class TestSettingsService(BaseTestCase):
    This class contains tests for the module.
        SettingsService.KEY_ADMIN_NAME: 'test_name',
        SettingsService.KEY_ADMIN_EMAIL: '*****@*****.**',
        SettingsService.KEY_PORT: 8081,
        SettingsService.KEY_MAX_DISK_SPACE_USR: 2**8

    def setup_method(self):
        Prepare the usage of a different config file for this class only.
        if os.path.exists(TEST_CONFIG_FILE):
        if os.path.exists(TestSQLiteProfile.DEFAULT_STORAGE):

        self.old_config_file = TvbProfile.current.TVB_CONFIG_FILE
        TvbProfile.current.__class__.TVB_CONFIG_FILE = TEST_CONFIG_FILE
        self.settings_service = SettingsService()

    def teardown_method(self):
        Restore configuration file
        if os.path.exists(TEST_CONFIG_FILE):

        TvbProfile.current.__class__.TVB_CONFIG_FILE = self.old_config_file

    def test_check_db_url_invalid(self):
        Make sure a proper exception is raised in case an invalid database url is passed.
        with pytest.raises(InvalidSettingsException):

    def test_get_free_disk_space(self):
        Check that no exception is raised during the query for free disk space.
        Also do a check that returned value is greater than 0.
        Not most precise check but other does not seem possible so far.
        disk_space = self.settings_service.get_disk_free_space(
        assert disk_space > 0, "Disk space should never be negative."

    def test_first_run_save(self):
        Check that before setting something, all flags are pointing towards empty.
        After storing some configurations, check that flags are changed.
        initial_configurations = self.settings_service.configurable_keys
        first_run = TvbProfile.is_first_run()
        assert first_run, "Invalid First_Run flag!!"
        assert not os.path.exists(TEST_CONFIG_FILE)
        assert len(TvbProfile.current.manager.stored_settings) == 0

        to_store_data = {
            key: value['value']
            for key, value in initial_configurations.items()
        for key, value in self.TEST_SETTINGS.items():
            to_store_data[key] = value
        _, shoud_reset = self.settings_service.save_settings(**to_store_data)

        assert shoud_reset
        first_run = TvbProfile.is_first_run()
        assert not first_run, "Invalid First_Run flag!!"
        assert os.path.exists(TEST_CONFIG_FILE)
        assert not len(TvbProfile.current.manager.stored_settings) == 0

    def test_read_stored_settings(self):
        Test to see that keys from the configuration dict is updated with
        the value from the configuration file after store.
        initial_configurations = self.settings_service.configurable_keys
        to_store_data = {
            key: value['value']
            for key, value in initial_configurations.items()
        for key, value in self.TEST_SETTINGS.items():
            to_store_data[key] = value

        is_changed, shoud_reset = self.settings_service.save_settings(
        assert shoud_reset and is_changed

        # enforce keys to get repopulated:
        self.settings_service = SettingsService()

        updated_configurations = self.settings_service.configurable_keys
        for key, value in updated_configurations.items():
            if key in self.TEST_SETTINGS:
                assert self.TEST_SETTINGS[key] == value['value']
            elif key == SettingsService.KEY_ADMIN_PWD:
                assert TvbProfile.current.web.admin.ADMINISTRATOR_PASSWORD == value[
                assert TvbProfile.current.web.admin.ADMINISTRATOR_BLANK_PWD == initial_configurations[
                assert initial_configurations[key]['value'] == value['value']

    def test_update_settings(self):
        Test update of settings: correct flags should be returned, and check storage folder renamed
        # 1. save on empty config-file:
        to_store_data = {
            key: value['value']
            for key, value in self.settings_service.configurable_keys.items()
        for key, value in self.TEST_SETTINGS.items():
            to_store_data[key] = value

        is_changed, shoud_reset = self.settings_service.save_settings(
        assert shoud_reset and is_changed

        # 2. Reload and save with the same values (is_changed expected to be False)
        self.settings_service = SettingsService()
        to_store_data = {
            key: value['value']
            for key, value in self.settings_service.configurable_keys.items()

        is_changed, shoud_reset = self.settings_service.save_settings(
        assert not is_changed
        assert not shoud_reset

        # 3. Reload and check that changing TVB_STORAGE is done correctly
        self.settings_service = SettingsService()
        to_store_data = {
            key: value['value']
            for key, value in self.settings_service.configurable_keys.items()
        to_store_data[SettingsService.KEY_STORAGE] = os.path.join(
            TvbProfile.current.TVB_STORAGE, 'RENAMED')

