Exemple #1
    def testNoPasswordGiven(self):
        """Passing None as the password avoids sending the PASS command."""
        # Create a client, and give it a greeting.
        ftpClient = ftp.FTPClientBasic()
        ftpClient.transport = BufferingTransport()
        ftpClient.lineReceived('220 Welcome to Imaginary FTP.')

        # Queue a login with no password
        ftpClient.queueLogin('bob', None)
        self.failUnlessEqual('USER bob\r\n', ftpClient.transport.buffer)

        # Clear the test buffer, acknowledge the USER command.
        ftpClient.transport.buffer = ''
        ftpClient.lineReceived('200 Hello bob.')

        # The client shouldn't have sent anything more (i.e. it shouldn't have
        # sent a PASS command).
        self.failUnlessEqual('', ftpClient.transport.buffer)
Exemple #2
    def testNoPasswordNeeded(self):
        """Receiving a 230 response to USER prevents PASS from being sent."""
        # Create a client, and give it a greeting.
        ftpClient = ftp.FTPClientBasic()
        ftpClient.transport = BufferingTransport()
        ftpClient.lineReceived('220 Welcome to Imaginary FTP.')

        # Queue a login with no password
        ftpClient.queueLogin('bob', 'secret')
        self.failUnlessEqual('USER bob\r\n', ftpClient.transport.buffer)

        # Clear the test buffer, acknowledge the USER command with a 230
        # response code.
        ftpClient.transport.buffer = ''
        ftpClient.lineReceived('230 Hello bob.  No password needed.')

        # The client shouldn't have sent anything more (i.e. it shouldn't have
        # sent a PASS command).
        self.failUnlessEqual('', ftpClient.transport.buffer)
Exemple #3
    def testMultilineResponse(self):
        ftpClient = ftp.FTPClientBasic()
        ftpClient.transport = DummyTransport()
        ftpClient.lineReceived('220 Imaginary FTP.')

        # Queue (and send) a dummy command, and set up a callback to capture the
        # result
        deferred = ftpClient.queueStringCommand('BLAH')
        result = []

        # Send the first line of a multiline response.
        ftpClient.lineReceived('210-First line.')
        self.failUnlessEqual([], result)

        # Send a second line, again prefixed with "nnn-".
        ftpClient.lineReceived('123-Second line.')
        self.failUnlessEqual([], result)

        # Send a plain line of text, no prefix.
        ftpClient.lineReceived('Just some text.')
        self.failUnlessEqual([], result)

        # Now send a short (less than 4 chars) line.
        self.failUnlessEqual([], result)

        # Now send an empty line.
        self.failUnlessEqual([], result)

        # And a line with 3 digits in it, and nothing else.
        self.failUnlessEqual([], result)

        # Now finish it.
        ftpClient.lineReceived('210 Done.')
            '210-First line.', '123-Second line.', 'Just some text.', 'Hi', '',
            '321', '210 Done.'
        ], result[0])
Exemple #4
 def testResponseWithNoMessage(self):
     # Responses with no message are still valid, i.e. three digits followed
     # by a space is complete response.
     ftpClient = ftp.FTPClientBasic()
     ftpClient.lineReceived('220 ')
     self.failUnlessEqual(['220 '], ftpClient.greeting)
Exemple #5
 def testGreeting(self):
     # The first response is captured as a greeting.
     ftpClient = ftp.FTPClientBasic()
     ftpClient.lineReceived('220 Imaginary FTP.')
     self.failUnlessEqual(['220 Imaginary FTP.'], ftpClient.greeting)