Exemple #1
 def prolongation_transfer_kernel_action(Vf, expr):
     from tsfc import compile_expression_dual_evaluation
     from tsfc.finatinterface import create_base_element
     to_element = create_base_element(Vf.ufl_element())
     ast, oriented, needs_cell_sizes, coefficients, first_coeff_fake_coords, _ = compile_expression_dual_evaluation(
         expr, to_element, coffee=False)
     return op2.Kernel(ast, ast.name)
Exemple #2
 def prolongation_transfer_kernel_action(Vf, expr):
     from tsfc import compile_expression_dual_evaluation
     from tsfc.fiatinterface import create_element
     coords = Vf.ufl_domain().coordinates
     to_element = create_element(Vf.ufl_element(), vector_is_mixed=False)
     ast, oriented, needs_cell_sizes, coefficients, _ = compile_expression_dual_evaluation(
         expr, to_element, coords, coffee=False)
     return op2.Kernel(ast, ast.name)
Exemple #3
def test_ufl_only_simple():
    mesh = ufl.Mesh(ufl.VectorElement("P", ufl.triangle, 1))
    V = ufl.FunctionSpace(mesh, ufl.FiniteElement("P", ufl.triangle, 2))
    v = ufl.Coefficient(V)
    expr = ufl.inner(v, v)
    W = V
    to_element = create_element(W.ufl_element())
    ast, oriented, needs_cell_sizes, coefficients, first_coeff_fake_coords, *_ = compile_expression_dual_evaluation(
        expr, to_element, coffee=False)
    assert first_coeff_fake_coords is False
Exemple #4
def test_ufl_only_to_contravariant_piola():
    mesh = ufl.Mesh(ufl.VectorElement("P", ufl.triangle, 1))
    V = ufl.FunctionSpace(mesh, ufl.FiniteElement("P", ufl.triangle, 2))
    v = ufl.Coefficient(V)
    expr = ufl.as_vector([v, v])
    W = ufl.FunctionSpace(mesh, ufl.FiniteElement("RT", ufl.triangle, 1))
    to_element = create_element(W.ufl_element())
    ast, oriented, needs_cell_sizes, coefficients, first_coeff_fake_coords, *_ = compile_expression_dual_evaluation(
        expr, to_element, coffee=False)
    assert first_coeff_fake_coords is True
Exemple #5
def test_ufl_only_spatialcoordinate():
    mesh = ufl.Mesh(ufl.VectorElement("P", ufl.triangle, 1))
    V = ufl.FunctionSpace(mesh, ufl.FiniteElement("P", ufl.triangle, 2))
    x, y = ufl.SpatialCoordinate(mesh)
    expr = x * y - y**2 + x
    W = V
    to_element = create_element(W.ufl_element())
    ast, oriented, needs_cell_sizes, coefficients, first_coeff_fake_coords, *_ = compile_expression_dual_evaluation(
        expr, to_element, coffee=False)
    assert first_coeff_fake_coords is True
Exemple #6
def test_ufl_only_shape_mismatch():
    mesh = ufl.Mesh(ufl.VectorElement("P", ufl.triangle, 1))
    V = ufl.FunctionSpace(mesh, ufl.FiniteElement("RT", ufl.triangle, 1))
    v = ufl.Coefficient(V)
    expr = ufl.inner(v, v)
    assert expr.ufl_shape == ()
    W = V
    to_element = create_element(W.ufl_element())
    assert to_element.value_shape == (2, )
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        ast, oriented, needs_cell_sizes, coefficients, first_coeff_fake_coords, *_ = compile_expression_dual_evaluation(
            expr, to_element, coffee=False)
Exemple #7
 def prolongation_transfer_kernel_action(Vf, expr):
     from tsfc import compile_expression_dual_evaluation
     from tsfc.finatinterface import create_element
     to_element = create_element(Vf.ufl_element())
     kernel = compile_expression_dual_evaluation(expr, to_element,
     ast = kernel.ast
     name = kernel.name
     flop_count = kernel.flop_count
     return op2.Kernel(ast,
Exemple #8
def prolongation_transfer_kernel_aij(Pk, P1):
    # Works for Pk, Pm; I just retain the notation
    # P1 to remind you that P1 is of lower degree
    # than Pk
    from tsfc import compile_expression_dual_evaluation
    from tsfc.finatinterface import create_base_element
    from firedrake import TestFunction

