def send_email(template, recipients=[], cc=[], bcc=[], params={}): import turbomail def replace(field, params): for key, value in params.iteritems(): field = field.replace(u'${%s}' % key, unicode(value)) return field template = os.path.join(config.get('mail.templates', ''), template + '.txt') if not os.path.exists(template): raise ValueError('Template %s does not exist' % template) file = open(template, 'r') subject = replace(unicode(file.readline().strip(), 'UTF-8'), params) content = replace(unicode(, 'UTF-8'), params) file.close() sender = list(config.get('mail.sender')) if isinstance(recipients, (str, unicode)): recipients = [recipients] elif not isinstance(recipients, list): recipients = list(recipients) if not isinstance(cc, list): cc = list(cc) if not isinstance(bcc, list): bcc = list(bcc) message = turbomail.Message(subject=subject, sender=sender, recipient=recipients, cc=cc, bcc=bcc) message.plain = content turbomail.enqueue(message)
def send_email(self, to_addr, from_addr, subject, body): ''' Sends an email. @param to_addr: address to which mail is sent @param from_adr: address from which mail is sent @param subject: subject of the mail @param body: text body of the mail ''' # Using turbomail if it exists, 'dumb' method otherwise if turbomail and config.get('mail.on'): msg = turbomail.Message(from_addr, to_addr, subject) msg.plain = body turbomail.enqueue(msg) else: msg = MIMEText (body) msg['Subject'] = subject msg['From'] = from_addr msg['To'] = to_addr smtp = smtplib.SMTP(self.smtp_server, self.smtp_port) if self.smtp_username: smtp.login(self.smtp_username, self.smtp_pw) smtp.sendmail(from_addr, to_addr, msg.as_string()) smtp.quit()
def upgrade_deal(deal_id, stage, pipeline_id=1, user_email=assignee_email, value=None): try: stage_id = 15 #_get_stage(name=stage, pipeline_id=pipeline_id) data = { "stage_id": stage_id } if stage == "Paying Customer": data['status'] = 'won' if value: data['value'] = value _api_call("deals/%s" % deal_id, "PUT", data) if stage == "Paying Customer": deal = _api_call("deals/%s" % deal_id)["data"] user_id = _get_user(email=user_email) date = ( + timedelta(days=1)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d") time = "10:00" _create_activity(subject="Send thank you email for upgrade", type="email", due_date=date, due_time=time, deal_id=deal_id, person_id=deal["person_id"]["value"], org_id=deal["org_id"]["value"], user_id=user_id) except Exception, err: message = turbomail.Message("*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", 'Upgrade Deal') message.plain = json.dumps({ "pipedrive_data": { "deal_id": deal_id, "pipeline_id": pipeline_id, "stage": stage }, "error": str(err) }) try: turbomail.enqueue(message) except: pass
def send_email(to_addr, sender, subject, body, rich=None): # Using turbomail if it exists, 'dumb' method otherwise if turbomail and config.get('mail.on'): msg = turbomail.Message(sender, to_addr, subject, encoding='utf-8') msg.plain = body if rich: = rich turbomail.enqueue(msg) # Using tgext.mailer pluggable if it exists, 'dumb' method otherwise elif message: mailer = get_mailer(request) message_to_send = message( subject=subject, sender=sender, recipients=[to_addr], body=body, html=rich or None ) if config.get('tm.enabled', False): mailer.send(message_to_send) else: mailer.send_immediately(message_to_send) else: _plain_send_mail(sender, to_addr, subject, body)
def openTicket(self, **kwargs): main_menu, sub_menu = self.renderMenu('support') customer = identity.current.user.customer user = identity.current.user validators = {'department': V.String(not_empty=True), 'reply_to': V.Email(not_empty=True), 'subject': V.UnicodeString(not_empty=True), 'message': V.UnicodeString(not_empty=True) } errors = simpleValidate(validators, kwargs) if errors: return apply(self.OpenTicket, [], kwargs) # Succeeded in validating, now need to send the message address_map = {'support': '*****@*****.**', 'billing': '*****@*****.**', 'abuse': '*****@*****.**'} to_address = address_map.get(kwargs['department'], '*****@*****.**') message = turbomail.Message(kwargs['reply_to'], to_address, kwargs['subject']) message.encoding = 'utf-8' message.replyto = kwargs['reply_to'] message.plain = kwargs['message'] = unicode(kwargs['message']) message.headers = {'x-panopta-customer': str(} turbomail.enqueue(message) return dict(main_menu = main_menu, reply_to = kwargs['reply_to'])
