Exemple #1
    def test_modify_path_first_node(self):

        tsp1 = tsp(
            [[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8], [9, 10, 11, 12], [200, 14, 15, 16]],
            12, 13)
        init_cost = 2 + 7 + 12 + 200
        tsp1.path = [0, 1, 2, 3, 0]
        nodes = (0, 1)
        tsp1.cost = tsp1.calc_cost()

        new_cost = 5 + 3 + 12 + 14
        self.assertEqual(tsp1.cost, new_cost)
        self.assertEqual(tsp1.path, [1, 0, 2, 3, 1])

        tsp1 = tsp(
            [[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8], [9, 10, 11, 12], [200, 14, 15, 16]],
            12, 13)
        init_cost = 2 + 7 + 12 + 200
        tsp1.path = [0, 1, 2, 3, 0]
        nodes = (1, 0)
        tsp1.cost = tsp1.calc_cost()

        new_cost = 5 + 3 + 12 + 14
        self.assertEqual(tsp1.cost, new_cost)
        self.assertEqual(tsp1.path, [1, 0, 2, 3, 1])
Exemple #2
def opt_road(points):
    points = points.numpy()
    if points.ndim == 2:
        solution = tsp.tsp(points)
        roads = np.array(solution[1])
        return roads
    batch = points.shape[0]
    roads = []
    for i in range(batch):
        solution = tsp.tsp(points[i])
    return np.array(roads)
Exemple #3
    def _run(self):
        # 读出选择的城市与起始城市
        selected = [item.get() for item in self.v]
        if selected[-1]:
            selected = [1] * (len(selected) - 1)
            del selected[-1]
            start_city = int(self.textStr.get())
        except ValueError:
            start_city = -1

        if sum(selected) <= 2:
            self.show_dis['text'] = 'Error: 城市数过少'

        input_cities = []
        for i in range(len(self.cities)):
            if selected[i]:
                if start_city == -1:
                    start_city = i

        # 计算并绘制图像
        self.show_dis['text'] = '计算中'
        ans = tsp(input_cities)
        self.draw_ans(input_cities, ans.dna)
        self.show_dis['text'] = 'distance: {}'.format(ans.distance)
Exemple #4
 def optimize(self):
     r = range(self.size)
     dist = {(i, j): self.graph[i][j] for i in r for j in r}
     t = tsp.tsp(r, dist)
     dist = t[0]  # shortest distance
     path = t[1]  # path
     return dist, path
Exemple #5
def solve_it(input_data):
    # Modify this code to run your optimization algorithm

    # parse the input
    lines = input_data.split('\n')

    nodeCount = int(lines[0])

    points = []
    for i in range(1, nodeCount+1):
        line = lines[i]
        parts = line.split()
        points.append(Point(float(parts[0]), float(parts[1])))

    # build a trivial solution
    # visit the nodes in the order they appear in the file
    import tsp
    solution = tsp.tsp(points)
    # solution = range(0, nodeCount)

    # calculate the length of the tour
    obj = length(points[solution[-1]], points[solution[0]])
    for index in range(0, nodeCount-1):
        obj += length(points[solution[index]], points[solution[index+1]])

    # prepare the solution in the specified output format
    output_data = str(obj) + ' ' + str(0) + '\n'
    output_data += ' '.join(map(str, solution))

    return output_data
def TSPWithStartAndEnd(distances, sites, start, end):

    for stop in sites:
        distances[("dummy", stop)] = BIGVALUE
        distances[(stop, "dummy")] = BIGVALUE
    distances[("dummy", "dummy")] = 0

    distances[("dummy", start)] = 0
    distances[(end, "dummy")] = 0

    newDistances = {}

    for i in range(len(sites)):
        for j in range(len(sites)):
            newDistances[(i, j)] = distances[(sites[i], sites[j])]

    tspResults = tsp.tsp(list(range(len(sites))), newDistances)
    route = tspResults[1]
    cost = tspResults[0]
    route = [sites[x] for x in route]
    routeNoDummy = route[route.index("dummy") +
                         1:] + route[:route.index("dummy"):]

    return routeNoDummy, cost
Exemple #7
def test(points, baseline_path, short_path):
    """Test the tsp function on points.
    baseline_path is the length of a simple solution.
    short_path is the length of a good solution.
    Your solution should run for at most 30 seconds
    and should return a path of length less than than baseline_path
    (the only exception is when baseline_path is almost equal to short_path;
    in this case, it is OK to return a path of similar length).
    The score you get depends on how short your path is. The score is the returned value of the function.
    print("Baseline path: ", baseline_path)
    print("Short path: ", short_path)
    n = points[0]

    path = tsp(points)
    assert len(path) == n + 1, "The route must contain n + 1 points."
    assert path[0] == 1 == path[-1], "The route should start and end at point 1."
    assert set(path) == set(range(1, n + 1)), "The route must contain all n points."

