def fixation_frequencies(range): groups, data, grp, segs = get_pursuits_and_data_by_range(range) plt.figure() for sid, d in groupby(data, 'session_id'): seg = [segs[i] for i in np.flatnonzero(groups.session_id == sid)] seg = np.hstack(seg).view(np.recarray) seg = seg[(seg.t1 - seg.t0) > 0.1] # take out saccades laps = groups[groups['session_id'] == sid] laps = laps['lap'] mean_pursuits = 1.0*len(seg)/len(laps) mean_vel = np.mean(d['c_vel']) plt.plot(mean_vel, mean_pursuits, '.k') print "%s: pursuits %i, mean_per_lap %f, mean_vel: %f" % (sid, len(seg), mean_pursuits, mean_vel)
def yaw_variation(is_control=True): ci = [1,3] #is_control = False data, segs = get_pooled(ci) data, segs = filter_by_treatment(data, segs, is_control) smeans = [] for sid, d in groupby(data, 'session_id'): yaw = toyota_yaw_rate_in_degrees(d['c_yaw']) mean = np.mean(yaw) std = np.std(yaw) print sid, mean, std smeans.append((sid, mean)) #mean = np.mean(smeans) #std = np.std(smeans) #print 'mean: ' + str(mean) + ' std: ' + str(std) return smeans
def pursuit_vs_yaw(range): groups, data, grp, segs = get_pursuits_and_data_by_range(range) pdf_out = PdfPages('/tmp/pursuit_vs_yaw.pdf') bin_size = 0.5 means = [] slopes = [] noises = [] for sid, d in groupby(data, 'session_id'): seg = [segs[i] for i in np.flatnonzero(groups.session_id == sid)] seg = np.hstack(seg).view(np.recarray) #seg = seg[(seg.t1 - seg.t0) > 0.2] # take out saccades seg = seg[seg.n > 12] # filter outliers from gaze landings values = np.vstack((seg.d0[:,0], seg.d0[:,1])) fkde = gaussian_kde(values) x, y = np.mgrid[np.min(values[0]):np.max(values[0]):bin_size, np.min(values[1]):np.max(values[1]):bin_size] grid = np.vstack((x.ravel(), y.ravel())) z = fkde(grid) reshaped = z.reshape(x.shape) medianhdr = histogram_hdr(z, bin_size**2, 0.8) seg = [s for s in seg if fkde((s.d0[0], s.d0[1])) > medianhdr] seg = np.hstack(seg).view(np.recarray) # mean yaw within each pursuit withinPursuitYaw = [] for s in seg: slice = d[(d['ts'] >= s['t0']) & (d['ts'] <= s['t1'])] ym = np.mean(toyota_yaw_rate_in_degrees(slice['c_yaw'])) withinPursuitYaw.append(ym) withinPursuitYaw = np.array(withinPursuitYaw) dt = seg.t1 - seg.t0 valid = dt > 0 dt = dt[valid] gspeeds = -((seg.d1[:,0] - seg.d0[:,0]) / dt) noise = withinPursuitYaw / 2 - gspeeds plt.figure() # raw scatter fit = np.polyfit(withinPursuitYaw, gspeeds, 1) rng = np.linspace(10, 20, len(withinPursuitYaw)) rline = np.polyval(fit, rng) model = np.poly1d([0.5, 0]) plt.subplot(221) plt.plot(withinPursuitYaw, gspeeds, '.k', alpha=0.2) plt.plot(rng, rline, '-b') plt.plot([10,20], [np.polyval(model, 10), np.polyval(model, 20)], '-g') plt.ylim(-50,50) plt.xlim(5,25) plt.xlabel('mean yaw deg/s') plt.ylabel('gaze speed deg/s') plt.annotate('spearman r: %f' % scipy.stats.spearmanr(withinPursuitYaw, gspeeds)[0], (10,-10)) plt.annotate('slope: %f' % fit[0], (10,-20)) plt.title(sid) # noise kde + pdf plt.subplot(222) kde = gaussian_kde(noise) rng = np.linspace(np.min(noise), np.max(noise), len(noise)) plt.plot(rng, kde(rng), '-b', label='kde') plt.plot(rng, scipy.stats.norm.pdf(rng, loc=np.mean(noise), scale=np.std(noise)), '-r', label='pdf') plt.hist(noise, bins=30, normed=True, color='green') plt.xlabel('mean yaw / 2 - gaze speed') plt.legend(loc='upper right') # pursuit landings scatter & density map plt.subplot(223) plt.contour(x,y,reshaped, [medianhdr]) plt.plot(seg.d0[:,0], seg.d0[:,1], ',k') plt.xlim(-60,60) plt.ylim(-20,20) pdf_out.savefig() plt.close() print '%i \nspearman r: %f' % (sid, scipy.stats.spearmanr(withinPursuitYaw, gspeeds)[0]) # how many fixations are from right to left (74-90 degrees) #validspeed = gspeeds < 0 #print '%f of fixations from right to left' % (1.0 * len(gspeeds[validspeed]) / len(gspeeds)) print 'mean of yaws / gaze speeds %f' % (np.mean(gspeeds / withinPursuitYaw))#, scipy.stats.mode(np.around(withinPursuitYaw / gspeeds, 1))[0]) print 'mean of mean yaw / 2 - gaze speed: %f' % (np.mean(withinPursuitYaw / 2 - gspeeds)) print 'noise shapiro-wilk w: %f p: %f' % scipy.stats.shapiro(noise) #print 'median hdr %f' % medianhdr #print 'mean of yaws: %f' % np.mean(withinPursuitYaw) #print 'mean of gspeeds: %f' % np.mean(gspeeds) means.append((np.mean(withinPursuitYaw), np.mean(gspeeds))) slopes.append(fit) noises.append(noise) pdf_out.close() return (means, slopes, noises)