Exemple #1
def get_new_ratings(players, teams):
    Affect new ratings to players from teams results
    nb_players_team0 = len(teams[0])
    nb_players_team1 = len(teams[1])
    winner = players[teams[0][0]]
    loser = players[teams[1][0]]
    if nb_players_team0 == 1 and nb_players_team1 == 1:
        new_r1, new_r3 = rate_1vs1(winner,loser)
    elif nb_players_team0 == 1 and nb_players_team1 > 1:
        team_loser = [loser, players[teams[1][1]]]
        (new_r1), (new_r3, new_r4) = rate([winner, team_loser], ranks=[0, 1])  
    elif nb_players_team0 > 1 and nb_players_team1 == 1:
        team_winner = [winner, players[teams[0][1]]]
        (new_r1, new_r2), (new_r3) = rate([team_winner, loser], ranks=[0, 1])  
        team_loser = [loser, players[teams[1][1]]]
        team_winner = [winner, players[teams[0][1]]]
        (new_r1, new_r2), (new_r3, new_r4) = rate([team_winner, team_loser], ranks=[0, 1])  
    player1 = {'name': teams[0][0], 'mu': new_r1.mu, 'sigma': new_r1.sigma}
    player3 = {'name': teams[1][0], 'mu': new_r3.mu, 'sigma': new_r3.sigma}
    if nb_players_team0 > 1:
        player2 = {'name': teams[0][1], 'mu': new_r2.mu, 'sigma': new_r2.sigma}
    if nb_players_team1 > 1:
        player4 = {'name': teams[1][1], 'mu': new_r4.mu, 'sigma': new_r4.sigma}
        if nb_players_team0 > 1:
            return [player1, player2, player3, player4]
        return [player1, player2, player4]
    return [player1, player3]
Exemple #2
    def update_trueskill(self):
        Updates the game’s participants TrueSkill values based on the game result.
        import trueskill

        session = object_session(self)

        # participant.trueskill represents pre-game values
        # p.player.ratings[p.role] is the PlayerRating relevant to the game that was scored
        team_ratings = {
            team: {
                trueskill.Rating(p.trueskill_mu, p.trueskill_sigma)
                for p in self.participants.values() if p.team == team
            for team in ["blue", "red"]

        if self.winner == "blue":
            new_ratings = trueskill.rate(
                [team_ratings["blue"], team_ratings["red"]])
            new_ratings = trueskill.rate(
                [team_ratings["red"], team_ratings["blue"]])

        for team in new_ratings:
            for player_rating in team:
                player_rating.trueskill_mu = team[player_rating].mu
                player_rating.trueskill_sigma = team[player_rating].sigma

Exemple #3
    def form_valid(self, form):
        from trueskill import Rating, rate
        match = form.save(commit=False)
        histories = []
        if match.score_team2 > match.score_team1:  # put winning team first
            (match.score_team1, match.team1_player1, match.team1_player2,
             match.score_team2, match.team2_player1, match.team2_player2) = \
            (match.score_team2, match.team2_player1, match.team2_player2,
             match.score_team1, match.team1_player1, match.team1_player2)
        player_list = (match.team1_player1, match.team1_player2,
                       match.team2_player1, match.team2_player2)
        ratings = [Rating(mu=p.mu, sigma=p.sigma) for p in player_list]
        seperate_ratings = [
            (Rating(mu=a.attacker_mu, sigma=a.attacker_sigma),
             Rating(mu=d.defender_mu, sigma=d.defender_sigma))
            for a, d in [player_list[0:2], player_list[2:4]]
        ranks = [match.score_team2 > match.score_team1,
                 match.score_team2 < match.score_team1]
        new_ratings = rate([ratings[0:2], ratings[2:4]], ranks=ranks)
        new_ratings = new_ratings[0] + new_ratings[1]
        new_seperate_ratings = rate(seperate_ratings, ranks=ranks)
        new_seperate_ratings = \
            new_seperate_ratings[0] + new_seperate_ratings[1]
        for i in range(len(player_list)):
            p = player_list[i]
            s = new_seperate_ratings[i]
            p.mu = new_ratings[i].mu
            p.sigma = new_ratings[i].sigma
            p.rank = p.mu - 3 * p.sigma
            h = PlayerHistory(match=match, player=p,
                              mu=p.mu, sigma=p.sigma, rank=p.rank,
                              seperate_mu=s.mu, seperate_sigma=s.sigma,
                              seperate_rank=(s.mu - 3 * s.sigma))

            if not i % 2:
                h.was_attacker = True
                p.attacker_mu = s.mu
                p.attacker_sigma = s.sigma
                p.attacker_rank = s.mu - 3 * s.sigma
                h.was_attacker = False
                p.defender_mu = s.mu
                p.defender_sigma = s.sigma
                p.defender_rank = s.mu - 3 * s.sigma

            p.old_mu = ratings[i].mu
            p.old_sigma = ratings[i].sigma
            p.old_rank = p.old_mu - 3 * p.old_sigma

        context = {
            'match': match,
            'player_list': player_list,
            'ratings': ratings,
        return render(self.request, 'league/match_enter_success.html', context)
Exemple #4
def update_trueskill(game: Game, session):
    Updates the player’s rating based on the game’s result
    blue_team_ratings = {
        for participant in game.teams.BLUE

    red_team_ratings = {
        for participant in game.teams.RED

    if game.winner == "BLUE":
        new_ratings = trueskill.rate([blue_team_ratings, red_team_ratings])
        new_ratings = trueskill.rate([red_team_ratings, blue_team_ratings])

    for ratings in new_ratings:
        for player_rating in ratings:
            # This is the PlayerRating object
            player_rating.trueskill_mu = ratings[player_rating].mu
            player_rating.trueskill_sigma = ratings[player_rating].sigma

Exemple #5
def get_new_ratings(players, teams):
    Affect new ratings to players from teams results
    nb_players_team0 = len(teams[0])
    nb_players_team1 = len(teams[1])
    winner = players[teams[0][0]]
    loser = players[teams[1][0]]
    if nb_players_team0 == 1 and nb_players_team1 == 1:
        new_r1, new_r3 = rate_1vs1(winner,loser)
    elif nb_players_team0 == 1 and nb_players_team1 > 1:
        team_loser = [loser, players[teams[1][1]]]
        (new_r1), (new_r3, new_r4) = rate([winner, team_loser], ranks=[0, 1])  
    elif nb_players_team0 > 1 and nb_players_team1 == 1:
        team_winner = [winner, players[teams[0][1]]]
        (new_r1, new_r2), (new_r3) = rate([team_winner, loser], ranks=[0, 1])  
        team_loser = [loser, players[teams[1][1]]]
        team_winner = [winner, players[teams[0][1]]]
        (new_r1, new_r2), (new_r3, new_r4) = rate([team_winner, team_loser], ranks=[0, 1])  
    player1 = {'name': teams[0][0], 'mu': new_r1.mu, 'sigma': new_r1.sigma}
    player3 = {'name': teams[1][0], 'mu': new_r3.mu, 'sigma': new_r3.sigma}
    if nb_players_team0 > 1:
        player2 = {'name': teams[0][1], 'mu': new_r2.mu, 'sigma': new_r2.sigma}
    if nb_players_team1 > 1:
        player4 = {'name': teams[1][1], 'mu': new_r4.mu, 'sigma': new_r4.sigma}
        if nb_players_team0 > 1:
            return [player1, player2, player3, player4]
        return [player1, player2, player4]
    return [player1, player3]
Exemple #6
def calculate_doubles_ratings(game_df,

    for col in game_df.columns:
        if 'player' in col:
            game_df[col] = game_df[col].apply(remove_whitespace)

