Exemple #1
def gen_zero_energy_guess(H, rank):
    Generate psi such that <psi|H|psi> = 0
    H: tt.matrix
       hamiltonian in the TT-matrix format
    rank: int
       Rank of the guess
    v = 1.0
    while v > 1e-12:
        # Create two random TT vectors and normalize them
        psi1 = tt.rand(H.n, r=rank)
        psi2 = tt.rand(H.n, r=1)
        psi1 = psi1 * (1.0 / psi1.norm())
        psi2 = psi2 * (1.0 / psi2.norm())
        # Calculate coefficients of the quadratic equation
        h22 = tt.dot(tt.matvec(H, psi2), psi2)
        h21 = tt.dot(tt.matvec(H, psi2), psi1)
        h11 = tt.dot(tt.matvec(H, psi1), psi1)
        # find vectors such that <psi|H|psi> = 0
        rs = np.roots([h22, 2 * h21, h11])
        v = np.linalg.norm(np.imag(rs))

    psi = psi1 + rs[0] * psi2
    psi = psi * (1.0 / psi.norm())
    return psi
    def test_gradient_wrt_core(self):
        w = tt.rand([2, 2, 2], 3, [1, 2, 2, 1])
        x_1 = all_subsets.subset_tensor([3, 4, 5])
        x_2 = all_subsets.subset_tensor([-1, 12, 5])
        X = np.array([[3, 4, 5], [-1, 12, 5]])
        eps = 1e-8

        def loss(core):
            new_w = w.copy()
            new_w.core = copy.copy(core)
            res = (tt.dot(new_w, x_1))**2 # Quadratic.
            res += tt.dot(new_w, x_2)     # Linear.
            return res

        # Derivatives of the quadratic and linear functions in the loss.
        dfdz = [2 * tt.dot(w, x_1), 1]

        core = w.core
        value = loss(core)
        numerical_grad = np.zeros(len(core))
        for i in range(len(core)):
            new_core = copy.copy(core)
            # print(new_core)
            new_core[i] += eps
            numerical_grad[i] = (loss(new_core) - value) / eps

        w_cores = tt.tensor.to_list(w)
        gradient = all_subsets.gradient_wrt_cores(w_cores, X, dfdz)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(numerical_grad, gradient, decimal=3)
Exemple #3
    def test_gradient_wrt_core(self):
        w = tt.rand([2, 2, 2], 3, [1, 2, 2, 1])
        x_1 = all_subsets.subset_tensor([3, 4, 5])
        x_2 = all_subsets.subset_tensor([-1, 12, 5])
        X = np.array([[3, 4, 5], [-1, 12, 5]])
        eps = 1e-8

        def loss(core):
            new_w = w.copy()
            new_w.core = copy.copy(core)
            res = (tt.dot(new_w, x_1))**2  # Quadratic.
            res += tt.dot(new_w, x_2)  # Linear.
            return res

        # Derivatives of the quadratic and linear functions in the loss.
        dfdz = [2 * tt.dot(w, x_1), 1]

        core = w.core
        value = loss(core)
        numerical_grad = np.zeros(len(core))
        for i in range(len(core)):
            new_core = copy.copy(core)
            # print(new_core)
            new_core[i] += eps
            numerical_grad[i] = (loss(new_core) - value) / eps

        w_cores = tt.tensor.to_list(w)
        gradient = all_subsets.gradient_wrt_cores(w_cores, X, dfdz)
Exemple #4
def eval_post(Atts,

    Att = Atts[0] * params[0]
    for i in range(1, params.size):
        Att += Atts[i] * params[i]
    Att = Att.round(1e-12)

    qtt = True
    if qtt:
        A_qtt = ttm2qttm(Att)
        integrator = ttInt(A_qtt,
        P = tt2qtt(P0)
        integrator = ttInt(Att,
        P = P0

    ps = []
    for i in range(1, time_observation.size):

        dt = time_observation[i] - time_observation[i - 1]
        # print(i,int(np.ceil(dt/dtmax)))
        # tme = timeit.time.time()
        P = integrator.solve(P,
                             intervals=int(np.ceil(dt / dtmax)),
        Po_tt = obs_operator(observations[i, :], P, time_observation[i])

        Po_tt = tt2qtt(Po_tt)
        ps.append(tt.dot(Po_tt, P))

        P = (P * Po_tt).round(1e-9)
        P = P * (1 / ps[-1])
        # tme = timeit.time.time() - tme
        # print(i,' time ',tme,'  ',P.r)

    ps = np.array(ps)
    return ps
def test_guess():
    # Set up the parameters of the script
    d = 4
    r = 5

    H = dyn.gen_heisenberg_hamiltonian(d)
    # guess
    psi1 = dyn.gen_rounded_gaussian_guess(H, r)
    psi2 = dyn.gen_implicit_gaussian_guess(H, r)
    assert (np.allclose(tt.dot(psi1, psi2), -0.18779753088022963))
Exemple #6
def GMRES(A, u_0, b, eps=1E-6, restart=20, verb=0):
    """GMRES linear systems solver based on TT techniques.

