[on1,on2], choices = TransferOnChoices(terminator = '#').json)
    t.say("Hi. I am a robot")
    json = t.RenderJson()
    print json
    return json
def index(request):
    session = Session(request.body)
    t = Tropo()
    #jj = JoinPrompt(value = "who are you who let you come in")
    jj = JoinPrompt("who are you who let you come in")
    #ll = LeavePrompt(value = "byebye samsung")
    ll = LeavePrompt("byebye samsung")
    t.call(to=session.parameters['callToNumber'], network='SIP')
    t.conference(id='yuxiangj', joinPrompt=jj.json, leavePrompt=ll.json)
    return t.RenderJsonSDK()
Exemple #22
def index(request):

    t = Tropo()
    #t.startRecording('http://12b12d1b.ngrok.io/FileUpload/uploadFile', formamt = 'audio/wav', transcriptionID = "20170601startRecording", transcriptionEmailFormat = "plain", transcriptionOutURI = "http://12b12d1b.ngrok.io/FileUpload/receiveJson") 
    t.startRecording('http://12b12d1b.ngrok.io/FileUpload/uploadFile', formamt = 'audio/wav', transcriptionID = "20170601startRecording", transcriptionEmailFormat = "plain", transcriptionLanguage = "en-usa", transcriptionOutURI = "http://12b12d1b.ngrok.io/FileUpload/receiveJson") 
    t.say("a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z @  # $ % & ")
    t.say(" I love my daughter")
    t.say("1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 A B C D E F G")
    t.say("today is Thursday 2017-06-01")
    return t.RenderJson()
def index(request):
    s = Session(request.body)
    t = Tropo()
    t.call(to=' ' + TO_NUMBER,
           _from=' ' + FROM_NUMBER,
    t.say('This is your mother. Did you brush your teeth today?')
    json = t.RenderJson()
    print json
    return json
Exemple #24
def index(request):

    t = Tropo()

    mc = MachineDetection(
        "This is a test. Please hold while I determine if you are a Machine or Human. Processing. Finished. THank you for your patience.",
    t.call(to="+14071234321", machineDetection=mc)

    t.on(event="continue", next="/continue.json")

    return t.RenderJson()
def index(request):
    session = Session(request.body)
    print 'request.body begin'
    print request.body
    print 'request.body end'
    t = Tropo()
    #t.call(to=session.parameters['callToNumber'], network='SIP')
    dhhm = session.parameters['callToNumber']
    say_obj = session.parameters['message252121']
    #t.message(say_obj, to=dhhm, network="SMS", _from="+17754641173", channel = "TEXT")
    #t.call(dhhm, network="SMS", _from="+17754641173", channel = "TEXT")
    print t.RenderJson()
    return t.RenderJson()
    def do_POST(self):
        content_len = int(self.headers['content-length'])
        post_body = self.rfile.read(content_len)
        self.send_header('Content-type', 'text/html')
        s = Session(post_body.decode('utf-8'))

        t = Tropo()
        t.call(to="+8618801428848", network="SMS")
        t.say(['Hi,Patient', 'Time to take aspilin!'])
        message = t.RenderJson()

        self.wfile.write(bytes(message, "utf8"))
Exemple #27
def index(request):
    t = Tropo()
    t.call("sip:[email protected]:5678",
           say="ha ha ha ha ha ah ah ah ah")
    t.say("ah ah ah ah ah uh uh uh uh ha ha ha")
    on1 = On("connect", ask=Ask(Choices("[5 DIGITS]")).json).json
    on2 = On("ring", say="emily2").json
               on=[on1, on2],
    t.say("Hi. I am a robot")
    json = t.RenderJson()
    print json
    return json
def index(request):
    session = Session(request.body)
    print 'request.body begin'
    print request.body
    print 'request.body end'
    t = Tropo()
    #t.call(to=session.parameters['callToNumber'], network='SIP')
    dhhm = session.parameters['callToNumber']
    say_obj = session.parameters['message252121']
    #t.message(say_obj, to=dhhm, network="SMS", _from="+17754641173", channel = "TEXT")
    #t.call(dhhm, network="SMS", _from="+17754641173", channel = "TEXT")
    print t.RenderJson()
    return t.RenderJson()
Exemple #29
def tropo_index(request):
    '''initiates requests with tropo service'''
    if request.POST:
        # parse passed in parameters
        session = Session(request.body)

        t = Tropo()

