def test_dottedNames(self): """ Verify that the walkModules APIs will give us back subpackages, not just subpackages. """ self.assertEquals( modules.getModule('twisted.python'), self.findByIteration("twisted.python", where=modules.getModule('twisted')))
def test_determineUpgradeSequence(self): upgrader = UpgradeDatabaseSchemaStep(None) upgrader.schemaLocation = getModule(__name__).filePath.sibling("fake_schema1") files = upgrader.scanForUpgradeFiles("fake_dialect") upgrades = upgrader.determineUpgradeSequence(3, 4, files, "fake_dialect") self.assertEqual(upgrades, [upgrader.schemaLocation.child("upgrades").child("fake_dialect").child("upgrade_from_3_to_4.sql")], ) self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, upgrader.determineUpgradeSequence, 3, 5, files, "fake_dialect") upgrader.schemaLocation = getModule(__name__).filePath.sibling("fake_schema2") files = upgrader.scanForUpgradeFiles("fake_dialect") upgrades = upgrader.determineUpgradeSequence(3, 5, files, "fake_dialect") self.assertEqual(upgrades, [upgrader.schemaLocation.child("upgrades").child("fake_dialect").child("upgrade_from_3_to_5.sql")] ) upgrades = upgrader.determineUpgradeSequence(4, 5, files, "fake_dialect") self.assertEqual(upgrades, [upgrader.schemaLocation.child("upgrades").child("fake_dialect").child("upgrade_from_4_to_5.sql")] ) upgrader.schemaLocation = getModule(__name__).filePath.sibling("fake_schema3") files = upgrader.scanForUpgradeFiles("fake_dialect") upgrades = upgrader.determineUpgradeSequence(3, 5, files, "fake_dialect") self.assertEqual(upgrades, [ upgrader.schemaLocation.child("upgrades").child("fake_dialect").child("upgrade_from_3_to_4.sql"), upgrader.schemaLocation.child("upgrades").child("fake_dialect").child("upgrade_from_4_to_5.sql"), ] )
def main(reactor): log.startLogging(sys.stdout) certData = getModule(__name__).filePath.sibling('public.pem').getContent() authData = getModule(__name__).filePath.sibling('server.pem').getContent() authority = ssl.Certificate.loadPEM(certData) certificate = ssl.PrivateCertificate.loadPEM(authData) factory = protocol.Factory.forProtocol(echoserv.Echo) reactor.listenSSL(8000, factory, certificate.options(authority)) return defer.Deferred()
def _populateSchema(version=None): """ Generate the global L{SchemaSyntax}. """ if version is None: pathObj = getModule(__name__).filePath.sibling("sql_schema").child("current.sql") else: pathObj = getModule(__name__).filePath.sibling("sql_schema").child("old").child(POSTGRES_DIALECT).child("%s.sql" % (version,)) return SchemaSyntax(schemaFromPath(pathObj))
def main(reactor): factory = protocol.Factory.forProtocol(echoclient.EchoClient) certData = getModule(__name__).filePath.sibling('public.pem').getContent() authData = getModule(__name__).filePath.sibling('server.pem').getContent() clientCertificate = ssl.PrivateCertificate.loadPEM(authData) authority = ssl.Certificate.loadPEM(certData) options = ssl.optionsForClientTLS(u'', authority, clientCertificate) endpoint = endpoints.SSL4ClientEndpoint(reactor, 'localhost', 8000, options) echoClient = yield endpoint.connect(factory) done = defer.Deferred() echoClient.connectionLost = lambda reason: done.callback(None) yield done
def test_pathEntriesOnPath(self): """ Verify that path entries discovered via module loading are, in fact, on sys.path somewhere. """ for n in ["os", "twisted", "twisted.python", "twisted.python.reflect"]: self.failUnlessIn(modules.getModule(n).pathEntry.filePath.path, sys.path)
def test_twistedShowsUp(self): """ Scrounge around in the top-level module namespace and make sure that Twisted shows up, and that the module thusly obtained is the same as the module that we find when we look for it explicitly by name. """ self.assertEqual(modules.getModule("twisted"), self.findByIteration("twisted"))
def _addBackports(): """ We currently require 2 backported bugfixes from a future release of Twisted, for IPv6 support: - U{IPv6 client support <>} - U{TCP endpoint cancellation <>} This function will activate those backports. (Note it must be run before any of the modules in question are imported or it will raise an exception.) This function, L{_hasIPv6ClientSupport}, and all the associated backports (i.e., all of C{twext/backport}) should be removed upon upgrading our minimum required Twisted version. """ from twext.backport import internet as bpinternet from twisted import internet internet.__path__[:] = bpinternet.__path__ + internet.__path__ # Make sure none of the backports are loaded yet. backports = getModule("twext.backport.internet") for submod in backports.iterModules(): subname =".")[-1] tiname = 'twisted.internet.' + subname if tiname in sys.modules: raise RuntimeError( tiname + "already loaded, cannot load required backport")