def send_email(to_addr, from_addr, subject, body): # Using turbomail if it exists, 'dumb' method otherwise if turbomail and config.get('mail.on'): msg = turbomail.Message(from_addr, to_addr, subject) msg.plain = body turbomail.enqueue(msg) else: _plain_send_mail(from_addr, to_addr, subject, body)
def test_message_enqueue(self): config = {'mail.on': True} fake_setuptools = {'immediate': ImmediateManager, 'debug': DebugTransportFactory} interface.start(config, extra_classes=fake_setuptools) message = Message('*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', 'Test') message.plain = 'Hello world!' turbomail.enqueue(message)
def test_can_send_pregenerated_messages_with_dict(self): config = {'mail.on': True} fake_setuptools = {'immediate': ImmediateManager, 'debug': DebugTransportFactory} interface.start(config, extra_classes=fake_setuptools) msg_info = dict(sender='*****@*****.**', recipients='*****@*****.**', message=rfc822_msg) turbomail.enqueue(msg_info)
def send_email(to_addr, sender, subject, body, rich=None): # Using turbomail if it exists, 'dumb' method otherwise if turbomail and config.get('mail.on'): msg = turbomail.Message(sender, to_addr, subject, encoding='utf-8') msg.plain = body if rich: = rich turbomail.enqueue(msg) else: _plain_send_mail(sender, to_addr, subject, body)
def send_mail(sender, to, subject, body): from turbomail import MailNotEnabledException if to in config.get('exclude_mail').split(): return message = turbomail.Message(sender, to, subject) message.plain = body try: log.debug("Sending mail: %r" % message.plain) turbomail.enqueue(message) except MailNotEnabledException, e: log.warning(str(e))
def send_mail(to_addr, subject, text, from_addr=None): if from_addr is None: from_addr = config.get('accounts_email') message = turbomail.Message(from_addr, to_addr, subject) message.plain = text if config.get('mail.on', False): turbomail.enqueue(message) else: log.debug('Would have sent: %(subject)s' % {'subject': to_bytes(subject)}) log.debug('To: %(recipients)s' % {'recipients': to_bytes(to_addr)}) log.debug('From: %(sender)s' % {'sender': to_bytes(from_addr)})
def send_mail(to_addr, subject, text, from_addr=None): if from_addr is None: from_addr = config.get('accounts_email') message = turbomail.Message(from_addr, to_addr, subject) message.plain = text if config.get('mail.on', False): turbomail.enqueue(message) else: log.debug('Would have sent: %(subject)s' % { 'subject': to_bytes(subject)}) log.debug('To: %(recipients)s' % { 'recipients': to_bytes(to_addr)}) log.debug('From: %(sender)s' % { 'sender': to_bytes(from_addr)})
def send_mail(sender, to, subject, body, headers=None): from turbomail import MailNotEnabledException if to in config.get('exclude_mail').split(): return if '@' not in to: to = '%s@%s' % (to, config.get('default_email_domain')) message = turbomail.Message(sender, to, subject) message.plain = body if headers: message.headers = headers try: log.debug("Sending mail: %r" % message.plain) turbomail.enqueue(message) except MailNotEnabledException, e: log.warning(str(e))
def create_deal(title, organization, stage, name, email, phone=None, owner_email=owner_email, value="0", currency="USD", visible_to="0", pipeline_id=1, user_email=assignee_email, customer=None): try: custom_fields = {} if stage == "Trial Signup" and customer: CRM_URL = "%s/customer/%s" % (tgconfig.get("pipedrive.crm_base_url", ""), custom_fields["0311d7820939efc3beed50558306d593767def24"] = CRM_URL CP_URL = "%s/report/manageCustomer?customer_id=%s" % (customer.brand.controlpanel_url if customer.brand else '', custom_fields["57de508605ec72b1a46d2b95d5de3a08f034a36f"] = CP_URL owner_id = _get_user(email=owner_email) org_id = _create_organization(name=organization, owner_id=owner_id, visible_to=visible_to, **custom_fields) person_id = _create_person(name=name, owner_id=owner_id, org_id=org_id, email=email, phone=phone, visible_to=visible_to) stage_id = 12#_get_stage(name=stage, pipeline_id=pipeline_id) deal_id = _create_deal(title=title, value=value, currency=currency, person_id=person_id, org_id=org_id, stage_id=stage_id, visible_to=visible_to) if stage == "Trial Signup": user_id = _get_user(email=user_email) date1 = ( + timedelta(days=2)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d") time1 = "10:00" _create_activity(subject="Initial review of account and send intro