    A = A(x[, eps]) is a function that multiplies x by matrix.
    do_restart = True
    while do_restart:
        r0 = b + A((-1) * u_0)
        r0 = r0.round(eps)
        beta = r0.norm()
        bnorm = b.norm()
        curr_beta = beta
        if verb:
            print("/ Initial  residual  norm: %lf; mean rank:" % beta,
        m = restart
        V = np.zeros(m + 1, dtype=object)  # Krylov basis
        V[0] = r0 * (1.0 / beta)
        H = np.mat(np.zeros((m + 1, m), dtype=np.complex128, order='F'))
        j = 0
        while j < m and curr_beta / bnorm > eps:
            delta = eps / (curr_beta / beta)
            # print("Calculating new Krylov vector")
            w = A(V[j], delta)
            #w = w.round(delta)
            for i in range(j + 1):
                H[i, j] = tt.dot(w, V[i])
                w = w + (-H[i, j]) * V[i]
            w = w.round(delta)
            if verb > 1:
                print("|% 3d. New Krylov vector mean rank:" % (j + 1),
            H[j + 1, j] = w.norm()
            V[j + 1] = w * (1 / H[j + 1, j])

            Hj = H[:j + 2, :j + 1]
            betae = np.zeros(j + 2, dtype=np.complex128)
            betae[0] = beta
            # solving Hj * y = beta e_1
            y, curr_beta, rank, s = np.linalg.lstsq(Hj, betae)
            curr_beta = curr_beta[0]
            if verb:
                print("|% 3d. LSTSQ residual norm:" % (j + 1), curr_beta)
            j += 1
        x = u_0
        for i in range(j):
            x = x + V[i] * y[i]
        x = x.round(eps)
        if verb:
            print("\\ Solution mean rank:", x.rmean())
        u_0 = x
        do_restart = (curr_beta / bnorm > eps)
    return x
Exemple #7
def GMRES(A, u_0, b, eps=1E-6, restart=20, verb=0):
    """GMRES linear systems solver based on TT techniques.
    A = A(x[, eps]) is a function that multiplies x by matrix.
    do_restart = True
    while do_restart:
        r0 = b + A((-1) * u_0)
        r0 = r0.round(eps)
        beta = r0.norm()
        bnorm = b.norm()
        curr_beta = beta
        if verb:
            print "/ Initial  residual  norm: %lf; mean rank:" %  beta, r0.rmean()
        m = restart
        V = np.zeros(m + 1, dtype=object) # Krylov basis
        V[0] = r0 * (1.0 / beta)
        H = np.mat(np.zeros((m+1, m), dtype=np.complex128, order='F'))
        j = 0
        while j < m and curr_beta / bnorm > eps:
            delta = eps / (curr_beta / beta)
            #print "Calculating new Krylov vector"
            w = A(V[j], delta)
            #w = w.round(delta)
            for i in range(j + 1):
                H[i, j] = tt.dot(w, V[i])
                w = w + (-H[i, j]) * V[i]
            w = w.round(delta)
            if verb > 1:
                print "|% 3d. New Krylov vector mean rank:" % (j + 1), w.rmean()
            H[j+1, j] = w.norm()
            V[j+1] = w * (1 / H[j+1, j])
            Hj = H[:j+2, :j+1]
            betae = np.zeros(j+2, dtype=np.complex128)
            betae[0] = beta
            # solving Hj * y = beta e_1
            y, curr_beta, rank, s = np.linalg.lstsq(Hj, betae)
            curr_beta = curr_beta[0]
            if verb:
                print "|% 3d. LSTSQ residual norm:" % (j + 1), curr_beta
            j += 1
        x = u_0
        for i in range(j):
            x = x + V[i] * y[i]
        x = x.round(eps)
        if verb:
            print "\\ Solution mean rank:", x.rmean()
        u_0 = x
        do_restart = (curr_beta / bnorm > eps)
    return x
def goal_function(thetuta):