    length = get_length(path, points)
    print("Your path: ", length)
    if length <= short_path + 0.00001: # If your path is just slightly longer than short_path or shorter, you get 10. 
        return 10.0    
    if length >= baseline_path: # If it is the same as the baseline or longer, you get 1.
        return 1
    # Otherwise, the number of points you get depends on how close your path is to short_path.
    return math.ceil((baseline_path-length) / (baseline_path-short_path) * 10)
Exemple #8
def travel(city1, city2):
    print('Provide input 0 anytime to reset\n')
    print('Mode of Transport\n1. Train\n2. Flight\n3. Bus\n')
    userInput = int(input())
    print('Looking for Hotel Price\n')
    print('Averaging City Travel Cost')
    print('Cheking CAB Rates')
    print('Cab rate is INR 50 for first 2 KM rest INR 30/KM')
    print('These are the Famous Destinations in Mumbai : \n')
    print('Applying TSP Algorithm\n')
    r = range(len(mumbai))
    dist = {(i, j): mumbai[i][j] for i in r for j in r}
    sol = tsp.tsp(r, dist)
    ans = ''
    for i in sol[1]:
        ans += mumbaiDest[str(i)] + ' -> '
    print('This could be your path : \n')
    print('Calculating your Total Cost now :\n')
    print('Total Cost in INR : ', 1800 + 2700 + 3500)
    print('Script Ended')
def gaussian():
    maximum_baseline_m = 200.0e3
    mean = [0.0, 0.0]
    rho = 0.0  # correlation between x and y
    sigma_x = 1.0
    sigma_y = 1.0
    cov = [[sigma_x ** 2, rho * sigma_x * sigma_y], [rho * sigma_y * sigma_x, sigma_y ** 2]]
    num_points = 50
    samples = numpy.random.multivariate_normal(mean, cov, num_points)

    points = list()
    for s in samples:
    t = tsp.tsp(points)

    # Plotting
    xy_extent = numpy.abs(samples).max()
    fig = pyplot.figure(figsize=(8, 8))
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    ax.plot(samples[:, 0], samples[:, 1], ".")
    circle = pyplot.Circle((0, 0), xy_extent, color="r", fill=False, alpha=1.0, linewidth=1.0, linestyle="--")
    ax.set_xlim(-xy_extent * 1.1, xy_extent * 1.1)
    ax.set_ylim(-xy_extent * 1.1, xy_extent * 1.1)
Exemple #10
 def testInitialization(self):
     with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
         tsp([[12]], 'test', 23.4)  #tests temp
     with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
         tsp([[12]], 12, 'test')  #tests beta
     with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
         tsp({'hi': 12, 'no': 12}, 23.523, 1)  #tests distance matrix
     with self.assertRaises(IndexError):
         tsp([12.2, 31, 2, 3], 1, 24.3)  #tests for list of
Exemple #11
 def test_choose_nodes(self):
     tspA = tsp([[12, 13, 14], [12, 121, 2], [1, 2, 3]], 12, 13)
     tspA.path = tspA.generate_random_path()
     node1, node2 = tspA.choose_nodes()
     truth = (node1 == 0 or node1 == 1
              or node1 == 2) and (node2 == 0 or node2 == 1
                                  or node2 == 2) and (node1 != node2)
def construct_tsp(costs):
        "Solving traveling salesman problem. Did you know this is NP-hard? COME ON, GIVE ME A SEC!"
    r = range(len(costs))
    dist = {(i, j): costs[i][j] for i in r for j in r}
    tsp_result = tsp.tsp(r, dist)
    return tsp_result[1]
Exemple #13
def hello_world(mat):
    r = range(len(mat))
    # Dictionary of distance
    dist = {(i, j): mat[i][j] for i in r for j in r}
    a = tsp.tsp(r, dist)
    b = json.dumps({"answer": [str(x) for x in a[1][1:-1]]})
    return json.dumps({"answer": [str(x) for x in a[1][1:-1]]})
 def test_assigment(self):
     test_cases_path = 'shortest_path_revisited_np_problems/week2/assigment/'
     test__files = get_test_inputs(test_cases_path)
     for test_input in test__files:
         print("Testing Assigment: " + test_input)
         test_case = read_graph(test_input, sep=" ")
         test_result = tsp(test_case)
         final_answer = get_assignment_answer(test_result)
         print("Assigment {} Answer: {}".format(test_input, final_answer))
         print("Test OK")
 def test_cousera_test_cases(self):
     test_cases_path = 'shortest_path_revisited_np_problems/week2/test_cases/'
     test__files = get_test_inputs(test_cases_path)
     for test_input in test__files:
         print("Testing " + test_input)
         test_case = read_graph(test_input, sep=" ")
         expected = read_output(test_input)
         test_result = tsp(test_case)
         final_answer = get_assignment_answer(test_result)
         self.assertEqual(expected, final_answer)
         print("Test OK")
Exemple #16
def uhc(inString):
    graph = Graph(inString, weighted=False, directed=False)
    # If there are two vertices, our conversion won't work correctly,
    # so treat this as a special case.
    if len(graph) == 2:
        return 'no'
    # Convert to an equivalent weighted graph.
    newGraphString = str(graph)
    cycle = tsp(newGraphString)
    return cycle
Exemple #17
    def get(self):
        loc = self.request.GET['loc']
        r, wps = tsp(loc)