    all_players = set(
        list(game_df.player_a_team_a.unique()) +
        list(game_df.player_b_team_a.unique()) +
        list(game_df.player_a_team_b.unique()) +

    ratings = {k: rating_object for k in all_players}

    for row in game_df.iterrows():

        player_a_team_a = ratings[row[1]['player_a_team_a']]
        player_b_team_a = ratings[row[1]['player_b_team_a']]
        player_a_team_b = ratings[row[1]['player_a_team_b']]
        player_b_team_b = ratings[row[1]['player_b_team_b']]

        t_a = player_a_team_a, player_b_team_a
        t_b = player_a_team_b, player_b_team_b

        if row[1]['score_team_a'] > row[1]['score_team_b']:
            t_a, t_b = rate([t_a, t_b], ranks=[0, 1])
        elif row[1]['score_team_a'] < row[1]['score_team_b']:
            t_a, t_b = rate([t_a, t_b], ranks=[1, 0])
            t_a, t_b = rate([t_a, t_b], ranks=[0, 0])

        player_a_team_a, player_b_team_a = t_a
        player_a_team_b, player_b_team_b = t_b

        ratings[row[1]['player_a_team_a']] = player_a_team_a
        ratings[row[1]['player_b_team_a']] = player_b_team_a
        ratings[row[1]['player_a_team_b']] = player_a_team_b
        ratings[row[1]['player_b_team_b']] = player_b_team_b

    if return_type == 'dict':
        return ratings

    elif return_type == 'dataframe':

        rating_df = pd.DataFrame()

        for k, v in ratings.iteritems():
            rating_df.loc[k, 'rating'] = v.mu
            rating_df.loc[k, 'sigma'] = v.sigma
            rating_df.loc[k, 'tau'] = v.tau
            rating_df.loc[k, 'pi'] = v.pi
            rating_df.loc[k, 'trueskill'] = v.exposure

        return rating_df
def test_compatibility_with_another_rating_systems():
    """All rating system modules should implement ``rate_1vs1`` and
    ``quality_1vs1`` to provide shortcuts for 1 vs 1 simple competition games.
    r1, r2 = Rating(30, 3), Rating(20, 2)
    assert quality_1vs1(r1, r2) == quality([(r1,), (r2,)])
    rated = rate([(r1,), (r2,)])
    assert rate_1vs1(r1, r2) == (rated[0][0], rated[1][0])
    rated = rate([(r1,), (r2,)], [0, 0])
    assert rate_1vs1(r1, r2, drawn=True) == (rated[0][0], rated[1][0])
Exemple #8
def test_compatibility_with_another_rating_systems():
    """All rating system modules should implement ``rate_1vs1`` and
    ``quality_1vs1`` to provide shortcuts for 1 vs 1 simple competition games.
    r1, r2 = Rating(30, 3), Rating(20, 2)
    assert quality_1vs1(r1, r2) == quality([(r1, ), (r2, )])
    rated = rate([(r1, ), (r2, )])
    assert rate_1vs1(r1, r2) == (rated[0][0], rated[1][0])
    rated = rate([(r1, ), (r2, )], [0, 0])
    assert rate_1vs1(r1, r2, drawn=True) == (rated[0][0], rated[1][0])
Exemple #9
def handle_match_elo(match: Match) -> None:
    global matches_added, verbose

    print("Handling match", match.key)
    match_alliances = match.alliances.all()
    print("\tDetermining Alliance and Team Winners...")
    drawn = False
    if match.winner is None:
        drawn = True
        ally_winner = match_alliances[0]
        team_winners = ally_winner.teams.all()
        ally_winner = match.winner
        team_winners = ally_winner.teams.all()

    print("\tSelecting losing alliance...")
    ally_loser = next(x for x in match_alliances if x.id != match.winner_id)
    team_losers = ally_loser.teams.all()

    print("\tRunning Alliance TrueSkill calculations...")
    ally_winner_ts = Rating(ally_winner.elo_mu, ally_winner.elo_sigma)
    ally_loser_ts = Rating(ally_loser.elo_mu, ally_loser.elo_sigma)
    (ally_winner_result, ally_loser_result) = rate_1vs1(ally_winner_ts, ally_loser_ts, drawn=drawn)

    ally_winner.elo_mu = ally_winner_result.mu
    ally_winner.elo_sigma = ally_winner_result.sigma
    ally_loser.elo_mu = ally_loser_result.mu
    ally_loser.elo_sigma = ally_loser_result.sigma

    team_winner_ts_pairs = [(t, Rating(t.elo_mu, t.elo_sigma)) for t in team_winners]
    team_loser_ts_pairs = [(t, Rating(t.elo_mu, t.elo_sigma)) for t in team_losers]

    print("\tRunning Team TrueSkill calculations...")
    if drawn:
        team_results = rate([[x[1] for x in team_winner_ts_pairs], [x[1] for x in team_loser_ts_pairs]], ranks=[0, 0])
        team_results = rate([[x[1] for x in team_winner_ts_pairs], [x[1] for x in team_loser_ts_pairs]])

    print("\tUpdating team mu and sigma...")
    result_and_teams = zip(team_results[0], team_winners, team_results[1], team_losers)
    for winner_result, winner_team, loser_result, loser_team in result_and_teams:
        winner_team.elo_mu = winner_result.mu
        winner_team.elo_sigma = winner_result.sigma
        loser_team.elo_mu = loser_result.mu
        loser_team.elo_sigma = loser_result.sigma

    ally_winner.save(update_fields=['elo_mu', 'elo_sigma'])
    ally_loser.save(update_fields=['elo_mu', 'elo_sigma'])
    Team.objects.bulk_update([*team_winners, *team_losers], update_fields=['elo_mu', 'elo_sigma'])
    matches_added += 1
Exemple #10
def main():
    a, b = Rating(25), Rating(30)

    c = Rating()
    d = Rating()
    for i in range(9):
        t1 = [a, b]
        t2 = [c, d]

        (a, b), (c, d) = rate([t1, t2], ranks=[0, 1])
        (a, b), (c, d) = rate([t1, t2], ranks=[1, 0])
Exemple #11
def eval_match(team1, team2, score1, score2):
    # Update players in dictionary
    for player in team1:
        if player not in p:
            p[player] = Player(player)

    for player in team2:
        if player not in p:
            p[player] = Player(player)

    global m
    m += 1

    # Update elos
    s = 0.5
    if score1 > score2:
        s = 1
    elif score1 < score2:
        s = 0

    global matches
    matches.append((team1, team2, s))

    # game counter
    for player in team1:
        p[player].add_game(s, score1)
    for player in team2:
        p[player].add_game(1 - s, score2)

    t1 = [p[x].last_rating(ELO_MODEL) for x in team1]
    t2 = [p[x].last_rating(ELO_MODEL) for x in team2]

    t1_new, t2_new = elo.rate_match(t1, t2, s, 1 - s)

    for player in team1:
        p[player].add_rating(ELO_MODEL, t1_new.pop(0), m)

    for player in team2:
        p[player].add_rating(ELO_MODEL, t2_new.pop(0), m)

