def gfb_tv_local(y, beta, niter, mask_pix, mask_reg, H=None,
                                val_min=0, val_max=1, x0=None):
    TV regression + interval constraint using the generalized
    forward backward splitting (GFB), in local tomography mode.


    y : ndarray of floats
        Measures (tomography projection). If H is given, y is a column
        vector. If H is not given, y is a 2-D array where each line
        is a projection along a different angle

    beta : float
        weight of TV norm

    niter : number of forward-backward iterations to perform

    mask_pix: ndarray of bools
        Domain where pixels are reconstructed (typically, the disk
        inside a square).

    mask_reg: ndarray of bools
        Domain where the spatial regularization is performed

    H : sparse matrix or None
        tomography design matrix. Should be in csr format. If H is none,
        the projections as well as the back-projection are computed by
        a direct method, without writing explicitely the design matrix.

    val_min, val_max: floats
        We impose that the image values are in [val_min, val_max]

    x0 : ndarray of floats, optional (default is None)
        Initial guess


    res : list
        list of iterates of the reconstructed images

    energies : list
        values of the function to be minimized at the different
        iterations. Its values should be decreasing.


    This algorithm minimizes iteratively the energy

    E(x) = 1/2 || H x - y ||^2 + beta TV(x) + i_C(x)

    where TV(.) is the total variation pseudo-norm and
    i_C is the indicator function of the convex set [val_min, val_max].

    The algorithm used the generalized forward-backward scheme

    z1_{n + 1} = z1_n - x_n +
                prox_{2 gamma beta TV(.)} (2*x_n - z1_n - gamma nabla f(x_n))
    z2_{n+1} =  z1_n - x_n +
                prox_{i_C(.)}(2*x_n - z2_n - gamma nabla f(x_n)

    where f(x) = 1/2 || H x - y ||^2

    This method can in fact be used for other sums of non-smooth functions
    for which the prox operator is known.

    Hugo Raguet, Jalal M. Fadili and Gabriel Peyre, Generalized
    Forward-Backward Splitting Algorithm, preprint arXiv:1108.4404v2, 2011.

    See also
    mask_reg = mask_reg[mask_pix]
    n_meas, n_pix = H.shape
    l = len(mask_pix)
    n_angles = n_meas / l
    Ht = sparse.csr_matrix(H.transpose())
    z_1 = np.zeros((n_pix, 1))
    z_2 = np.zeros((n_pix, 1))
    res, energies = [], []
    # l * n_angles is the Lipschitz constant of Ht H
    gamma = 2 * .5/ (l * n_angles)
    x0 = np.zeros(n_pix)[:, np.newaxis]
    x = x0
    for i in range(niter):
        eps = 1.e-4
        # Forward part
        err = H * x - y
        back_proj = Ht * err
        grad_descent = x - gamma * back_proj
        # backward: TV and i_c proxs
        # TV part
        tmp_z_1 = 2 * x - z_1 - gamma * back_proj
        tmp_z_1_2d = np.zeros((l, l))
        tmp_z_1_2d[mask_pix] = tmp_z_1.ravel()
        z_1 = z_1 + tv_denoise_fista(tmp_z_1_2d, weight=2 * beta * gamma,
                eps=eps)[mask_pix][:, np.newaxis] - x
        # Projection on the interval
        tmp_z_2 = 2 * x - z_2 - gamma * back_proj
        tmp_z_2[tmp_z_2 < val_min] = val_min
        tmp_z_2[tmp_z_2 > val_max] = val_max
        z_2 = z_2 - x + tmp_z_2
        # update x: average of z_i
        x = (0.5 * (z_1 + z_2))
        x[~mask_reg] = grad_descent[~mask_reg]
        tmp = np.zeros((l, l))
        tmp[mask_pix] = x.ravel()
    return res, energies
def fista_tv(y, beta, niter, H, verbose=0, mask=None):
    TV regression using FISTA algorithm
    (Fast Iterative Shrinkage/Thresholding Algorithm)


    y : ndarray of floats
        Measures (tomography projection). If H is given, y is a column
        vector. If H is not given, y is a 2-D array where each line
        is a projection along a different angle

    beta : float
        weight of TV norm

    niter : number of forward-backward iterations to perform

    H : sparse matrix
        tomography design matrix. Should be in csr format.

    mask : array of bools


    res : list
        list of iterates of the reconstructed images

    energies : list
        values of the function to be minimized at the different
        iterations. Its values should be decreasing.