    expr = TestFunction(P1)
    to_element = create_base_element(Pk.ufl_element())

    ast, oriented, needs_cell_sizes, coefficients, first_coeff_fake_coords, _ = compile_expression_dual_evaluation(
        expr, to_element, coffee=False)
    kernel = op2.Kernel(ast, ast.name)
    return kernel
Exemple #9
def prolongation_transfer_kernel_aij(Pk, P1):
    # Works for Pk, Pm; I just retain the notation
    # P1 to remind you that P1 is of lower degree
    # than Pk
    from tsfc import compile_expression_dual_evaluation
    from tsfc.finatinterface import create_element
    from firedrake import TestFunction

    expr = TestFunction(P1)
    to_element = create_element(Pk.ufl_element())

    kernel = compile_expression_dual_evaluation(expr, to_element,
    ast = kernel.ast
    name = kernel.name
    flop_count = kernel.flop_count
    return op2.Kernel(ast,
Exemple #10
def _interpolator(V, tensor, expr, subset, arguments, access):
        to_element = create_base_element(V.ufl_element())
    except KeyError:
        # FInAT only elements
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "Don't know how to create FIAT element for %s" % V.ufl_element())

    if access is op2.READ:
        raise ValueError("Can't have READ access for output function")

    if len(expr.ufl_shape) != len(V.ufl_element().value_shape()):
        raise RuntimeError(
            'Rank mismatch: Expression rank %d, FunctionSpace rank %d' %
            (len(expr.ufl_shape), len(V.ufl_element().value_shape())))

    if expr.ufl_shape != V.ufl_element().value_shape():
        raise RuntimeError(
            'Shape mismatch: Expression shape %r, FunctionSpace shape %r' %
            (expr.ufl_shape, V.ufl_element().value_shape()))

    mesh = V.ufl_domain()
    coords = mesh.coordinates

    if not isinstance(expr, firedrake.Expression):
        if expr.ufl_domain() and expr.ufl_domain() != V.mesh():
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "Interpolation onto another mesh not supported.")
        ast, oriented, needs_cell_sizes, coefficients, _ = compile_expression_dual_evaluation(
            expr, to_element, coords, domain=V.mesh(), coffee=False)
        kernel = op2.Kernel(ast,
    elif hasattr(expr, "eval"):
        to_pts = []
        for dual in to_element.fiat_equivalent.dual_basis():
            if not isinstance(dual, FIAT.functional.PointEvaluation):
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    "Can only interpolate Python kernels with Lagrange elements"
            pts, = dual.pt_dict.keys()

        kernel, oriented, needs_cell_sizes, coefficients = compile_python_kernel(
            expr, to_pts, to_element, V, coords)
        raise RuntimeError(
            "Attempting to evaluate an Expression which has no value.")

    cell_set = coords.cell_set
    if subset is not None:
        assert subset.superset == cell_set
        cell_set = subset
    parloop_args = [kernel, cell_set]

    if tensor in set((c.dat for c in coefficients)):
        output = tensor
        tensor = op2.Dat(tensor.dataset)
        if access is not op2.WRITE:
            copyin = (partial(output.copy, tensor), )
            copyin = ()
        copyout = (partial(tensor.copy, output), )
        copyin = ()
        copyout = ()
    if isinstance(tensor, op2.Global):
    elif isinstance(tensor, op2.Dat):
        parloop_args.append(tensor(access, V.cell_node_map()))
        assert access == op2.WRITE  # Other access descriptors not done for Matrices.
            tensor(op2.WRITE, (V.cell_node_map(),
    if oriented:
        co = mesh.cell_orientations()
        parloop_args.append(co.dat(op2.READ, co.cell_node_map()))
    if needs_cell_sizes:
        cs = mesh.cell_sizes
        parloop_args.append(cs.dat(op2.READ, cs.cell_node_map()))
    for coefficient in coefficients:
        m_ = coefficient.cell_node_map()
        parloop_args.append(coefficient.dat(op2.READ, m_))