email", type="email", due_date=date1, due_time=time1, deal_id=deal_id, person_id=person_id, org_id=org_id, user_id=user_id) date2 = ( + timedelta(days=21)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d") time2 = "10:00" _create_activity(subject="Pre trial expire review and followup", type="email", due_date=date2, due_time=time2, deal_id=deal_id, person_id=person_id, org_id=org_id, user_id=user_id) except Exception, err: deal_id = 0 message = turbomail.Message("*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", 'New Deal') message.plain = json.dumps({ "pipedrive_data": { "title": title, "value": value, "currency": currency, "person": name, "org": organization, "stage": stage, "visible_to": visible_to }, "error": str(err) }) try: turbomail.enqueue(message) except: pass
def _send_msg(self, msg, subject, recipients, from_addr=None): '''Send an email from the packagedb.''' if not from_addr: from_addr = self.MAILFROM if config.get('mail.on', False): for person in recipients: email = turbomail.Message(from_addr, person, '[pkgdb] %s' % (subject,)) email.plain = msg turbomail.enqueue(email) else: LOG.debug(_('Would have sent: %(subject)s') % { 'subject': subject.encode('ascii', 'replace')}) LOG.debug('To: %s' % recipients) LOG.debug('From: %s %s' % (from_addr[0].encode('ascii', 'replace'), from_addr[1].encode('ascii', 'replace'))) LOG.debug('%s' % msg.encode('ascii', 'replace'))
def _send_msg(self, msg, subject, recipients, from_addr=None): '''Send an email from the packagedb.''' if not from_addr: from_addr = self.MAILFROM if config.get('mail.on', False): for person in recipients: email = turbomail.Message(from_addr, person, '[pkgdb] %s' % (subject, )) email.plain = msg turbomail.enqueue(email) else: LOG.debug( _('Would have sent: %(subject)s') % {'subject': subject.encode('ascii', 'replace')}) LOG.debug('To: %s' % recipients) LOG.debug('From: %s %s' % (from_addr[0].encode( 'ascii', 'replace'), from_addr[1].encode('ascii', 'replace'))) LOG.debug('%s' % msg.encode('ascii', 'replace'))
def openTicket(self, **kwargs): main_menu, sub_menu = self.renderMenu('support') validators = {'email': V.Email(not_empty=True), 'subject': V.String(not_empty=True), 'message': V.String(not_empty=True), 'name': V.String(not_empty=True) } errors = simpleValidate(validators, kwargs) if errors: return apply(self.submit_ticket, [], kwargs) # Succeeded in validating, now need to send the message to_address = '*****@*****.**' message = turbomail.Message(kwargs['email'], to_address, kwargs['subject']) message.replyto = kwargs['email'] message.plain = kwargs['message'] turbomail.enqueue(message) return dict(main_menu = main_menu, email = kwargs['email'])
def send_exception_email(self, status, url, data): """Send an email with the error info to the admin. Uses TurboMail if installed and activated, otherwise tries to send email with the smtplib module. The SMTP settings can be configured with the following configuration settings: error_catcher.smtp_host - Mail server to connect to (default 'localhost') error_catcher.smtp_user - User name for SMTP authentication. If unset no SMTP login is performed. error_catcher.smtp_passwd - Password for SMTP authentication """ if not self.sender_email or not self.admin_email: log.exception( "Configuration error: could not send error" "because sender and/or admin email address is not set." ) raise RuntimeError subject = "%d ERROR on the Server" % status text = ERROR_MAIL_TMPL % dict(url=url, data=data) if has_turbomail and config.get("mail.on"): msg = turbomail.Message(self.sender_email, self.admin_email, subject) msg.plain = text turbomail.enqueue(msg) else: from email.MIMEMultipart import MIMEMultipart from email.MIMEText import MIMEText from email.Utils import formatdate msg = MIMEMultipart() msg["From"] = self.sender_email msg["To"] = self.admin_email msg["Date"] = formatdate(localtime=True) msg["Subject"] = subject msg.attach(MIMEText(text)) self._send_email_smtp(self.sender_email, self.admin_email, msg.as_string())