        # http://www.freesound.org/data/previews/51/51710_113976-lq.mp3

        t.say("Hi, it's Pearl!")
        t.say("time to start your next task")

    return HttpResponse(t.RenderJson(), mimetype='application/json')
    def test_call(self):
        Test the "call" Tropo class method.

        tropo = Tropo()
        tropo.call(self.MY_PHONE, channel='TEXT', network='SMS', label='labelofcall', voice = 'Tian-tian', callbackUrl = 'foourl', promptLogSecurity = 'suppress')
        tropo.say ("Wish you were here")
        rendered = tropo.RenderJson()
        pretty_rendered = tropo.RenderJson(pretty=True)
        print ("============test_call=============")
        print "render json: %s" % pretty_rendered

        rendered_obj = jsonlib.loads(rendered)
        wanted_json = '{"tropo": [{"call": {"to": "%s", "network": "SMS", "channel": "TEXT", "label": "labelofcall", "voice": "Tian-tian", "callbackUrl": "foourl", "promptLogSecurity": "suppress"}}, {"say": {"value": "Wish you were here"}}]}' % self.MY_PHONE
        wanted_obj = jsonlib.loads(wanted_json)
        # print "test_call: %s" % tropo.RenderJson()
        self.assertEqual(rendered_obj, wanted_obj)
Exemple #31
    def test_call(self):
        Test the "call" Tropo class method.

        tropo = Tropo()
        tropo.call(self.MY_PHONE, channel='TEXT', network='SMS')
        tropo.say("Wish you were here")
        rendered = tropo.RenderJson()
        pretty_rendered = tropo.RenderJson(pretty=True)
        print "render json: %s" % pretty_rendered

        rendered_obj = jsonlib.loads(rendered)
        wanted_json = '{"tropo": [{"call": {"to": "%s", "network": "SMS", "channel": "TEXT"}}, {"say": {"value": "Wish you were here"}}]}' % self.MY_PHONE
        wanted_obj = jsonlib.loads(wanted_json)
        # print "test_call: %s" % tropo.RenderJson()
        self.assertEqual(rendered_obj, wanted_obj)
    def test_call(self):
        Test the "call" Tropo class method.

        tropo = Tropo()
        tropo.call(self.MY_PHONE, channel='TEXT', network='SMS')
        tropo.say ("Wish you were here")
        rendered = tropo.RenderJson()
        pretty_rendered = tropo.RenderJson(pretty=True)
        print ("============test_call=============")
        print "render json: %s" % pretty_rendered

        rendered_obj = jsonlib.loads(rendered)
        wanted_json = '{"tropo": [{"call": {"to": "%s", "network": "SMS", "channel": "TEXT"}}, {"say": {"value": "Wish you were here"}}]}' % self.MY_PHONE
        wanted_obj = jsonlib.loads(wanted_json)
        # print "test_call: %s" % tropo.RenderJson()
        self.assertEqual(rendered_obj, wanted_obj)
Exemple #33
def hello(request):
        t = Tropo()

        session = Session(request.body)
        if ('parameters' in dir(session)):
            print('Message request')

            t.call(to="+" + session.parameters['to'].strip(), network="SMS")
            json = t.say(session.parameters['msg'])
            json = t.RenderJson(json)
            return HttpResponse(json)


            msg = request.POST.get('msg', '')
            s = Session(request.body)
            cell = s.fromaddress['id']

            # lookup patient with this cell #
            if cell[0] == '1':  # trim leading 1 in cell # if there
                cell = cell[1:]
            print('Cell #%s' % cell)
            p = Patient.objects.filter(
                cell=cell)  # all patients with this cell #
            if p.exists():  # if cell # found then create new entry
                if p.count() > 1:
                    print('WARNING: Multiple patients with cell # %s' % cell)
                parent = p[0]  # assume first
                entry = Entry(patient=parent, entry=msg)
                if msg.find('CODE') > -1:
                    json = t.say("Congratulations " + parent.name +
                                 " your code qualified you for a prize!")
                    json = t.say("Entry saved, thank you " + parent.name)
            else:  # if cell # NOT found then notify
                json = t.say("Could not find patient with cell # " + cell)

            json = t.RenderJson(json)
            return HttpResponse(json)

    except Exception, err:
        print('ERROR: %s\n' % str(err))
Exemple #34
def hello(request):
        t = Tropo()
        session = Session(request.body)
        if('parameters' in dir(session)):
            print('Message request')

            t.call(to="+"+session.parameters['to'].strip(), network = "SMS")
            json = t.say(session.parameters['msg'])
            json = t.RenderJson(json)
            return HttpResponse(json)

        else :

            msg = request.POST.get('msg', '')
            s = Session(request.body)
            cell = s.fromaddress['id']