    This algorithm minimizes iteratively the energy

    E(x) = 1/2 || H x - y ||^2 + beta TV(x) = f(x) + beta TV(x)

    by forward - backward iterations:

    u_n = prox_{gamma beta TV}(x_n - gamma nabla f(x_n)))
    t_{n+1} = 1/2 * (1 + sqrt(1 + 4 t_n^2))
    x_{n+1} = u_n + (t_n - 1)/t_{n+1} * (u_n - u_{n-1})


    - A. Beck and M. Teboulle (2009). A fast iterative
      shrinkage-thresholding algorithm for linear inverse problems.
      SIAM J. Imaging Sci., 2(1):183-202.

    - Nelly Pustelnik's thesis (in French),
      Paragraph 3.3.1-c p. 69 , FISTA

    n_meas, n_pix = H.shape
    if mask is not None:
        l = len(mask)
        l = int(np.sqrt(n_pix))
    n_angles = n_meas / l
    Ht = sparse.csr_matrix(H.transpose())
    x0 = np.zeros(n_pix)[:, np.newaxis]
    res, energies = [], []
    gamma = .9/ (l * n_angles)
    x = x0
    u_old = np.zeros((l, l))
    t_old = 1
    for i in range(niter):
        if verbose:
            print i
        eps = 1.e-4
        err = H * x - y
        back_proj = Ht * err
        tmp = x - gamma * back_proj
        if mask is not None:
            tmp2d = np.zeros((l, l))
            tmp2d[mask] = tmp.ravel()
            tmp2d = tmp.reshape((l, l))
        u_n = tv_denoise_fista(tmp2d,
                weight=beta*gamma, eps=eps)
        t_new = (1 + np.sqrt(1 + 4 * t_old**2))/2.
        t_old = t_new
        x = u_n + (t_old - 1)/t_new * (u_n - u_old)
        u_old = u_n
        data_fidelity_err = 1./2 * (err**2).sum()
        tv_value = beta * tv_norm(x)
        energy = data_fidelity_err + tv_value
        if mask is not None:
            x = x[mask][:, np.newaxis]
            x = x.ravel()[:, np.newaxis]
    return res, energies
def gfb_tv(y, beta, niter, H=None, val_min=0, val_max=1, x0=None,
    TV regression + interval constraint using the generalized
    forward backward splitting (GFB).


    y : ndarray of floats
        Measures (tomography projection). If H is given, y is a column
        vector. If H is not given, y is a 2-D array where each line
        is a projection along a different angle

    beta : float
        weight of TV norm

    niter : number of forward-backward iterations to perform

    H : sparse matrix or None
        tomography design matrix. Should be in csr format. If H is none,
        the projections as well as the back-projection are computed by
        a direct method, without writing explicitely the design matrix.

    val_min, val_max: floats
        We impose that the image values are in [val_min, val_max]

    x0 : ndarray of floats, optional (default is None)
        Initial guess


    res : list
        list of iterates of the reconstructed images

    energies : list
        values of the function to be minimized at the different
        iterations. Its values should be decreasing.


    This algorithm minimizes iteratively the energy

    E(x) = 1/2 || H x - y ||^2 + beta TV(x) + i_C(x)

    where TV(.) is the total variation pseudo-norm and
    i_C is the indicator function of the convex set [val_min, val_max].

    The algorithm used the generalized forward-backward scheme

    z1_{n + 1} = z1_n - x_n +
                prox_{2 gamma beta TV(.)} (2*x_n - z1_n - gamma nabla f(x_n))
    z2_{n+1} =  z1_n - x_n +
                prox_{i_C(.)}(2*x_n - z2_n - gamma nabla f(x_n)

    where f(x) = 1/2 || H x - y ||^2

    This method can in fact be used for other sums of non-smooth functions
    for which the prox operator is known.

    Hugo Raguet, Jalal M. Fadili and Gabriel Peyre, Generalized
    Forward-Backward Splitting Algorithm, preprint arXiv:1108.4404v2, 2011.