    for o in coefficients:
        domain = o.ufl_domain()
        if domain is not None and domain.topology != mesh.topology:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "Interpolation onto another mesh not supported.")

    parloop = op2.ParLoop(*parloop_args).compute
    if isinstance(tensor, op2.Mat):
        return parloop, tensor.assemble
        return copyin + (parloop, ) + copyout
Exemple #11
def _interpolator(V, tensor, expr, subset, arguments, access):
        expr = ufl.as_ufl(expr)
    except ufl.UFLException:
        raise ValueError("Expecting to interpolate a UFL expression")
        to_element = create_element(V.ufl_element())
    except KeyError:
        # FInAT only elements
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "Don't know how to create FIAT element for %s" % V.ufl_element())

    if access is op2.READ:
        raise ValueError("Can't have READ access for output function")

    if len(expr.ufl_shape) != len(V.ufl_element().value_shape()):
        raise RuntimeError(
            'Rank mismatch: Expression rank %d, FunctionSpace rank %d' %
            (len(expr.ufl_shape), len(V.ufl_element().value_shape())))

    if expr.ufl_shape != V.ufl_element().value_shape():
        raise RuntimeError(
            'Shape mismatch: Expression shape %r, FunctionSpace shape %r' %
            (expr.ufl_shape, V.ufl_element().value_shape()))

    # NOTE: The par_loop is always over the target mesh cells.
    target_mesh = V.ufl_domain()
    source_mesh = expr.ufl_domain() or target_mesh

    if target_mesh is not source_mesh:
        if not isinstance(target_mesh.topology,
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "Can only interpolate onto a Vertex Only Mesh")
        if target_mesh.geometric_dimension(
        ) != source_mesh.geometric_dimension():
            raise ValueError(
                "Cannot interpolate onto a mesh of a different geometric dimension"
        if not hasattr(
                "_parent_mesh") or target_mesh._parent_mesh is not source_mesh:
            raise ValueError(
                "Can only interpolate across meshes where the source mesh is the parent of the target"
        # For trans-mesh interpolation we use a FInAT QuadratureElement as the
        # (base) target element with runtime point set expressions as their
        # quadrature rule point set and weights from their dual basis.
        # NOTE: This setup is useful for thinking about future design - in the
        # future this `rebuild` function can be absorbed into FInAT as a
        # transformer that eats an element and gives you an equivalent (which
        # may or may not be a QuadratureElement) that lets you do run time
        # tabulation. Alternatively (and this all depends on future design
        # decision about FInAT how dual evaluation should work) the
        # to_element's dual basis (which look rather like quadrature rules) can
        # have their pointset(s) directly replaced with run-time tabulated
        # equivalent(s) (i.e. finat.point_set.UnknownPointSet(s))
        rt_var_name = 'rt_X'
        to_element = rebuild(to_element, expr, rt_var_name)

    parameters = {}
    parameters['scalar_type'] = utils.ScalarType

    # We need to pass both the ufl element and the finat element
    # because the finat elements might not have the right mapping
    # (e.g. L2 Piola, or tensor element with symmetries)
    # FIXME: for the runtime unknown point set (for cross-mesh
    # interpolation) we have to pass the finat element we construct
    # here. Ideally we would only pass the UFL element through.
    kernel = compile_expression_dual_evaluation(expr,
    ast = kernel.ast
    oriented = kernel.oriented
    needs_cell_sizes = kernel.needs_cell_sizes
    coefficients = kernel.coefficients
    first_coeff_fake_coords = kernel.first_coefficient_fake_coords
    name = kernel.name
    kernel = op2.Kernel(ast,
    cell_set = target_mesh.cell_set
    if subset is not None:
        assert subset.superset == cell_set
        cell_set = subset
    parloop_args = [kernel, cell_set]

