Exemple #1
    def update_curves(self, dates):
        """ Update ``self.yield_curves`` with the yield curves of each date in `dates`.

        dates: list of QuantLib.Dates
        dates = to_list(dates)

        for date in dates:
            date = to_ql_date(date)
            ql.Settings.instance().evaluationDate = date

            helpers_dict = self._get_helpers(date)

            # Instantiate the curve
            helpers = [ndhelper.helper for ndhelper in helpers_dict.values()]
            # Just bootstrapping the nodes
            hazard_curve = ql.PiecewiseFlatHazardRate(date, helpers,
            hazard_dates = hazard_curve.dates()
            hazard_rates = [
                hazard_curve.hazardRate(h_date) for h_date in hazard_dates

            hazard_curve = ql.HazardRateCurve(hazard_dates, hazard_rates,
                                              self.day_counter, self.calendar)

            self.hazard_curves[date] = hazard_curve
Exemple #2
    def update_curves(self, dates):

        dates = to_list(dates)
        for date in dates:
            date = to_ql_date(date)

            ql.Settings.instance().evaluationDate = date
            spread_dict = dict()
            if self.spreads_ts_collection is not None:
                for ts in self.spreads_ts_collection:
                    maturity = ts.maturity(date=date)
                    rate = ts.spread_rate(date=date).equivalentRate(
                        self.day_counter, self.compounding, self.frequency,
                        date, maturity).rate()
                    spread_dict[maturity] = ql.SimpleQuote(rate)
            elif self.spreads is not None:
                # passing the dict with dates and simple quotes directly.
                spread_dict = self.spreads

            date_list = list()
            spread_list = list()
            for maturity in sorted(spread_dict.keys()):

            curve_handle = ql.YieldTermStructureHandle(
            spread_curve = ql.SpreadedLinearZeroInterpolatedTermStructure(
                curve_handle, spread_list, date_list, self.compounding,
                self.frequency, self.day_counter)

            self.spreaded_curves[date] = spread_curve
Exemple #3
    def update_curves(self, dates):
        """ Update ``self.yield_curves`` with the yield curves of each date in `dates`.

        dates: QuantLib.Date or list of QuantLib.Date
            The curve dates to be interpolated

        dates = to_list(dates)

        for date in dates:
            date = to_ql_date(date)
            ql.Settings.instance().evaluationDate = date
            helpers_dict = self._get_helpers(date)
            # Instantiate the curve
            helpers = [ndhelper.helper for ndhelper in helpers_dict.values()]
            # Bootstrapping the nodes
            yield_curve = to_ql_piecewise_curve(
            # Here you can choose if you want to use the curve linked to the helpers or a frozen curve.
            # Freezing the curve is needed when you are changing exclusively the global evaluation date,
            # QuantLib helpers don't understand that only the evaluation date is changing and end up using
            # the stored spot rates instead of the implied forward rates.
            # Not freezing the curves is useful when you are changing the underlying prices of the helpers, this way
            # the curve will update accordingly to the changes in the helpers.
            if self.freeze_curves:
                node_dates = yield_curve.dates()
                node_rates = [
                    yield_curve.zeroRate(node_date, self.day_counter,
                                         ql.Continuous, ql.NoFrequency).rate()
                    for node_date in node_dates
                yield_curve = to_ql_interpolated_curve(
            if self.enable_extrapolation:
            self.yield_curves[date] = yield_curve
    def __init__(self, process_list, correlation_matrix, start_date, end_date, tenor='1D', calendar='NULL',
                 day_counter='ACTUAL365', low_discrepancy=False, brownian_bridge=True, seed=0):