    # Update trueskills
    ranks = [0.5, 0.5]
    if score1 > score2:
        ranks = [0, 1]
    elif score1 < score2:
        ranks = [1, 0]

    t1 = [p[x].last_rating(TRUESKILL_MODEL) for x in team1]
    t2 = [p[x].last_rating(TRUESKILL_MODEL) for x in team2]

    t1_new, t2_new = ts.rate([t1, t2], ranks=ranks)

    t1_new = list(t1_new)
    t2_new = list(t2_new)

    for player in team1:
        p[player].add_rating(TRUESKILL_MODEL, t1_new.pop(0), m)

    for player in team2:
        p[player].add_rating(TRUESKILL_MODEL, t2_new.pop(0), m)
Exemple #12
def RatingRecount():
    player_ratings = {p: Rating() for p in Player.objects.all()}
    team_ratings = {t: Rating() for t in Team.objects.all()}

    print "#"*60
    print "RECOUNTING #"*4
    print "#"*60
    for match in Match.objects.order_by("id"):
        # Get ratings for players
        winners = {p: player_ratings[p] for p in match.winner.players.all()}
        losers = {p: player_ratings[p] for p in match.loser.players.all()}
        # Score the match
        new_team_ratings = rate([winners, losers]) # Returns a list with a one or many dicts

        for team in new_team_ratings:
            for player, new_rating in team.iteritems():
                player_ratings[player] = new_rating # save to database

        # Team ranking
        team_ratings[match.winner], team_ratings[match.loser] = rate_1vs1(team_ratings[match.winner], team_ratings[match.loser])
    for player, rating in player_ratings.iteritems():
        print player, " - ", rating.mu
        player.mu = rating.mu
        player.sigma = rating.sigma

    for team, rating in team_ratings.iteritems():
        print team, " - ", rating.mu, team.mu
    def getAdjList_Similarity3(self, QuestionList):

        from trueskill import Rating, rate
        AdjList = []
        ext = ''
        margin = 4

        trainPairs = self.trainPairs
        # compute trueSkill value
        RatingDict = dict()
        for i in trainPairs["Aer"].drop_duplicates().values.tolist():
            RatingDict[i] = (Rating(), )
        step1 = trainPairs.groupby(["Qid"])
        for i, j in step1:
            if int(i) in QuestionList:
                IdList = j["Aer"].values.tolist()
                rating = j["Credible"].apply(
                    lambda x: 1 - int(x)).values.tolist()
                for i, j in zip(
                        rate([RatingDict[x] for x in IdList], ranks=rating)):
                    RatingDict[i] = j
        trainPairs["Rating"] = trainPairs["Aer"]
        trainPairs["Rating"] = trainPairs["Rating"].apply(
            lambda x: RatingDict[x][0].mu - 3 * RatingDict[x][0].sigma)
        trainPairs["Link"] = [0 for i in range(len(trainPairs))]

        self.Rating = trainPairs[["PairId", "Rating"]]

        # create clique using trueSkill value
        step2 = trainPairs.groupby(["Qid"])
        idxList1 = []
        idxList2 = []
        for i, j in step2:
            tempScore = sorted(j["Rating"].values.tolist())
            if tempScore[-1] - tempScore[-2] >= margin:
            if tempScore[1] - tempScore[0] >= margin / 2:
        trainPairs.loc[idxList1, "Link"] = 1
        trainPairs.loc[idxList2, "Link"] = 2
        trainPairs["Credible"] = trainPairs["Credible"].apply(lambda x: int(x))
        step3 = trainPairs[trainPairs["Link"].isin([1, 2])].groupby(
            ["Aer", "Link"])
        for i, j in step3:
            if len(j) >= 2:
                for i in combinations(j["PairId"].tolist(), 2):
        AdjList = pd.DataFrame(data=AdjList, columns=["Nid1", "Nid2"])
        AdjList = AdjList.drop_duplicates()

        #AdjList = AdjList.sample(500)
        print "similarity3:", len(AdjList)
        edges = AdjList.sort_values(by=["Nid1", "Nid2"], ascending=True).values

        with open(self.rootFolder + "/" + 'edges_' + 'line' + '.pkl',
                  'w') as f:
            pickle.dump(edges, f)
        return edges
Exemple #14
def rate_outcome(race, runners, results, cache):
    """do rating from results, not finishingPosition (it is also 0 for non-placed)"""
    parts = [r for r in runners if r['has_odds']]
    logger.debug('{} participants'.format(len(parts)))

    team = [(Rating(p['rating_mu'], p['rating_sigma']), ) for p in parts]
    logger.debug('team = {}'.format(team))

    for p in parts:
        p['pos'] = 5
    for i, result in enumerate(results):
        for n in result:
            for p in parts:
                if p['runnerNumber'] == n:
                        'outcome found: n {} and p {} at rank {}'.format(
                            n, p['runnerNumber'], i + 1))
                    p['pos'] = i + 1
    pos = [p['pos'] for p in parts]

        new_ratings = rate(team, pos)
        logger.debug('new ratings {}'.format(new_ratings))
    save_players(race, parts, new_ratings, cache)
Exemple #15
def skill_commit_match_result(party_1, party_2, match_1_result):
    Adjust team's elo based on result
    - Saves Player Models

    Returns delta in ELO
    party_1_skill = skill_build_party_rating(party_1)
    party_2_skill = skill_build_party_rating(party_2)
    party_rosters = [party_1.players.all(), party_2.players.all()]
    result_arr = [0, 1] if match_1_result else [1, 0]
    result = rate([party_1_skill, party_2_skill], ranks=result_arr)
    p_idx = 0
    t_idx = 0
    elo_deltas = [
        abs(result[0][0].mu - party_rosters[0][0].elo),
        abs(result[1][0].mu - party_rosters[1][0].elo)

    for roster in party_rosters:
        for player in roster:
            print("%s -> %s" % (
            player.elo = int(result[t_idx][p_idx].mu)
            player.elo_weight = float(result[t_idx][p_idx].sigma)
            p_idx += 1

        t_idx += 1  # Increase team index
        p_idx = 0  # Reset player index

    return elo_deltas
Exemple #16
    def run(self):
        for game in Game.objects.filter(status__in=self.active_statuses):
                status = game.update_from_engine()
                if game.is_leaderboard_game and game.status == Game.Status.COMPLETE:
                    sorted_snakes = sorted(sorted(status['snakes'].items(),
                                                  key=lambda s: s[1]['death']),
                                           key=lambda s: s[1]['turn'],
                    game_snake_ids = [s[0] for s in sorted_snakes]
                    game_snakes = GameSnake.objects.filter(
                    snake_ids = [gs.snake_id for gs in game_snakes]
                    snakes = UserSnake.objects.filter(snake_id__in=snake_ids)
                    lb = [
                        for s in snakes
                    ratings = [(self.create_rating(l), ) for l in lb]
                    new_rankings = trueskill.rate(ratings,
                                                      range(0, len(ratings))))
                    for x in range(0, len(ratings)):
                        r = new_rankings[x]
                        lb[x].mu = r[0].mu
                        lb[x].sigma = r[0].sigma

            except Exception as e:
                game.status = Game.Status.ERROR
                # Something wrong with this game, don't care
                print(f'Unable to update game {game.id}', e)
Exemple #17
def compute_player_skills(rounds: [RoundRow], teams: [dict],
        current_ratings: {int: trueskill.Rating} = None) \
        -> ({int: trueskill.Rating}, [SkillHistory]):
    ratings = {}
    if current_ratings is not None:
    skill_history = []

    for round in rounds:
        rating_groups = (
                player_id: ratings.get(player_id, trueskill.Rating())
                for player_id in teams[round.winner]
                player_id: ratings.get(player_id, trueskill.Rating())
                for player_id in teams[round.loser]
        new_ratings = trueskill.rate(rating_groups)
        for rating in new_ratings:
            for player_id, skill in rating.items():