def test_matchCalendarUserAddress(self): """ Make sure we do an exact comparison on EmailDomain """ self.patch(config.Scheduling.iSchedule, "Enabled", True) self.patch(config.Scheduling.iSchedule, "RemoteServers", "") # Only mailtos: result = yield ScheduleViaISchedule.matchCalendarUserAddress("") self.assertFalse(result) # Need to setup a fake resolver module = getModule(__name__) dataPath = module.filePath.sibling("data") bindPath = dataPath.child("") self.patch(config.Scheduling.iSchedule, "DNSDebug", bindPath.path) utils.DebugResolver = None utils._initResolver() result = yield ScheduleViaISchedule.matchCalendarUserAddress("mailto:[email protected]") self.assertTrue(result) result = yield ScheduleViaISchedule.matchCalendarUserAddress("mailto:[email protected]") self.assertFalse(result) result = yield ScheduleViaISchedule.matchCalendarUserAddress("mailto:[email protected]?subject=foobar") self.assertFalse(result) result = yield ScheduleViaISchedule.matchCalendarUserAddress("mailto:user") self.assertFalse(result) # Test when not enabled ScheduleViaISchedule.domainServerMap = {} self.patch(config.Scheduling.iSchedule, "Enabled", False) result = yield ScheduleViaISchedule.matchCalendarUserAddress("mailto:[email protected]") self.assertFalse(result)
def _findModule(self, fullname, path=None): # print "_findModule called with:", fullname, path mod = getModule(fullname) if mod.filePath.path.endswith('.pyc'): return mod.filePath.path, mod.isPackage() return None
def _buildTestClasses(_locals): """ Build the test classes that use L{NewStyleOnly}, one class per module. @param _locals: The global C{locals()} dict. """ for x in getModule("twisted").walkModules(): ignoredModules = [ "twisted.test.reflect_helper", "twisted.internet.test.process_", "twisted.test.process_" ] isIgnored = [ for ignored in ignoredModules] if True in isIgnored: continue class Test(NewStyleOnly, unittest.TestCase): """ @see: L{NewStyleOnly} """ module = acceptableName =".", "_") Test.__name__ = acceptableName if hasattr(Test, "__qualname__"): Test.__qualname__ = acceptableName _locals.update({acceptableName: Test})
def test_current_oracle(self): """ Make sure current-oracle-dialect.sql matches current.sql """ sqlSchema = getModule(__name__).filePath.parent().sibling("sql_schema") currentSchema = sqlSchema.child("current.sql") current_version = self.versionFromSchema(currentSchema) currentOracleSchema = sqlSchema.child("current-oracle-dialect.sql") current_oracle_version = self.versionFromSchema(currentOracleSchema) self.assertEqual(current_version, current_oracle_version) schema_current = schemaFromPath(currentSchema) schema_oracle = schemaFromPath(currentOracleSchema) # Remove any not null constraints in the postgres schema for text columns as in # Oracle nclob or nvarchar never uses not null for table in schema_current.tables: for constraint in tuple(table.constraints): if constraint.type == Constraint.NOT_NULL and len(constraint.affectsColumns) == 1: if constraint.affectsColumns[0] in ("text", "char", "varchar"): table.constraints.remove(constraint) mismatched = self.assertEqual(len(mismatched), 0, msg=", ".join(mismatched))
def test_references_index(self): """ Make sure current-oracle-dialect.sql matches current.sql """ schema = schemaFromPath(getModule(__name__).filePath.parent().sibling("sql_schema").child("current.sql")) # Get index details indexed_columns = set() for index in schema.pseudoIndexes(): indexed_columns.add("%s.%s" % (, index.columns[0].name)) # print indexed_columns # Look at each table failures = [] for table in schema.tables: for column in table.columns: if column.references is not None: id = "%s.%s" % (, if id not in indexed_columns: failures.append(id) self.assertEqual( len(failures), 0, msg="Missing index for references columns: %s" % (", ".join(sorted(failures))) )
def __init__(self, sqlStore, uid=None, gid=None, failIfUpgradeNeeded=False): """ Initialize the service. """ self.sqlStore = sqlStore self.uid = uid self.gid = gid self.failIfUpgradeNeeded = failIfUpgradeNeeded self.schemaLocation = getModule(__name__).filePath.parent().parent().sibling("sql_schema") self.pyLocation = getModule(__name__).filePath.parent() self.versionKey = None self.versionDescriptor = "" self.upgradeFilePrefix = "" self.upgradeFileSuffix = "" self.defaultKeyValue = None
def test_lookupServerViaSRV(self): """ Test L{lookupServerViaSRV} with a local Bind find """ # Patch config for zonefile, checks in ( ("", (("", "", 8443,),),), ("db.two.zones", ( ("", "", 8443,), ("", "", 8543,), ),), ("", (("", "", 0,),),), ): module = getModule(__name__) dataPath = module.filePath.sibling("data") bindPath = dataPath.child(zonefile) self.patch(config.Scheduling.iSchedule, "DNSDebug", bindPath.path) utils.DebugResolver = None for domain, result_host, result_port in checks: result = (yield utils.lookupServerViaSRV(domain)) if result is None: host = "" port = 0 else: host, port = result self.assertEqual(host, result_host) self.assertEqual(port, result_port)
def test_nonexistentPaths(self): """ Verify that L{modules.walkModules} ignores entries in sys.path which do not exist in the filesystem. """ existentPath = FilePath(self.mktemp()) os.makedirs(existentPath.child("test_package").path) existentPath.child("test_package").child("").setContent("") nonexistentPath = FilePath(self.mktemp()) self.failIf(nonexistentPath.exists()) originalSearchPaths = sys.path[:] sys.path[:] = [existentPath.path] try: expected = [modules.getModule("test_package")] beforeModules = list(modules.walkModules()) sys.path.append(nonexistentPath.path) afterModules = list(modules.walkModules()) finally: sys.path[:] = originalSearchPaths self.assertEqual(beforeModules, expected) self.assertEqual(afterModules, expected)
