Exemple #1
def to_bytes(text, default=0):
    """Converts a string into an integer of bytes.

    Looks at the last characters of the text to determine
    what conversion is needed to turn the input text into a byte number.
    Supports "B, K(B), M(B), G(B), and T(B)". (case insensitive)

    :param text: String input for bytes size conversion.
    :param default: Default return value when text is blank.

    match = BYTE_REGEX.search(text)
    if match:
        magnitude = int(match.group(1))
        mult_key_org = match.group(2)
        if not mult_key_org:
            return magnitude
    elif text:
        msg = _('Invalid string format: %s') % text
        raise TypeError(msg)
        return default
    mult_key = mult_key_org.lower().replace('b', '', 1)
    multiplier = BYTE_MULTIPLIERS.get(mult_key)
    if multiplier is None:
        msg = _('Unknown byte multiplier: %s') % mult_key_org
        raise TypeError(msg)
    return magnitude * multiplier
def to_bytes(text, default=0):
    """Converts a string into an integer of bytes.

    Looks at the last characters of the text to determine
    what conversion is needed to turn the input text into a byte number.
    Supports "B, K(B), M(B), G(B), and T(B)". (case insensitive)

    :param text: String input for bytes size conversion.
    :param default: Default return value when text is blank.

    match = BYTE_REGEX.search(text)
    if match:
        magnitude = int(match.group(1))
        mult_key_org = match.group(2)
        if not mult_key_org:
            return magnitude
    elif text:
        msg = _('Invalid string format: %s') % text
        raise TypeError(msg)
        return default
    mult_key = mult_key_org.lower().replace('b', '', 1)
    multiplier = BYTE_MULTIPLIERS.get(mult_key)
    if multiplier is None:
        msg = _('Unknown byte multiplier: %s') % mult_key_org
        raise TypeError(msg)
    return magnitude * multiplier
Exemple #3
def bool_from_string(subject, strict=False):
    """Interpret a string as a boolean.

    A case-insensitive match is performed such that strings matching 't',
    'true', 'on', 'y', 'yes', or '1' are considered True and, when
    `strict=False`, anything else is considered False.

    Useful for JSON-decoded stuff and config file parsing.

    If `strict=True`, unrecognized values, including None, will raise a
    ValueError which is useful when parsing values passed in from an API call.
    Strings yielding False are 'f', 'false', 'off', 'n', 'no', or '0'.
    if not isinstance(subject, six.string_types):
        subject = str(subject)

    lowered = subject.strip().lower()

    if lowered in TRUE_STRINGS:
        return True
    elif lowered in FALSE_STRINGS:
        return False
    elif strict:
        acceptable = ', '.join("'%s'" % s
                               for s in sorted(TRUE_STRINGS + FALSE_STRINGS))
        msg = _("Unrecognized value '%(val)s', acceptable values are:"
                " %(acceptable)s") % {
                    'val': subject,
                    'acceptable': acceptable
        raise ValueError(msg)
        return False
def bool_from_string(subject, strict=False):
    """Interpret a string as a boolean.

    A case-insensitive match is performed such that strings matching 't',
    'true', 'on', 'y', 'yes', or '1' are considered True and, when
    `strict=False`, anything else is considered False.

    Useful for JSON-decoded stuff and config file parsing.

    If `strict=True`, unrecognized values, including None, will raise a
    ValueError which is useful when parsing values passed in from an API call.
    Strings yielding False are 'f', 'false', 'off', 'n', 'no', or '0'.
    if not isinstance(subject, six.string_types):
        subject = str(subject)

    lowered = subject.strip().lower()

    if lowered in TRUE_STRINGS:
        return True
    elif lowered in FALSE_STRINGS:
        return False
    elif strict:
        acceptable = ', '.join(
            "'%s'" % s for s in sorted(TRUE_STRINGS + FALSE_STRINGS))
        msg = _("Unrecognized value '%(val)s', acceptable values are:"
                " %(acceptable)s") % {'val': subject,
                                      'acceptable': acceptable}
        raise ValueError(msg)
        return False
Exemple #5
def discover_auth_systems():
    """Discover the available auth-systems.