    return ratings, skill_history
Exemple #18
	def update_player_skill_values(self):
		winner_ratings = []
		for winner in self.winners.all():
				trueskill.Rating(winner.rating_mu, winner.rating_sigma)
		winner_ratings = tuple(winner_ratings)
		loser_ratings = []
		for loser in self.losers.all():
				trueskill.Rating(loser.rating_mu, loser.rating_sigma)
		loser_ratings = tuple(loser_ratings)
		match_rating_result = trueskill.rate([winner_ratings, loser_ratings])
		i = 0
		for winner in self.winners.all():
			winner.rating_mu = match_rating_result[0][i].mu
			winner.rating_sigma = match_rating_result[0][i].sigma
			winner.save(update_fields=["rating_mu", "rating_sigma"])
			i += 1
		i = 0
		for loser in self.losers.all():
			loser.rating_mu = match_rating_result[1][i].mu
			loser.rating_sigma = match_rating_result[1][i].sigma
			loser.save(update_fields=["rating_mu", "rating_sigma"])
			i += 1
Exemple #19
def test_rating_dicts():
    class Player(object):
        def __init__(self, name, rating, team):
            self.name = name
            self.rating = rating
            self.team = team

    p1 = Player('Player A', Rating(), 0)
    p2 = Player('Player B', Rating(), 0)
    p3 = Player('Player C', Rating(), 1)
    rated = rate([{p1: p1.rating, p2: p2.rating}, {p3: p3.rating}])
    assert len(rated) == 2
    assert isinstance(rated[0], dict)
    assert isinstance(rated[1], dict)
    assert len(rated[0]) == 2
    assert len(rated[1]) == 1
    assert p1 in rated[0]
    assert p2 in rated[0]
    assert p3 in rated[1]
    assert p1 not in rated[1]
    assert p2 not in rated[1]
    assert p3 not in rated[0]
    assert isinstance(rated[0][p1], Rating)
    p1.rating = rated[p1.team][p1]
    p2.rating = rated[p2.team][p2]
    p3.rating = rated[p3.team][p3]
Exemple #20
    def rank(self, game):
        logger.info(f"ranking game id={game.id}")
        status = game.engine_status()

        sorted_snakes = sorted(
            key=lambda i: game.turn + 1
            if i[1]["death"] == "pending" else i[1]["turn"],
        lookup = []
        for s in sorted_snakes:
            gs = game.gamesnake_set.get(id=s[0])
                (self.create_rating(gs.snake.snakeleaderboard_set.first()), ),
        ratings = [i["rating"] for i in lookup]

        new_rankings = trueskill.rate(ratings,
        for index, new_rank in enumerate(new_rankings):
            t = lookup[index]
            sl = t["snake"].snakeleaderboard_set.first()
            sl.mu = new_rank[0].mu
            sl.sigma = new_rank[0].sigma
                mu_change=new_rank[0].mu - t["rating"][0].mu,
                sigma_change=new_rank[0].sigma - t["rating"][0].sigma,
def applyTrueskill(games, players):
    for player in players:
        players[player]['rating'] = ts.Rating()
    for i in games.index:
        [(players[games.ix[i, 't1p1']]['rating'],
          players[games.ix[i, 't1p2']]['rating'],
          players[games.ix[i, 't1p3']]['rating'],
          players[games.ix[i, 't1p4']]['rating'],
          players[games.ix[i, 't1p5']]['rating']),
         (players[games.ix[i, 't2p1']]['rating'],
          players[games.ix[i, 't2p2']]['rating'],
          players[games.ix[i, 't2p3']]['rating'],
          players[games.ix[i, 't2p4']]['rating'],
          players[games.ix[i, 't2p5']]['rating'])] = ts.rate(
            [(players[games.ix[i, 't1p1']]['rating'],
              players[games.ix[i, 't1p2']]['rating'],
              players[games.ix[i, 't1p3']]['rating'],
              players[games.ix[i, 't1p4']]['rating'],
              players[games.ix[i, 't1p5']]['rating']),
             (players[games.ix[i, 't2p1']]['rating'],
                players[games.ix[i, 't2p2']]['rating'],
                players[games.ix[i, 't2p3']]['rating'],
                players[games.ix[i, 't2p4']]['rating'],
                players[games.ix[i, 't2p5']]['rating'])],
            [1 - games.ix[i, 'result'], games.ix[i, 'result']])
Exemple #22
    def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
        winner_rating = Rating(mu=self.winner.mu, sigma=self.winner.sigma)
        loser_rating = Rating(mu=self.loser.mu, sigma=self.loser.sigma)

        new_winner_rating, new_loser_rating = rate_1vs1(
            winner_rating, loser_rating)

        self.winner.mu = new_winner_rating.mu
        self.winner.sigma = new_winner_rating.sigma

        self.loser.mu = new_loser_rating.mu
        self.loser.sigma = new_loser_rating.sigma

        # Personal rating
        winners = {
            p: Rating(mu=p.mu, sigma=p.sigma)
            for p in self.winner.players.all()
        losers = {
            p: Rating(mu=p.mu, sigma=p.sigma)
            for p in self.loser.players.all()
        # Score the match
        new_team_ratings = rate([winners, losers
                                 ])  # Returns a list with a one or many dicts

        for team in new_team_ratings:
            for player, new_rating in team.iteritems():
                player.mu = new_rating.mu
                player.sigma = new_rating.sigma

        super(Match, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
 def compute(self):
     games = sorted(self.games.values(),
                    key=lambda g: g.last_update)
     for g in games:
         results = sorted(g.results.values(),
                          key=lambda res: -res['vp'])
         if len(results) < 2:
         teams = []
         ranks = []
         weights = []
         rank = 0
         prev = None
         for res in results:
             vp = res['vp']
             if prev and vp < prev:
                 rank += 1
             prev = vp
             weights.append((1, options.faction_weight))
         new = trueskill.rate(teams, ranks, weights)
         i = 0
         for res in results:
              res['faction_ref']['rating']) = new[i]
             i += 1
Exemple #24
    def calculate_mmr(self, r):
        if not r:
            return None
        #get current rating
        mmr_team0 = OrderedDict(
        )  # key = account | val = list(current_mmr, new_mmr)
        mmr_team1 = OrderedDict()
        for player in r.team0.memberList:
            mmr_team0[r.players[player]][0] = trueskill.Rating(

        for player in r.team1.memberList:
            mmr_team1[r.players[player]][0] = trueskill.Rating(

        ratings = trueskill.rate([[x for x in mmr_team0.itervalues()],
                                  [x for x in mmr_team1.itervalues()]],
                                 ranks=[r.team0.isLoser, r.team0.isWinner])
        for player in r.team0.memberList:
            mmr_team0[player][1] = ratings[player]
        for player in r.team1.memberList:
            mmr_team1[player][1] = ratings[player + len(r.team0.memberList) -

        return mmr_team0, mmr_team1
Exemple #25
    def calculate_and_adjust(players_per_side: int, team1: List['Skill'],
                             team2: List['Skill'], did_team_1_win: bool):
        """Calculates and adjusts a game."""

        ranks = [0, 1] if did_team_1_win else [1, 0]