    See also
    n_angles, l = y.shape
    n_meas, n_pix = H.shape
    l = int(np.sqrt(n_pix))
    n_angles = n_meas / l
    Ht = sparse.csr_matrix(H.transpose())
    if x0 is None:
        x0 = np.zeros((l, l))
    z_1 = np.zeros((l**2, 1))
    z_2 = np.zeros((l**2, 1))
    res, energies = [], []
    # l * n_angles is the Lipschitz constant of Ht H
    gamma = 2 * .9/ (l * n_angles)
    x = x0
    energy = np.inf
    for i in range(niter):
        eps = 1.e-4
        # Forward part
        x = x.ravel()[:, np.newaxis]
        err = H * x - y
        back_proj = Ht * err
        # backward: TV and i_c proxs
        # TV part
        tmp_z_1 = 2 * x - z_1 - gamma * back_proj
        tmp_z_1 = tmp_z_1.reshape((l, l))
        z_1 = z_1 + tv_denoise_fista(tmp_z_1, weight=2 * beta * gamma,
                eps=eps).ravel()[:, np.newaxis] - x
        # Projection on the interval
        tmp_z_2 = 2 * x - z_2 - gamma * back_proj
        tmp_z_2[tmp_z_2 < val_min] = val_min
        tmp_z_2[tmp_z_2 > val_max] = val_max
        z_2 = z_2 - x + tmp_z_2
        # update x: average of z_i
        x = (0.5 * (z_1 + z_2)).reshape(l, l)
        # compute the energy
        data_fidelity_err = 1./2 * (err**2).sum()
        tv_value = beta * tv_norm(x)
        energy = data_fidelity_err + tv_value
        # stop criterion
        if i>2 and np.abs(energy - energies[-2]) < stop_tol*energies[1]:
    return res, energies
def ista_tv(y, beta, niter, H=None):
    TV regression using ISTA algorithm
    (Iterative Shrinkage/Thresholding Algorithm)


    y : ndarray of floats
        Measures (tomography projection). If H is given, y is a column
        vector. If H is not given, y is a 2-D array where each line
        is a projection along a different angle

    beta : float
        weight of TV norm

    niter : number of forward-backward iterations to perform

    H : sparse matrix or None
        tomography design matrix. Should be in csr format. If H is none,
        the projections as well as the back-projection are computed by
        a direct method, without writing explicitely the design matrix.


    res : list
        list of iterates of the reconstructed images

    energies : list
        values of the function to be minimized at the different
        iterations. Its values should be decreasing.


    This algorithm minimizes iteratively the energy

    E(x) = 1/2 || H x - y ||^2 + beta TV(x)

    by simple forward - backward iterations:

    x_{n + 1} = prox_{gamma beta TV(.)} (x_n - gamma nabla f(x_n))

    where f(x) = 1/2 || H x - y ||^2


    - Proximal Splitting Methods in Signal Processing, P. Combettes
      and J.-C. Pesquet, Fixed-Point Algorithms for Inverse Problems
      in Science and Engineering, p. 185 (2011). Algorithm 10.3 with
      lamba_n = 1.

    - Nelly Pustelnik's thesis (in French),
      Paragraph 3.3.1-c p. 68 , ISTA

    if H is None:
        method = 'direct'
        n_angles, l = y.shape
        n_pix = l ** 2
        method = 'matrix'
        n_angles, l = y.shape
        n_meas, n_pix = H.shape
        l = int(np.sqrt(n_pix))
        n_angles = n_meas / l
    if method == 'matrix':
        Ht = sparse.csr_matrix(H.transpose())
    x0 = np.zeros((l, l))
    res, energies = [], []
    # l * n_angles is the Lipschitz constant of Ht H
    gamma = .9/ (l * n_angles)
    x = x0
    for i in range(niter):
        eps = 1.e-4
        # Forward part
        if method == 'matrix':
            x = x.ravel()[:, np.newaxis]
            err = H * x - y
            back_proj = Ht * err
            tmp = x - gamma * back_proj
            tmp = tmp.reshape((l, l))
            err = projection(x, n_angles) - y
            back_proj = back_projection(err)
            tmp = x - gamma * back_proj
        # backward: TV prox
        x = tv_denoise_fista(tmp, weight=beta*gamma, eps=eps)
        # compute the energy
        data_fidelity_err = 1./2 * (err**2).sum()
        tv_value = beta * tv_norm(x)
        energy = data_fidelity_err + tv_value 
    return res, energies
def gfb_tv_local(y,
    TV regression + interval constraint using the generalized
    forward backward splitting (GFB), in local tomography mode.


