Exemple #1
 def _get_cell_points(self, cell, points):
     cell_points = tvtk.Points()
     for idx in cell:
         vertex = points[idx]
     return cell_points
Exemple #2
 def test_points_lookup(self):
     """ Test if points can be looked up.
     points = tvtk.Points()
     points.insert_next_point((0, 1, 2))
     pt = points[0]
     self.assertEqual(pt, (0, 1, 2))
     get_pt = points.get_point(0)
     self.assertEqual(get_pt, (0, 1, 2))
Exemple #3
 def test_points_lookup(self):
     """ Test if points can be looked up with both int and long keys.
         Fixes GH Issue 173.
     points = tvtk.Points()
     points.insert_next_point((0, 1, 2))
     pt = points[0]
     self.assertEqual(pt, (0, 1, 2))
     ptl = points[0L]
     self.assertEqual(ptl, (0, 1, 2))
     get_pt = points.get_point(0)
     self.assertEqual(get_pt, (0, 1, 2))
     get_ptl = points.get_point(0L)
     self.assertEqual(get_ptl, (0, 1, 2))
Exemple #4
    def _configure(self, points):
        self.vtk_points = tvtk.Points()
        self.lines = tvtk.CellArray()

        for point in points:
        for i in xrange(len(points)-1):
            line = tvtk.Line()
            line.point_ids.set_id(0, i)
            line.point_ids.set_id(1, i+1)
        self.poly_data = tvtk.PolyData(points=self.vtk_points, lines=self.lines)

Exemple #5
 def intersect_line(self, lineP0, lineP1):
     ''' 计算与线段相交的交点,这里调用了tvtk的方法
     lineP0: 线段的第一个点,长度3的数组
     lineP1: 线段的第二个点
     points: 所有的交点坐标
     cell_ids: 每个交点所属的面片ID '''
     intersectPoints = tvtk.to_vtk(tvtk.Points())
     intersectCells = tvtk.to_vtk(tvtk.IdList())
     self._obb_tree.intersect_with_line(lineP0, lineP1, intersectPoints,
     intersectPoints = tvtk.to_tvtk(intersectPoints)
     intersectCells = tvtk.to_tvtk(intersectCells)
     points = intersectPoints.to_array()
     cell_ids = [
         for i in range(intersectCells.number_of_ids)
     return points, cell_ids
Exemple #6
def get_trunkcone(b, a):
    phi_base, theta_base = sph.to(a, b)[1:]

    quads = tvtk.CellArray()  #vtk.vtkCellArray()
    points = tvtk.Points()  #vtk.vtkPoints()
    Nface = 3
    for i in range(Nface + 1):
        # rotate
        phi, theta = convdir((i % Nface) * 2 * pi / Nface, pi * 0.5, phi_base,

        # generate  new points
        p = tuple(sph.xyz(a[3] * 0.5 * radius_factor, phi, theta, a[:3]))
        q = tuple(sph.xyz(b[3] * 0.5 * radius_factor, phi, theta, b[:3]))

        # insert points

        if i >= 1:
            # create a face
            quad = tvtk.Quad()
            n = points.number_of_points - 1

            quad.point_ids.set_id(0, n - 3)  # p
            quad.point_ids.set_id(1, n - 2)  # q
            quad.point_ids.set_id(2, n)  # q
            quad.point_ids.set_id(3, n - 1)  # p

            # insert the new face

    # create the actor
    polydata = tvtk.PolyData(points=points, polys=quads)
    if new_tvtk:
        mapper = tvtk.PolyDataMapper()
        configure_input(mapper, polydata)
        mapper = tvtk.PolyDataMapper(input=polydata)
    actor = tvtk.Actor(mapper=mapper)
    return actor
Exemple #7
def vtkCone(p, q):
    from math import pi

    phi_base, theta_base = misc.Spherical.to(q, p)[1:]

    quads = tvtk.CellArray()  #vtk.vtkCellArray()
    points = tvtk.Points()  #vtk.vtkPoints()

    for i in range(11):
        # rotate
        phi, theta = ConvertDirection((i % 10) * 2 * pi / 10, pi * .5,
                                      phi_base, theta_base, True)

        # generate  new points
        _p = tuple(
            misc.Spherical.xyz(p[3] * .5 * cone_factor, phi, theta, p[0:3]))
        _q = tuple(
            misc.Spherical.xyz(q[3] * .5 * cone_factor, phi, theta, q[0:3]))