        # Apply a weighting based on the number of players in the roster.
        # This way, the game is always kept "fair" as if each player is subbed out at regular intervals.
        if len(team1) < players_per_side:
            team1_weights = (1, ) * len(team1)
            team1_weights = (players_per_side / len(team1), ) * len(team1)

        if len(team2) < players_per_side:
            team2_weights = (1, ) * len(team2)
            team2_weights = (players_per_side / len(team2), ) * len(team2)

        teams = trueskill.rate(rating_groups=[
            tuple([t1.rating for t1 in team1]),
            tuple([t2.rating for t2 in team2])
                               weights=[team1_weights, team2_weights])

        for i in range(0, len(teams[0])):
            team1[i].rating = teams[0][i]

        for i in range(0, len(teams[1])):
            team2[i].rating = teams[1][i]
def do_game(game, players, style="allplayer-trueskill"):
    # Takes a game and stores the results
    game_rank_list = []
    player_list = []
    rating_groups = []

    rankable_users = []
    if style == "allplayer-trueskill":
        rankable_users = game.users
    elif style == "topbottom-trueskill":
        rankable_users = [game.users[0], game.users[-1]]

    for user_data in rankable_users:
        if user_data.user_name not in players:
            players[user_data.user_name] = Player(user_data.user_name)
            {user_data.user_name: players[user_data.user_name].rating})
    rated_list = rate(rating_groups, game_rank_list)
    for i in range(len(rankable_users)):
        if rankable_users[i].user_name not in players:
            players[rankable_users[i].user_name] = Player(
            game.timestamp, rated_list[i][rankable_users[i].user_name])
    def update_ranking(self, match_ranking: Dict[str, int]):
        # Transform the usernames to be lowercase for compatibility with database
        match_ranking = {
            key.lower(): value
            for key, value in match_ranking.items()

        # Get the current trueskill ratings for each player
        entries = self.get_multi(*match_ranking.keys())
        old_trueskill_rankings = [{
            str(name): Rating(mu=mu, sigma=sigma)
        } for name, _, mu, sigma in entries]
        ordered_match_rankings = [
            match_ranking[name] for name, _, _, _ in entries

        # Update rankings using trueskill algorithm
        new_trueskill_rankings = rate(old_trueskill_rankings,

        # Update database with new rankings
        cursor = self.__db.cursor()
        with self.__db_lock:
            for name, rating in ChainMap(*new_trueskill_rankings).items():
                    "UPDATE userz SET mu=?, sigma=? WHERE username=?",
                    (rating.mu, rating.sigma, name))
Exemple #28
def update_ratings(game, session, elos, players):
    if len(elos) < 2:
        return []

    oldRatings = []
    ranks = []
    for pid in players:
        p = elos[pid]
        if len(oldRatings) < 8:
            oldRatings.append((Rating(mu=p.mu, sigma=p.sigma), ))

    newRatings = rate(oldRatings, ranks)

    elo_deltas = {}
    i = 0
    for pid in players:
        if i >= 8: continue
        old = oldRatings[i][0]
        new = newRatings[i][0]
        elo_deltas[pid] = (new.mu - 3 * new.sigma) - (old.mu - 3 * old.sigma)
        elos[pid].mu = new.mu
        elos[pid].sigma = new.sigma
        elos[pid].ts_games += 1
        i = i + 1
            str(pid) + ": mu=" + str(new.mu) + ", sigma=" + str(new.sigma))

    save_rating_deltas(game, session, elo_deltas)

    return elos
Exemple #29
def test_partial_play():
    t1, t2 = (Rating(), ), (Rating(), Rating())
    # each results from C# Skills:
    assert rate([t1, t2], weights=[(1, ), (1, 1)]) == rate([t1, t2])
    assert _rate([t1, t2], weights=[(1,), (1, 1)]) == \
        [(33.730, 7.317), (16.270, 7.317), (16.270, 7.317)]
    assert _rate([t1, t2], weights=[(0.5,), (0.5, 0.5)]) == \
        [(33.939, 7.312), (16.061, 7.312), (16.061, 7.312)]
    assert _rate([t1, t2], weights=[(1,), (0, 1)]) == \
        [(29.440, 7.166), (25.000, 8.333), (20.560, 7.166)]
    assert _rate([t1, t2], weights=[(1,), (0.5, 1)]) == \
        [(32.417, 7.056), (21.291, 8.033), (17.583, 7.056)]
    # match quality of partial play
    t1, t2, t3 = (Rating(), ), (Rating(), Rating()), (Rating(), )
    assert _quality([t1, t2, t3], [(1, ), (0.25, 0.75), (1, )]) == 0.2
    assert _quality([t1, t2, t3], [(1, ), (0.8, 0.9), (1, )]) == 0.0809
Exemple #30
    def rank(self, force=False):
        if self.ranked and not force:

        if self.players.all().count() != self.game.player_count:

        arg = []
        for player in self.players.all():
            arg.append((player.get_rating_for_game(self.game).rating_obj, ))

        results = rate(arg)

        for i, player in enumerate(self.players.all()):
            rating = player.get_rating_for_game(self.game)
            rating.rating_obj = results[i]
            rating.match_count += 1

            if self.game is not None:
                rating = player.get_rating_for_game(None)
                rating.rating_obj = results[i]

        self.ranked = True
Exemple #31
def update_trueskill_by_match(match):
    w_ratings = []
    l_ratings = []
    for p in match.winning_players:
        mu, sigma = p.get_current_trueskill()
        w_ratings.append(ts.Rating(mu, sigma))

    for p in match.losing_players:
        mu, sigma = p.get_current_trueskill()
        l_ratings.append(ts.Rating(mu, sigma))

    rating_groups = [w_ratings, l_ratings]
    new_ratings = ts.rate(rating_groups, ranks=[0, 1])
    players = match.winning_players + match.losing_players
    new_ratings_flat = [item for sublist in new_ratings for item in sublist]
    for player, rating in zip(players, new_ratings_flat):
        r_m = Rating(
        r_s = Rating(
        db.session.add_all([r_m, r_s])
Exemple #32
def update_trueskill(scores, ratings):
    env = TrueSkill()

    # Parallel arrays!  All of these are for the given game
    players = []
    teams = []
    ranks = []
    expose_before = {}

    # Sanity check, some bad data in test systems
    if len(scores) < 4:

    for s in scores:
        if s.player_id not in ratings.keys():
            ratings[s.player_id] = Rating()  # Default mu=25, sigma=8.333

        r = ratings[s.player_id]
        expose_before[s.player_id] = env.expose(r)

    # Crunch the numbers
    new_ratings = rate(teams, ranks)

    for i in range(0, len(new_ratings)):
        ratings[players[i]] = new_ratings[i][0]

    for s in scores:
        s.trueskill = ratings[s.player_id].mu
        s.trueskill_confidence = ratings[s.player_id].sigma
        s.trueskill_change = round(env.expose(ratings[s.player_id]) - expose_before[s.player_id], 1)
Exemple #33
def main(games_file: str, ratings_file: str):
    # Load data.
    players = defaultdict(lambda: ts.Rating())
    games = pd.read_csv(games_file)

    # Sort data based on date.
    games.sort_values(by=[DATE_COLUMN], inplace=True)
    games.fillna("", inplace=True)

    for _, (date, pl1, pl2, sc1, sc2, pl3, pl4) in games.iterrows():
        team1 = []
        skills1 = []

        team2 = []
        skills2 = []

        team1, skills1 = append(pl1, players, team1, skills1)
        team1, skills1 = append(pl2, players, team1, skills1)

        team2, skills2 = append(pl3, players, team2, skills2)
        team2, skills2 = append(pl4, players, team2, skills2)

        ranks = compute_rank(sc1, sc2)

        ratings1, ratings2 = ts.rate([skills1, skills2], ranks=ranks)
        update(players, team1, ratings1)
        update(players, team2, ratings2)

    # Save ratings.
    result = []
    for name, rating in players.items():
        result.append({"Name": name, "Mu": rating.mu, "Sigma": rating.sigma})

    df = pd.DataFrame(result)
    df.to_csv(ratings_file, index=False)
Exemple #34
    def update_player_ratings(self, match):
        ratings_a = [p.get_rating() for p in match.teams[0]]
        ratings_b = [p.get_rating() for p in match.teams[1]]

