Exemple #1
def test_mime_type_has_charset():
    assert not util.mime_type_has_charset(None)
    assert not util.mime_type_has_charset('foo/bar')
    assert util.mime_type_has_charset('text/foobar')
    assert util.mime_type_has_charset('application/xml')
    assert util.mime_type_has_charset('application/foo+xml')
    assert util.mime_type_has_charset('application/javascript')
    assert not util.mime_type_has_charset('application/foobar')
    assert not util.mime_type_has_charset('application/json')
def test_mime_type_has_charset():
    assert not util.mime_type_has_charset(None)
    assert not util.mime_type_has_charset('foo/bar')
    assert util.mime_type_has_charset('text/foobar')
    assert util.mime_type_has_charset('application/xml')
    assert util.mime_type_has_charset('application/foo+xml')
    assert util.mime_type_has_charset('application/javascript')
    assert not util.mime_type_has_charset('application/foobar')
    assert not util.mime_type_has_charset('application/json')
Exemple #3
def render(info, template=None, format=None, headers=None,
        mapping=None, fragment=False):
    """Renders data in the desired format.

    @param info: the data itself
    @type info: dict
    @param format: "html", "xml" or "json"
    @type format: string
    @param headers: for response headers, primarily the content type
    @type headers: dict
    @param fragment: passed through to tell the template if only a
                     fragment of a page is desired
    @type fragment: bool
    @param template: name of the template to use
    @type template: string

    template = format == 'json' and 'json' or info.pop(
        "tg_template", template)
    if not info.has_key("tg_flash"):
        if config.get("tg.empty_flash", True):
            info["tg_flash"] = None
    engine, template, enginename = _choose_engine(template)
    if format:
        if format == 'plain':
            if enginename == 'genshi':
                format = 'text'
        elif format == 'text':
            if enginename == 'kid':
                format = 'plain'
        format = enginename == 'json' and 'json' or config.get(
            "%s.outputformat" % enginename, 'html')

    if isinstance(headers, dict):
        # Determine the proper content type and charset for the response.
        # We simply derive the content type from the format here
        # and use the charset specified in the configuration setting.
        # This could be improved by also examining the engine and the output.
        content_type = headers.get('Content-Type')
        if not content_type:
            if format:
                content_format = format
                if isinstance(content_format, (tuple, list)):
                    content_format = content_format[0]
                if isinstance(content_format, str):
                    content_format = content_format.split(
                        )[0].split('-' , 1)[0].lower()
                    content_format = 'html'
                content_format = 'html'
            content_type = get_mime_type_for_format(content_format)
        if mime_type_has_charset(
                content_type) and '; charset=' not in content_type:
            charset = get_template_encoding_default(enginename)
            if charset:
                content_type += '; charset=' + charset
        headers['Content-Type'] = content_type

    args, kw = adapt_call(engine.render, args= [],
        kw = dict(info=info, format=format, fragment=fragment,
        template=template, mapping=mapping), start=1)

    return engine.render(**kw)
def render(info, template=None, format=None, headers=None, fragment=False,
    """Renders data in the desired format.

    @param info: the data itself
    @type info: dict

    @param template: name of the template to use
    @type template: string

    @param format: "html", "xml", "text" or "json"
    @type format: string

    @param headers: for response headers, primarily the content type
    @type headers: dict

    @param fragment: passed through to tell the template if only a
                     fragment of a page is desired. This is a way to allow
                     xml template engines to generate non valid html/xml
                     because you warn them to not bother about it.
    @type fragment: bool

    All additional keyword arguments are passed as keyword args to the render
    method of the template engine.

    environ = getattr(cherrypy.request, 'wsgi_environ', {})
    if environ.get('paste.testing', False):
        cherrypy.request.wsgi_environ['paste.testing_variables']['raw'] = info

    template = format == 'json' and 'json' or info.pop(
        "tg_template", template)

    if not info.has_key("tg_flash"):
        if config.get("tg.empty_flash", True):
            info["tg_flash"] = None

    engine, template, enginename = _choose_engine(template)

    if format:
        if format == 'plain':
            if enginename == 'genshi':
                format = 'text'

        elif format == 'text':
            if enginename == 'kid':
                format = 'plain'

        format = enginename == 'json' and 'json' or config.get(
            "%s.outputformat" % enginename,
            config.get("%s.default_format" % enginename, 'html'))

    if isinstance(headers, dict):
        # Determine the proper content type and charset for the response.
        # We simply derive the content type from the format here
        # and use the charset specified in the configuration setting.
        # This could be improved by also examining the engine and the output.
        content_type = headers.get('Content-Type')
        if not content_type:
            if format:
                content_format = format
                if isinstance(content_format, (tuple, list)):
                    content_format = content_format[0]

                if isinstance(content_format, str):
                    content_format = content_format.split(
                        )[0].split('-' , 1)[0].lower()

                    content_format = 'html'

                content_format = 'html'

            content_type = get_mime_type_for_format(content_format)

        if mime_type_has_charset(
                content_type) and '; charset=' not in content_type:
            charset = options.get('encoding',

            if charset:
                content_type += '; charset=' + charset

        headers['Content-Type'] = content_type

    args, kw = adapt_call(engine.render, args=[], kw=dict(
        info=info, format=format, fragment=fragment, template=template,
        **options), start=1)

    return engine.render(**kw)