    L1 = np.array([lagrange(thetuta[0], i, pts1) for i in range(pts1.size)])
    L2 = np.array([lagrange(thetuta[1], i, pts2) for i in range(pts2.size)])
    L3 = np.array([lagrange(thetuta[2], i, pts3) for i in range(pts3.size)])
    L4 = np.array([lagrange(thetuta[3], i, pts4) for i in range(pts4.size)])
    L5 = np.array([lagrange(thetuta[4], i, pts5) for i in range(pts5.size)])

    val = tt.dot(
        tt.mkron(tt.tensor(L1.flatten()), tt.tensor(L2.flatten()),
                 tt.tensor(L3.flatten()), tt.tensor(L4.flatten()),
    return -val
Exemple #9
def increase_rank(w0, rank, train_x, train_y, vectorized_tt_dot_h, loss_h,
                  loss_grad_h, project_h, object_tensor_h, reg):
    """Implements the idea from the paper
    Riemannian Pursuit for Big Matrix Recovery

    That is, to init the tensor with the desired rank, we add orthogonal
    component of the current gradient to our current low-rank estimate w0.
    w = w0
    if rank > max(w.r):
        # Choose not too many objects, so that the rank is reasonable.
        num_objects_used = rank * 5
        w_x = vectorized_tt_dot_h(w, train_x[:num_objects_used, :])
        grad_coef = loss_grad_h(w_x, train_y[:num_objects_used])
        proj_grad = project_h(w,
                              train_x[:num_objects_used, :],
        grad = reg * w
        for i in range(0, num_objects_used):
            grad = grad + grad_coef[i] * object_tensor_h(train_x[i, :])
        orth = grad - proj_grad
        orth = orth.round(eps=0, rmax=rank - max(w0.r))

        batch_w_x = vectorized_tt_dot_h(w, train_x)
        w_w = w.norm()**2
        batch_orth_x = vectorized_tt_dot_h(orth, train_x)
        orth_orth = orth.norm()**2
        w_orth = tt.dot(w, orth)

        def w_step_objective(w_step):
            steps = np.array([w_step, 0])
            obj = _regularized_loss_step(steps, loss_h, train_y, batch_w_x,
                                         batch_orth_x, 0, 0, reg, w_w, w_orth,
            return obj

        step_w = minimize_scalar(w_step_objective).x
        w = (w - step_w * orth).round(eps=0)
    return w
Exemple #10
def increase_rank(w0, rank, train_x, train_y, vectorized_tt_dot_h,
                  loss_h, loss_grad_h, project_h, object_tensor_h, reg):
    """Implements the idea from the paper
    Riemannian Pursuit for Big Matrix Recovery

    That is, to init the tensor with the desired rank, we add orthogonal
    component of the current gradient to our current low-rank estimate w0.
    w = w0
    if rank > max(w.r):
        # Choose not too many objects, so that the rank is reasonable.
        num_objects_used = rank * 5
        w_x = vectorized_tt_dot_h(w, train_x[:num_objects_used, :])
        grad_coef = loss_grad_h(w_x, train_y[:num_objects_used])
        proj_grad = project_h(w, train_x[:num_objects_used, :], grad_coef, reg=reg)
        grad = reg * w
        for i in range(0, num_objects_used):
            grad = grad + grad_coef[i] * object_tensor_h(train_x[i, :])
        orth = grad - proj_grad
        orth = orth.round(eps=0, rmax=rank-max(w0.r))

        batch_w_x = vectorized_tt_dot_h(w, train_x)
        w_w = w.norm()**2
        batch_orth_x = vectorized_tt_dot_h(orth, train_x)
        orth_orth = orth.norm()**2
        w_orth = tt.dot(w, orth)

        def w_step_objective(w_step):
            steps = np.array([w_step, 0])
            obj = _regularized_loss_step(steps, loss_h, train_y,
                                         batch_w_x, batch_orth_x, 0,
                                         0, reg, w_w,
                                         w_orth, orth_orth)
            return obj
        step_w = minimize_scalar(w_step_objective).x
        w = (w - step_w * orth).round(eps=0)
    return w
Exemple #11
#Generate the initial Gaussian, which is just shifted

gs = np.exp(-0.5*(x-2)**2)
gs = tt.tensor(gs,1e-8)
start = None
for i in xrange(f):
    start = tt.kron(start,gs)
radd = 20
start = start+0*tt.rand(start.n,start.d,radd)
y = start.copy()
print 'initial value norm:', start.norm()
cf = []
tf = 150.0
nit = 5000
tau = (tf/nit)
i = 0
t = 0
import time
t1 = time.time()
while t <= tf:
    print '%f/%f' % (t,tf)
    y = ksl(H,y,tau)
    t += tau
t2 = time.time()
print("Elapsed time: %f" % (t2-t1))

zz = np.abs(fft(np.conj(cf)))
lls = np.arange(zz.size)*pi/(0.5*tf)

 def loss(core):
     new_w = w.copy()
     new_w.core = copy.copy(core)
     res = (tt.dot(new_w, x_1))**2 # Quadratic.
     res += tt.dot(new_w, x_2)     # Linear.
     return res
tme_total = datetime.datetime.now() - tme_total

