def run(self): exports.start() result = exports.stop() if self._pid_file is not None: self._delete_pid_file() return result
def run(self, daemon): # override global config if ran from command line with daemon option (-d) if daemon: self.config.set(consts.CFG_DAEMON, True) if not self.config.get_bool(consts.CFG_DAEMON, consts.CFG_DEF_DAEMON): log.warn("Using one shot no deamon mode, most of the functionality will be not available, it can be changed in global config") result = if self.config.get_bool(consts.CFG_DAEMON, consts.CFG_DEF_DAEMON): exports.stop() if self._pid_file is not None: self._delete_pid_file() return result
def run(self, daemon): # override global config if ran from command line with daemon option (-d) if daemon: self.config.set(consts.CFG_DAEMON, True) if self.config.get_bool(consts.CFG_DAEMON, consts.CFG_DEF_DAEMON): exports.start() else: log.warn("Using one shot no deamon mode, most of the functionality will be not available, it can be changed in global config") result = if self.config.get_bool(consts.CFG_DAEMON, consts.CFG_DEF_DAEMON): exports.stop() if self._pid_file is not None: self._delete_pid_file() return result