def load_processors(self, load=None, noload=None, autoload=None): """If method parameters are not provided, they'll be looked up from config: [plugins] load = List of plugins / plugin.Processors to load noload = List of plugins / plugin.Processors to skip automatically loading autoload = (Boolean) Load all plugins by default? """ # Sets up twisted.python so that we can iterate modules __import__('ibid.plugins') if load is None: load = ibid.config.plugins.get('load', []) if noload is None: noload = ibid.config.plugins.get('noload', []) all_plugins = set(plugin.split('.')[0] for plugin in load) if autoload is None: autoload = ibid.config.plugins.get('autoload', True) if autoload: all_plugins |= set('ibid.plugins.', '') for plugin in getModule('ibid.plugins').iterModules()) for plugin in all_plugins: load_processors = [p.split('.')[1] for p in load if p.startswith(plugin + '.')] noload_processors = [p.split('.')[1] for p in noload if p.startswith(plugin + '.')] if plugin not in noload or load_processors: self.load_processor(plugin, noload=noload_processors, load=load_processors, load_all=(plugin in load), noload_all=(plugin in noload))
def module(s): base = getModule(s) module = base.load() attrs = list(base.iterAttributes()) names = list(map(lambda x:[len(], list(base.iterAttributes()))) members = list(map(lambda x: x.load(), list(base.iterAttributes()))) return dict(zip(names, members))
def main(reactor): certData = getModule(__name__).filePath.sibling('server.pem').getContent() cert = ssl.PrivateCertificate.loadPEM(certData) factory = protocol.Factory.forProtocol(TLSServer) factory.options = cert.options() endpoint = endpoints.TCP4ServerEndpoint(reactor, 8000) endpoint.listen(factory) return defer.Deferred()
def main(reactor): HOST, PORT = 'localhost', 1717 log.startLogging(sys.stdout) certData = getModule(__name__).filePath.sibling('server.pem').getContent() certificate = ssl.PrivateCertificate.loadPEM(certData) factory = protocol.Factory.forProtocol(Echo) reactor.listenSSL(PORT, factory, certificate.options()) return defer.Deferred()
def __init__(self, templateName): super(PageElement, self).__init__() self.loader = XMLFile( getModule(__name__).filePath.sibling( u"{name}.xhtml".format(name=templateName) ) )
def main(reactor): log.startLogging(sys.stdout) certData = getModule("twisted.test").filePath.sibling('server.pem').getContent() print(certData) certificate = ssl.PrivateCertificate.loadPEM(certData) factory = protocol.Factory.forProtocol(Echo) reactor.listenSSL(8000, factory, certificate.options()) return defer.Deferred()
def addFakePlugin(testCase, dropinSource=""): """ For the duration of C{testCase}, add a fake plugin to twisted.plugins which contains some sample endpoint parsers. """ import sys savedModules = sys.modules.copy() savedPluginPath = plugins.__path__ def cleanup(): sys.modules.clear() sys.modules.update(savedModules) plugins.__path__[:] = savedPluginPath testCase.addCleanup(cleanup) fp = FilePath(testCase.mktemp()) fp.createDirectory() getModule(__name__).filePath.sibling(dropinSource).copyTo( fp.child(dropinSource)) plugins.__path__.append(fp.path)
def main(): from twisted.python import log log.startLogging(sys.stdout) sourcePort = 4433 targetHost, targetPort = sys.argv[1].split(":", 1) certData = getModule("twisted.test").filePath.sibling('server.pem').getContent() certificate = ssl.PrivateCertificate.loadPEM(certData) reactor.listenSSL(sourcePort, DebugHttpServerFactory(targetHost, int(targetPort)), certificate.options())
def test_loadPackagesAndModules(self): """ Verify that we can locate and load packages, modules, submodules, and subpackages. """ for n in ["os", "twisted", "twisted.python", "twisted.python.reflect"]: m = namedAny(n) self.failUnlessIdentical(modules.getModule(n).load(), m) self.failUnlessIdentical(self.findByIteration(n).load(), m)
def loadCommands(): """ Загрузить все команды СпамоБорца. """ from twisted.python import modules module = modules.getModule(__name__) for mod in module.walkModules(): mod.load()
def reload(self): """Reload all available plugins""" log.debug("Reloading all plugins...") # Is this the best way to do this? for module in modules.getModule(plugins.__name__).iterModules(): reload(module.load()) self._load()
def loadRules(): """ Загрузить все правила СпамоБорца. """ from twisted.python import modules module = modules.getModule(__name__) for mod in module.walkModules(): mod.load()
def refresh(cls, appname): """ Go back to the filesystem and re-read the config file """ try: filepath = getModule(__name__).filePath basedir = filepath.parent().parent().parent().parent().path except Exception, e: print("Failed to get project basedir: %s" % (e,)) raise
def test_scanUpgradeFiles(self): upgrader = UpgradeDatabaseSchemaStep(None) upgrader.schemaLocation = getModule(__name__).filePath.sibling("fake_schema1") files = upgrader.scanForUpgradeFiles("fake_dialect") self.assertEqual(files, [(3, 4, upgrader.schemaLocation.child("upgrades").child("fake_dialect").child("upgrade_from_3_to_4.sql"))], ) upgrader.schemaLocation = getModule(__name__).filePath.sibling("fake_schema2") files = upgrader.scanForUpgradeFiles("fake_dialect") self.assertEqual(files, [ (3, 4, upgrader.schemaLocation.child("upgrades").child("fake_dialect").child("upgrade_from_3_to_4.sql")), (3, 5, upgrader.schemaLocation.child("upgrades").child("fake_dialect").child("upgrade_from_3_to_5.sql")), (4, 5, upgrader.schemaLocation.child("upgrades").child("fake_dialect").child("upgrade_from_4_to_5.sql")), ] )