    y : ndarray of floats
        Measures (tomography projection). If H is given, y is a column
        vector. If H is not given, y is a 2-D array where each line
        is a projection along a different angle

    beta : float
        weight of TV norm

    niter : number of forward-backward iterations to perform

    mask_pix: ndarray of bools
        Domain where pixels are reconstructed (typically, the disk
        inside a square).

    mask_reg: ndarray of bools
        Domain where the spatial regularization is performed

    H : sparse matrix or None
        tomography design matrix. Should be in csr format. If H is none,
        the projections as well as the back-projection are computed by
        a direct method, without writing explicitely the design matrix.

    val_min, val_max: floats
        We impose that the image values are in [val_min, val_max]

    x0 : ndarray of floats, optional (default is None)
        Initial guess


    res : list
        list of iterates of the reconstructed images

    energies : list
        values of the function to be minimized at the different
        iterations. Its values should be decreasing.


    This algorithm minimizes iteratively the energy

    E(x) = 1/2 || H x - y ||^2 + beta TV(x) + i_C(x)

    where TV(.) is the total variation pseudo-norm and
    i_C is the indicator function of the convex set [val_min, val_max].

    The algorithm used the generalized forward-backward scheme

    z1_{n + 1} = z1_n - x_n +
                prox_{2 gamma beta TV(.)} (2*x_n - z1_n - gamma nabla f(x_n))
    z2_{n+1} =  z1_n - x_n +
                prox_{i_C(.)}(2*x_n - z2_n - gamma nabla f(x_n)

    where f(x) = 1/2 || H x - y ||^2

    This method can in fact be used for other sums of non-smooth functions
    for which the prox operator is known.

    Hugo Raguet, Jalal M. Fadili and Gabriel Peyre, Generalized
    Forward-Backward Splitting Algorithm, preprint arXiv:1108.4404v2, 2011.

    See also
    mask_reg = mask_reg[mask_pix]
    n_meas, n_pix = H.shape
    l = len(mask_pix)
    n_angles = n_meas / l
    Ht = sparse.csr_matrix(H.transpose())
    z_1 = np.zeros((n_pix, 1))
    z_2 = np.zeros((n_pix, 1))
    res, energies = [], []
    # l * n_angles is the Lipschitz constant of Ht H
    gamma = 2 * .5 / (l * n_angles)
    x0 = np.zeros(n_pix)[:, np.newaxis]
    x = x0
    for i in range(niter):
        eps = 1.e-4
        # Forward part
        err = H * x - y
        back_proj = Ht * err
        grad_descent = x - gamma * back_proj
        # backward: TV and i_c proxs
        # TV part
        tmp_z_1 = 2 * x - z_1 - gamma * back_proj
        tmp_z_1_2d = np.zeros((l, l))
        tmp_z_1_2d[mask_pix] = tmp_z_1.ravel()
        z_1 = z_1 + tv_denoise_fista(tmp_z_1_2d,
                                     weight=2 * beta * gamma,
                                     eps=eps)[mask_pix][:, np.newaxis] - x
        # Projection on the interval
        tmp_z_2 = 2 * x - z_2 - gamma * back_proj
        tmp_z_2[tmp_z_2 < val_min] = val_min
        tmp_z_2[tmp_z_2 > val_max] = val_max
        z_2 = z_2 - x + tmp_z_2
        # update x: average of z_i
        x = (0.5 * (z_1 + z_2))
        x[~mask_reg] = grad_descent[~mask_reg]
        tmp = np.zeros((l, l))
        tmp[mask_pix] = x.ravel()
    return res, energies
def fista_tv(y,
    TV regression using FISTA algorithm
    (Fast Iterative Shrinkage/Thresholding Algorithm)


    y : ndarray of floats
        Measures (tomography projection). If H is given, y is a column
        vector. If H is not given, y is a 2-D array where each line
        is a projection along a different angle

    beta : float
        weight of TV norm

    niter : number of forward-backward iterations to perform

    H : sparse matrix
        tomography design matrix. Should be in csr format.

    mask : array of bools

    val_min: None or float, optional
        an optional lower bound constraint on the reconstructed image

    val_max: None or float, optional
        an optional upper bound constraint on the reconstructed image


    res : list
        list of iterates of the reconstructed images

    energies : list
        values of the function to be minimized at the different
        iterations. Its values should be decreasing.