    if first_coeff_fake_coords:
        # Replace with real source mesh coordinates
        coefficients[0] = source_mesh.coordinates

    if target_mesh is not source_mesh:
        # NOTE: TSFC will sometimes drop run-time arguments in generated
        # kernels if they are deemed not-necessary.
        # FIXME: Checking for argument name in the inner kernel to decide
        # whether to add an extra coefficient is a stopgap until
        # compile_expression_dual_evaluation
        #   (a) outputs a coefficient map to indicate argument ordering in
        #       parloops as `compile_form` does and
        #   (b) allows the dual evaluation related coefficients to be supplied to
        #       them rather than having to be added post-hoc (likely by
        #       replacing `to_element` with a CoFunction/CoArgument as the
        #       target `dual` which would contain `dual` related
        #       coefficient(s))
        if rt_var_name in [arg.name for arg in kernel.code[name].args]:
            # Add the coordinates of the target mesh quadrature points in the
            # source mesh's reference cell as an extra argument for the inner
            # loop. (With a vertex only mesh this is a single point for each
            # vertex cell.)

    if tensor in set((c.dat for c in coefficients)):
        output = tensor
        tensor = op2.Dat(tensor.dataset)
        if access is not op2.WRITE:
            copyin = (partial(output.copy, tensor), )
            copyin = ()
        copyout = (partial(tensor.copy, output), )
        copyin = ()
        copyout = ()
    if isinstance(tensor, op2.Global):
    elif isinstance(tensor, op2.Dat):
        parloop_args.append(tensor(access, V.cell_node_map()))
        assert access == op2.WRITE  # Other access descriptors not done for Matrices.
        rows_map = V.cell_node_map()
        columns_map = arguments[0].function_space().cell_node_map()
        if target_mesh is not source_mesh:
            # Since the par_loop is over the target mesh cells we need to
            # compose a map that takes us from target mesh cells to the
            # function space nodes on the source mesh.
            columns_map = compose_map_and_cache(
                target_mesh.cell_parent_cell_map, columns_map)
        parloop_args.append(tensor(op2.WRITE, (rows_map, columns_map)))
    if oriented:
        co = target_mesh.cell_orientations()
        parloop_args.append(co.dat(op2.READ, co.cell_node_map()))
    if needs_cell_sizes:
        cs = target_mesh.cell_sizes
        parloop_args.append(cs.dat(op2.READ, cs.cell_node_map()))
    for coefficient in coefficients:
        coeff_mesh = coefficient.ufl_domain()
        if coeff_mesh is target_mesh or not coeff_mesh:
            # NOTE: coeff_mesh is None is allowed e.g. when interpolating from
            # a Real space
            m_ = coefficient.cell_node_map()
        elif coeff_mesh is source_mesh:
            if coefficient.cell_node_map():
                # Since the par_loop is over the target mesh cells we need to
                # compose a map that takes us from target mesh cells to the
                # function space nodes on the source mesh.
                m_ = compose_map_and_cache(target_mesh.cell_parent_cell_map,
                # m_ is allowed to be None when interpolating from a Real space,
                # even in the trans-mesh case.
                m_ = coefficient.cell_node_map()
            raise ValueError("Have coefficient with unexpected mesh")
        parloop_args.append(coefficient.dat(op2.READ, m_))

    parloop = op2.ParLoop(*parloop_args)
    parloop_compute_callable = parloop.compute
    if isinstance(tensor, op2.Mat):
        return parloop_compute_callable, tensor.assemble
        return copyin + (parloop_compute_callable, ) + copyout