def __handle_nonmapped_subtypes(ownr, obj, intr):
        """ Populate options for each subtype. This fills in models etc"""
        for opt in TYPE_REGISTER.subclasses(
                ownr, KWARG_AVOID_SUBCLASSES in obj.trait.inits.kwd):
            if hasattr(obj, 'value') and obj.value is not None and isinstance(
                    obj.value, opt):
                ## fill option currently selected with attributes from instance
                opt = obj.value
                opt_class = opt.__class__
                opt_class = opt
            opt.trait.bound = INTERFACE_ATTRIBUTES_ONLY

            description = multiline_math_directives_to_matjax(

                get(opt, '_ui_name', opt_class.__name__),
                str_class_name(opt_class, short_form=True),
                str_class_name(opt_class, short_form=False),
Exemple #2
def get_traited_subclasses(parent_class):
    :param parent_class: SuperClass, to return valid sub-classes of this (e.g. Model).
    :return: {class_name: sub_class_instance}
        e.g. {'WilsonCowan': WilsonCowan, ....}
    classes_list = TYPE_REGISTER.subclasses(parent_class)
    result = {}
    for class_instance in classes_list:
        result[class_instance.__name__] = class_instance
    return result
def get_traited_subclasses(parent_class):
    :param parent_class: SuperClass, to return valid sub-classes of this (e.g. Model).
    :return: {class_name: sub_class_instance}
        e.g. {'WilsonCowan': WilsonCowan, ....}
    classes_list = TYPE_REGISTER.subclasses(parent_class)
    result = {}
    for class_instance in classes_list:
        result[class_instance.__name__] = class_instance
    return result
    def __handle_nonmapped_subtypes(ownr, obj):
        """ Populate options for each subtype. This fills in models etc"""
        options = []
        for opt in TYPE_REGISTER.subclasses(
                ownr, KWARG_AVOID_SUBCLASSES in obj.trait.inits.kwd):
            if hasattr(obj, 'value') and obj.value is not None and isinstance(
                    obj.value, opt):
                ## fill option currently selected with attributes from instance
                opt = obj.value
                opt_class = opt.__class__
                opt_class = opt

            opt.trait.bound = INTERFACE_ATTRIBUTES_ONLY

            description = multiline_math_directives_to_matjax(
            name = get(opt, '_ui_name', opt_class.__name__)
            value = str_class_name(opt_class, short_form=True)
            type_ = str_class_name(opt_class, short_form=False)
            attributes = opt.interface_experimental
                itr.TypeNode(name, value, type_, description, attributes))
        return options
Exemple #5
    def __get__(self, inst, ownr):

        obj = inst if inst else ownr
        if not obj.trait.bound:
            return {}

        label = get(obj.trait.inits.kwd, 'label',
        if not label:
            label =
        intr = {'default': (obj.value or obj.trait.value) if hasattr(obj, 'value') else obj.trait.value,
                'description': get(obj.trait.inits.kwd, 'doc'),
                'label': self.label(label),
                'locked': obj.trait.inits.kwd.get('locked', False),
                'required': obj.trait.inits.kwd.get('required', True)}

        range_value = obj.trait.inits.kwd.get('range', False)
        if range_value:
            intr['minValue'] = range_value.lo
            intr['maxValue'] = range_value.hi
            intr['stepValue'] = range_value.step
        noise_configurable = obj.trait.inits.kwd.get('configurable_noise', None)
        if noise_configurable is not None:
            intr['configurableNoise'] = noise_configurable

        if KWARG_FILTERS_UI in obj.trait.inits.kwd:
            intr[KWARG_FILTERS_UI] = json.dumps([ui_filter.to_dict() for ui_filter in

        if hasattr(obj, 'dtype'):
            intr['elementType'] = getattr(obj, 'dtype')

        if get(obj.trait, 'wraps', False):
            if isinstance(obj.trait.wraps, tuple):
                intr['type'] = str(obj.trait.wraps[0].__name__)
                intr['type'] = str(obj.trait.wraps.__name__)

            if intr['type'] == 'dict' and isinstance(intr['default'], dict):
                intr['attributes'], intr['elementType'] = self.__prepare_dictionary(intr['default'])
                if len(intr['attributes']) < 1:
                    ## Dictionary without any sub-parameter
                    return {}