    This algorithm minimizes iteratively the energy

    E(x) = 1/2 || H x - y ||^2 + beta TV(x) = f(x) + beta TV(x)

    by forward - backward iterations:

    u_n = prox_{gamma beta TV}(x_n - gamma nabla f(x_n)))
    t_{n+1} = 1/2 * (1 + sqrt(1 + 4 t_n^2))
    x_{n+1} = u_n + (t_n - 1)/t_{n+1} * (u_n - u_{n-1})


    - A. Beck and M. Teboulle (2009). A fast iterative
      shrinkage-thresholding algorithm for linear inverse problems.
      SIAM J. Imaging Sci., 2(1):183-202.

    - Nelly Pustelnik's thesis (in French),
      Paragraph 3.3.1-c p. 69 , FISTA

    n_meas, n_pix = H.shape
    if mask is not None:
        l = len(mask)
        l = int(np.sqrt(n_pix))
    n_angles = n_meas / l
    Ht = sparse.csr_matrix(H.transpose())
    x0 = np.zeros(n_pix)[:, np.newaxis]
    res, energies = [], []
    gamma = .9 / (l * n_angles)
    x = x0
    u_old = np.zeros((l, l))
    t_old = 1
    for i in range(niter):
        if verbose:
            print i
        eps = 1.e-4
        err = H * x - y
        back_proj = Ht * err
        tmp = x - gamma * back_proj
        if mask is not None:
            tmp2d = np.zeros((l, l))
            tmp2d[mask] = tmp.ravel()
            tmp2d = tmp.reshape((l, l))
        u_n = tv_denoise_fista(tmp2d,
                               weight=beta * gamma,
        t_new = (1 + np.sqrt(1 + 4 * t_old**2)) / 2.
        t_old = t_new
        x = u_n + (t_old - 1) / t_new * (u_n - u_old)
        u_old = u_n
        data_fidelity_err = 1. / 2 * (err**2).sum()
        tv_value = beta * tv_norm(x)
        energy = data_fidelity_err + tv_value
        if mask is not None:
            x = x[mask][:, np.newaxis]
            x = x.ravel()[:, np.newaxis]
    return res, energies
def gfb_tv(y,
    TV regression + interval constraint using the generalized
    forward backward splitting (GFB).


    y : ndarray of floats
        Measures (tomography projection). If H is given, y is a column
        vector. If H is not given, y is a 2-D array where each line
        is a projection along a different angle

    beta : float
        weight of TV norm

    niter : number of forward-backward iterations to perform

    H : sparse matrix or None
        tomography design matrix. Should be in csr format. If H is none,
        the projections as well as the back-projection are computed by
        a direct method, without writing explicitely the design matrix.

    val_min, val_max: floats
        We impose that the image values are in [val_min, val_max]

    x0 : ndarray of floats, optional (default is None)
        Initial guess


    res : list
        list of iterates of the reconstructed images

    energies : list
        values of the function to be minimized at the different
        iterations. Its values should be decreasing.


    This algorithm minimizes iteratively the energy

    E(x) = 1/2 || H x - y ||^2 + beta TV(x) + i_C(x)

    where TV(.) is the total variation pseudo-norm and
    i_C is the indicator function of the convex set [val_min, val_max].

    The algorithm used the generalized forward-backward scheme

    z1_{n + 1} = z1_n - x_n +
                prox_{2 gamma beta TV(.)} (2*x_n - z1_n - gamma nabla f(x_n))
    z2_{n+1} =  z1_n - x_n +
                prox_{i_C(.)}(2*x_n - z2_n - gamma nabla f(x_n)

    where f(x) = 1/2 || H x - y ||^2

    This method can in fact be used for other sums of non-smooth functions
    for which the prox operator is known.

    Hugo Raguet, Jalal M. Fadili and Gabriel Peyre, Generalized
    Forward-Backward Splitting Algorithm, preprint arXiv:1108.4404v2, 2011.