#%% show
print('Total time ', tme_total)
print('Maximum size ', tensor_size * 8 / 1e6, ' MB')
Post = Pt_fwd
Prior = Pt_prior

nburn = 20000

xs_tt = tt_meshgrid([pts1, pts2, pts3, pts4, pts5])

Pt = Pt_fwd

E = np.array([tt.dot(x_tt * Pt, WS) for x_tt in xs_tt])

V = np.array(
    [tt.dot(Pt * xs_tt[i], xs_tt[i] * WS) - E[i]**2 for i in range(5)])

import pyswarm

def goal_function(thetuta):

    L1 = np.array([lagrange(thetuta[0], i, pts1) for i in range(pts1.size)])
    L2 = np.array([lagrange(thetuta[1], i, pts2) for i in range(pts2.size)])
    L3 = np.array([lagrange(thetuta[2], i, pts3) for i in range(pts3.size)])
    L4 = np.array([lagrange(thetuta[3], i, pts4) for i in range(pts4.size)])
    L5 = np.array([lagrange(thetuta[4], i, pts5) for i in range(pts5.size)])
def parallel_worker(task_id,
    Parallel worker for the calculation of the expectation value
    of an operator

    H: tt.matrix
       hamiltonain matrix in the TT format
    operators: iterable of tt.matrix
       matrix of the operator in the TT format
    guess_generator: function
       initial vector generator
    rank: int
       TT rank of the initial vector
    tau: float
       time step
       number of steps of the dynamics
    callbacks: list, default []
       list of extra callbacks. The callback has to have a signature
       (tt.vector) -> Scalar. The callback will receive the wavefunction,
       and the result will be collected. The results of the
       callbacks are stored in the matrix along with mean values of
       the operators.

    (time, evs) : (np.array, np.array)
             time array and array of expectation values

    # np.random.seed(seed)
    psi = guess_generator(H, rank)
    time = []
    evs = []
    t = 0
    psi = ksl(A=-1j * H, y0=psi, tau=1e-10, **kwargs)
    for i in range(n_steps):
        ev = []
        for operator in operators:
            ev.append(tt.dot(tt.matvec(operator, psi), psi))
        for func in callbacks:


        # update
        psi = ksl(A=-1j * H, y0=psi, tau=tau, **kwargs)
        t += tau

    evs = np.array(evs).real
    time = np.array(time)

    return time, evs
Exemple #15
def GMRES(A,
    Flexible TT GMRES
    :param A: matvec(x[, eps])
    :param u_0: initial vector
    :param b: answer
    :param maxit: max number of iterations
    :param eps: required accuracy
    :param m: number of iteration without restart
    :param _iteration: iteration counter
    :param callback:
    :param verbose: to print debug info or not
    :return: answer, residual

    >>> from tt import GMRES
    >>> def matvec(x, eps):
    >>>     return tt.matvec(S, x).round(eps)
    >>> answer, res = GMRES(matvec, u_0, b, eps=1e-8)
    maxitexceeded = False
    converged = False

    if verbose:
        print('GMRES(m=%d, _iteration=%d, maxit=%d)' % (m, _iteration, maxit))
    v = np.ones((m + 1), dtype=object) * np.nan
    R = np.ones((m, m)) * np.nan
    g = np.zeros(m)
    s = np.ones(m) * np.nan
    c = np.ones(m) * np.nan
    v[0] = b - A(u_0, eps=eps)
    v[0] = v[0].round(eps)
    resnorm = v[0].norm()
    curr_beta = resnorm
    bnorm = b.norm()
    wlen = resnorm
    q = m
    for j in range(m):
        _iteration += 1

        delta = eps / (curr_beta / resnorm)

        if verbose:
            print("it = %d delta = " % _iteration, delta)

        v[j] *= 1.0 / wlen
        v[j + 1] = A(v[j], eps=delta)
        for i in range(j + 1):
            R[i, j] = tt.dot(v[j + 1], v[i])
            v[j + 1] = v[j + 1] - R[i, j] * v[i]
        v[j + 1] = v[j + 1].round(delta)

        wlen = v[j + 1].norm()
        for i in range(j):
            r1 = R[i, j]
            r2 = R[i + 1, j]
            R[i, j] = c[i] * r1 - s[i] * r2
            R[i + 1, j] = c[i] * r2 + s[i] * r1
        denom = np.hypot(wlen, R[j, j])
        s[j] = wlen / denom
        c[j] = -R[j, j] / denom
        R[j, j] = -denom

        g[j] = c[j] * curr_beta
        curr_beta *= s[j]

        if verbose:
            print("it = {}, ||r|| = {}".format(_iteration, curr_beta / bnorm))