        logging.info("r {0}".format(r))

        s = "/".join(r)

        s = "https://www.google.com/maps/dir/" + s

        self.response.write('<a href="{0}">{0}</a>'.format(s))
Exemple #18
def TSP_clusters(cost_matrix):
    r = range(len(cost_matrix))
    # Dictionary of distance
    dist = {(i, j): cost_matrix[i][j] for i in r for j in r}
    l = tsp.tsp(r, dist)
    first = l[1][0]
    last = l[1][-1]
    d = l[0] - cost_matrix[last][first]
    for i in range(len(l[1])):
        l[1][i] = l[1][i] + 1
    ret = [l[1], d]  #path, distance
    return ret
Exemple #19
    def generate_itinerary(self, pois, hotel_lat_lon=None):
        #assume hotel is dictionary of  in the style of {'latitude': 50.085133, 'longitude': 14.424776}
        #if not provided, the hotel is assumed to be at the mean location of the pois.
        #pois are list of pois generated by amadeus
        #result is a dictionary, that has:
        #    result['path'] is the path to be taken, indexed by pois
        #    result['travel_time'] is the matrix of travel times from a poi (row) to another poi (col). Note, indexes are shifted up by 1 due to hotel being added as index 0.
        #    result['dist_matrix'] is the distances matrix returned by google.

        if hotel_lat_lon is None:
            hotel_lat_lon = self.get_mean_location(pois)

        #convert pois to lat long
        poi_latlon = self.poi_latlon = [
            pois[i]['geoCode'] for i in range(len(pois))
        #saved for future reference

        full_latlon = [hotel_lat_lon] + poi_latlon
        num_of_points = len(full_latlon)

        #generate distance matrix from google
        dist_matrix = self.gmaps.distance_matrix(full_latlon,

        #generate summary of travel times (each number is the number of seconds of travel)
        travel_time = [[
            for d in range(num_of_points)
        ] for o in range(num_of_points)]

        #convert to dictionary
        r = range(len(travel_time))
        cost = {(i, j): travel_time[i][j] for i in r for j in r}

        #solve travelling salesman problem
        (totaltime, path) = tsp.tsp(r, cost)

        #correct index, because hotel was added at point 0
        poi_path = [loc - 1 for loc in path[1:]]

        result = dict()
        result['path'] = [int(x) for x in poi_path]
        result['dist_matrix'] = dist_matrix
        result['travel_time'] = travel_time

        logger.debug(f"itinerary {result}")

        result['travel_time'] = travel_time

        return result
def main():
    VRP_cost = 0
    VRP_Route = []
    for k in range(nber_of_vehicles):
        n = len(Repartition[1][k])
        res = str(Repartition[1][k])[1:-1]
        Intres = [int(u) for u in res if u.isdigit()]
        Intres.insert(0, depot)
        ResCity = [cityList[int(u)] for u in res if u.isdigit()]
        ResCity.insert(0, cityList[depot])
        for k in range(3):
            bestRoute = geneticAlgorithmPlot(population=ResCity,
            bestRouteList = []
            sX = []
            sY = []
            IndexRoute = []
            for j in range(len(bestRoute)):
                bestRouteList.append((bestRoute[j].x, bestRoute[j].y))
                #plotPath(sX, sY)
            agg = agg_matrix(crowd)
            Inv_Agg = np.zeros((n, n))

            for k in range(n):
                for j in range(n):
                    Inv_Agg[k, j] = 1 - sc.betaincinv(2.8, 3.2, agg[k, j] / n)