    This won't take into account the old style auth-systems.
    ep_name = 'openstack.client.auth_plugin'
    for ep in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points(ep_name):
            auth_plugin = ep.load()
        except (ImportError, pkg_resources.UnknownExtra, AttributeError) as e:
            logger.debug(_("ERROR: Cannot load auth plugin %s") % ep.name)
            logger.debug(e, exc_info=1)
            _discovered_plugins[ep.name] = auth_plugin
def discover_auth_systems():
    """Discover the available auth-systems.

    This won't take into account the old style auth-systems.
    ep_name = 'openstack.client.auth_plugin'
    for ep in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points(ep_name):
            auth_plugin = ep.load()
        except (ImportError, pkg_resources.UnknownExtra, AttributeError) as e:
            logger.debug(_("ERROR: Cannot load auth plugin %s") % ep.name)
            logger.debug(e, exc_info=1)
            _discovered_plugins[ep.name] = auth_plugin
Exemple #7
    def _format_usage(self, usage, actions, groups, prefix):
        """Formats the argument list to correct argument positions.

        Print positionals before optionals in the usage string to help
        users avoid argparse nargs='*' problems.

        ex: 'trove create --databases <db_name> <name> <flavor_id>'
        fails with 'error: too few arguments', but this succeeds:
        'trove create <name> <flavor_id> --databases <db_name>'
        if prefix is None:
            prefix = gtu._('usage: ')

        # if usage is specified, use that
        if usage is not None:
            usage = usage % dict(prog=self._prog)

        # if no optionals or positionals are available, usage is just prog
        elif usage is None and not actions:
            usage = '%(prog)s' % dict(prog=self._prog)

        # if optionals and positionals are available, calculate usage
        elif usage is None:
            prog = '%(prog)s' % dict(prog=self._prog)

            # split optionals from positionals
            optionals = []
            positionals = []
            for action in actions:
                if action.option_strings:

            # build full usage string
            format = self._format_actions_usage
            action_usage = format(optionals + positionals, groups)
            usage = ' '.join([s for s in [prog, action_usage] if s])

            # wrap the usage parts if it's too long
            text_width = self._width - self._current_indent
            if len(prefix) + len(usage) > text_width:

                # break usage into wrappable parts
                part_regexp = r'\(.*?\)+|\[.*?\]+|\S+'
                opt_usage = format(optionals, groups)
                pos_usage = format(positionals, groups)
                opt_parts = argparse._re.findall(part_regexp, opt_usage)
                pos_parts = argparse._re.findall(part_regexp, pos_usage)
                assert ' '.join(opt_parts) == opt_usage
                assert ' '.join(pos_parts) == pos_usage

                # helper for wrapping lines
                def get_lines(parts, indent, prefix=None):
                    lines = []
                    line = []
                    if prefix is not None:
                        line_len = len(prefix) - 1
                        line_len = len(indent) - 1
                    for part in parts:
                        if line_len + 1 + len(part) > text_width:
                            lines.append(indent + ' '.join(line))
                            line = []
                            line_len = len(indent) - 1
                        line_len += len(part) + 1
                    if line:
                        lines.append(indent + ' '.join(line))
                    if prefix is not None:
                        lines[0] = lines[0][len(indent):]
                    return lines

                # if prog is short, follow it with optionals or positionals
                if len(prefix) + len(prog) <= 0.75 * text_width:
                    indent = ' ' * (len(prefix) + len(prog) + 1)
                    if pos_parts:
                        if prog == 'trove':
                            # "trove help" called without any subcommand
                            lines = get_lines([prog] + opt_parts, indent,
                            lines.extend(get_lines(pos_parts, indent))
                            lines = get_lines([prog] + pos_parts, indent,
                            lines.extend(get_lines(opt_parts, indent))
                    elif opt_parts:
                        lines = get_lines([prog] + opt_parts, indent, prefix)
                        lines = [prog]