        converged = (curr_beta / bnorm) < eps or (curr_beta / resnorm) < eps
        maxitexceeded = _iteration >= maxit
        if converged or maxitexceeded:
            q = j + 1

    y = la.solve_triangular(R[:q, :q], g[:q], check_finite=False)
    for idx in range(q):
        u_0 += v[idx] * y[idx]

    u_0 = u_0.round(eps)

    if callback is not None:

    if converged or maxitexceeded:
        return u_0, resnorm / bnorm
    return GMRES(A,
Exemple #16
from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, division
import sys
import numpy as np
import tt

d = 30
n = 2**d
b = 1E3
h = b / (n + 1)
#x = np.arange(n)
#x = np.reshape(x, [2] * d, order = 'F')
#x = tt.tensor(x, 1e-12)
x = tt.xfun(2, d)
e = tt.ones(2, d)
x = x + e
x = x * h

sf = lambda x: np.sin(x) / x  #Should be rank 2

y = tt.multifuncrs([x], sf, 1e-6, y0=tt.ones(2, d))
#y1 = tt.tensor(sf(x.full()), 1e-8)

print("pi / 2 ~ ", tt.dot(y, tt.ones(2, d)) * h)
#print (y - y1).norm() / y.norm()
def collect_ev_sequential(H,
    Generate the expectation value of a provided operator
    in the dynamical process generated by the hamiltonian H.
    The dynamics starts from the initial vector, which is
    generated by the guess_generator

    H: tt.matrix
       hamiltonain matrix in the TT format
    operators: iterable of tt.matrix or tt.matrix
       matrices of the operators in the TT format
    guess_generator: function
       initial vector generator
    rank: int
       TT rank of the initial vector
    n_samples: int
       number of sample trajectories
    tau: float
       time step
       number of steps of the dynamics
    filename: str, default None
       filename to output results. The file is appended if exists
    append_file: bool, default True
       if we append to the existing file instead of replacing it
    dump_every: int, default 0
       dump current results every n parallel rounds. Default is 0.
    callbacks: list, default []
       list of extra callbacks. The callback has to have a signature
       (tt.vector) -> Scalar. The callback will receive the wavefunction,
       and the result will be collected. The results of the
       callbacks are stored in the matrix along with mean values of
       the operators.

    (time, evs) : (np.array, np.array)
             time array and array of expectation values
    # ensure that operators is iterable
    if not isinstance(operators, Iterable):
        operators = [operators]

    evs_all_l = []
    for s in tqdm(range(n_samples),
                  desc="guess={}, n_steps={}".format(guess_generator.__name__,
        # np.random.seed(s)
        psi = guess_generator(H, rank)
        time_l = []
        evs = []
        t = 0
        psi = ksl(A=-1j * H, y0=psi, tau=1e-10, **kwargs)
        for i in range(n_steps):
            ev = []
            for operator in operators:
                ev.append(tt.dot(tt.matvec(operator, psi), psi))
            for func in callbacks:


            # update
            psi = ksl(A=-1j * H, y0=psi, tau=tau, **kwargs)
            t += tau

        if ((dump_every > 0) and (s // dump_every == 0) and (s != 0)
                and (filename is not None)):
            # time to dump results
            evs_all = np.array(evs_all_l).real
            time = np.array(time_l)
            if (s == dump_every) and (not os.path.isfile(filename)
                                      or not append_file):
                # rewrite old file with the first batch
                np.savez(filename, t=time, evs=evs_all)
                time_old = np.load(filename)['t']
                evs_old = np.load(filename)['evs']
                assert (np.allclose(time_old, time))
                evs_updated = np.vstack((evs_old, evs_all))
                np.savez(filename, t=time, evs=evs_updated)

    evs_all = np.array(evs_all_l).real
    time = np.array(time_l)

    if filename is not None:
        if not os.path.isfile(filename) or not append_file:
            np.savez(filename, t=time, evs=evs_all)
            time_old = np.load(filename)['t']
            evs_old = np.load(filename)['evs']
            assert (np.allclose(time_old, time))
            evs_updated = np.vstack((evs_old, evs_all))
            np.savez(filename, t=time, evs=evs_updated)
    return time, evs_all
Exemple #18
from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, division
import sys
import numpy as np
import tt

d = 30
n = 2 ** d
b = 1E3
h = b / (n + 1)
#x = np.arange(n)
#x = np.reshape(x, [2] * d, order = 'F')
#x = tt.tensor(x, 1e-12)
x = tt.xfun(2, d)
e = tt.ones(2, d)
x = x + e
x = x * h

sf = lambda x : np.sin(x) / x #Should be rank 2

y = tt.multifuncrs([x], sf, 1e-6, y0=tt.ones(2, d))
#y1 = tt.tensor(sf(x.full()), 1e-8)