            r = range(n)
            dist = {(i, j): Inv_Agg[i, j] for i in r for j in r}
            aggRoute = tsp.tsp(r, dist)[1]
            sortedaggRoute = [Intres[i] for i in aggRoute]
            #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
            cost = 0
            for u in range(n - 1):
                cost += City.distance(ResCity[u], ResCity[u + 1])
            cost += City.distance(ResCity[n - 1], ResCity[0])
            #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
        VRP_cost += cost
        print(VRP_Route, VRP_cost)
Exemple #21
 def test_random(self):
         "\n \n \n BEGINNING FINAL TEST ------------------------ \n \n  \n")
     tsp1 = tsp([[200, 2, 300, 400], [500, 600, 2, 800],
                 [900, 100, 110, 12], [13, 142, 153, 116]],
     path = tsp1.find_path_random(num_its=10000)
     cost = tsp1.calc_cost(path)
     print("Final Path: " + str(path))
     print("Final Cost: " + str(cost))
     self.assertEqual(cost, 2 + 2 + 12 + 13)
def path(st_ll):
    df = pd.read_csv('db/datall.csv')
    df = df[1:]
    name = list(df['name'])
    lat = list(df['latitude'])
    lon = list(df['longitude'])
    name.insert(0, 'truck_starting_point')
    lat.insert(0, st_ll[0])
    lon.insert(0, st_ll[1])
    print(name, lat, lon)
    a = []
    a1 = []
    for i in range(len(name)):
        b = []
        for j in range(len(name)):
            b.append(name[i] + name[j])
            if (name[j] == name[-1]):
    for i in range(len(lat)):
        b1 = []
        for j in range(len(lat)):
            k = km(lat1=lat[i], lon1=lon[i], lat2=lat[j], lon2=lon[j])
            if (j == len(lat) - 1):

    r = range(len(a1))
    dist = {(i, j): a1[i][j] for i in r for j in r}
    print(tsp.tsp(r, dist))
    path = tsp.tsp(r, dist)
    path_length = path[0] + a1[len(name) - 1][0]
    path_f = [path_length, path[1]]
    graph1(lat=lat, lon=lon, name=name)
    graph2(lat=lat, lon=lon, name=name, path=path)
    return path_f
Exemple #23
def display_tsp(img_name):
    img_origin = cv2.imread(img_name, 2)
    for i in range(K):
    for i in range(len(X)):
    for i in range(K):
        print(i,"번째: ",list_tsp[i],len(list_tsp[i]))
    f1 = open("saved_data_k.txt", 'r')
    f2 = open("saved_data_sep.txt", 'r')
    K = int(f1.readline())
    X_label = f2.read()
    list_tsp = ast.literal_eval(X_label)
    tsped_point = []
    route_file = open('route.txt', 'w')
    for i in range(K):
        temp = []
        img = cv2.imread(img_name)
        color = list(np.random.random(size=3) * 255)

        tsp_path_adj = init_adj(list_tsp[i], img_name)
        '''for j in range(len(tsp_path_adj)):
        r = range(len(tsp_path_adj))
        # Dictionary of distance
        dist = {(m, j): tsp_path_adj[m][j] for m in r for j in r}
        path_len, path = tsp.tsp(r, dist)
        for j in range(len(path)):
            print(j, "번째:", path[j], list_tsp[i][j])

        for j in range(len(path) - 1):
            print(path[j], path[j + 1])
            route = (astar(img_origin, tuple(list_tsp[i][path[j]]),
                           tuple(list_tsp[i][path[j + 1]])))
            print("route:", route)
            for l, k in route:
                img[k][l] = color
        cv2.imwrite('route%d.png' % (i), img)
    print('출력: ' + str(tsped_point))
Exemple #24
    def test_modify_path_interior_nodes(self):
        tsp1 = tsp(
            [[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 300, 8], [9, 10, 11, 12], [13, 14, 15, 16]],
            12, 13)
        init_cost = 2 + 300 + 12 + 13
        tsp1.path = [0, 1, 2, 3, 0]
        nodes = (1, 2)
        tsp1.cost = tsp1.calc_cost()
        self.assertEqual(init_cost, tsp1.cost)

        new_cost = 3 + 10 + 8 + 13
        self.assertEqual(tsp1.cost, new_cost)
        self.assertEqual(tsp1.path, [0, 2, 1, 3, 0])
Exemple #25
    def get(self):

        if 'loc' not in self.request.GET:
            loc = '58.394146, 15.555303'
            loc = self.request.GET['loc']
        r, wps = tsp(loc)

        logging.info("r {0}".format(r))

        s = "/".join(r)