        # insert points

        if i >= 1:
            # create a face
            quad = tvtk.Quad()
            n = points.number_of_points - 1

            quad.point_ids.set_id(0, n - 3)  # p
            quad.point_ids.set_id(1, n - 2)  # q
            quad.point_ids.set_id(2, n)  # q
            quad.point_ids.set_id(3, n - 1)  # p

            # insert the new face

    # create the actor
    polydata = tvtk.PolyData(points=points, polys=quads)
    mapper = tvtk.PolyDataMapper(input=polydata)
    actor = tvtk.Actor(mapper=mapper)
    return actor
def create_labels(img, render):
    liste = list(img.labels())
    xmin = 0
    xLength = 1000
    xmax = xmin + xLength
    ymin = 00
    yLength = 1000
    ymax = ymin + yLength
    # Create labels for barycenters
    m = tvtk.PolyData()
    vertex = tvtk.Points()
    provi1 = tvtk.LongArray()
    p = 0
    cell_barycentre = img.center_of_mass()
    x, y, z = img.image.resolution
    for c, toto in enumerate(liste):
        vertex.insert_point(p, cell_barycentre[c][0] / x,
                            cell_barycentre[c][1] / y,
                            cell_barycentre[c][2] / z)
        provi1.insert_value(p, toto)
        p += 1

    m.points = vertex
    m.point_data.scalars = provi1
    vtkLabels = m
    #here the idea is to mask labels behind surfaces
    visPts = tvtk.SelectVisiblePoints()
    visPts.input = vtkLabels
    visPts.renderer = render
    visPts.selection_window = 1
    visPts.selection = (xmin, xmin + xLength, ymin, ymin + yLength)
    # Create the mapper to display the point ids.  Specify the format to
    # use for the labels.  Also create the associated actor.
    ldm = tvtk.LabeledDataMapper()
    # ldm.SetLabelFormat("%g")
    ldm.input = visPts.output
    ldm.label_mode = 'label_scalars'
    vtk_labels = tvtk.Actor2D()
    vtk_labels.mapper = ldm
    return vtk_labels
Exemple #9
def main():
    xo = yo = zo = 0.0
    while True:
        a, b, c = state.uniform(size=3)
        xo = bounds[0] + (bounds[1] - bounds[0]) * a
        yo = bounds[2] + (bounds[3] - bounds[2]) * b
        zo = bounds[4] + (bounds[5] - bounds[4]) * c
        r = pow(250 - xo, 2) + pow(250 - yo, 2)
        print "coordinate: {},{},{}, {}".format(xo, yo, zo, r)

        # is_inside_surface ==1 when point is INSIDE enclosed surface
        if r < rad_om2 and not enclosed.is_inside_surface(xo, yo, zo):

    idlist = tvtk.IdList()
    points = tvtk.Points()

    for pid in range(100001):
        while True:
            xr, yr, zr = eps * (state.uniform(size=3) - 0.5)
            r = pow(250 - (xo + xr), 2) + pow(250 - (yo + yr), 2)
            if (r < rad_om2 and not
                    enclosed.is_inside_surface(xo+xr, yo+yr, zo+zr)):

        (xo, yo, zo) = (xo + xr, yo + yr, zo + zr)
        points.insert_next_point((xo, yo, zo))

        # write out path trace to vtk every 5000 timesteps
        if pid % 5000 == 0:
            _array = tvtk.CellArray()
            rand_walk = tvtk.PolyData(points=points, lines=_array)
            rand_walk.insert_next_cell(4, idlist)  # VTK_POLY_LINE == 4
            writer = tvtk.PolyDataWriter(file_name='run_{}.vtk'.format(pid),
Exemple #10
    def test_points(self):
        """Test if vtkPoints behaves in a Pythonic fashion."""
        f = tvtk.Points()
        a = numpy.array([[0., 0, 0], [1, 1, 1]])
        self.assertEqual(mysum(f.to_array() - a), 0)
        for i, j in zip(a, f):
            self.assertEqual(mysum(i - j), 0)