        # Write a test-file and check that it is moved
        file_writer = open(
            os.path.join(TvbProfile.current.TVB_STORAGE, "test_rename-xxx43"),

        is_changed, shoud_reset = self.settings_service.save_settings(
        assert is_changed
        assert not shoud_reset
        # Check that the file was correctly moved:
        data = open(
            os.path.join(TvbProfile.current.TVB_STORAGE, 'RENAMED',
                         "test_rename-xxx43"), 'r').read()
        assert data == 'test-content'

        shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(TvbProfile.current.TVB_STORAGE, 'RENAMED'))
            os.path.join(TvbProfile.current.TVB_STORAGE, "test_rename-xxx43"))
class TestSettingsService(BaseTestCase):
    This class contains tests for the module.
    TEST_SETTINGS = {SettingsService.KEY_ADMIN_NAME: 'test_name',
                     SettingsService.KEY_ADMIN_EMAIL: '*****@*****.**',
                     SettingsService.KEY_PORT: 8081,
                     SettingsService.KEY_URL_WEB: "",
                     SettingsService.KEY_MAX_DISK_SPACE_USR: 2 ** 8}

    def setup_method(self):
        Prepare the usage of a different config file for this class only.
        if os.path.exists(TEST_CONFIG_FILE):

        self.old_config_file = TvbProfile.current.TVB_CONFIG_FILE
        TvbProfile.current.__class__.TVB_CONFIG_FILE = TEST_CONFIG_FILE
        self.settings_service = SettingsService()
    def teardown_method(self):
        Restore configuration file
        if os.path.exists(TEST_CONFIG_FILE):

        TvbProfile.current.__class__.TVB_CONFIG_FILE = self.old_config_file

    def test_check_db_url_invalid(self):
        Make sure a proper exception is raised in case an invalid database url is passed.
        with pytest.raises(InvalidSettingsException):
    def test_get_free_disk_space(self):
        Check that no exception is raised during the query for free disk space.
        Also do a check that returned value is greater than 0.
        Not most precise check but other does not seem possible so far.
        disk_space = self.settings_service.get_disk_free_space(TvbProfile.current.TVB_STORAGE)
        assert disk_space > 0, "Disk space should never be negative."
    def test_first_run_save(self):
        Check that before setting something, all flags are pointing towards empty.
        After storing some configurations, check that flags are changed.
        initial_configurations = self.settings_service.configurable_keys
        first_run = TvbProfile.is_first_run()
        assert first_run, "Invalid First_Run flag!!"
        assert not os.path.exists(TEST_CONFIG_FILE)
        assert len(TvbProfile.current.manager.stored_settings) == 0

        to_store_data = {key: value['value'] for key, value in initial_configurations.iteritems()}
        for key, value in self.TEST_SETTINGS.iteritems():
            to_store_data[key] = value
        _, shoud_reset = self.settings_service.save_settings(**to_store_data)

        assert shoud_reset
        first_run = TvbProfile.is_first_run()
        assert not first_run, "Invalid First_Run flag!!"
        assert os.path.exists(TEST_CONFIG_FILE)
        assert not len(TvbProfile.current.manager.stored_settings) == 0
    def test_read_stored_settings(self):
        Test to see that keys from the configuration dict is updated with
        the value from the configuration file after store.
        initial_configurations = self.settings_service.configurable_keys
        to_store_data = {key: value['value'] for key, value in initial_configurations.iteritems()}
        for key, value in self.TEST_SETTINGS.iteritems():
            to_store_data[key] = value

        is_changed, shoud_reset = self.settings_service.save_settings(**to_store_data)
        assert shoud_reset and is_changed

        # enforce keys to get repopulated:
        self.settings_service = SettingsService()

        updated_configurations = self.settings_service.configurable_keys
        for key, value in updated_configurations.iteritems():
            if key in self.TEST_SETTINGS:
                assert self.TEST_SETTINGS[key] == value['value']
            elif key == SettingsService.KEY_ADMIN_PWD:
                assert TvbProfile.current.web.admin.ADMINISTRATOR_PASSWORD == value['value']
                assert TvbProfile.current.web.admin.ADMINISTRATOR_BLANK_PWD == initial_configurations[key]['value']
                assert initial_configurations[key]['value'] == value['value']

    def test_update_settings(self):
        Test update of settings: correct flags should be returned, and check storage folder renamed
        # 1. save on empty config-file:
        to_store_data = {key: value['value'] for key, value in self.settings_service.configurable_keys.iteritems()}
        for key, value in self.TEST_SETTINGS.iteritems():
            to_store_data[key] = value

        is_changed, shoud_reset = self.settings_service.save_settings(**to_store_data)
        assert shoud_reset and is_changed

        # 2. Reload and save with the same values (is_changed expected to be False)
        self.settings_service = SettingsService()
        to_store_data = {key: value['value'] for key, value in self.settings_service.configurable_keys.iteritems()}

        is_changed, shoud_reset = self.settings_service.save_settings(**to_store_data)
        assert not is_changed
        assert not shoud_reset

        # 3. Reload and check that changing TVB_STORAGE is done correctly
        self.settings_service = SettingsService()
        to_store_data = {key: value['value'] for key, value in self.settings_service.configurable_keys.iteritems()}
        to_store_data[SettingsService.KEY_STORAGE] = os.path.join(TvbProfile.current.TVB_STORAGE, 'RENAMED')

        # Write a test-file and check that it is moved
        file_writer = open(os.path.join(TvbProfile.current.TVB_STORAGE, "test_rename-xxx43"), 'w')

        is_changed, shoud_reset = self.settings_service.save_settings(**to_store_data)
        assert is_changed
        assert not shoud_reset
        # Check that the file was correctly moved:
        data = open(os.path.join(TvbProfile.current.TVB_STORAGE, 'RENAMED', "test_rename-xxx43"), 'r').read()
        assert data == 'test-content'

        shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(TvbProfile.current.TVB_STORAGE, 'RENAMED'))
        os.remove(os.path.join(TvbProfile.current.TVB_STORAGE, "test_rename-xxx43"))