        s = "https://www.google.com/maps/dir/" + s

        template = env.get_template('map.html')
Exemple #26
def defined_route(location_list):
    args = list(location_list)
    location_list = "".join(args)
    args = str(location_list).split("$")
    gmaps = googlemaps.Client(key="AIzaSyDPhqx7w-aEmxQZyk3s2gKY9WaMZYqi1CQ")
    dict_latitude = {}
    dict_longitude = {}
    distance_dict = {}
    tsp_as_json = {}
    distance_bw2_matrix = []
    way_of_travel = []

    def get_distance(location_source, location_destination):
        distance_matrix = gmaps.distance_matrix(location_source,
        print distance_matrix
        if distance_matrix['rows'][0]['elements'][0][
                'status'] == 'ZERO_RESULTS':
            return "No results for " + distance_matrix['origin_addresses'][
                0] + " and " + distance_matrix['destination_addresses'][0]
            if "," in distance_matrix['rows'][0]['elements'][0]['distance'][
                    'text'].split(" ")[0]:
                temp = distance_matrix['rows'][0]['elements'][0]['distance'][
                    'text'].split(" ")[0].split(",")
                return float(temp[0] + temp[1])
                return float(distance_matrix['rows'][0]['elements'][0]
                             ['distance']['text'].split(" ")[0])

    for i in range(len(args)):
        for j in range(len(args)):
            if i == j:
                distance_bw2_matrix.append(get_distance(args[i], args[j]))
    distance_bw2_matrix = reshape(distance_bw2_matrix, (len(args), len(args)))
    r = range(len(distance_bw2_matrix))
    dist = {(i, j): distance_bw2_matrix[i][j] for i in r for j in r}
    tsp_list = list((tsp.tsp(r, dist)))
    for x in tsp_list[1]:
    tsp_as_json['distance'] = str(tsp_list[0])
    for x in range(1, len(way_of_travel) + 1):
        tsp_as_json[x] = str(way_of_travel[x - 1])
    return json.dumps(tsp_as_json)
    def tsp(self):
        # Edge case: check for no stitches
        if len(self.multi_node_graph) == 0:
            return 0

        # Dictionary of distance
        r = range(len(self.multi_node_graph))
        dist = {(i, j): self.multi_node_graph[i][j] for i in r for j in r}
        route_length, tour = tsp.tsp(r, dist)

        # Calculate excess distance -- every duplicate node needs distance
        excess = 0
        for v in self.pattern:
            excess += 2 * len(self.pattern[v])

        # Return length without excess
        return route_length - excess
Exemple #28
    def run(self, matriz):
        r = range(len(matriz))
        # Dicionário de distâncias
        dist = {}
        for i in r:
            dist[(i, i)] = 0
            for j, valor in enumerate(matriz[i]):
                dist[(i, j + i + 1)] = valor
                dist[(j + i + 1, i)] = valor

        s = range(len(matriz) + 1)
        startTime = time.time()
        result = tsp.tsp(s, dist)
        execTime = time.time() - startTime
        tsp_lista = result[1]
        tsp_resultante = [x + 1 for x in tsp_lista]
        return execTime, int(result[0]), tsp_resultante
def solve_it(input_data, method="", oporation="", solo=False, default=True):
    # Modify this code to run your optimization algorithm

    # parse the input
    lines = input_data.split('\n')

    nodeCount = int(lines[0])

    points = []
    for i in range(1, nodeCount + 1):
        line = lines[i]
        parts = line.split()
        points.append(Point(float(parts[0]), float(parts[1])))
    if len(points) > 30000 and default:
        return greedy(points)

    NPproblem_tsp = tsp.tsp(points)
    if default:
        if len(points) > 200:
            approx = NPproblem_tsp.christofides()
            return print_solution(NPproblem_tsp, approx, "simulatedAnneling")
            approx = NPproblem_tsp.gurobi_method()
            return approx

    if method == 'approximation2':
        approx = NPproblem_tsp.approximation2()
    elif method == 'christofides':
        approx = NPproblem_tsp.christofides()
    elif method == 'antSystem':
        Hormigas = AntSystem.AntSystem(points, 1, 2, 0.02, 10, nodeCount,
        algo = Hormigas.calcule_route()
        return verbose(algo[1], algo[0])
    elif method == 'gurobi':
        approx = NPproblem_tsp.gurobi_method()
        return approx
        approx = NPproblem_tsp.christofides()
    if solo:
        return verbose(approx[1], approx[0])
        return print_solution(NPproblem_tsp, approx, oporation)
def simulate_routes(field_size,num_groups,num_stops):
    ''' Return a dict routes, containing a list of coordinates for a survey tour for each group. '''

