##when data has been pushed --> write it to disk
            d = json.loads(data)
            creation = d['created_at']
            id = d['id']
            text = d['text'].encode("UTF-8")
            name = d['user']['name'].encode("UTF_8")
            screen_name = d['user']['screen_name'].encode("UTF-8")
            lang = d['user']['lang']
            #print d['coordinates']
            row = creation, id, name, screen_name, lang, text
        return True

    def on_error(self, status_code):
        print status_code
        return True

    def on_timeout(self):
        print "Timeout..."
        return True

##start the stream
streamer = Stream(auth, tweetStreamer())
def stream(terms):
    terms = ["Syria"]
    stream = Stream(auth, tweetStream())
    stream.filter(track=terms, async=True) ##non-blocking --> kind of a nightmare, but the only way to still process the queue
class App():
    def __init__(self):
        self.stream = None
        self.on = False
        self.streaming = False
        self.trackTerm = ""
        self.initTime = None
        self.timeSinceInit = 0
        self.totalCollectedTweets = 0
        self.numOutput = 0
        self.numInQueue = 0
        self.sessionQueue = None
        self.analytics = analytics()

    def start(self):
            if self.on == False:
                self.sessionQueue = Queue.Queue()
                self.stream = Stream(auth, tweetStream(self.sessionQueue))
                self.on = True
                self.initTime = datetime.datetime.now()
                currentTime = datetime.datetime.now()
                self.timeSinceInit = currentTime - self.initTime
                # user sessions
                if 'count' not in cherrypy.session:
                    cherrypy.session['count'] = 0
                cherrypy.session['count'] += 1
                return json.dumps({"success": True, 'data': None, "message": "New stream session initialized."})
                return json.dumps({"Success" : True, 'data':None, "message" : "Stream already started."})

        except Exception as e:
            self.on = False
            return json.dumps({"success": True, 'data': None, "message": "New stream session not started because " + str(e)})

    def close(self):
            if self.on:
                self.on = False
                self.streaming = False
                self.sessionQueue = None
                self.analytics = analytics()
                return json.dumps({"success":True, 'data':None, "message":'Stream session terminated.'})
                return json.dumps({"success" : True, 'data':None, "message" : "Streaming already closed."})
        except Exception as e:
            return json.dumps({"success":False, 'data':None, "message":'Stream session not terminated because ' + str(e)})

    def invisibleStream(self, toTrack, *args, **kwargs):
            if not self.streaming:
                self.stream.filter(track=[toTrack], async=True)
                self.streaming = True
                self.trackTerm = toTrack
                currentTime = datetime.datetime.now()
                self.timeSinceInit = currentTime - self.initTime
                return json.dumps({'success' :True, "data":None, "Message":"Stream is streaming."})
        except Exception as e:
            return json.dumps({"success" : False, "data":None, "message" : "Track stream failed because " + str(e)})

    def trueStream(self, *args, **kwards):
        ##streams the connection as continuous json
        if not self.streaming:
            return json.dumps({"success" : False, "data":None, "message" : "Track stream failed because the application is not streaming."})
            def getTweetsFromQueue():
                t = 0
                while True:
                    t += 1
                    yield str(self.sessionQueue.get())
                    self.numOutput += 1
            return getTweetsFromQueue()
        except Exception as e:
            return json.dumps({"success" : False, "data":None, "message" : "Track stream failed because " + str(e)})