def send_email(self, to_addr, from_addr, username, design, interaction, bugs, ideas): ''' Sends an email containing the information given as arguments. @param to_addr E-Mail receiver @param from_addr E-Mail sender @param username The name of the user who submitted the feedback @param design The users opinion about design @param interaction The users opinion about interaction @param bugs The users experiences with bugs @param ideas The users own ideas ''' print to_addr, from_addr body = "<feedback username='******'>\n\t<design>" + design + "</design>\n" + "\t<interaction>" + interaction + "</interaction>\n" + "\t<bugs>" + bugs + "</bugs>\n\t" + "<ideas>" + ideas + "</ideas>\n</feedback>" # Using turbomail if it exists, 'dumb' method otherwise if turbomail and config.get('mail.on'): msg = turbomail.Message(from_addr, to_addr, username) msg.plain = body turbomail.enqueue(msg) else: msg = MIMEText (body) msg['Subject'] = username msg['From'] = from_addr msg['To'] = to_addr smtp_server = config.get('feedback.mail.smtp_server', 'localhost') smtp_port = config.get('feedback.mail.smtp_port', 25) smtp_username = config.get('feedback.mail.smtp_server.username') smtp_pw = config.get('feedback.mail.smtp_server.password') print smtp_username, smtp_pw smtp = smtplib.SMTP(smtp_server, smtp_port) if smtp_username: smtp.login(smtp_username, smtp_pw) smtp.sendmail(from_addr, to_addr, msg.as_string()) smtp.quit()
def send_email(to_addr, subject, body): ''' Send an email. @param to_addr: the recipient @param subject: the subject @param body: the message body (text or html) ''' from_addr = config.get('registration.mail.admin_email') try: # Using turbomail if it exists, 'dumb' method otherwise if turbomail and config.get('mail.on'): msg = turbomail.Message(from_addr, to_addr, subject) msg.plain = body turbomail.enqueue(msg) else: smtp_server = config.get('registration.mail.smtp_server', 'localhost') smtp_port = config.get('registration.mail.smtp_server_port', 25) smtp_username = config.get('registration.mail.smtp_server.username', None) smtp_pw = config.get('registration.mail.smtp_server.password', None) msg = MIMEText (body) msg.set_charset('utf-8') msg['Subject'] = subject msg['From'] = from_addr msg['To'] = to_addr smtp = smtplib.SMTP(smtp_server, smtp_port) if smtp_username: smtp.login(smtp_username, smtp_pw) smtp.sendmail(from_addr, to_addr, msg.as_string()) smtp.quit() print "send email to %s" % to_addr except: print "Could not send email to %s (%s)" % (to_addr, subject)
def ResetPassword(self, **kwargs): host = cherrypy.request.headers.get("X-Forwarded-Host") brand, brand_logo_url, brand_textkey, brand_name, brand_favicon_url = self.getBrandSpecificUI(host) # Check reset password link if 'verify_code' in kwargs: try: email_address = kwargs['email_address'].strip().replace(" ", "+") verify_code = kwargs['verify_code'].strip() user = == email_address, masterdb.User.q.deleted == 0))[0] if verify_code !="%s:%s" % (email_address, user.forgotpassword_code)).hexdigest() or \ ( - user.forgotpassword_timestamp) > timedelta(days=turbogears.config.get('password_reset_link_valid_days', 2)): raise fields = [PasswordElement('new_password', 'new_password', '', label=_("New Password"), help='', args=kwargs), PasswordElement('confirm_new_password', 'confirm_new_password', '', label=_("Confirm New Password"), help='', args=kwargs)] return dict(fields = fields, email_address = email_address, verify_code = verify_code , brand = brand, brand_logo_url = brand_logo_url, brand_textkey = brand_textkey, brand_name = brand_name, brand_favicon_url = brand_favicon_url ) except: if brand and brand.controlpanel_url: redirect("%s/login?reset=0" % brand.controlpanel_url) else: redirect("/login?reset=0") # Validate email_address validators = {'email_address': V.Email(not_empty=True)} errors = simpleValidate(validators, kwargs) if errors: return apply(self.ForgotPassword, [], kwargs) email_address = kwargs['email_address'] # Check if the email exist in database users = == email_address, masterdb.User.q.deleted == 0)) if not users.count(): # We tell them an email was sent regardless, so that someone trying to attack can't determine which addresses are tied to valid email addresses. if brand and brand.controlpanel_url: redirect("%s/login?reset=1" % brand.controlpanel_url) else: redirect("/login?reset=1") valid_chars = string.ascii_letters + string.digits valid_chars = valid_chars.replace('1', '') valid_chars = valid_chars.replace('l', '') valid_chars = valid_chars.replace('0', '') valid_chars = valid_chars.replace('O', '') valid_chars = valid_chars.replace('o', '') # Add the forgotpassword_code to matched users and send the reset email to them for user in users: forgotpassword_code = ''.join([choice(valid_chars) for i in range(12)]) verify_code ="%s:%s" % (user.email_address, forgotpassword_code)).hexdigest() password_reset_link = "%sResetPassword?email_address=%s&verify_code=%s" % (user.customer.getControlPanelURL(include_protocol=True), user.email_address, verify_code) user.forgotpassword_code = forgotpassword_code user.forgotpassword_timestamp = message = turbomail.Message(('%s Support' % brand_name, brand and brand.support_email_address or '*****@*****.