Exemple #1
def update(input_file):
    In order to avoid segmentation faults when updating a batch of files just
    start every conversion on a different Python process.
    :param input_file: the file that needs to be converted to a newer file storage version.
        This should be a file that still uses TVB 1.0 storage (pyTables)
    # Just to avoid any problems about renaming open files, do a rename from the start
    # and if case of a fault in the os.system call just rename back and remove the output file.
    if not os.path.isfile(input_file):
        raise FileVersioningException(
            "The input path %s received for upgrading from 1 -> 2 is not a "
            "valid file on the disk." % input_file)
    # Use a file-path with no spaces both for the temporary file and the input file
    # that is passed to the os.system call and just rename to original file at the
    # end of the processing to avoid any problems with parameters passed to os.system.
    input_file_no_spaces = input_file.replace(' ', '')
    path_to, file_name = os.path.split(input_file_no_spaces)
    tmp_convert_file = os.path.join(path_to, 'tmp_' + file_name)
    os.rename(input_file, tmp_convert_file)
    ok_status = os.system(PYTHON_EXE_PATH + ' -m %s %s %s' %
                          (__name__, tmp_convert_file, input_file_no_spaces))
    if ok_status == 0:
        # Call finished successfully
        os.rename(input_file_no_spaces, input_file)
        # Call failed for some reason, just rename back the input file
        os.rename(tmp_convert_file, input_file)
        raise FileVersioningException(
            "Something went wrong during the upgrade to file %s." % input_file)
Exemple #2
def update(input_file):
    In order to avoid segmentation faults when updating a batch of files just
    start every conversion on a different Python process.

    :param input_file: the file that needs to be converted to a newer file storage version.
        This should be a file that still uses TVB 2.0 storage
    if not os.path.isfile(input_file):
        raise FileVersioningException(
            "The input path %s received for upgrading from 2 -> 3 is not a "
            "valid file on the disk." % input_file)

    folder, file_name = os.path.split(input_file)
    storage_manager = HDF5StorageManager(folder, file_name)

    root_metadata = storage_manager.get_metadata()
    class_name = root_metadata[DataTypeMetaData.KEY_CLASS_NAME]

    if class_name == "LocalConnectivity":
            DataTypeMetaData.KEY_MODULE] = "tvb.datatypes.local_connectivity"
        _update_localconnectivity_metadata(folder, file_name)

    elif class_name == "RegionMapping":
            DataTypeMetaData.KEY_MODULE] = "tvb.datatypes.region_mapping"

        DATA_VERSION_ATTRIBUTE] = TvbProfile.current.version.DATA_VERSION
Exemple #3
def update(input_file):
    :param input_file: the file that needs to be converted to a newer file storage version.

    if not os.path.isfile(input_file):
        raise FileVersioningException("The input path %s received for upgrading from 3 -> 4 is not a "
                                      "valid file on the disk." % input_file)

    folder, file_name = os.path.split(input_file)
    storage_manager = HDF5StorageManager(folder, file_name)

    root_metadata = storage_manager.get_metadata()
    class_name = root_metadata[DataTypeMetaData.KEY_CLASS_NAME]

    if "ProjectionSurface" in class_name and FIELD_PROJECTION_TYPE not in root_metadata:
        LOGGER.info("Updating ProjectionSurface %s from %s" % (file_name, folder))

        projection_type = projections_data.EEG_POLYMORPHIC_IDENTITY
        if "SEEG" in class_name:
            projection_type = projections_data.SEEG_POLYMORPHIC_IDENTITY
        elif "MEG" in class_name:
            projection_type = projections_data.MEG_POLYMORPHIC_IDENTITY

        root_metadata[FIELD_PROJECTION_TYPE] = json.dumps(projection_type)
        LOGGER.debug("Setting %s = %s" % (FIELD_PROJECTION_TYPE, projection_type))

    elif "TimeSeries" in class_name:
        LOGGER.info("Updating TS %s from %s" % (file_name, folder))

        service = ImportService()
        operation_id = int(os.path.split(folder)[1])
        dt = service.load_datatype_from_file(folder, file_name, operation_id, move=False)
        dt_db = dao.get_datatype_by_gid(dt.gid)

        if dt_db is not None:
            # DT already in DB (update of own storage, by making sure all fields are being correctly populated)
            # restore in DB, in case TVB 1.4 had wrongly imported flags

        elif FIELD_SURFACE_MAPPING not in root_metadata:
            # Have default values, to avoid the full project not being imported
            root_metadata[FIELD_SURFACE_MAPPING] = json.dumps(False)
            root_metadata[FIELD_VOLUME_MAPPING] = json.dumps(False)

    root_metadata[TvbProfile.current.version.DATA_VERSION_ATTRIBUTE] = TvbProfile.current.version.DATA_VERSION
Exemple #4
def load_entity_by_gid(data_gid):
    Load a generic DataType, specified by GID.
    datatype = dao.get_datatype_by_gid(data_gid)
    if isinstance(datatype, MappedType):
        datatype_path = datatype.get_storage_file_path()
        files_update_manager = FilesUpdateManager()
        if not files_update_manager.is_file_up_to_date(datatype_path):
            datatype.invalid = True
            raise FileVersioningException(
                "Encountered DataType with an incompatible storage or data version. "
                "The DataType was marked as invalid.")
    return datatype
Exemple #5
    # Use a file-path with no spaces both for the temporary file and the input file
    # that is passed to the os.system call and just rename to original file at the
    # end of the processing to avoid any problems with parameters passed to os.system.
    input_file_no_spaces = input_file.replace(' ', '')
    path_to, file_name = os.path.split(input_file_no_spaces)
    tmp_convert_file = os.path.join(path_to, 'tmp_' + file_name)
    os.rename(input_file, tmp_convert_file)
    ok_status = os.system(PYTHON_EXE_PATH + ' -m %s %s %s' %
                          (__name__, tmp_convert_file, input_file_no_spaces))
    if ok_status == 0:
        # Call finished successfully
        os.rename(input_file_no_spaces, input_file)
        # Call failed for some reason, just rename back the input file
        os.rename(tmp_convert_file, input_file)
        raise FileVersioningException(
            "Something went wrong during the upgrade to file %s." % input_file)

### This main is important, and used by the update() method from above.
### Do not drop this  __main__
if __name__ == '__main__':
    if len(sys.argv) != 3:
        raise FileVersioningException(
            "Usage is `python -m tvb.core.entities.file.file_update_scripts.002_update_files"
            " input_file_name output_file_name`.")
    input_file = sys.argv[1]
    output_file = sys.argv[2]
    __upgrade_file(input_file, output_file)