        :param process_list: list of QuantLib.StochasticProcess1D
            A list with the QuantLib class of the stochastic process
        :param correlation_matrix: list
            A list with the correlation matrix.
        :param start_date: QuantLib.Date
            The start date of the path
        :param end_date: QuantLib.Date
            The end date of the path
        :param tenor: str
            The fixed interval used for path generation. Default '1D', daily intervals.
        :param calendar: str
            The calendar code of the calendar to be used. Default 'NULL'.
        :param day_counter: str
            The day count of the path. Default 'ACTUAL365'
        :param low_discrepancy: bool
            Used to choose the type of Gaussian Sequence Generator.
        :param seed: int
            Used to fix a certain seed of the random number.
        self.process_list = to_list(process_list)
        self.correlation_matrix = correlation_matrix
        self.start_date = to_ql_date(start_date)
        self.end_date = to_ql_date(end_date)
        self.tenor = tenor.upper()
        self.calendar = calendar.upper()
        self.day_counter = day_counter.upper()
        self.time_grid = TimeGrid(self.start_date, self.end_date, self.tenor, self.calendar, self.day_counter)
        self.low_discrepancy = low_discrepancy
        self.brownian_bridge = brownian_bridge
        self.seed = seed
        if len(self.process_list) == 1:
            self.process = process_list[0]
        elif len(self.process_list) > 1:
            self.process = ql.StochasticProcessArray(self.process_list, self.correlation_matrix)
            raise print("No process")
Exemple #5
def create_call_component(call_date, call_price, main_bond_schedule, calendar,
                          business_convention, tenor, date_generation,
                          month_end, settlement_days, face_amount, day_counter,
                          issue_date, index, fixed_coupon_len, fixed_coupon,
                          floating_coupon, caps, floors, in_arrears):
    """Create a QuantLib fixed-rate or zero-coupon bond instance for the ``components`` dict of callable bond.

    call_date: QuantLib.Date
        Maturity of the component bond.
    call_price: scalar
        Redemption price of the component bond.
    main_bond_schedule: QuantLib.Schedule
        Cash-flow schedule of the parent bond.
    calendar: QuantLib.Calendar
        Calendar of the parent bond.
    business_convention: int
        Business-day convention of the parent bond.
    tenor: QuantLib.Period
        Coupon payment frequency of the parent bond.
    date_generation: QuantLib.DateGeneration
        Date-generation pattern of the parent bond's schedule.
    month_end: bool
        End of month parameter of the parent bond's schedule.
    settlement_days: int
        Default settlement days for trades in the parent bond.
    face_amount: scalar
        Face amount of the parent bond.
    day_counter: QuantLib.DayCounter
        DayCounter of the parent bond.
    issue_date: QuantLib.Date
        Issue date of the parent bond.
    index: QuantLib.IborIndex
        Index used for fixings
    fixed_coupon_len: int
        The number of coupon payments of the fixed leg
    fixed_coupon: list
        A list with the fixed coupon value(s)
    floating_coupon: list
        A list with the floating coupon value(s)
    caps: list
        A list with the coupon max value
    floors: list
        A list with the coupon min value
    in_arrears: bool

        Bond representing a component of the parent bond, with the passed call date and price.

    fixed_coupon = to_list(fixed_coupon)
    floating_coupon = to_list(floating_coupon)
    schedule = create_schedule_for_component(call_date, main_bond_schedule,
                                             calendar, business_convention,
                                             tenor, date_generation, month_end)
    floating_coupon_len = len(schedule) - fixed_coupon_len - 1
    gearings = [0] * fixed_coupon_len + [1] * floating_coupon_len
    spreads = fixed_coupon * fixed_coupon_len + floating_coupon * floating_coupon_len
    return ql.FloatingRateBond(settlement_days, face_amount, schedule, index,
                               day_counter, business_convention,
                               index.fixingDays(), gearings, spreads, caps,
                               floors, in_arrears, call_price, issue_date)
    def ts_implied_volatility(self, date, last_available=False, fill_value=np.nan):

        date = to_datetime(to_list(date))
        return getattr(self.timeseries, IMPLIED_VOL).get_values(index=date, last_available=last_available,
    def ts_mid_price(self, date, last_available=True, fill_value=np.nan):

        date = to_datetime(to_list(date))
        return getattr(self.timeseries, MID_PRICE).get_values(index=date, last_available=last_available,