    def pollStream(self):
        ## publishes all items currently in the queue as a json object
        # if not self.streaming:
        #     self.invisibleStart(toTrack) ##start streaming if not already
        conn = psycopg2.connect(connectString)
        cursor = conn.cursor()
        outArr = []
        allPlaces = []
        coords = []
        q = 0
        queueCopy = self.sessionQueue
        # for i in range(0, 100):
        #     queueCopy.put(i)
        self.totalCollectedTweets = self.numInQueue + self.numOutput
        i = 0
        while i < 6 and queueCopy.qsize() > 0:
            a =  queueCopy.get()
            outArr.append(a) ##puts the tweets into the raw output
            obj = json.loads(a)
            hashes = obj['entities']['hashtags']
            locationText = obj['user']['location']
            # if locationText is not None and "/" not in locationText and "&" not in locationText:
            #     tweetPlaces = []
            #     sql = '''SELECT "recordID", "resolvedTo", latitude, longitude, "rawText" FROM "Places" WHERE "rawText"='''
            #     sql += "'" + locationText + "';"
            #     cursor.execute(sql)
            #     rows = cursor.fetchall()
            #     for row in rows:
            #         tweetPlaces.append(row[4])
            #         coords.append([row[2], row[3]])
            #     if len(rows) == 0:
            #         googleQuery = googlePlacesAPI.text_search(locationText)
            #         for place in googleQuery.places:
            #             sql = '''INSERT INTO "Places"("recordID", "resolvedTo", latitude, longitude, "rawText") VALUES '''
            #             sql += "(Default, '" + place.name + "'," + str(place.geo_location['lat']) + "," + str(place.geo_location['lng']) + ",'" + locationText + "');"
            #             cursor.execute(sql)
            #             tweetPlaces.append(place.name)
            #             coords.append([place.geo_location['lat'], place.geo_location['lng']])
            #     try:
            #         theLocation = tweetPlaces[0] ##the first one
            #         self.analytics.refreshLocations(theLocation)
            #     except:
            #         pass
            q += 1
                # allPlaces.append(tweetPlaces)
            i +=1
        # conn.commit()
        self.numOutput += q

        out = {
            "success" :True,
            "data" : outArr,
            "timezones": sorted(self.analytics.timezones.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True),
            "platforms" : sorted(self.analytics.platforms.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True),
            "languages" : sorted(self.analytics.languages.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True),
            'hashtags': sorted(self.analytics.hashtags.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True),
            "locations" : sorted(self.analytics.locations.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True),
            ##"coordinates" : coords,
            "status": {
                "timeSinceInit" : str(self.getTimeSinceInit()),
                "streaming" :str(self.streaming),
                "connected" : str(self.on),
                "streamStarted" : str(self.initTime),
                "inQueue" : str(self.sessionQueue.qsize()),
                "processed" :str(self.numOutput),
                "totalCollected" : str(self.totalCollectedTweets),
                'elapsedSeconds': self.getTimeSinceInit().total_seconds(),
                'avgTPS' : self.getAvgTPS()

            "message": "Request fulfilled successfully.  Data is still streaming."
        return json.dumps(out)

    def getAvgTPS(self):
        elapsedSeconds = self.getTimeSinceInit().total_seconds()
        avgTPS = self.totalCollectedTweets / elapsedSeconds
        return round(avgTPS, 2)

    def dashboard(self):
        return open("dashboard.html")

    # def processLocationQueue(self):
    #     locationQueueCopy = self.sessionQueue
    #     while locationQueueCopy.

    def returnStatus(self):
        self.numInQueue = self.sessionQueue.qsize()
        self.totalCollectedTweets = self.numInQueue + self.numOutput
        s = "Server State: " + str(cherrypy.engine.state) + "<br />"
        s += "Streaming Connected: " + str(self.on) + "<br />"
        s += "Currently Streaming? " + str(self.streaming) + "<br />"
        s += "Tracking Term: "+ str(self.trackTerm) + "<br />"
        s += "Start Time:  " + str(self.initTime) + "<br />"
        s += "Time since initialization: " + str(self.getTimeSinceInit()) + "<br />"
        s += "Queue size: " + str(self.sessionQueue.qsize()) + '<br />'
        s += "Printed tweets: " + str(self.numOutput) + "<br />"
        s += 'Total collected tweets: '  + str(self.totalCollectedTweets) + "<br />"
        return s

    def getTimeSinceInit(self):
        if self.on:
            currentTime = datetime.datetime.now()
            self.timeSinceInit = currentTime - self.initTime
            print self.timeSinceInit
            return self.timeSinceInit
            return 0

    def getNumInQueue(self):
        return str(self.numInQueue)

    def getNumPrinted(self):
        return str(self.numOutput)

    def getTotalCollected(self):
        self.totalCollectedTweets = self.numInQueue + self.numOutput
        return str(self.totalCollectedTweets)
    def getSession(self, key=None):
        if key is None:
            return str(cherrypy.session.__dict__)
            if key in cherrypy.session:
                return str(cherrypy.session[key])
                return str(None)
def streamFunction(track):
    stream = Stream(auth, tweetStream())
    print "Running thread."