            # lookup patient with this cell #
            if cell[0]=='1':   # trim leading 1 in cell # if there
                cell = cell[1:]
            print('Cell #%s' % cell)
            p = Patient.objects.filter(cell=cell)   # all patients with this cell #
            if p.exists():                                    # if cell # found then create new entry
                if p.count()>1:
                    print('WARNING: Multiple patients with cell # %s' % cell)
                parent = p[0]  # assume first 
                entry = Entry(patient=parent, entry=msg)
                if msg.find('CODE')>-1:
                    json = t.say("Congratulations " + parent.name + " your code qualified you for a prize!")            
                    json = t.say("Entry saved, thank you " + parent.name)
            else:                                               # if cell # NOT found then notify
                json = t.say("Could not find patient with cell # " + cell)

            json = t.RenderJson(json)
            return HttpResponse(json)

    except Exception, err:
        print('ERROR: %s\n' % str(err))
Exemple #35
def index(request):

    t = Tropo()
             choices={"terminator": "#"},
                 "id": "1234",
                 "url": "mailto:[email protected]",
                 "language": "de_DE"
                 "Willkommen zur Abfage! Sag uns bitte, wie es dir geht!"
             voice=" Katrin")

    return t.RenderJson()
Exemple #36
def tropo(request):
      The tropo webservice calls this after dispatcher.py initiates a call
  if request.method == 'POST':
    json_data = simplejson.loads(request.raw_post_data)  # Tropo embeds JSON in the POST parameters
      t = Tropo() 
      t.call(to=json_data['session']['parameters']['numberToDial']) # Call the user

      # Greet them and tell them what they need to do
      t.say("<break time='0.75s' />")
      t.say("Hopefully you finished %s" % json_data['session']['parameters']['endMsg'])
      t.say("<break time='1s' />")
      t.say("Time to start %s" % json_data['session']['parameters']['startMsg'])

    except KeyError:
      print 'Error: Key not present in JSON'

  print "Sending: %s" % t.RenderJson()
  return HttpResponse(t.RenderJson(), mimetype='application/json') 
def index(request):
    t = Tropo()

    # s = Session(request.get_json(force=True))
    sys.stderr.write("Incoming Request: \n")
    sys.stderr.write(to_unicode(request.body) + "\n")

    s = Session(request.body)
    message = s.initialText
    # print("Initial Text: " + initialText)

    # Check if message contains word "results" and if so send results
    if not message:
        number = s.parameters["numberToDial"]
        reply = s.parameters["line"]
        t.call(to=number, network="SMS")

        reply = ["You have reached the Haciendo demo application.  " ]

    response = t.RenderJson()
    sys.stderr.write(response + "\n")
    return response
Exemple #38
import sys
sys.path = ['..'] + sys.path
from tropo import Choices, MachineDetection, JoinPrompt, LeavePrompt, On, Ask, Say, Tropo

t = Tropo()

mc = MachineDetection(introduction="THis is a CPA test", voice="Victor").json
t.call("+14071234321", machineDetection=mc)

#CPA with Boolean value which will detect CPA with 30 seconds of silence.
t.call("+14071234321", machineDetection=True)

#Conference with join/leave prompts
jp = JoinPrompt(value="Someone just joined the conference",
lp = LeavePrompt(value="Someone just left the conference", voice="Victor").json
t.conference(id="1234", joinPrompt=jp, leavePrompt=lp)

whisper = {}

c = Choices(value="1", mode="dtmf")
ask = Ask(say="Press 1 to accept this call", choices=c).json
whisper["ask"] = ask

say = Say("You are now being connected to the call").json
whisper["say"] = say

say1 = Say("http://www.phono.com/audio/holdmusic.mp3").json
whisper["ring"] = say1
    if (0):
        TO = "8005551212"