    found_valid_route = False
    while not found_valid_route:
        # first choose random points across the fields
        all_stops = numpy.random.rand(num_stops,2)
        all_stops[:,0] = all_stops[:,0]*field_size[0] 
        all_stops[:,1] = all_stops[:,1]*field_size[1] 
        centroids = numpy.random.rand(num_groups,2)
        centroids[:,0] = centroids[:,0]*field_size[0] 
        centroids[:,1] = centroids[:,1]*field_size[1] 
        # split the points up into three groups, according to nearest among three points.
        # (split the field up according to a voronoi diagram)
        stops_in_group = {}
        origin = numpy.array([field_size[0]/2, field_size[1]/2])
        for g in range(num_groups):
            stops_in_group[g] = [origin]
        for s in range(num_stops):
            dists = numpy.zeros(num_groups)
            for g in range(num_groups):
                delta = all_stops[s,:] - centroids[g,:]
                dists[g] = numpy.dot(delta,delta)
        # order the points in each group by solving a small TSP
        routes = {}
        for g in range(num_groups):
            route_indices = numpy.array(tsp.tsp(stops_in_group[g]))
            routes[g] = numpy.array(stops_in_group[g])
            start_index = numpy.nonzero(route_indices==0)[0][0]
            indices_in_order = route_indices[start_index:len(route_indices)]
            indices_in_order = numpy.append(indices_in_order,route_indices[0:start_index+1])
            routes[g] = routes[g][indices_in_order,:]

        # check that all routes are non-trivial
        found_valid_route = True
        for g in range(num_groups):
            if len(routes[g][:,0])<4:
                found_valid_route = False

    return routes
Exemple #31
def defined_route(location_list):
	args = []
	args = str(location_list).split(",")
	gmaps = googlemaps.Client(key = "Your api key.")
	dict_latitude = {}
	dict_longitude = {}
	distance_dict = {}
	tsp_as_json = {}
	distance_bw2_matrix = [] 
	way_of_travel = []
	for x in range(len(args)):
		geocode_result = gmaps.geocode(args[x])
		latitude = geocode_result[0]['geometry']['location']['lat']
		longitude = geocode_result[0]['geometry']['location']['lng']
		dict_latitude[args[x]] = latitude
		dict_longitude[args[x]] = longitude

	def get_distance(location_source, location_destination):	
		distance_matrix = gmaps.distance_matrix(location_source, location_destination)
		if distance_matrix['rows'][0]['elements'][0]['status'] == 'ZERO_RESULTS':
			return "No results for " + distance_matrix['origin_addresses'][0] + " and " + distance_matrix['destination_addresses'][0]
			if "," in distance_matrix['rows'][0]['elements'][0]['distance']['text'].split(" ")[0]:
				temp = distance_matrix['rows'][0]['elements'][0]['distance']['text'].split(" ")[0].split(",")
				return float(temp[0]+temp[1])
				return float(distance_matrix['rows'][0]['elements'][0]['distance']['text'].split(" ")[0])

	for i in range(len(args)):
		for j in range(len(args)):
			if i==j:
				distance_bw2_matrix.append(get_distance(args[i], args[j]))
	distance_bw2_matrix = reshape(distance_bw2_matrix,(len(args),len(args)))
	r = range(len(distance_bw2_matrix))
	dist = {(i, j): distance_bw2_matrix[i][j] for i in r for j in r}
	tsp_list = list((tsp.tsp(r, dist)))
	for x in tsp_list[1]:
	tsp_as_json['distance'] = str(tsp_list[0])
	tsp_as_json['way_of_travel'] = str(way_of_travel)
	return json.dumps(tsp_as_json)	
Exemple #32
def koordinates(n):
    ls = []
    if n == 1:
        x = input("Adjon meg egy koordinátát','-vel elválasztva:")
    if n == 2:
        for i in range(n):
            x = input("Adjon meg egy koordinátát','-vel elválasztva:")
    if n == 3:
            a = input("Adjon meg egy koordinátát','-vel elválasztva:")
            ax ,ay = a.split(",")
            ax = int(ax)
            ay = int(ay)
            b = input("Adjon meg egy koordinátát','-vel elválasztva:")
            bx,by = b.split(",")
            bx = int(bx)
            by = int(by)
            c = input("Adjon meg egy koordinátát','-vel elválasztva:")
            cx, cy = c.split(",")
            cx = int(cx)
            cy= int(cy)
            s1 = min(abs(ax - bx),abs(ay - by))
            s2 = min(abs(ax-cx),abs(ay-cy))
            s3 = min(abs(bx-cx),abs(by-cy))
            ls = [s1,s2,s3]
            if max(ls) ==  s1:
            if max(ls) == s2:
            if max(ls) == s3:
        for i in range(n):
            x = input("Adjon meg egy koordinátát','-vel elválasztva:")
            z,y = x.split(",")
        t = tsp.tsp(tuple(ls))
        t = t[1]
        for i in t:
def tspPath(inString):
    graphStr, source, dest = [x.strip() for x in inString.split(";")]
    graph = Graph(graphStr, weighted=True, directed=False)