    See also
    n_angles, l = y.shape
    n_meas, n_pix = H.shape
    l = int(np.sqrt(n_pix))
    n_angles = n_meas / l
    Ht = sparse.csr_matrix(H.transpose())
    if x0 is None:
        x0 = np.zeros((l, l))
    z_1 = np.zeros((l**2, 1))
    z_2 = np.zeros((l**2, 1))
    res, energies = [], []
    # l * n_angles is the Lipschitz constant of Ht H
    gamma = 2 * .9 / (l * n_angles)
    x = x0
    energy = np.inf
    for i in range(niter):
        eps = 1.e-4
        # Forward part
        x = x.ravel()[:, np.newaxis]
        err = H * x - y
        back_proj = Ht * err
        # backward: TV and i_c proxs
        # TV part
        tmp_z_1 = 2 * x - z_1 - gamma * back_proj
        tmp_z_1 = tmp_z_1.reshape((l, l))
        z_1 = z_1 + tv_denoise_fista(tmp_z_1, weight=2 * beta * gamma,
                                     eps=eps).ravel()[:, np.newaxis] - x
        # Projection on the interval
        tmp_z_2 = 2 * x - z_2 - gamma * back_proj
        tmp_z_2[tmp_z_2 < val_min] = val_min
        tmp_z_2[tmp_z_2 > val_max] = val_max
        z_2 = z_2 - x + tmp_z_2
        # update x: average of z_i
        x = (0.5 * (z_1 + z_2)).reshape(l, l)
        # compute the energy
        data_fidelity_err = 1. / 2 * (err**2).sum()
        tv_value = beta * tv_norm(x)
        energy = data_fidelity_err + tv_value
        # stop criterion
        if i > 2 and np.abs(energy - energies[-2]) < stop_tol * energies[1]:
    return res, energies
def ista_tv(y, beta, niter, H=None):
    TV regression using ISTA algorithm
    (Iterative Shrinkage/Thresholding Algorithm)


    y : ndarray of floats
        Measures (tomography projection). If H is given, y is a column
        vector. If H is not given, y is a 2-D array where each line
        is a projection along a different angle

    beta : float
        weight of TV norm

    niter : number of forward-backward iterations to perform

    H : sparse matrix or None
        tomography design matrix. Should be in csr format. If H is none,
        the projections as well as the back-projection are computed by
        a direct method, without writing explicitely the design matrix.


    res : list
        list of iterates of the reconstructed images

    energies : list
        values of the function to be minimized at the different
        iterations. Its values should be decreasing.


    This algorithm minimizes iteratively the energy

    E(x) = 1/2 || H x - y ||^2 + beta TV(x)

    by simple forward - backward iterations:

    x_{n + 1} = prox_{gamma beta TV(.)} (x_n - gamma nabla f(x_n))

    where f(x) = 1/2 || H x - y ||^2


    - Proximal Splitting Methods in Signal Processing, P. Combettes
      and J.-C. Pesquet, Fixed-Point Algorithms for Inverse Problems
      in Science and Engineering, p. 185 (2011). Algorithm 10.3 with
      lamba_n = 1.

    - Nelly Pustelnik's thesis (in French),
      Paragraph 3.3.1-c p. 68 , ISTA

    if H is None:
        method = 'direct'
        n_angles, l = y.shape
        n_pix = l**2
        method = 'matrix'
        n_angles, l = y.shape
        n_meas, n_pix = H.shape
        l = int(np.sqrt(n_pix))
        n_angles = n_meas / l
    if method == 'matrix':
        Ht = sparse.csr_matrix(H.transpose())
    x0 = np.zeros((l, l))
    res, energies = [], []
    # l * n_angles is the Lipschitz constant of Ht H
    gamma = .9 / (l * n_angles)
    x = x0
    for i in range(niter):
        eps = 1.e-4
        # Forward part
        if method == 'matrix':
            x = x.ravel()[:, np.newaxis]
            err = H * x - y
            back_proj = Ht * err
            tmp = x - gamma * back_proj
            tmp = tmp.reshape((l, l))
            err = projection(x, n_angles) - y
            back_proj = back_projection(err)
            tmp = x - gamma * back_proj
        # backward: TV prox
        x = tv_denoise_fista(tmp, weight=beta * gamma, eps=eps)
        # compute the energy
        data_fidelity_err = 1. / 2 * (err**2).sum()
        tv_value = beta * tv_norm(x)
        energy = data_fidelity_err + tv_value
    return res, energies