**'), email_address, '%s password reset' % brand_name) message.encoding = 'utf-8' message.bcc = '*****@*****.**' message.plain = _("""We have received a password reset request for your %(brand_name)s service. Please use the link below to reset your password for the %(email_address)s account. If you did not request a password reset, please ignore this message and no changes will be made to your account. %(password_reset_link)s Sincerely, %(brand_name)s Support %(support_address)s """ % {'password_reset_link': password_reset_link, 'email_address': user.email_address, 'brand_name': brand_name, 'support_address': brand and brand.support_email_address or '*****@*****.**', }) turbomail.enqueue(message) if brand and brand.controlpanel_url: redirect("%s/login?reset=1" % brand.controlpanel_url) else: redirect("/login?reset=1")
def send_mail(to_addr, subject, text, from_addr=None): if from_addr is None: from_addr = config.get('accounts_email') message = turbomail.Message(from_addr, to_addr, subject) message.plain = text turbomail.enqueue(message)
def order_trial(name, email_address, company_name, plan): for blacklist_domain in turbogears.config.get("blacklisted_signup_domains", []): if email_address.endswith(blacklist_domain):"wtf chinese hackers, leave us alone: %s" % email_address) return None # Determine where they're coming from to determine their timezone timezone = "US/Central" try: ipaddr = cherrypy.request.headers.get("X-Forwarded-For") gir = gi.record_by_addr(ipaddr) country = gir["country_code"] region = gir["region"] search = country if country in ("US", "CA"): search = "%s-%s" % (country, region) if models.timezones.country_to_timezone.has_key(search): timezone = models.timezones.country_to_timezone[search] except: timezone = "US/Central" # Validation errors = [] # Validate name if len(name.strip().split()) <= 1: errors.append((_("Please enter your first and last name."), "name")) # Validate email_addres taken_user = masterdb.User.selectBy(email_address=email_address) if taken_user.count() != 0 and email_address not in turbogears.config.get("whitelist_orderform_addresses", []): errors.append( ( _( "There is already a user created with this email address. You are only eligible for one free trial - please login to your account to convert to a full paying plan." ), "email_address", ) ) # Validate company_name if not company_name: errors.append((_("Please enter your company name."), "company_name")) # Validate plan if not plan: errors.append((_("You should specify the plan."), "plan")) if errors: raise TrialSignupException(errors) # Passed validation, save the data and send a validation code valid_chars = ( (string.ascii_letters + string.digits) .replace("1", "") .replace("l", "") .replace("0", "") .replace("O", "") .replace("o", "") ) validation_code = "".join([choice(valid_chars) for i in range(1, 8)]) # Create pending order pending_order = masterdb.PendingOrder( name=name, email_address=email_address, company_name=company_name, plan=plan, username=email_address, timezone=timezone, validation_code=validation_code, password="", promotion=None, discount=None, phone="", ) # Send out the email with the validation code email_template = "TrialValidation" template_file = join(EMAIL_TEMPLATE_DIR, "%s.html" % email_template) template_str = Template(open(template_file, "r").read()) context = {"name": name.split()[0], "validation_code": validation_code} template = unicode(template_str.safe_substitute(context)) subject = "Complete your Panopta sign up" support_email = ("Panopta Support", "*****@*****.**") message = turbomail.Message(support_email, email_address, subject) message.encoding = "utf-8" message.bcc = "*****@*****.**" = template turbomail.enqueue(message) # Send logging email internally for order tracking try: message = turbomail.Message( "*****@*****.**", ["*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**"], "New trial signup - %s" % email_address, ) message.plain = unicode( """ Name: %s Company: %s Email Address: %s Timezone: %s""" % (name, company_name, email_address, timezone) ) turbomail.enqueue(message) except: pass