    # If there are two vertices, our conversion won't work correctly,
    # so treat this as a special case.
    if len(graph) == 2:
        if graph.containsEdge(Edge([source, dest])):
            return str(Path([source, dest]))
            return 'no'

    # add an overwhelmingly negative edge from source to dest, thus
    # forcing that to be part of a shortest Ham cycle.
    sumOfWeights = graph.sumEdgeWeights()
    fakeEdge = Edge([source, dest])
    if graph.containsEdge(fakeEdge) == True:
    graph.addEdge(fakeEdge, -sumOfWeights)
    tspSoln = tsp(str(graph))
    # print('graph', graph)
    # print('tspSoln', tspSoln)
    if tspSoln == 'no':
        return 'no'

    # convert from string to Path object
    tspSoln = Path.fromString(tspSoln)

    rotatedSoln = tspSoln.rotateToFront(source)
    if rotatedSoln[-1] != dest:
        # Probably oriented the wrong way (or else fakeEdge wasn't
        # used -- see below). Reverse then rotate source to front
        # again
        rotatedSoln = rotatedSoln.reverse().rotateToFront(source)

    # If dest still isn't at the end of the cycle, then the orginal graph didn't
    # have a Ham path from source to dest (but it did have a Ham
    # cycle -- a cycle that did *not* include fakeEdge).
    if rotatedSoln[-1] != dest:
        return 'no'
        return str(rotatedSoln)
Exemple #34
def main():
    randojson = ""
    points_of_interest = []
    points_of_interest_orig = []

    starting_point = {
        'lat': 60.344230,
        'lng': 24.836719,
        'name': "STARTING POINT"

    # Ride with GPS JSON
    with open('rando.json') as randofile:
        randojson = json.load(randofile)
        points_of_interest_orig = randojson['points_of_interest']

    points_of_interest_orig.insert(0, starting_point)

    # Limit the area
    for point in points_of_interest_orig:
        if point['lng'] > 24.506857123730356 and point[
                'lng'] < 26.835505390216667:

    coordinates = []
    for point in points_of_interest:
        lat = point['lat']
        lng = point['lng']
        latlng = (lat, lng)
        xy = project_to_meters(lat, lng)

    print("Calculating the order...")
    distance, best_state = tsp.tsp(coordinates)

    for state in best_state:

    print('The best state found is: ', best_state)

    print('The distance at the best state is: ', distance)
def main():
    for k in range(2):
        bestRoute = geneticAlgorithmPlot(population=cityList,
        bestRouteList = []
        sX = []
        sY = []
        IndexRoute = []
        for j in range(len(bestRoute)):
            bestRouteList.append((bestRoute[j].x, bestRoute[j].y))
            #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
        #plotPath(sX, sY)
    #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
    agg = agg_matrix(crowd)
    Inv_Agg = np.zeros((n, n))
    for k in range(n):
        for j in range(n):
            Inv_Agg[k, j] = 1 - sc.betaincinv(2.8, 3.2, agg[k, j] / n)

    r = range(n)
    dist = {(i, j): Inv_Agg[i, j] for i in r for j in r}
    aggRoute = tsp.tsp(r, dist)[1]
    cost = 0
    for u in range(n - 1):
        cost += R_D[aggRoute[u], aggRoute[u + 1]]
    cost += R_D[n - 1, 0]
    print(aggRoute, cost)
def route_builder(route_info, stop):
    def append_graph(route_info, stop):
        # initiate geocoder wrapper
        geolocator = Nominatim()
        # get the geocode object from the geopy to convert these string addresses to there respective lat/lon coordinates
        source = geolocator.geocode(route_info.address_q.get())
        destination = geolocator.geocode(route_info.address_q.get())

        # both source and destination cannot be none as if they are none, this means that the addresses inputted were in the wrong format
        # and no geocode could be found for the addresses
        if source and destination:
            print("Valid Source and Destination")
            if route_info.ordered_list:
                current_location = route_info.ordered_list[0]
                # default location to start the program, approximately in the middle of the city
                current_location = geolocator.geocode("10127 121 St NW, Edmonton, AB")
                current_location = find_vertex(route_info.coord, mult_coords(current_location.latitude),mult_coords(current_location.longitude)) 
                route_info.name_vert_dict[current_location] = "10127 121 St NW, Edmonton, AB"