print("pi / 2 ~ ", tt.dot(y, tt.ones(2, d)) * h)
#print (y - y1).norm() / y.norm()
    tme = datetime.datetime.now() - tme
    print('\tmax rank ',max(P.r))
    Ppred = P
    Ppost = PO * Ppred
    Ppost = Ppost.round(1e-10)
    print('\tmax rank (after observation) ',max(Ppost.r))
    if tensor_size<tt_size(Ppost): tensor_size = tt_size(Ppost)
    if not qtt:
        # Ppost = Ppost * (1/tt.sum(Ppost * tt.kron(tt.ones(N),WS)))
        Pt = tt.sum(tt.sum(tt.sum(tt.sum(Ppost,0),0),0),0) 
        Z = tt.dot(Pt,WS)
        Pt = Pt * (1/Z)
        Pt = Pt.round(1e-10)
        # Ppost = Ppost * (1/tt.sum(Ppost * tt.kron(tt.ones(int(np.sum(np.log2(N)))*[2]),ws_qtt)))
        Pt = Ppost
        for i in range(int(np.sum(np.log2(N)))): Pt = tt.sum(Pt,0) 
        Z = tt.dot(Pt,ws_qtt)
        Pt = Pt * (1/Z)
        Pt = Pt.round(1e-10)

    Ppost = Ppost*(1/tt.sum(Ppost))
Exemple #20
 def loss(core):
     new_w = w.copy()
     new_w.core = copy.copy(core)
     res = (tt.dot(new_w, x_1))**2  # Quadratic.
     res += tt.dot(new_w, x_2)  # Linear.
     return res
Exemple #21
    for j in xrange(d):
        if j % 2:
            e0 = v0#np.random.rand(2)
            e0 = v1#e0 = tt.tensor(e0,1e-12)
        e1 = tt.kron(e1,e0)
    r = [1]*(d+1)
    r[0] = 1
    r[d] = 1
    x0 = tt.rand(n,d,r)
    tau = 1e-2
    tf = 100
    t = 0
    start = e1 
    psi = start + 0 * x0
    psi1 = start + 0 * x0
    cf = []
    while t <= tf: 
        print '%f/%f' % (t,tf)
        psi = ksl(-1.0j*A,psi,tau)
        #psi1 = kls(-1.0j*A,psi1,tau)
        #import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
        t += tau
    #x0 = tt.rand(n,d,r)
    #t1 = time.time()
    #print 'Matrices are done'
    #y, lam = eigb(A,x0,1e-3)
    #t2 = time.time()
Exemple #22
def riemannian_sgd(train_x, train_y, vectorized_tt_dot_h, loss_h,
                   loss_grad_h, project_h, w0, intercept0=0,
                   fit_intercept=True, val_x=None, val_y=None,
                   reg=0., exp_reg=1., dropout=None, batch_size=-1,
                   num_passes=30, seed=None, logger=None, verbose_period=1,
                   debug=False, beta=0.5, rho=0.1):
    """Riemannian SGD method optimization for a linear model with weights in TT.

    The objective function is
        reg <w, w> + \sum_i f(d(w, x_i) + b, y_i)
        * where f(o, y) is the loss w.r.t. one object (this function is from R^2 to R);
        * d(w, x_i) is the dot product between the tensor w and the tensor build
            from the vector x_i.
    num_objects, num_features = train_x.shape
    is_val_set_provided = False
    if val_x is not None and val_y is not None:
        is_val_set_provided = True

    if seed is not None:

    if batch_size == -1:
        # Full gradient learning.
        batch_size = num_objects
    # TODO: correctly process the last batch.
    num_batches = num_objects // batch_size

    w = w0
    b = intercept0
    # TODO: start not from zero in case we are resuming the learning.
    start_epoch = 0

    if logger is not None:
        logger.before_first_iter(train_x, train_y, w, lambda w, x: vectorized_tt_dot_h(w, x) + b, num_passes, num_objects)

    reg_tens = build_reg_tens(w.n, exp_reg)