def _trialSortAlgorithm(self, sorter): """ Right now, halfway by accident, trial sorts like this: 1. all modules are grouped together in one list and sorted. 2. within each module, the classes are grouped together in one list and sorted. 3. finally within each class, each test method is grouped together in a list and sorted. This attempts to return a sorted list of testable thingies following those rules, so that we can compare the behavior of loadPackage. The things that show as 'cases' are errors from modules which failed to import, and test methods. Let's gather all those together. """ pkg = getModule('uberpackage') testModules = [] for testModule in pkg.walkModules(): if".")[-1].startswith("test_"): testModules.append(testModule) sortedModules = util.dsu(testModules, sorter) # ONE for modinfo in sortedModules: # Now let's find all the classes. module = modinfo.load(None) if module is None: yield modinfo else: testClasses = [] for attrib in modinfo.iterAttributes(): if runner.isTestCase(attrib.load()): testClasses.append(attrib) sortedClasses = util.dsu(testClasses, sorter) # TWO for clsinfo in sortedClasses: testMethods = [] for attr in clsinfo.iterAttributes(): if".")[-1].startswith('test'): testMethods.append(attr) sortedMethods = util.dsu(testMethods, sorter) # THREE for methinfo in sortedMethods: yield methinfo
def _create_empty_database(self): # Make a temporary test database. # This assumes SQLite, both in the fact that the database is a single # file and in forming the URL. # Use tempfile.mkstemp instead of self.mkstemp so that the file survives # between tests, but delete it on exit. Windows is why we can't have # nice things like NamedTemporaryFile. fd, PluginTestCase.empty_dbfile = tempfile.mkstemp() os.close(fd) atexit.register(os.unlink, PluginTestCase.empty_dbfile) ibid.config['databases']['ibid'] = 'sqlite:///' + self.empty_dbfile db = DatabaseManager(check_schema_versions=False, sqlite_synchronous=False) for module in getModule('ibid.plugins').iterModules(): try: __import__( except Exception, e: print >> sys.stderr, u"Couldn't load %s plugin for skeleton DB: %s" % ('ibid.plugins.', ''), unicode(e))
def test_old_files_consistent(self): """ Make sure txdav.common.datastore.sql_schema.old contains all the appropriate old versions """ sqlSchema = getModule(__name__).filePath.parent().sibling("sql_schema") oldDirectory = sqlSchema.child("old") for child in oldDirectory.children(): if child.basename().startswith("."): continue for oldVersion in child.children(): if oldVersion.basename().startswith("."): continue found ="v(\d+).sql", oldVersion.basename()) if found is None:"%s is not a valid old sql file" % (oldVersion)) old_name_version = int( old_version = self.versionFromSchema(oldVersion) self.assertEqual(old_name_version, old_version, "Name of schema file does not match actual schema version: %s" % (oldVersion.path,))
def test_nonexistentPaths(self): """ Verify that L{modules.walkModules} ignores entries in sys.path which do not exist in the filesystem. """ existentPath = self.pathEntryWithOnePackage() nonexistentPath = FilePath(self.mktemp()) self.assertFalse(nonexistentPath.exists()) self.replaceSysPath([existentPath.path]) expected = [modules.getModule("test_package")] beforeModules = list(modules.walkModules()) sys.path.append(nonexistentPath.path) afterModules = list(modules.walkModules()) self.assertEqual(beforeModules, expected) self.assertEqual(afterModules, expected)
def loadPackage(self, package, recurse=False): """ Load tests from a module object representing a package, and return a TestSuite containing those tests. Tests are only loaded from modules whose name begins with 'test_' (or whatever C{modulePrefix} is set to). @param package: a types.ModuleType object (or reasonable facsimile obtained by importing) which may contain tests. @param recurse: A boolean. If True, inspect modules within packages within the given package (and so on), otherwise, only inspect modules in the package itself. @raise: TypeError if 'package' is not a package. @return: a TestSuite created with my suiteFactory, containing all the tests. """ if not isPackage(package): raise TypeError("%r is not a package" % (package, )) pkgobj = modules.getModule(package.__name__) if recurse: discovery = pkgobj.walkModules() else: discovery = pkgobj.iterModules() discovered = [] for disco in discovery: if".")[-1].startswith(self.modulePrefix): discovered.append(disco) suite = self.suiteFactory() for modinfo in self.sort(discovered): try: module = modinfo.load() except: thingToAdd = ErrorHolder(, failure.Failure()) else: thingToAdd = self.loadModule(module) suite.addTest(thingToAdd) return suite