        # Sort by score and get rank indices
        rank = list(zip(match.score, range(len(match.score))))
        rank.sort(key=lambda r: r[0], reverse=True)
        rank_indices = list(zip(*rank))[1]

        # Check for Draw
        # TODO: make this generic for more than 2 teams
        if match.score[0] == match.score[1]:
            rank_indices = [0, 0]

        # Calculate new Ratings using trueskill algorithm
        new_ratings = trueskill.rate([ratings_a, ratings_b],
                                         ratings_a, ratings_b))

        for r, p in zip(new_ratings[0], match.teams[0]):

        for r, p in zip(new_ratings[1], match.teams[1]):
def test_partial_play():
    t1, t2 = (Rating(),), (Rating(), Rating())
    # each results from C# Skills:
    assert rate([t1, t2], weights=[(1,), (1, 1)]) == rate([t1, t2])
    assert _rate([t1, t2], weights=[(1,), (1, 1)]) == \
        [(33.730, 7.317), (16.270, 7.317), (16.270, 7.317)]
    assert _rate([t1, t2], weights=[(0.5,), (0.5, 0.5)]) == \
        [(33.939, 7.312), (16.061, 7.312), (16.061, 7.312)]
    assert _rate([t1, t2], weights=[(1,), (0, 1)]) == \
        [(29.440, 7.166), (25.000, 8.333), (20.560, 7.166)]
    assert _rate([t1, t2], weights=[(1,), (0.5, 1)]) == \
        [(32.417, 7.056), (21.291, 8.033), (17.583, 7.056)]
    # match quality of partial play
    t1, t2, t3 = (Rating(),), (Rating(), Rating()), (Rating(),)
    assert _quality([t1, t2, t3], [(1,), (0.25, 0.75), (1,)]) == 0.2
    assert _quality([t1, t2, t3], [(1,), (0.8, 0.9), (1,)]) == 0.0809
Exemple #36
def update_ratings(game, session, elos, players):
    if len(elos) < 2:
        return []

    oldRatings = []
    ranks = []
    for pid in players:
      p = elos[pid]
      if len(oldRatings) < 8:
        oldRatings.append((Rating(mu=p.mu, sigma=p.sigma),))

    newRatings = rate(oldRatings, ranks);

    elo_deltas = {}   
    for pid in players:
      if i>=8: continue
      old = oldRatings[i][0]
      new = newRatings[i][0]
      elo_deltas[pid] = (new.mu - 3*new.sigma) - (old.mu - 3*old.sigma)
      elos[pid].mu = new.mu
      elos[pid].sigma = new.sigma
      elos[pid].ts_games += 1
      i = i + 1
      log.debug(str(pid) + ": mu=" + str(new.mu) + ", sigma=" + str(new.sigma));

    save_rating_deltas(game, session, elo_deltas)

    return elos
def test_rating_dicts():
    class Player(object):
        def __init__(self, name, rating, team):
            self.name = name
            self.rating = rating
            self.team = team
    p1 = Player('Player A', Rating(), 0)
    p2 = Player('Player B', Rating(), 0)
    p3 = Player('Player C', Rating(), 1)
    rated = rate([{p1: p1.rating, p2: p2.rating}, {p3: p3.rating}])
    assert len(rated) == 2
    assert isinstance(rated[0], dict)
    assert isinstance(rated[1], dict)
    assert len(rated[0]) == 2
    assert len(rated[1]) == 1
    assert p1 in rated[0]
    assert p2 in rated[0]
    assert p3 in rated[1]
    assert p1 not in rated[1]
    assert p2 not in rated[1]
    assert p3 not in rated[0]
    assert isinstance(rated[0][p1], Rating)
    p1.rating = rated[p1.team][p1]
    p2.rating = rated[p2.team][p2]
    p3.rating = rated[p3.team][p3]
Exemple #38
def add_match(conn, bots, results):
    winner = None
    for id_str, stats in results['stats'].items():
        if stats['rank'] == 1:
            winner = int(id_str)

    if winner is None:
        raise ValueError('Could not detect winner of game')

    query = 'insert into games (datetime, winner, participants, results) values (?, ?, ?, ?)'
    del results['final_snapshot']
    current_time = datetime.datetime.now().isoformat()
    conn.execute(query, (current_time, bots[winner]['id'], json.dumps(bots),

    for bot in bots:
        history_query = 'insert into rank_history (bot_id, datetime, rank, mu, sigma) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)'
            (bot['id'], current_time, bot['rank'], bot['mu'], bot['sigma']))
        games_played_query = 'update bots set games_played=games_played + 1 where id = ?'
        conn.execute(games_played_query, (bot['id'], ))

    trueskill.setup(tau=0.008, draw_probability=0.001)
    teams = [[trueskill.Rating(mu=bot["mu"], sigma=bot["sigma"])]
             for bot in bots]
    ranks = [results["stats"][str(b)]["rank"] - 1 for b in range(len(bots))]
    new_ratings = trueskill.rate(teams, ranks)

    update_query = 'update bots set mu=?, sigma=? where id=?'
    for bot, rating in zip(bots, new_ratings):
        conn.execute(update_query, (rating[0].mu, rating[0].sigma, bot['id']))

Exemple #39
def update_ratings(players: dict, game: Game) -> None:
    if not game.score:
    if game.score == '1':
        ranks = [0, 1]
    elif game.score == '2':
        ranks = [1, 0]
    elif game.score == 'D':
        ranks = [0, 0]
    for player_id in game.team1:
        if not player_id in players:
            players[player_id] = Player()
    for player_id in game.team2:
        if not player_id in players:
            players[player_id] = Player()
    team1_ratings = list(map(lambda id: players[id].rating, game.team1))
    team2_ratings = list(map(lambda id: players[id].rating, game.team2))
    team1_ratings, team2_ratings = trueskill.rate(
        [team1_ratings, team2_ratings], ranks=ranks)
    for i, player in enumerate(game.team1):
        players[player].rating = team1_ratings[i]
    for i, player in enumerate(game.team2):
        players[player].rating = team2_ratings[i]
Exemple #40
def test_microsoft_research_example():
    # http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/projects/trueskill/details.aspx
    alice, bob, chris, darren, eve, fabien, george, hillary = \
        Rating(), Rating(), Rating(), Rating(), \
        Rating(), Rating(), Rating(), Rating()
    _rated = rate([{
        'alice': alice
    }, {
        'bob': bob
    }, {
        'chris': chris
    }, {
        'darren': darren
    }, {
        'eve': eve
    }, {
        'fabien': fabien
    }, {
        'george': george
    }, {
        'hillary': hillary
    rated = {}
    list(map(rated.update, _rated))
    assert almost(rated['alice']) == (36.771, 5.749)
    assert almost(rated['bob']) == (32.242, 5.133)
    assert almost(rated['chris']) == (29.074, 4.943)
    assert almost(rated['darren']) == (26.322, 4.874)
    assert almost(rated['eve']) == (23.678, 4.874)
    assert almost(rated['fabien']) == (20.926, 4.943)
    assert almost(rated['george']) == (17.758, 5.133)
    assert almost(rated['hillary']) == (13.229, 5.749)
def _updateRankings(winningTeam,losingTeam):
    Updates the Rankings of the PongUsers who played the Game.
    Keyword arguments:
    winningTeam -- the Team who won the Game
    losingTeam -- the Team who lost the Game
    Contributors: Richard Douglas
    Output: None
    #obtain the Ranking objects
    winningRankings = _obtainRankings(winningTeam)
    losingRankings = _obtainRankings(losingTeam)
    #obtain the corresponding TrueSkill Rating objects
    oldWinningRatings = _obtainRatings(winningRankings)
    oldLosingRatings = _obtainRatings(losingRankings)
    #have TrueSkill rate the Game
    newWinningRatings, newLosingRatings = rate([oldWinningRatings,oldLosingRatings], ranks = [0,1])
     #update Ranking objects with their new Mu and Sigma values
def test_issue4():
    """The `issue #4`_, opened by @sublee.