    for e in xrange(start_epoch, num_passes):
        idx_perm = np.random.permutation(num_objects)
        for batch_idx in xrange(num_batches):
            start = batch_idx * batch_size
            end = (batch_idx + 1) * batch_size
            curr_idx = idx_perm[start:end]
            curr_batch = train_x[curr_idx, :]
            if dropout is not None:
                dropout_mask = np.random.binomial(1, dropout,
                # To make the expected value of <W, dropout(X)> equals to <W, X>.
                dropout_mask = dropout_mask / dropout
                curr_batch = dropout_mask * curr_batch
            batch_y = train_y[curr_idx]
            batch_w_x = vectorized_tt_dot_h(w, curr_batch)
            batch_linear_o = batch_w_x + b
            batch_loss_arr = loss_h(batch_linear_o, batch_y)
            wreg = w * reg_tens
            wregreg = w * reg_tens * reg_tens
            wreg_wreg = wreg.norm()**2
            batch_loss = np.sum(batch_loss_arr) + reg * wreg_wreg / 2.0
            batch_grad_coef = loss_grad_h(batch_linear_o, batch_y)
            batch_gradient_b = np.sum(batch_grad_coef)
            direction = project_h(w, curr_batch, batch_grad_coef, reg=0)
            direction = riemannian.project(w, [direction, reg * wregreg])
            batch_dir_x = vectorized_tt_dot_h(direction, curr_batch)

            dir_dir = direction.norm()**2
            wreg_dir = tt.dot(wreg, direction)
            if fit_intercept:
                # TODO: Use classical Newton-Raphson (with hessian).
                step_objective = lambda s: _regularized_loss_step(s, loss_h, batch_y, batch_w_x, batch_dir_x, b, batch_gradient_b, reg, wreg_wreg, wreg_dir, dir_dir)
                step_gradient = lambda s: _regularized_loss_step_grad(s, loss_grad_h, batch_y, batch_w_x, batch_dir_x, b, batch_gradient_b, reg, wreg_dir, dir_dir)
                step0_w, step0_b = fmin_bfgs(step_objective, np.ones(2), fprime=step_gradient, gtol=1e-10, disp=logger.disp())
                def w_step_objective(w_step):
                    steps = np.array([w_step, 0])
                    obj = _regularized_loss_step(steps, loss_h, batch_y,
                                                 batch_w_x, batch_dir_x, b,
                                                 batch_gradient_b, reg, wreg_wreg,
                                                 wreg_dir, dir_dir)
                    return obj
                step0_w = minimize_scalar(w_step_objective).x

            # TODO: consider using Probabilistic Line Searches for Stochastic Optimization.
#           Armiho step choosing.
            step_w = step0_w
            # <gradient, direction> =
            # = <(\sum_i coef[i] * x_i + reg * w), direction> =
            # = \sum_i coef[i] <x_i, direction> + reg * <w, direction>
            grad_times_direction = batch_dir_x.dot(batch_grad_coef) + reg * wreg_dir
            while step_w > 1e-10:
                new_w = (w - step_w * direction).round(eps=0, rmax=max(w.r))
                new_w_x = vectorized_tt_dot_h(new_w, curr_batch)

                if fit_intercept:
                    b_objective = lambda b: np.sum(loss_h(new_w_x + b, batch_y))
                    m = minimize_scalar(b_objective)
                    b = m.x
                    new_loss = m.fun
                    new_loss = np.sum(loss_h(new_w_x + b, batch_y))
                new_wreg = new_w * reg_tens
                new_loss += reg * new_wreg.norm()**2 / 2.0
                if new_loss <= batch_loss - rho * step_w * grad_times_direction:
                step_w *= beta
            w = new_w

        if (logger is not None) and e % verbose_period == 0:
            logger.after_each_iter(e, train_x, train_y, w, lambda w, x: vectorized_tt_dot_h(w, x) + b, stage='train')
            if is_val_set_provided:
                logger.after_each_iter(e, val_x, val_y, w, lambda w, x: vectorized_tt_dot_h(w, x) + b, stage='valid')

    return w, b
Exemple #23
if qtt:
    x1 = tt2qtt(x1)
    x2 = tt2qtt(x2)
    x3 = tt2qtt(x3)
    x4 = tt2qtt(x4)

for i in range(len(P_bck)):
    Pf = P_fwd[i]
    Pb = P_bck[i]
    # if qtt:
    #     Pf = qtt2tt(Pf,N)
    #     Pb = qtt2tt(Pb,N)

    Z = tt.dot(Pf, Pb)

    mean = [
        tt.dot(Pf, Pb * x1) / Z,
        tt.dot(Pf, Pb * x2) / Z,
        tt.dot(Pf, Pb * x3) / Z,
        tt.dot(Pf, Pb * x4) / Z
    var = [
        tt.dot(Pf * x1, Pb * x1) / Z - mean[0]**2,
        tt.dot(Pf * x2, Pb * x2) / Z - mean[1]**2,
        tt.dot(Pf * x3, Pb * x3) / Z - mean[2]**2,
        tt.dot(Pf * x4, Pb * x4) / Z - mean[3]**2

Exemple #24
def riemannian_sgd(train_x,
    """Riemannian SGD method optimization for a linear model with weights in TT.