class FailureElement(Element): """ L{FailureElement} is an L{IRenderable} which can render detailed information about a L{Failure<twisted.python.failure.Failure>}. @ivar failure: The L{Failure<twisted.python.failure.Failure>} instance which will be rendered. @since: 12.1 """ loader = XMLFile(getModule(__name__).filePath.sibling("failure.xhtml")) def __init__(self, failure, loader=None): Element.__init__(self, loader) self.failure = failure @renderer def type(self, request, tag): """ Render the exception type as a child of C{tag}. """ return tag(fullyQualifiedName(self.failure.type)) @renderer def value(self, request, tag): """ Render the exception value as a child of C{tag}. """ return tag(str(self.failure.value)) @renderer def traceback(self, request, tag): """ Render all the frames in the wrapped L{Failure<twisted.python.failure.Failure>}'s traceback stack, replacing C{tag}. """ return _StackElement(TagLoader(tag), self.failure.frames)
def test_lookupServerViaSRV(self): """ Test L{lookupServerViaSRV} with a local Bind find """ # Patch config for zonefile, checks in ( ( "", (( "", "", 8443, ), ), ), ( "db.two.zones", ( ( "", "", 8443, ), ( "", "", 8543, ), ), ), ): module = getModule(__name__) dataPath = module.filePath.sibling("data") bindPath = dataPath.child(zonefile) self.patch(config.Scheduling.iSchedule, "DNSDebug", bindPath.path) utils.DebugResolver = None for domain, result_host, result_port in checks: host, port = (yield utils.lookupServerViaSRV(domain)) self.assertEqual(host, result_host) self.assertEqual(port, result_port)
def test_TXT_key(self): # Need to setup a fake resolver module = getModule(__name__) dataPath = module.filePath.sibling("data") bindPath = dataPath.child("") self.patch(config.Scheduling.iSchedule, "DNSDebug", bindPath.path) utils.DebugResolver = None utils._initResolver() for d, s, result in ( ("", "_ischedule", True), ("", "_revoked", False), ("", "dkim", False), ("", "_ischedule", False), ("", "_ischedule", False), ): dkim = "v=1; d=%s; s = %s; t = 1234; a=rsa-sha1; q=dns/txt ; http=UE9TVDov; c=relaxed/simple; h=Content-Type:Originator:Recipient:Recipient:iSchedule-Version:iSchedule-Message-ID; bh=abc; b=" % (d, s,) tester = PublicKeyLookup_DNSTXT(DKIMUtils.extractTags(dkim)) pkey = yield tester.getPublicKey(False) self.assertEqual(pkey is not None, result)
def test_primary_keys(self): """ Make sure current-oracle-dialect.sql matches current.sql """ schema = schemaFromPath(getModule(__name__).filePath.parent().sibling("sql_schema").child("current.sql")) # Set of tables for which missing primary key is allowed table_exceptions = ( "ADDRESSBOOK_OBJECT_REVISIONS", "CALENDAR_OBJECT_REVISIONS", "NOTIFICATION_OBJECT_REVISIONS", "PERUSER", ) # Look at each table failures = [] for table in schema.tables: if table.primaryKey is None and not in table_exceptions: failures.append( self.assertEqual(len(failures), 0, msg="Missing primary key for tables: %s" % (", ".join(sorted(failures))))
def setUp(self): super(InboundTests, self).setUp() yield self.buildStoreAndDirectory() self.receiver = MailReceiver(, self.retriever = MailRetriever(,, ConfigDict({ "Type": "pop", "UseSSL": False, "Server": "", "Port": 123, "Username": "******", })) def decorateTransaction(txn): txn._mailRetriever = self.retriever module = getModule(__name__) self.dataPath = module.filePath.sibling("data")
def test_matchCalendarUserAddress(self): """ Make sure we do an exact comparison on EmailDomain """ self.patch(config.Scheduling.iSchedule, "Enabled", True) self.patch(config.Scheduling.iSchedule, "RemoteServers", "") # Only mailtos: result = yield ScheduleViaISchedule.matchCalendarUserAddress( "") self.assertFalse(result) # Need to setup a fake resolver module = getModule(__name__) dataPath = module.filePath.sibling("data") bindPath = dataPath.child("") self.patch(config.Scheduling.iSchedule, "DNSDebug", bindPath.path) utils.DebugResolver = None utils._initResolver() result = yield ScheduleViaISchedule.matchCalendarUserAddress( "mailto:[email protected]") self.assertTrue(result) result = yield ScheduleViaISchedule.matchCalendarUserAddress( "mailto:[email protected]") self.assertFalse(result) result = yield ScheduleViaISchedule.matchCalendarUserAddress( "mailto:[email protected]?subject=foobar") self.assertFalse(result) result = yield ScheduleViaISchedule.matchCalendarUserAddress( "mailto:user") self.assertFalse(result) # Test when not enabled ScheduleViaISchedule.domainServerMap = {} self.patch(config.Scheduling.iSchedule, "Enabled", False) result = yield ScheduleViaISchedule.matchCalendarUserAddress( "mailto:[email protected]") self.assertFalse(result)
def load_processors(self, load=None, noload=None, autoload=None): """If method parameters are not provided, they'll be looked up from config: [plugins] load = List of plugins / plugin.Processors to load noload = List of plugins / plugin.Processors to skip automatically loading autoload = (Boolean) Load all plugins by default? """ # Sets up twisted.python so that we can iterate modules __import__('ibid.plugins') if load is None: load = ibid.config.plugins.get('load', []) if noload is None: noload = ibid.config.plugins.get('noload', []) all_plugins = set(plugin.split('.')[0] for plugin in load) if autoload is None: autoload = ibid.config.plugins.get('autoload', True) if autoload: all_plugins |= set('ibid.plugins.', '') for plugin in getModule('ibid.plugins').iterModules()) for plugin in all_plugins: load_processors = [ p.split('.')[1] for p in load if p.startswith(plugin + '.') ] noload_processors = [ p.split('.')[1] for p in noload if p.startswith(plugin + '.') ] if plugin not in noload or load_processors: self.load_processor(plugin, noload=noload_processors, load=load_processors, load_all=(plugin in load), noload_all=(plugin in noload))
