Exemple #1
    def doit(self, msg, flink):
        """Twitter the message with file link.

        The file link will be URL-shortened

        msg: The message
        flink: File link

        # Shorten URL, when existing
        if flink is None:
            postfix = ""   # Nothing to attach
            postfix = " " + self._urlshorten(flink)

        pinfo('Tweet: "' + msg + '"' + postfix)

        # For Debug: Manually disable
        if Opts.has_key('testmode') and Opts['testmode']:
            pwarn("   Tweet not posted in testmode")
            self._api.PostUpdate(msg + postfix)
Exemple #2
def main():

    # *** Command line parsing
    cmd_usage="usage: %prog [options] args"
    cmd_desc ="""tweetfile - Don't call yourself, add it into your .forward file"""
    cmd_version="%prog " + __version__
    cmd_parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=cmd_usage,
                                   description=cmd_desc, version=cmd_version)
    cmd_parser.add_option('-V', action='version', help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
    cmd_parser.add_option('--quiet', '-q', dest='quiet', action='store_true',
                        default=False, help='Quiet Output')
    # more options to add
    (cmd_opts, cmd_args) = cmd_parser.parse_args()

    # Setup logging: Show only from warnings when being QUIET
    logging.basicConfig(level=logging.WARNING if cmd_opts.quiet else logging.INFO,

    # Chroot logging only here, because otherwise it will confuse the logger
    pinfo("Went into chroot with directory " + Opts['chroot_dir'])

    # Abort when different than no argument
    if len(cmd_args) != 0:
        perror("No command line arguments are expected!")
        return 1

    # *** First read stdin to extract the information for parsing
        uid, text, msg, getfile = extract_mail_content(sys.stdin)
    except ExtractMailError as detail:
        # Error encountered, most likely not allowed user
        return 1   # Parsing of .forward file should continue
        raise      # Other errors are just raised further

    # Debug
    pinfo("uid " + str(uid) + " --> " + UserList[uid]['rcpt'])
    pinfo("text " + text)
    if getfile is None:
        pinfo("No attachment found")
        pinfo("Attachment found with name " +  getfile.get_filename())

    # Store the attachment in file system
    if getfile is not None:
            # Add the urlbase to the filename
            file_link =  UserList[uid]['fileurlbase'] + "/" + store_file(uid, getfile)
        except StoreFileError as detail:
            # Error encountered, we just raise it
            raise      # Other errors are just raised further
    else:  # We had no file link
        file_link = None

    # Then tweet the stuff
       twit = twittermsg(UserList[uid]['twitter'])       # Create new object
       twit.doit(text, file_link)
       pinfo("Twitter update done")
       twit.finish()    # Cleanup
    except TwitterMsgError as detail:
        # Error encountered
        return 1   # failure
    except: # All other errors - propagate

    # Create new message with the tweet content
    mailbody = "Forwarded by tweetfile"
    if file_link:
        mailbody = "Link: " + file_link + "\n\n" + mailbody
    fmsg = email.mime.text.MIMEText(mailbody, "plain", "utf-8")
    fmsg["From"]    = msg["From"]
    fmsg["To"]      = "*****@*****.**"
    fmsg["Subject"] = email.header.Header(text, "utf-8")
    # Finally forward the mail, when it is requested
    if Opts.has_key('testmode') and Opts['testmode']:
        pwarn("   No mail forwarding in testmode")
    elif UserList[uid]['forwardto'] is not None:
        try:   # Open SMTPConnection; Catch exceptions
            smtp = smtplib.SMTP(Opts['smtp_server_host'], Opts['smtp_server_port'])
        except (smtplib.SMTPException, socket.error) as detail:
            perror("Establishing SMTP connection to " + \
                       Opts['smtp_server_host'] + ":"  + Opts['smtp_server_port'] + \
                   " failed: " + str(detail))
            raise      # Rais all other errors
        else:  # No error opening, continue
            for rcpts in UserList[uid]['forwardto']:  # Iterate over all reciptiens
                try:   # Send data; Catch exceptions
                    # Update fmsg rcpt
                    fmsg.replace_header('To', rcpts)
                    smtp.sendmail(fmsg['From'], rcpts, fmsg.as_string())
                except smtplib.SMTPException as detail:
                    perror("SMTP Mail sending failed: " + str(detail))
                    pinfo("  Successfully forwarded message to " + rcpts + "\n")
        # Over and out

    # All done, over and out
    return 0
Exemple #3
    # Then tweet the stuff
       twit = twittermsg(UserList[uid]['twitter'])       # Create new object
       twit.doit(text, file_link)
       pinfo("Twitter update done")
       twit.finish()    # Cleanup
    except TwitterMsgError, detail:
        # Error encountered
        return 1   # failure
    except: # All other errors - propagate

    # Finally forward the mail, when it is requested
    if Opts.has_key('testmode') and Opts['testmode']:
        pwarn("   No mail forwarding in testmode")
    elif UserList[uid]['forwardto'] is not None:
        msg_to_orginal = msg['To'] # Backup orginal value
        try:   # Open SMTPConnection; Catch exceptions
            smtp = smtplib.SMTP(Opts['smtp_server_host'], Opts['smtp_server_port'])
        except (smtplib.SMTPException, socket.error), detail:
            perror("Establishing SMTP connection to " + \
                       Opts['smtp_server_host'] + ":"  + Opts['smtp_server_port'] + \
                   " failed: " + str(detail))
            raise      # Rais all other errors
        else:  # No error opening, continue
            for rcpts in UserList[uid]['forwardto']:  # Iterate over all reciptiens
                try:   # Send data; Catch exceptions
                    # Update msg rcpt