        ID = "foo"
        URL = "http://s3.amazonaws.com/xxx_s3_bucket/hello.wav"

        tropo = Tropo()

        tropo.ask("[5 digits]",
                  say = Say("Please enter a 5 digit zip code").json)

        tropo.call (TO)
        tropo.message ("Hello, World", TO)
             say="Please hold.")

        tropo.record(say="Please say something for posterity", 
                     choices = Choices("", terminator="#").json)
    Unit tests.
    if (0):
        TO = "8005551212"

        ID = "foo"
        URL = "http://s3.amazonaws.com/xxx_s3_bucket/hello.wav"

        tropo = Tropo()

        tropo.ask("[5 digits]",
                  say = Say("Please enter a 5 digit zip code").json)

        tropo.call (TO)
        tropo.message ("Hello, World", TO)
             say="Please hold.")

        tropo.record(say="Please say something for posterity", 
                     choices = Choices("", terminator="#").json)
Exemple #41
def index(request):
    t = Tropo()

    # s = Session(request.get_json(force=True))
    sys.stderr.write(str(request.body) + "\n")

    s = Session(request.body)
    message = s.initialText
    # print("Initial Text: " + initialText)

    # Check if message contains word "results" and if so send results
    if not message:
        # number = s["session"]["parameters"]["numberToDial"]
        number = s.parameters["numberToDial"]
        reply = "Would you like to vote?"
        t.call(to=number, network="SMS")
        # t.say(reply)

    elif message.lower().find("results") > -1:
        results = get_results()
        reply = ["The current standings are"]
        for i, result in enumerate(results):
            if i == 0:
                    "  *** %s is in the lead with %s percent of the votes.\n" %
                    (result[0], str(round(result[2]))))
            elif i <= 3:
                reply.append("  -   %s has %s percent of the votes.\n" %
                             (result[0], str(round(result[2]))))
    # Check if message contains word "options" and if so send options
    elif message.lower().find("options") > -1:
        options = get_options()
        reply = ["The options are..."]
        msg = ""
        for option in options:
            msg += "%s, " % (option)
        msg = msg[:-2] + ""
    # Check if message contains word "vote" and if so start a voting session
    elif message.lower().find("vote") > -1:
        # reply = "Let's vote!  Look for a new message from me so you can place a secure vote!"
        reply = [process_incoming_message(message)]
    # If nothing matches, send instructions
        # Reply back to message
        # reply = "Hello, welcome to the MyHero Demo Room.\n" \
        #         "To find out current status of voting, ask 'What are the results?'\n" \
        #         "To find out the possible options, ask 'What are the options?\n" \
        #         '''To place a vote, simply type the name of your favorite Super Hero and the word "vote".'''
        reply = [
            "Hello, welcome to the MyHero Demo Room.",
            "To find out current status of voting, ask 'What are the results?'",
            "To find out the possible options, ask 'What are the options?",
            '''To place a vote, simply type the name of your favorite Super Hero and the word "vote".'''

    # t.say(["Really, it's that easy." + message])
    response = t.RenderJson()
    sys.stderr.write(response + "\n")
    return response
Exemple #42
import sys
sys.path = ['..'] + sys.path
from tropo import Choices, MachineDetection, JoinPrompt, LeavePrompt, On, Ask, Say, Tropo

t = Tropo()

mc = MachineDetection(introduction="THis is a CPA test", voice="Victor").json
t.call("+14071234321", machineDetection=mc)

#CPA with Boolean value which will detect CPA with 30 seconds of silence. 
t.call("+14071234321", machineDetection=True)