    The objective function is
        reg <w, w> + \sum_i f(d(w, x_i) + b, y_i)
        * where f(o, y) is the loss w.r.t. one object (this function is from R^2 to R);
        * d(w, x_i) is the dot product between the tensor w and the tensor build
            from the vector x_i.
    num_objects, num_features = train_x.shape
    is_val_set_provided = False
    if val_x is not None and val_y is not None:
        is_val_set_provided = True

    if seed is not None:

    if batch_size == -1:
        # Full gradient learning.
        batch_size = num_objects
    # TODO: correctly process the last batch.
    num_batches = num_objects // batch_size

    w = w0
    b = intercept0
    # TODO: start not from zero in case we are resuming the learning.
    start_epoch = 0

    if logger is not None:
        logger.before_first_iter(train_x, train_y, w,
                                 lambda w, x: vectorized_tt_dot_h(w, x) + b,
                                 num_passes, num_objects)

    reg_tens = build_reg_tens(w.n, exp_reg)

    for e in xrange(start_epoch, num_passes):
        idx_perm = np.random.permutation(num_objects)
        for batch_idx in xrange(num_batches):
            start = batch_idx * batch_size
            end = (batch_idx + 1) * batch_size
            curr_idx = idx_perm[start:end]
            curr_batch = train_x[curr_idx, :]
            if dropout is not None:
                dropout_mask = np.random.binomial(1,
                # To make the expected value of <W, dropout(X)> equals to <W, X>.
                dropout_mask = dropout_mask / dropout
                curr_batch = dropout_mask * curr_batch
            batch_y = train_y[curr_idx]
            batch_w_x = vectorized_tt_dot_h(w, curr_batch)
            batch_linear_o = batch_w_x + b
            batch_loss_arr = loss_h(batch_linear_o, batch_y)
            wreg = w * reg_tens
            wregreg = w * reg_tens * reg_tens
            wreg_wreg = wreg.norm()**2
            batch_loss = np.sum(batch_loss_arr) + reg * wreg_wreg / 2.0
            batch_grad_coef = loss_grad_h(batch_linear_o, batch_y)
            batch_gradient_b = np.sum(batch_grad_coef)
            direction = project_h(w, curr_batch, batch_grad_coef, reg=0)
            direction = riemannian.project(w, [direction, reg * wregreg])
            batch_dir_x = vectorized_tt_dot_h(direction, curr_batch)

            dir_dir = direction.norm()**2
            wreg_dir = tt.dot(wreg, direction)
            if fit_intercept:
                # TODO: Use classical Newton-Raphson (with hessian).
                step_objective = lambda s: _regularized_loss_step(
                    s, loss_h, batch_y, batch_w_x, batch_dir_x, b,
                    batch_gradient_b, reg, wreg_wreg, wreg_dir, dir_dir)
                step_gradient = lambda s: _regularized_loss_step_grad(
                    s, loss_grad_h, batch_y, batch_w_x, batch_dir_x, b,
                    batch_gradient_b, reg, wreg_dir, dir_dir)
                step0_w, step0_b = fmin_bfgs(step_objective,

                def w_step_objective(w_step):
                    steps = np.array([w_step, 0])
                    obj = _regularized_loss_step(steps, loss_h, batch_y,
                                                 batch_w_x, batch_dir_x, b,
                                                 batch_gradient_b, reg,
                                                 wreg_wreg, wreg_dir, dir_dir)
                    return obj

                step0_w = minimize_scalar(w_step_objective).x

            # TODO: consider using Probabilistic Line Searches for Stochastic Optimization.
#           Armiho step choosing.
            step_w = step0_w
            # <gradient, direction> =
            # = <(\sum_i coef[i] * x_i + reg * w), direction> =
            # = \sum_i coef[i] <x_i, direction> + reg * <w, direction>
            grad_times_direction = batch_dir_x.dot(
                batch_grad_coef) + reg * wreg_dir
            while step_w > 1e-10:
                new_w = (w - step_w * direction).round(eps=0, rmax=max(w.r))
                new_w_x = vectorized_tt_dot_h(new_w, curr_batch)

                if fit_intercept:
                    b_objective = lambda b: np.sum(loss_h(
                        new_w_x + b, batch_y))
                    m = minimize_scalar(b_objective)
                    b = m.x
                    new_loss = m.fun
                    new_loss = np.sum(loss_h(new_w_x + b, batch_y))
                new_wreg = new_w * reg_tens
                new_loss += reg * new_wreg.norm()**2 / 2.0
                if new_loss <= batch_loss - rho * step_w * grad_times_direction:
                step_w *= beta
            w = new_w

        if (logger is not None) and e % verbose_period == 0:
                                   lambda w, x: vectorized_tt_dot_h(w, x) + b,
            if is_val_set_provided:
                    lambda w, x: vectorized_tt_dot_h(w, x) + b,

    return w, b