def test_references_index(self): """ Make sure current-oracle-dialect.sql matches current.sql """ schema = schemaFromPath(getModule(__name__).filePath.parent().sibling("sql_schema").child("current.sql")) # Get index details indexed_columns = set() for index in schema.pseudoIndexes(): indexed_columns.add("%s.%s" % (, index.columns[0].name,)) # print indexed_columns # Look at each table failures = [] for table in schema.tables: for column in table.columns: if column.references is not None: id = "%s.%s" % (,,) if id not in indexed_columns: failures.append(id) self.assertEqual(len(failures), 0, msg="Missing index for references columns: %s" % (", ".join(sorted(failures))))
def _schemaFiles(version=None): """ Find the set of files to process, either the current set if C{version} is L{None}, otherwise look for the specific version. @param version: version identifier (e.g., "v1", "v2" etc) @type version: L{str} """ if version is None: currentObj = getModule(__name__).filePath.sibling("sql_schema").child("current.sql") extrasObj = getModule(__name__).filePath.sibling("sql_schema").child("current-{}-extras.sql".format(ORACLE_DIALECT)) outObj = getModule(__name__).filePath.sibling("sql_schema").child("current-{}.sql".format(ORACLE_DIALECT)) else: currentObj = getModule(__name__).filePath.sibling("sql_schema").child("old").child(POSTGRES_DIALECT).child("%s.sql" % (version,)) extrasObj = getModule(__name__).filePath.sibling("sql_schema").child("old").child(ORACLE_DIALECT).child("{}-extras.sql" % (version,)) outObj = getModule(__name__).filePath.sibling("sql_schema").child("old").child(ORACLE_DIALECT).child("{}.sql" % (version,)) return currentObj, extrasObj, outObj
def test_current_oracle(self): """ Make sure current-oracle-dialect.sql matches current.sql """ sqlSchema = getModule(__name__).filePath.parent().sibling("sql_schema") currentSchema = sqlSchema.child("current.sql") current_version = self.versionFromSchema(currentSchema) currentOracleSchema = sqlSchema.child("current-oracle-dialect.sql") current_oracle_version = self.versionFromSchema(currentOracleSchema) self.assertEqual(current_version, current_oracle_version) # In Oracle, integers are equivalent to bigint, while in PostgreSQL they are not. # For the purpose of this test, convert the PostgreSQL bigints to integers before the comparison. schema_current = schemaFromString(currentSchema.getContent().replace( "bigint", "integer")) schema_oracle = schemaFromPath(currentOracleSchema) # Remove any not null constraints in the postgres schema for text columns as in # Oracle nclob or nvarchar never uses not null for table in schema_current.tables: for constraint in tuple(table.constraints): if constraint.type == Constraint.NOT_NULL and len( constraint.affectsColumns) == 1: if constraint.affectsColumns[0] in ("text", "char", "varchar"): table.constraints.remove(constraint) # Remove stored procedures which we only use on Oracle schema_oracle.functions = [] mismatched = self.assertEqual(len(mismatched), 0, msg=", ".join(mismatched))
def test_initResolver(self): """ Test L{lookupServerViaSRV} with a local Bind find """ # Default resolver utils.DebugResolver = None utils._initResolver() self.assertNotEqual(utils.DebugResolver, None) self.assertFalse(isinstance(utils.DebugResolver, BindAuthority)) # Patch config for Bind resolver for zonefile in ( "", "db.two.zones", ): module = getModule(__name__) dataPath = module.filePath.sibling("data") bindPath = dataPath.child(zonefile) self.patch(config.Scheduling.iSchedule, "DNSDebug", bindPath.path) utils.DebugResolver = None utils._initResolver() self.assertNotEqual(utils.DebugResolver, None) self.assertTrue(isinstance(utils.DebugResolver, BindAuthority))
def test_old_files(self): """ Make sure txdav.common.datastore.sql_schema.old contains all the appropriate old versions """ sqlSchema = getModule(__name__).filePath.parent().sibling("sql_schema") currentSchema = sqlSchema.child("current.sql") current_version = self.versionFromSchema(currentSchema) current_set = set([i for i in range(3, current_version)]) oldDirectory = sqlSchema.child("old") for child in oldDirectory.children(): if child.basename().startswith("."): continue old_set = set() for oldVersion in child.children(): if oldVersion.basename().startswith("."): continue found ="v(\d+).sql", oldVersion.basename()) if found is None:"%s is not a valid old sql file" % (oldVersion)) old_set.add(int( self.assertEqual(current_set, old_set, msg="Missing old schema file for dialect: %s" % (child.basename(),))
def sample(name): return (getModule("twistedcaldav.test").filePath.sibling("data").child( name + ".ics").getContent())