    numpy.float64 handles floating-point error by different way. For example,
    it can just warn RuntimeWarning on n/0 problem instead of throwing

    .. _issue #4: https://github.com/sublee/trueskill/issues/4
    import numpy
    r1, r2 = Rating(105.247, 0.439), Rating(27.030, 0.901)
    # make numpy to raise FloatingPointError instead of warning
    # RuntimeWarning
    old_settings = numpy.seterr(divide='raise')
        rate([(r1,), (r2,)])
Exemple #43
def update_trueskills(chao_trueskills):
    makes updates to the trueskills based on the order
    :param chao_trueskills: list of chao trueskills in the order in which they placed
    :return: new list of trueskills for chaos in the same order in which they placed (were received)
    rating_groups = [(x,) for x in chao_trueskills]
    rated = trueskill.rate(rating_groups)
    return [rated[i][0] for i in xrange(len(rated))]
def test_rating_tuples():
    r1, r2, r3 = Rating(), Rating(), Rating()
    rated = rate([(r1, r2), (r3,)])
    assert len(rated) == 2
    assert isinstance(rated[0], tuple)
    assert isinstance(rated[1], tuple)
    assert len(rated[0]) == 2
    assert len(rated[1]) == 1
    assert isinstance(rated[0][0], Rating)
def test_setup_global_environment():
        t1, t2 = generate_teams([1, 1])
        rated = rate([t1, t2])
        assert almost(rated) == [(30.267, 7.077), (19.733, 7.077)]
        # rollback
 def loadMatches(self, matches):
     for match in matches:
         rating_group = [dict(zip(match.radiant, [self.players[p] for p in match.radiant])),
                        dict(zip(match.dire, [self.players[p] for p in match.dire])),
         result = rate(rating_group, ranks = match.result)
         for side in result:
             for p in side.keys():
                 self.players[p] = side[p]
def test_deprecated_individual_rating_groups():
    r1, r2, r3 = Rating(50, 1), Rating(10, 5), Rating(15, 5)
    with raises(TypeError):
        deprecated_call(rate, [r1, r2, r3])
    with raises(TypeError):
        deprecated_call(quality, [r1, r2, r3])
    assert t.transform_ratings([r1, r2, r3]) == rate([(r1,), (r2,), (r3,)])
    assert t.match_quality([r1, r2, r3]) == quality([(r1,), (r2,), (r3,)])
    deprecated_call(t.transform_ratings, [r1, r2, r3])
    deprecated_call(t.match_quality, [r1, r2, r3])
def test_partial_play_with_weights_dict():
    t1, t2 = (Rating(),), (Rating(), Rating())
    assert rate([t1, t2], weights={(0, 0): 0.5, (1, 0): 0.5, (1, 1): 0.5}) == \
        rate([t1, t2], weights=[[0.5], [0.5, 0.5]])
    assert rate([t1, t2], weights={(1, 0): 0}) == \
        rate([t1, t2], weights=[[1], [0, 1]])
    assert rate([t1, t2], weights={(1, 0): 0.5}) == \
        rate([t1, t2], weights=[[1], [0.5, 1]])
 def process_match(self, line):
     players = list(map(str, line[:4]))
     score = list(map(int, line[4:]))
     locker_room = self.locker_room
     for player in players:
         if player not in locker_room:
             locker_room[player] = Rating()
     t1 = [locker_room.pop(players[i]) for i in range(2)]
     t2 = [locker_room.pop(players[i]) for i in range(2, 4)]
     ranks = [score[1] > score[0], score[1] < score[0]]
     t1, t2 = rate([t1, t2], ranks=ranks)
     for i in range(2):
         locker_room[players[i]] = t1[i]
         locker_room[players[i + 2]] = t2[i]
def test_issue3():
    """The `issue #3`_, opened by @youknowone.

    These inputs led to ZeroDivisionError before 0.1.4. Also another TrueSkill
    implementations cannot calculate this case.

    .. _issue #3: https://github.com/sublee/trueskill/issues/3
    # @konikos's case 1
    t1 = (Rating(42.234, 3.728), Rating(43.290, 3.842))
    t2 = (Rating(16.667, 0.500), Rating(16.667, 0.500), Rating(16.667, 0.500),
          Rating(16.667, 0.500), Rating(16.667, 0.500), Rating(16.667, 0.500),
          Rating(16.667, 0.500), Rating(16.667, 0.500), Rating(16.667, 0.500),
          Rating(16.667, 0.500), Rating(16.667, 0.500), Rating(16.667, 0.500),
          Rating(16.667, 0.500), Rating(16.667, 0.500), Rating(16.667, 0.500))
    rate([t1, t2], [6, 5])
    # @konikos's case 2
    t1 = (Rating(25.000, 0.500), Rating(25.000, 0.500), Rating(25.000, 0.500),
          Rating(25.000, 0.500), Rating(33.333, 0.500), Rating(33.333, 0.500),
          Rating(33.333, 0.500), Rating(33.333, 0.500), Rating(41.667, 0.500),
          Rating(41.667, 0.500), Rating(41.667, 0.500), Rating(41.667, 0.500))
    t2 = (Rating(42.234, 3.728), Rating(43.291, 3.842))
    rate([t1, t2], [0, 28])
Exemple #51
def rate_players():
    (ranked, teams) = build_ranked()
    ranked = trueskill.rate(ranked)

    # JSONify
    result = []
    for t, team in enumerate(ranked):
        rated_team = []
        for i, player in enumerate(team):
            rated_team.append(jsonify_rating(player, teams[t][i]))


    return {'teams': result}
Exemple #52
def record_match_and_update_ratings(win_team, lose_team, loser_win_count):
	# calculate new ratings
    updated_ratings = rate([win_team.ratings, lose_team.ratings])
    updated_ratings_dict = {}
    for role, rating in updated_ratings_dict.iteritems():
        role.rating_mu = rating.mu
        role.rating_sigma = rating.sigma

    result = MatchResult.objects.create(
Exemple #53
def update_trueskill(match):
    winner = match.winner

    if match.team_1 == winner:
        loser = match.team_2
        loser = match.team_1

    winners = winner.players.all()
    losers = loser.players.all()

    winner_ratings = []
    loser_ratings = []

    for w in winners:
        winner_ratings.append(Rating(w.current_mu, w.current_sigma))

    for l in losers:
        loser_ratings.append(Rating(l.current_mu, l.current_sigma))

    winner_ratings, loser_ratings = rate([winner_ratings, loser_ratings])
    for counter, p in enumerate(winners):
        p.ts_mu = winner_ratings[counter].mu
        p.ts_sigma = winner_ratings[counter].sigma

        sh, _ = StatHistory.objects.get_or_create(player=p,
        sh.season = match.season
        sh.ts_mu = winner_ratings[counter].mu
        sh.ts_sigma = winner_ratings[counter].sigma
        # p.save()

    for counter, p in enumerate(losers):
        p.ts_mu = loser_ratings[counter].mu
        p.ts_sigma = loser_ratings[counter].sigma
        sh, _ = StatHistory.objects.get_or_create(player=p,

        sh.season = match.season
        sh.ts_mu = loser_ratings[counter].mu
        sh.ts_sigma = loser_ratings[counter].sigma
def test_issue9_weights_dict_with_object_keys():
    """The `issue #9`_, opened by @.