#Conference with join/leave prompts
jp = JoinPrompt(value="Someone just joined the conference", voice="Victor").json
lp = LeavePrompt(value="Someone just left the conference", voice="Victor").json
t.conference(id="1234", joinPrompt=jp, leavePrompt=lp)

whisper = {}

c = Choices(value="1", mode="dtmf")
ask = Ask(say="Press 1 to accept this call", choices=c).json
whisper["ask"] = ask

say = Say("You are now being connected to the call").json
whisper["say"] = say

say1 = Say("http://www.phono.com/audio/holdmusic.mp3").json
whisper["ring"] = say1
Exemple #43
class CallResponse(object):
    A response to a request from a voip provider such as twilio or tropo.  
    Abstracts common verbs such as .say() and .ask() and .conference() and provides the appropriate command for the provider.
    def __init__(self, provider, *args, **kwargs):
        Takes a PhoneProvider object, sets the provider for this response to that provider.
        self.provider = provider
        if provider.name == "Twilio":
            self.response_object = twiml.Response()
        if provider.name == "Tropo":
            self.response_object = Tropo()
        super(CallResponse, self).__init__()
    def render(self):
        if self.provider.name == "Twilio":
            return HttpResponse(self.response_object, mimetype='text/xml')
        if self.provider.name == "Tropo":
            return HttpResponse(self.response_object.RenderJson(), mimetype='text/json')
    def say(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if self.provider.name == "Twilio":
            if kwargs['voice'] == 'Allison' or kwargs['voice'] == 'Susan' or kwargs['voice'] == 'Vanessa':
                kwargs['voice'] = 'woman'
                kwargs['voice'] = 'man'
            return self.response_object.addSay(*args, **kwargs)
        if self.provider.name == "Tropo":
            return self.response_object.say(*args, **kwargs)

    def transfer(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if self.provider.name == "Twilio":
            return self.response_object.addDial(*args, **kwargs)
        if self.provider.name == "Tropo":
            return self.response_object.transfer(*args, **kwargs)
    def conference(self, start_recording=False, *args, **kwargs):
        if self.provider.name == "Twilio":
            if start_recording:
                dial = self.response_object.addDial(record=True, action='%s/comm/recording_handler/call/%s/' % (resources.COMM_DOMAIN, kwargs['conference_id']))
                dial = self.response_object.addDial()
            startConferenceOnEnter = True if 'start_now' in kwargs and kwargs['start_now'] else False #Sometimes we want this joiner to start the conference.  Sometimes not.
            command = dial.addConference(kwargs['conference_id'], startConferenceOnEnter=startConferenceOnEnter)
            comm_logger.info('Telling Twilio: %s' % dial)
            return command
        if self.provider.name == "Tropo":
            self.response_object.on("hangup", next="/comm/handle_hangup/%s/%s/" % (kwargs['conference_id'], kwargs['number'].id))
            if 'record' in kwargs and kwargs['record']:
                self.response_object.startRecording('%s/comm/recording_handler/call/%s/' % (resources.COMM_DOMAIN, kwargs['conference_id']), format="audio/mp3")
            return self.response_object.conference(kwargs['conference_id'], allowSignals=['leaveConference',], *args, **kwargs)
    def conference_holding_pattern(self, conference_id, number_object, hold_music):
        Put someone on hold, perparing them for a conference.  During their hold, play the hold music.
        if self.provider.name == "Twilio":
            dial = self.response_object.addDial()
            reactor.callFromThread(twilio_deferred_voicemail_determination, conference_id, 30)
            return dial.addConference(conference_id)#TODO: waitUrl=hold_music)
        if self.provider.name == "Tropo":
            #First we add the hold music, allowing for the "exithold" signal to end it.
            self.response_object.say(hold_music, allowSignals=["joinConference", "goToVoiceMail", "incomplete"])
            self.response_object.on("hangup", next="/comm/handle_hangup/%s/%s/" % (conference_id, number_object.id))
            self.response_object.on('joinConference', next="/comm/simply_join_conference/%s/%s/" % (conference_id, number_object.id))
            self.response_object.on('goToVoiceMail', next="/comm/voicemail/")
            reactor.callFromThread(send_deferred_tropo_signal, conference_id, 'goToVoiceMail', 40) #How to test this?