                # if prog is long, put it on its own line
                    indent = ' ' * len(prefix)
                    parts = pos_parts + opt_parts
                    lines = get_lines(parts, indent)
                    if len(lines) > 1:
                        lines = []
                        lines.extend(get_lines(pos_parts, indent))
                        lines.extend(get_lines(opt_parts, indent))
                    lines = [prog] + lines

                # join lines into usage
                usage = '\n'.join(lines)

        # prefix with 'usage:'
        return '%s%s\n\n' % (prefix, usage)
Exemple #8
    def _format_usage(self, usage, actions, groups, prefix):
        """Formats the argument list to correct argument positions.

        Print positionals before optionals in the usage string to help
        users avoid argparse nargs='*' problems.

        ex: 'trove create --databases <db_name> <name> <flavor_id>'
        fails with 'error: too few arguments', but this succeeds:
        'trove create <name> <flavor_id> --databases <db_name>'
        if prefix is None:
            prefix = gtu._('usage: ')

        # if usage is specified, use that
        if usage is not None:
            usage = usage % dict(prog=self._prog)

        # if no optionals or positionals are available, usage is just prog
        elif usage is None and not actions:
            usage = '%(prog)s' % dict(prog=self._prog)

        # if optionals and positionals are available, calculate usage
        elif usage is None:
            prog = '%(prog)s' % dict(prog=self._prog)

            # split optionals from positionals
            optionals = []
            positionals = []
            for action in actions:
                if action.option_strings:

            # build full usage string
            format = self._format_actions_usage
            action_usage = format(optionals + positionals, groups)
            usage = ' '.join([s for s in [prog, action_usage] if s])

            # wrap the usage parts if it's too long
            text_width = self._width - self._current_indent
            if len(prefix) + len(usage) > text_width:

                # break usage into wrappable parts
                part_regexp = r'\(.*?\)+|\[.*?\]+|\S+'
                opt_usage = format(optionals, groups)
                pos_usage = format(positionals, groups)
                opt_parts = argparse._re.findall(part_regexp, opt_usage)
                pos_parts = argparse._re.findall(part_regexp, pos_usage)
                assert ' '.join(opt_parts) == opt_usage
                assert ' '.join(pos_parts) == pos_usage

                # helper for wrapping lines
                def get_lines(parts, indent, prefix=None):
                    lines = []
                    line = []
                    if prefix is not None:
                        line_len = len(prefix) - 1
                        line_len = len(indent) - 1
                    for part in parts:
                        if line_len + 1 + len(part) > text_width:
                            lines.append(indent + ' '.join(line))
                            line = []
                            line_len = len(indent) - 1
                        line_len += len(part) + 1
                    if line:
                        lines.append(indent + ' '.join(line))
                    if prefix is not None:
                        lines[0] = lines[0][len(indent):]
                    return lines

                # if prog is short, follow it with optionals or positionals
                if len(prefix) + len(prog) <= 0.75 * text_width:
                    indent = ' ' * (len(prefix) + len(prog) + 1)
                    if pos_parts:
                        if prog == 'trove':
                            # "trove help" called without any subcommand
                            lines = get_lines([prog] + opt_parts, indent,
                            lines.extend(get_lines(pos_parts, indent))
                            lines = get_lines([prog] + pos_parts, indent,
                            lines.extend(get_lines(opt_parts, indent))
                    elif opt_parts:
                        lines = get_lines([prog] + opt_parts, indent, prefix)
                        lines = [prog]

                # if prog is long, put it on its own line
                    indent = ' ' * len(prefix)
                    parts = pos_parts + opt_parts
                    lines = get_lines(parts, indent)
                    if len(lines) > 1:
                        lines = []
                        lines.extend(get_lines(pos_parts, indent))
                        lines.extend(get_lines(opt_parts, indent))
                    lines = [prog] + lines

                # join lines into usage
                usage = '\n'.join(lines)

        # prefix with 'usage:'
        return '%s%s\n\n' % (prefix, usage)