            # find the closest vertices in the graph for the source and destination, thereafter find the least cost path through dijkstra's algorithm
            source = find_vertex(route_info.coord, mult_coords(source.latitude),mult_coords(source.longitude))
            destination = find_vertex(route_info.coord, mult_coords(destination.latitude), mult_coords(destination.longitude))
            # store the name of the location corresponding to the vertice
            route_info.name_vert_dict[source] = route_info.s_name_text
            route_info.name_vert_dict[destination] = route_info.d_name_text

            min_path, path_dist = least_cost_path(route_info.g, route_info.coord, source, destination, cost_distance)
            temp_list = copy.deepcopy(set(route_info.sd_list))
            # create an edge with the least cost path between all prior source and destinations using dijkstra's algorithm
            for vert in temp_list:
                # source to vert
                temp_min_path, temp_path_dist = least_cost_path(route_info.g, route_info.coord, min_path[0], vert, cost_distance)
                route_info.route_graph.add_edge(min_path[0], vert, temp_path_dist[1])
                route_info.path_dict[(min_path[0], vert)] = temp_min_path
                # vert to start
                temp_min_path, temp_path_dist = least_cost_path(route_info.g, route_info.coord, vert, min_path[0], cost_distance)
                route_info.route_graph.add_edge(vert, min_path[0], temp_path_dist[1])
                route_info.path_dict[(vert, min_path[0])] = temp_min_path
                # destination to vert
                temp_min_path, temp_path_dist = least_cost_path(route_info.g, route_info.coord, min_path[-1], vert, cost_distance)
                route_info.route_graph.add_edge(min_path[-1], vert, temp_path_dist[1])
                route_info.path_dict[(min_path[-1], vert)] = temp_min_path
                # vert to destination
                temp_min_path, temp_path_dist = least_cost_path(route_info.g, route_info.coord, vert, min_path[-1], cost_distance)
                route_info.route_graph.add_edge(vert, min_path[-1], temp_path_dist[1])
                route_info.path_dict[(vert, min_path[-1])] = temp_min_path
            # create final edge from source to destination
            # add to destination dictionary, destination is key and source is value to ensure that source always comes before destination in tsp
            route_info.sd_dict[min_path[-1]] = min_path[0]
            # save the associated least cost path waypoints to the path dictionary
            route_info.path_dict[(min_path[0], min_path[-1])] = min_path
            # add the source vertex to the source destination list
            # add the destination vertex to the source destination list
            # return the value used for the current location during calculation
            return current_location
    # call the append new source and destination function
    current_location = append_graph(route_info, stop)
    # if while calculating the last append graph, another request was made add the new source, destination before calculating the tsp
    while stop.isSet():
        current_location = append_graph(route_info, stop)
        stop = threading.Event()
    # list of vertices to find tsp between, with the starting location as the current location
    temp_set = route_info.sd_list
        print("Past the next waypoint")
    # find the tsp from starting from the current location
    final_path, final_dist = tsp(current_location, frozenset(temp_set), route_info)
    # depending on the location of the car will the next starting path from the where the car currently is will be decided
    if current_location in route_info.waypoints:
        prior_waypoints = route_info.waypoints[0:route_info.waypoints.index(current_location)]
    elif route_info.waypoints:
        # if the car passes the next waypoint intended for by the time the route is calculated return to waypoint then go on ts path
        # this is assuming that the car will not exceed the point by much, a simplification on drawing
        prior_waypoints = route_info.master_path[route_info.master_path.index(route_info.waypoints[0]):]
        prior_waypoints = []
    temp = final_path[0]
    # make final waypoint path for driving
    route_info.waypoints = prior_waypoints + route_info.path_dict[temp][0:]
    route_info.ordered_list = []
    # create ordered list of source and destinations to check off
    for x in final_path:
        route_info.waypoints = route_info.waypoints + route_info.path_dict[x][1:]

    # ready to draw and drive the new path
    route_info.new_path = True
Exemple #37
    points = zip(*points)
    plt.scatter(points[0], points[1])

def loadPoints(f):
    points = []
    first_line = f.readline()
    for line in f.readlines():
        p = [float(i) for i in line.split()]
        points.append((p[0], p[1]))
    return points

def plotThread(points, path):
    plotPath(points, path)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    f = open(sys.argv[1])
    points = loadPoints(f)
    path = tsp.tsp(points)
    obj = tsp.distance(points[path[-1]], points[path[0]])
    for index in range(0, len(points) - 1):
        obj += tsp.distance(points[path[index]], points[path[index + 1]])
    print obj
    print path