    def join_and_begin_conference(self, conference_id, number, *args, **kwargs):
        Join the user to a conference that started with a holding pattern and begin the conference.
        comm_logger.info('%s is beginning conference %s', number, conference_id)
        conference_kwargs = {'conference_id':conference_id, 'number':number}
        if self.provider.name == "Twilio":
            conference_kwargs['start_now'] = True
        if self.provider.name == "Tropo":
            reactor.callFromThread(send_deferred_tropo_signal, conference_id, 'joinConference', 0)
        self.conference(start_recording=True, **conference_kwargs)
        return True #We can't know anything meaningful because we aren't going to wait around for the signal.
    def on(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if self.provider.name == "Twilio":
            raise NotImplementedError("Twilio does not offer an equivalent to Tropo's .on() method.")
        if self.provider.name == "Tropo":
            return self.response_object.on(*args, **kwargs)
    def call(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if self.provider.name == "Twilio":
            raise NotImplementedError("Twilio does not offer an equivalent to Tropo's .call() method.")
        if self.provider.name == "Tropo":
            if 'caller_id' in kwargs:
                kwargs['from'] = kwargs['caller_id'] #Why Tropo, do you think it's acceptable to use a python command (from) in your lib?
            return self.response_object.call(*args, **kwargs)
    def ask(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if self.provider.name == "Twilio":
            raise NotImplementedError("We're getting there..")
        if self.provider.name == "Tropo":
            return self.response_object.ask(*args, **kwargs)
    def prompt_and_record(self, recording_object=None, prompt=None, transcribe=False, *args, **kwargs):
        recording_url_args = ("recording" if recording_object else "call", recording_object.id if recording_object else int(kwargs['call_id']))
        if self.provider.name == "Twilio":
            recording_kwargs = {}
            recording_kwargs['action'] = "%s/comm/recording_handler/%s/%s/" % ((resources.COMM_DOMAIN,) + recording_url_args)
            recording_kwargs['timeout'] = 20
            if transcribe:
                recording_kwargs['transcribe'] = True
                recording_kwargs['transcribeCallback'] = "%s/comm/transcription_handler/%s/%s/" % ((resources.COMM_DOMAIN,) + recording_url_args)
        if self.provider.name == "Tropo":
            recording_kwargs = {}
            recording_kwargs['say'] = prompt
            recording_kwargs['url'] = "%s/comm/recording_handler/%s/%s/" % ((resources.COMM_DOMAIN,) + recording_url_args)
            if transcribe:
                recording_kwargs['transcription'] = {'id':kwargs['call_id'], "url":"%s/comm/transcription_handler/%s/%s/" % ((resources.COMM_DOMAIN,) + recording_url_args)}
    def reject(self):
        if self.provider.name == "Twilio":
            raise NotImplementedError("Twilio only for the moment.")
    def hangup(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.response_object.hangup(*args, **kwargs)
Exemple #44
class CallResponse(object):
    A response to a request from a voip provider such as twilio or tropo.  
    Abstracts common verbs such as .say() and .ask() and .conference() and provides the appropriate command for the provider.
    def __init__(self, provider, *args, **kwargs):
        Takes a PhoneProvider object, sets the provider for this response to that provider.
        self.provider = provider
        if provider.name == "Twilio":
            self.response_object = twiml.Response()
        if provider.name == "Tropo":
            self.response_object = Tropo()
        super(CallResponse, self).__init__()

    def render(self):
        if self.provider.name == "Twilio":
            return HttpResponse(self.response_object, mimetype='text/xml')
        if self.provider.name == "Tropo":
            return HttpResponse(self.response_object.RenderJson(),

    def say(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if self.provider.name == "Twilio":
            if kwargs['voice'] == 'Allison' or kwargs[
                    'voice'] == 'Susan' or kwargs['voice'] == 'Vanessa':
                kwargs['voice'] = 'woman'
                kwargs['voice'] = 'man'
            return self.response_object.addSay(*args, **kwargs)
        if self.provider.name == "Tropo":
            return self.response_object.say(*args, **kwargs)

    def transfer(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if self.provider.name == "Twilio":
            return self.response_object.addDial(*args, **kwargs)
        if self.provider.name == "Tropo":
            return self.response_object.transfer(*args, **kwargs)

    def conference(self, start_recording=False, *args, **kwargs):
        if self.provider.name == "Twilio":
            if start_recording:
                dial = self.response_object.addDial(
                    action='%s/comm/recording_handler/call/%s/' %
                    (resources.COMM_DOMAIN, kwargs['conference_id']))
                dial = self.response_object.addDial()
            startConferenceOnEnter = True if 'start_now' in kwargs and kwargs[
                'start_now'] else False  #Sometimes we want this joiner to start the conference.  Sometimes not.
            command = dial.addConference(
            comm_logger.info('Telling Twilio: %s' % dial)
            return command
        if self.provider.name == "Tropo":
                next="/comm/handle_hangup/%s/%s/" %
                (kwargs['conference_id'], kwargs['number'].id))
            if 'record' in kwargs and kwargs['record']:
                    '%s/comm/recording_handler/call/%s/' %
                    (resources.COMM_DOMAIN, kwargs['conference_id']),
            return self.response_object.conference(kwargs['conference_id'],