        a[0, 0] = 1.0  # Should change the VTK data!
        # Make sure that everything works even when the original array
        # is deleted.
        del a
        self.assertEqual(f[0], (1.0, 0.0, 0.0))
        self.assertEqual(f[-1], (1., 1., 1.))
        self.assertEqual(repr(f), '[(1.0, 0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)]')
        f.append((2, 2, 2))
        f.extend([[3, 3, 3], [4, 4, 4]])
        self.assertEqual(len(f), 5)
        f[1] = [-1, -1, -1]
        self.assertEqual(f[1], (-1.0, -1.0, -1.0))
        self.assertRaises(IndexError, f.__getitem__, 100)
        self.assertRaises(IndexError, f.__setitem__, 100, 100)
Exemple #11
 def trace_segment(self, seg, last_optic=None, last_cell=None):
     Finds the intersection of the given ray-segment with the 
     object geometry data
     p1 = seg.origin
     p2 = p1 + seg.MAX_RAY_LENGTH*seg.direction
     pts = tvtk.Points()
     ids = tvtk.IdList()
     ret = self.obb.intersect_with_line(p1, p2, pts, ids)
     sqrt = numpy.sqrt
     array = numpy.array
     if ret==0:
         return None
     if self is not last_optic:
         last_cell = None
     data = [ (sqrt(((array(p) - p1)**2).sum()), p, Id)
                 for p, Id in zip(pts, ids) 
                 if Id is not last_cell ]
     if not data:
         return None
     short = min(data, key=lambda a: a[0])
     return short[0], short[1], short[2], self
        # self.start()

    def add_actor(self, actor):
        # update window here.

### DATA
points = array([[0, 0, 0, 10], [1, 0, 0, 20], [0, 1, 0, 20], [0, 0, 1, 30]])

triangles = array([[0, 1, 3], [0, 3, 2], [1, 2, 3], [0, 2, 1]])

# Convert list of points to VTK structure
verts = tvtk.Points()
temperature = tvtk.FloatArray()
for p in points:
    verts.insert_next_point(p[0], p[1], p[2])

# Define triangular cells from the vertex
# "ids" (index) and append to polygon list.
polygons = tvtk.CellArray()
for tri in triangles:
    cell = tvtk.IdList()
Exemple #13
def transformPoints(t, pts):
    """Apply a vtkTransform to a numpy array of points"""
    out = tvtk.Points()
    t.transform_points(pts, out)
    return numpy.asarray(out)
Exemple #14
    def _parse_OFF(cls, filename):
        points = tvtk.Points()
        faces = tvtk.CellArray()

        n_read = False
        vertices_read = faces_read = 0

        fp_regexp = '(-?)(0[\.\d*]?|([1-9]\d*\.?\d*)|(\.\d+))([Ee][+-]?\d+)?'

        with open(filename, 'r') as _file:
            lines = _file.readlines()

            for i, line in enumerate(lines):
                line = line.strip()

                if i == 0 and line != 'OFF':
                    raise Exception('Wrong format!')
                elif i == 0:

                if not line or line[0] == '#':

                if n_read is False:
                    match = re.match('(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+).*', line)

                    if match is None:
                        raise Exception('Wrong format!')

                    n_verts = int(match.groups()[0])
                    n_faces = int(match.groups()[1])

                    n_read = True


                if vertices_read < n_verts:
                    match = re.findall(fp_regexp, line)

                    if not match:
                        raise Exception('Wrong format!')

                    x = float(match[0][1])
                    if match[0][0] == '-':
                        x = -x

                    y = float(match[1][1])
                    if match[1][0] == '-':
                        y = -y

                    z = float(match[2][1])
                    if match[2][0] == '-':
                        z = -z

                    points.insert_next_point((x, y, z))

                    vertices_read += 1


                if faces_read < n_faces:
                    # TODO: add support for non-triangular faces.
                    match = re.match(
                        '(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s*(\d+)?.*', line)

                    if match is None:
                        raise Exception('Wrong format!')

                    f_verts = int(match.groups()[0])
                    if f_verts not in [3, 4]:
                        raise Exception(
                            'Faces should have three or four vertices!')

                    vert0 = int(match.groups()[1])
                    vert1 = int(match.groups()[2])
                    vert2 = int(match.groups()[3])

                    polygon = tvtk.Polygon()
                    polygon.point_ids.number_of_ids = f_verts
                    polygon.point_ids.set_id(0, vert0)
                    polygon.point_ids.set_id(1, vert1)
                    polygon.point_ids.set_id(2, vert2)

                    if f_verts == 4:
                        vert3 = int(match.groups()[4])
                        polygon.point_ids.set_id(3, vert3)


                    faces_read += 1


        return faces, points