class HomeMigrationTests(CommonCommonTests, TestCase): """ Tests for L{UpgradeToDatabaseStep}. """ av1 = Component.fromString("""BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:-// BEGIN:VAVAILABILITY ORGANIZER:mailto:[email protected] UID:[email protected] DTSTAMP:20061005T133225Z DTEND:20140101T000000Z BEGIN:AVAILABLE UID:[email protected] DTSTAMP:20061005T133225Z SUMMARY:Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 17:00 DTSTART:20130101T090000Z DTEND:20130101T170000Z RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;BYDAY=MO,TU,WE,TH,FR END:AVAILABLE END:VAVAILABILITY END:VCALENDAR """) @inlineCallbacks def setUp(self): """ Set up two stores to migrate between. """ yield super(HomeMigrationTests, self).setUp() yield self.buildStoreAndDirectory(extraUids=( u"home1", u"home2", u"home3", u"home_defaults", u"home_no_splits", u"home_splits", u"home_splits_shared", )) self.sqlStore = # Add some files to the file store. self.filesPath = CachingFilePath(self.mktemp()) self.filesPath.createDirectory() fileStore = self.fileStore = CommonDataStore( self.filesPath, {"push": StubNotifierFactory()},, True, True) self.upgrader = UpgradeToDatabaseStep(self.fileStore, self.sqlStore) requirements = CommonTests.requirements extras = deriveValue(self, "extraRequirements", lambda t: {}) requirements = self.mergeRequirements(requirements, extras) yield populateCalendarsFrom(requirements, fileStore) md5s = CommonTests.md5s yield resetCalendarMD5s(md5s, fileStore) self.filesPath.child("calendars").child("__uids__").child("ho").child( "me").child("home1").child(".some-extra-data").setContent( "some extra data") requirements = ABCommonTests.requirements yield populateAddressBooksFrom(requirements, fileStore) md5s = ABCommonTests.md5s yield resetAddressBookMD5s(md5s, fileStore) self.filesPath.child("addressbooks").child("__uids__").child( "ho").child("me").child("home1").child( ".some-extra-data").setContent("some extra data") # Add some properties we want to check get migrated over txn = self.fileStore.newTransaction() home = yield txn.calendarHomeWithUID("home_defaults") cal = yield home.calendarWithName("calendar_1") props = props[PropertyName.fromElement( caldavxml.SupportedCalendarComponentSet )] = caldavxml.SupportedCalendarComponentSet( caldavxml.CalendarComponent(name="VEVENT"), caldavxml.CalendarComponent(name="VTODO"), ) props[PropertyName.fromElement( element.ResourceType)] = element.ResourceType( element.Collection(), caldavxml.Calendar(), ) props[PropertyName.fromElement( customxml.GETCTag)] = customxml.GETCTag.fromString("foobar") inbox = yield home.calendarWithName("inbox") props = props[PropertyName.fromElement( customxml.CalendarAvailability )] = customxml.CalendarAvailability.fromString(str(self.av1)) props[PropertyName.fromElement( caldavxml.ScheduleDefaultCalendarURL )] = caldavxml.ScheduleDefaultCalendarURL( element.HRef.fromString( "/calendars/__uids__/home_defaults/calendar_1"), ) yield txn.commit() def mergeRequirements(self, a, b): """ Merge two requirements dictionaries together, modifying C{a} and returning it. @param a: Some requirements, in the format of L{CommonTests.requirements}. @type a: C{dict} @param b: Some additional requirements, to be merged into C{a}. @type b: C{dict} @return: C{a} @rtype: C{dict} """ for homeUID in b: homereq = a.setdefault(homeUID, {}) homeExtras = b[homeUID] for calendarUID in homeExtras: calreq = homereq.setdefault(calendarUID, {}) calendarExtras = homeExtras[calendarUID] calreq.update(calendarExtras) return a @withSpecialValue( "extraRequirements", { "home1": { "calendar_1": { "bogus.ics": (getModule("twistedcaldav").filePath.sibling("zoneinfo"). child("EST.ics").getContent(), CommonTests.metadata1) } } }) @inlineCallbacks def test_unknownTypeNotMigrated(self): """ The only types of calendar objects that should get migrated are VEVENTs and VTODOs. Other component types, such as free-standing VTIMEZONEs, don't have a UID and can't be stored properly in the database, so they should not be migrated. """ yield self.upgrader.stepWithResult(None) txn = self.sqlStore.newTransaction() self.addCleanup(txn.commit) self.assertIdentical( None, (yield (yield (yield (yield txn.calendarHomeWithUID("home1")).calendarWithName( "calendar_1"))).calendarObjectWithName("bogus.ics"))) @inlineCallbacks def test_upgradeCalendarHomes(self): """ L{UpgradeToDatabaseService.startService} will do the upgrade, then start its dependent service by adding it to its service hierarchy. """ # Create a fake directory in the same place as a home, but with a non-existent uid fake_dir = self.filesPath.child("calendars").child("__uids__").child( "ho").child("me").child("foobar") fake_dir.makedirs() # Create a fake file in the same place as a home,with a name that matches the hash uid prefix fake_file = self.filesPath.child("calendars").child("__uids__").child( "ho").child("me").child("home_file") fake_file.setContent("") yield self.upgrader.stepWithResult(None) txn = self.sqlStore.newTransaction() self.addCleanup(txn.commit) for uid in CommonTests.requirements: if CommonTests.requirements[uid] is not None: self.assertNotIdentical(None, (yield txn.calendarHomeWithUID(uid))) # Successfully migrated calendar homes are deleted self.assertFalse( self.filesPath.child("calendars").child("__uids__").child( "ho").child("me").child("home1").exists()) # Want metadata preserved home = (yield txn.calendarHomeWithUID("home1")) calendar = (yield