    def conference_holding_pattern(self, conference_id, number_object,
        Put someone on hold, perparing them for a conference.  During their hold, play the hold music.
        if self.provider.name == "Twilio":
            dial = self.response_object.addDial()
                                   conference_id, 30)
            return dial.addConference(
                conference_id)  #TODO: waitUrl=hold_music)

        if self.provider.name == "Tropo":
            #First we add the hold music, allowing for the "exithold" signal to end it.
                allowSignals=["joinConference", "goToVoiceMail", "incomplete"])
                                    next="/comm/handle_hangup/%s/%s/" %
                                    (conference_id, number_object.id))
                next="/comm/simply_join_conference/%s/%s/" %
                (conference_id, number_object.id))
            self.response_object.on('goToVoiceMail', next="/comm/voicemail/")
            reactor.callFromThread(send_deferred_tropo_signal, conference_id,
                                   'goToVoiceMail', 40)  #How to test this?

    def join_and_begin_conference(self, conference_id, number, *args,
        Join the user to a conference that started with a holding pattern and begin the conference.
        comm_logger.info('%s is beginning conference %s', number,
        conference_kwargs = {'conference_id': conference_id, 'number': number}
        if self.provider.name == "Twilio":
            conference_kwargs['start_now'] = True
        if self.provider.name == "Tropo":
            reactor.callFromThread(send_deferred_tropo_signal, conference_id,
                                   'joinConference', 0)

        self.conference(start_recording=True, **conference_kwargs)
        return True  #We can't know anything meaningful because we aren't going to wait around for the signal.

    def on(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if self.provider.name == "Twilio":
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "Twilio does not offer an equivalent to Tropo's .on() method.")
        if self.provider.name == "Tropo":
            return self.response_object.on(*args, **kwargs)

    def call(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if self.provider.name == "Twilio":
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "Twilio does not offer an equivalent to Tropo's .call() method."
        if self.provider.name == "Tropo":
            if 'caller_id' in kwargs:
                kwargs['from'] = kwargs[
                    'caller_id']  #Why Tropo, do you think it's acceptable to use a python command (from) in your lib?
            return self.response_object.call(*args, **kwargs)

    def ask(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if self.provider.name == "Twilio":
            raise NotImplementedError("We're getting there..")
        if self.provider.name == "Tropo":
            return self.response_object.ask(*args, **kwargs)

    def prompt_and_record(self,

        recording_url_args = ("recording" if recording_object else "call",
                              if recording_object else int(kwargs['call_id']))

        if self.provider.name == "Twilio":
            recording_kwargs = {}
            recording_kwargs['action'] = "%s/comm/recording_handler/%s/%s/" % (
                (resources.COMM_DOMAIN, ) + recording_url_args)
            recording_kwargs['timeout'] = 20
            if transcribe:
                recording_kwargs['transcribe'] = True
                    'transcribeCallback'] = "%s/comm/transcription_handler/%s/%s/" % (
                        (resources.COMM_DOMAIN, ) + recording_url_args)

        if self.provider.name == "Tropo":
            recording_kwargs = {}
            recording_kwargs['say'] = prompt
            recording_kwargs['url'] = "%s/comm/recording_handler/%s/%s/" % (
                (resources.COMM_DOMAIN, ) + recording_url_args)
            if transcribe:
                recording_kwargs['transcription'] = {
                    "%s/comm/transcription_handler/%s/%s/" %
                    ((resources.COMM_DOMAIN, ) + recording_url_args)

    def reject(self):
        if self.provider.name == "Twilio":
            raise NotImplementedError("Twilio only for the moment.")

    def hangup(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.response_object.hangup(*args, **kwargs)
def index(request):
    session = Session(request.body)
    t = Tropo()
    t.call(to=session.parameters['numberToDial'], network='JABBER')
    return t.RenderJson()