        ##### ARRAY specific processing ########################################
        if 'Array' in [str(i.__name__) for i in ownr.mro()]:
            intr['type'] = 'array'
            intr['elementType'] = str(inst.dtype)
            intr['quantifier'] = 'manual'
            if obj.trait.value is not None and isinstance(obj.trait.value, numpy.ndarray):
                # Make sure arrays are displayed in a compatible form: [1, 2, 3]
                intr['default'] = str(obj.trait.value.tolist())

        ##### TYPE & subclasses specifics ######################################
        elif ('Type' in [str(i.__name__) for i in ownr.mro()]
              and (obj.__module__ != 'tvb.basic.traits.types_basic'
                   or 'Range' in [str(i.__name__) for i in ownr.mro()])
              or 'Enumerate' in [str(i.__name__) for i in ownr.mro()]):

            # Populate Attributes for current entity
            attrs = sorted(getattr(obj, 'trait').values(), key=lambda entity: entity.trait.order_number)
            attrs = [val.interface for val in attrs if val.trait.order_number >= 0]
            attrs = [attr for attr in attrs if attr is not None and len(attr) > 0]
            intr['attributes'] = attrs

            if obj.trait.bound == INTERFACE_ATTRIBUTES_ONLY:
                # We need to do this, to avoid infinite loop on attributes 
                # of class Type with no subclasses
                return intr

            if obj.trait.select_multiple:
                intr['type'] = 'selectMultiple'
                intr['type'] = 'select'

            ##### MAPPED_TYPE specifics ############################################
            if 'MappedType' in [str(i.__name__) for i in ownr.mro()]:
                intr['datatype'] = True
                #### For simple DataTypes, cut options and attributes
                intr['options'] = []
                if not ownr._ui_complex_datatype:
                    intr['attributes'] = []
                    ownr_class = ownr.__class__
                    ownr_class = ownr._ui_complex_datatype
                if 'MetaType' in ownr_class.__name__:
                    ownr_class = ownr().__class__
                intr['type'] = ownr_class.__module__ + '.' + ownr_class.__name__

        ##### TYPE (not MAPPED_TYPE) again ####################################
                intr['attributes'] = []
                # Build options list
                intr['options'] = []
                if 'Enumerate' in obj.__class__.__name__:
                    for val in obj.trait.options:
                        intr['options'].append({'name': val,
                                                'value': val})
                    intr['default'] = obj.trait.value
                    return intr
                    for opt in TYPE_REGISTER.subclasses(ownr, KWARG_AVOID_SUBCLASSES in obj.trait.inits.kwd):
                        if hasattr(obj, 'value') and obj.value is not None and isinstance(obj.value, opt):
                            ## fill option currently selected with attributes from instance
                            opt = obj.value
                            opt_class = opt.__class__
                            opt_class = opt
                        opt.trait.bound = INTERFACE_ATTRIBUTES_ONLY
                        intr['options'].append({'name': get(opt, '_ui_name', opt_class.__name__),
                                                'value': str_class_name(opt_class, short_form=True),
                                                'class': str_class_name(opt_class, short_form=False),
                                                'description': opt_class.__doc__,
                                                'attributes': opt.interface['attributes']})

            if intr['default'] is not None and intr['default'].__class__:
                intr['default'] = str(intr['default'].__class__.__name__)
                if intr['default'] == 'RandomState':
                    intr['default'] = 'RandomStream'
                intr['default'] = None

        return intr
 def test_subclasses_retrieved(self):
     Test that the subclasses for a traited abstract class are correctly retrieved
     subclasses = TYPE_REGISTER.subclasses(Model)
     assert len(subclasses) >= 5
Exemple #7
 def test_subclasses_retrieved(self):
     Test that the subclasses for a traited abstract class are correctly retrieved
     subclasses = TYPE_REGISTER.subclasses(Model)
     self.assertTrue(len(subclasses) >= 5)