    .. _issue #9: https://github.com/sublee/trueskill/issues/9
    class Player(object):
        def __init__(self, rating, team):
            self.rating = rating
            self.team = team
    p1 = Player(Rating(), 0)
    p2 = Player(Rating(), 0)
    p3 = Player(Rating(), 1)
    teams = [{p1: p1.rating, p2: p2.rating}, {p3: p3.rating}]
    rated = rate(teams, weights={(0, p1): 1, (0, p2): 0.5, (1, p3): 1})
    assert rated[0][p1].mu > rated[0][p2].mu
    assert rated[0][p1].sigma < rated[0][p2].sigma
    assert rated[0][p1].sigma == rated[1][p3].sigma
def test_microsoft_research_example():
    # http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/projects/trueskill/details.aspx
    alice, bob, chris, darren, eve, fabien, george, hillary = \
        Rating(), Rating(), Rating(), Rating(), \
        Rating(), Rating(), Rating(), Rating()
    _rated = rate([{'alice': alice}, {'bob': bob}, {'chris': chris},
                   {'darren': darren}, {'eve': eve}, {'fabien': fabien},
                   {'george': george}, {'hillary': hillary}])
    rated = {}
    list(map(rated.update, _rated))
    assert almost(rated['alice']) == (36.771, 5.749)
    assert almost(rated['bob']) == (32.242, 5.133)
    assert almost(rated['chris']) == (29.074, 4.943)
    assert almost(rated['darren']) == (26.322, 4.874)
    assert almost(rated['eve']) == (23.678, 4.874)
    assert almost(rated['fabien']) == (20.926, 4.943)
    assert almost(rated['george']) == (17.758, 5.133)
    assert almost(rated['hillary']) == (13.229, 5.749)
Exemple #56
 def compute_rating(self, rating='global'):
     Compute new ratings
     :param rating: 'global' or 'ladder'
     :return: rating groups of the form:
     >>> p1,p2,p3,p4 = Player()
     >>> [{p1: p1.rating, p2: p2.rating}, {p3: p3.rating, p4: p4.rating}]
     assert self.state == GameState.LIVE or self.state == GameState.ENDED
     team_scores = {}
     ffa_scores = []
     for player in sorted(self.players,
                          key=lambda p: self.get_player_option(p.id, 'Army') or -1):
         team = self.get_player_option(player.id, 'Team')
         army = self.get_player_option(player.id, 'Army')
         if army < 0:
             self._logger.info("Skipping {}".format(player))
         if not team:
             raise GameError("Missing team for player id: {}".format(player.id))
         if team != 1:
             if team not in team_scores:
                 team_scores[team] = 0
                 team_scores[team] += self.get_army_result(army)
             except KeyError:
                 team_scores[team] += 0
                 self._logger.info("Missing game result for {army}: {player}".format(army=army,
         elif team == 1:
             ffa_scores.append((player, self.get_army_result(army)))
     ranks = [-score for team, score in sorted(team_scores.items(), key=lambda t: t[0])]
     rating_groups = []
     for team in sorted(self.teams):
         if team != 1:
             rating_groups += [{player: Rating(*getattr(player, '{}_rating'.format(rating)))
                                for player in self.players if
                                self.get_player_option(player.id, 'Team') == team}]
     for player, score in sorted(ffa_scores, key=lambda x: self.get_player_option(x[0].id, 'Army')):
         rating_groups += [{player: Rating(*getattr(player, '{}_rating'.format(rating)))}]
     self._logger.debug("Rating groups: {}".format(rating_groups))
     self._logger.debug("Ranks: {}".format(ranks))
     return trueskill.rate(rating_groups, ranks)
Exemple #57
    def rate(cls, names):
        :type names: list[str]
        if not isinstance(names, list):
            raise TypeError("Argument must be a list")
        if len(names) != 4:
            raise ValueError("Please specify 4 players")

        players = []
        missing = []
        for name in names:
            player =  cls.get_player(name)
            if not player:

        if missing:
            raise RuntimeError("Players not registered: %s" % missing)

        winner1 = players[0]
        winner2 = players[1]
        loser1 = players[2]
        loser2 = players[3]

        winners = [winner1.rating, winner2.rating]
        losers = [loser1.rating, loser2.rating]

        winners, losers = trueskill.rate([winners, losers])

        winner1.rating = winners[0]
        winner2.rating = winners[1]
        loser1.rating = losers[0]
        loser2.rating = losers[1]


Exemple #58
    def calculate_mmr(self, r):
        if not r:
            return None
        #get current rating
        mmr_team0 = OrderedDict() # key = account | val = list(current_mmr, new_mmr)
        mmr_team1 = OrderedDict()
        for player in r.team0.memberList:
            mmr_team0[r.players[player]][0] = trueskill.Rating(self.get_mmr(r.players[player].toonHandle))

        for player in r.team1.memberList:
            mmr_team1[r.players[player]][0] = trueskill.Rating(self.get_mmr(r.players[player].toonHandle))

        ratings = trueskill.rate([[x for x in mmr_team0.itervalues()], [x for x in mmr_team1.itervalues()]], ranks=[r.team0.isLoser, r.team0.isWinner])
        for player in r.team0.memberList:
            mmr_team0[player][1] = ratings[player]
        for player in r.team1.memberList:
            mmr_team1[player][1] = ratings[player + len(r.team0.memberList) - 1]

        return mmr_team0, mmr_team1
Exemple #59
def rate_skill(names, results, metrics):
    from trueskill import Rating, rate, setup
    MU = 1000
    setup(MU, MU / 3, MU * 5, MU / 5000)
    started = time.clock()
    ratings = {x : Rating() for x in names}
    for entry in results:
        adjusted = rate([(ratings[x[0]],) for x in entry],
                        [(int(not x[1]),) for x in entry])
        for index, rating in enumerate(adjusted):
            ratings[entry[index][0]] = rating[0]

    print("Completed rankings in", str(int(time.clock() - started)), "seconds")

    descending = sorted(ratings.items(), key=lambda x:x[1], reverse=True)
    for index, (name, rating) in enumerate(descending):
        metrics[name]["Rank"] = index
        metrics[name]["Mu"] = "%.0f" % rating.mu
        metrics[name]["Sigma"] = "%.0f" % rating.sigma
def test_1_vs_n():
    t1, = generate_teams([1])
    # 1 vs 2
    t2, = generate_teams([2])
    assert _quality([t1, t2]) == 0.135
    assert _rate([t1, t2]) == \
        [(33.730, 7.317), (16.270, 7.317), (16.270, 7.317)]
    assert _rate([t1, t2], [0, 0]) == \
        [(31.660, 7.138), (18.340, 7.138), (18.340, 7.138)]
    # 1 vs 3
    t2, = generate_teams([3])
    assert _quality([t1, t2]) == 0.012
    assert _rate([t1, t2]) == \
        [(36.337, 7.527), (13.663, 7.527), (13.663, 7.527), (13.663, 7.527)]
    assert almost(rate([t1, t2], [0, 0]), 2) == \
        [(34.990, 7.455), (15.010, 7.455), (15.010, 7.455), (15.010, 7.455)]
    # 1 vs 7
    t2, = generate_teams([7])
    assert _quality([t1, t2]) == 0
    assert _rate([t1, t2]) == \
        [(40.582, 7.917), (9.418, 7.917), (9.418, 7.917), (9.418, 7.917),
         (9.418, 7.917), (9.418, 7.917), (9.418, 7.917), (9.418, 7.917)]