def signup_trial(name, password, email, phone="", company_name="", source="", promo_code=None, skip_validate=False): errors = [] # Determine where they're coming from to determine their timezone timezone = "US/Central" try: ipaddr = cherrypy.request.headers.get("X-Forwarded-For") gir = gi.record_by_addr(ipaddr) country = gir["country_code"] region = gir["region"] search = country if country in ("US", "CA"): search = "%s-%s" % (country, region) if models.timezones.country_to_timezone.has_key(search): timezone = models.timezones.country_to_timezone[search] except: timezone = "US/Central" # Validate name if len(name.strip().split()) <= 1: errors.append((_("Please enter your first and last name."), "name")) # Validate the promo code promotion = None if promo_code: promo = == str(promo_code)) if not promo.count(): pass elif promo[0].start_datetime > errors.append((_("Invalid promotion code."), "promo_code")) elif promo[0].end_datetime and promo[0].end_datetime < errors.append((_("Sorry, this promotion has expired."), "promo_code")) else: promotion = promo[0] taken_user = masterdb.User.selectBy(email_address=email) if taken_user.count() != 0 and email not in turbogears.config.get("whitelist_orderform_addresses", []): errors.append( ( _( "There is already a user created with this email address. You are only eligible for one free trial - please login to your account to convert to a full paying plan." ), "email_address", ) ) if errors: raise TrialSignupException(errors) # Passed validation, save the data and send a validation code valid_chars = string.ascii_letters + string.digits valid_chars = valid_chars.replace("1", "") valid_chars = valid_chars.replace("l", "") valid_chars = valid_chars.replace("0", "") valid_chars = valid_chars.replace("O", "") valid_chars = valid_chars.replace("o", "") validation_code = "".join([choice(valid_chars) for i in range(1, 8)]) discount = None if promotion: discount = for blacklist_domain in turbogears.config.get("blacklisted_signup_domains", []): if email.endswith(blacklist_domain):"wtf chinese hackers, leave us alone: %s" % email) return None pending_order = masterdb.PendingOrder( name=name, username=email, password=password, email_address=email, timezone=timezone, validation_code=validation_code, promotion=promotion, discount=discount, source=source, phone=phone, company_name=company_name, ) email_template = "validation" subject = "Panopta account verification" support_email = ("Panopta Support", "*****@*****.**") brand = None if promotion: brand = promotion.brand if brand: email_template = "validation-" + brand.textkey.replace("partner.", "") subject = "%s account verification" % support_email = ("%s Support" %, brand.support_email_address) template_html_file = join(EMAIL_TEMPLATE_DIR, "%s.html" % email_template) template_text_file = join(EMAIL_TEMPLATE_DIR, "%s.txt" % email_template) if not template_html_file or not template_text_file: raise Exception("no brand templates '%s' and '%s'" % (template_html_file, template_text_file)) template_html = Template(open(template_html_file, "r").read()) template_text = Template(open(template_text_file, "r").read()) tparams = {"validation_code": validation_code, "email_address": email} if brand: tparams.update( { "support_email": brand.support_email_address, "controlpanel": brand.base_domain, "logo_url": brand.logo_secure_url, } ) template_html = unicode(template_html.safe_substitute(tparams)) template_text = unicode(template_text.safe_substitute(tparams)) if not skip_validate: # Send out the email with the validation code message = turbomail.Message(support_email, email, subject) message.encoding = "utf-8" message.bcc = "*****@*****.**" = template_html message.plain = template_text turbomail.enqueue(message) # Send logging email internally for order tracking try: message = turbomail.Message( "*****@*****.**", ["*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**"], "New trial signup - %s" % email ) # message.encoding = "utf-8" message.plain = unicode( """ Brand: %s Name: %s Company: %s Email Address: %s Phone Number: %s Timezone: %s Source: %s Promotion: %s""" % ( brand and or "Panopta", name, company_name, email, phone, timezone, source, promotion and or "None", ) ) turbomail.enqueue(message) except: pass return pending_order