home.calendarWithName("calendar_1")) for name, metadata, md5 in ( ("1.ics", CommonTests.metadata1, CommonTests.md5Values[0]), ("2.ics", CommonTests.metadata2, CommonTests.md5Values[1]), ("3.ics", CommonTests.metadata3, CommonTests.md5Values[2]), ): object = (yield calendar.calendarObjectWithName(name)) self.assertEquals(object.getMetadata(), metadata) self.assertEquals(object.md5(), md5) @withSpecialValue("extraRequirements", {"nonexistent": {"calendar_1": {}}}) @inlineCallbacks def test_upgradeCalendarHomesMissingDirectoryRecord(self): """ Test an upgrade where a directory record is missing for a home; the original home directory will remain on disk. """ yield self.upgrader.stepWithResult(None) txn = self.sqlStore.newTransaction() self.addCleanup(txn.commit) for uid in CommonTests.requirements: if CommonTests.requirements[uid] is not None: self.assertNotIdentical(None, (yield txn.calendarHomeWithUID(uid))) self.assertIdentical(None, (yield txn.calendarHomeWithUID(u"nonexistent"))) # Skipped calendar homes are not deleted self.assertTrue( self.filesPath.child("calendars").child("__uids__").child( "no").child("ne").child("nonexistent").exists()) @inlineCallbacks def test_upgradeExistingHome(self): """ L{UpgradeToDatabaseService.startService} will skip migrating existing homes. """ startTxn = self.sqlStore.newTransaction("populate empty sample") yield startTxn.calendarHomeWithUID("home1", create=True) yield startTxn.commit() yield self.upgrader.stepWithResult(None) vrfyTxn = self.sqlStore.newTransaction("verify sample still empty") self.addCleanup(vrfyTxn.commit) home = yield vrfyTxn.calendarHomeWithUID("home1") # The default calendar is still there. self.assertNotIdentical(None, (yield home.calendarWithName("calendar"))) # The migrated calendar isn't. self.assertIdentical(None, (yield home.calendarWithName("calendar_1"))) @inlineCallbacks def test_upgradeAttachments(self): """ L{UpgradeToDatabaseService.startService} upgrades calendar attachments as well. """ # Need to tweak config and settings to setup dropbox to work self.patch(config, "EnableDropBox", True) self.patch(config, "EnableManagedAttachments", False) self.sqlStore.enableManagedAttachments = False txn = self.sqlStore.newTransaction() cs = schema.CALENDARSERVER yield Delete(From=cs, Where=cs.NAME == "MANAGED-ATTACHMENTS").on(txn) yield txn.commit() txn = self.fileStore.newTransaction() committed = [] def maybeCommit(): if not committed: committed.append(True) return txn.commit() self.addCleanup(maybeCommit) @inlineCallbacks def getSampleObj(): home = (yield txn.calendarHomeWithUID("home1")) calendar = (yield home.calendarWithName("calendar_1")) object = (yield calendar.calendarObjectWithName("1.ics")) returnValue(object) inObject = yield getSampleObj() someAttachmentName = "some-attachment" someAttachmentType = MimeType.fromString("application/x-custom-type") attachment = yield inObject.createAttachmentWithName( someAttachmentName, ) transport = someAttachmentData = "Here is some data for your attachment, enjoy." transport.write(someAttachmentData) yield transport.loseConnection() yield maybeCommit() yield self.upgrader.stepWithResult(None) committed = [] txn = self.sqlStore.newTransaction() outObject = yield getSampleObj() outAttachment = yield outObject.attachmentWithName(someAttachmentName) allDone = Deferred() class SimpleProto(Protocol): data = '' def dataReceived(self, data): += data def connectionLost(self, reason): allDone.callback( self.assertEquals(outAttachment.contentType(), someAttachmentType) outAttachment.retrieve(SimpleProto()) allData = yield allDone self.assertEquals(allData, someAttachmentData) @inlineCallbacks def test_upgradeAddressBookHomes(self): """ L{UpgradeToDatabaseService.startService} will do the upgrade, then start its dependent service by adding it to its service hierarchy. """ yield self.upgrader.stepWithResult(None) txn = self.sqlStore.newTransaction() self.addCleanup(txn.commit) for uid in ABCommonTests.requirements: if ABCommonTests.requirements[uid] is not None: self.assertNotIdentical( None, (yield txn.addressbookHomeWithUID(uid))) # Successfully migrated addressbook homes are deleted self.assertFalse( self.filesPath.child("addressbooks").child("__uids__").child( "ho").child("me").child("home1").exists()) # Want metadata preserved home = (yield txn.addressbookHomeWithUID("home1")) adbk = (yield home.addressbookWithName("addressbook")) for name, md5 in ( ("1.vcf", ABCommonTests.md5Values[0]), ("2.vcf", ABCommonTests.md5Values[1]), ("3.vcf", ABCommonTests.md5Values[2]), ): object = (yield adbk.addressbookObjectWithName(name)) self.assertEquals(object.md5(), md5) @inlineCallbacks def test_upgradeProperties(self): """ L{UpgradeToDatabaseService.startService} will do the upgrade, then start its dependent service by adding it to its service hierarchy. """ yield self.upgrader.stepWithResult(None) txn = self.sqlStore.newTransaction() self.addCleanup(txn.commit) # Want metadata preserved home = (yield txn.calendarHomeWithUID("home_defaults")) cal = (yield home.calendarWithName("calendar_1")) inbox = (yield home.calendarWithName("inbox")) # Supported components self.assertEqual(cal.getSupportedComponents(), "VEVENT") self.assertTrue( PropertyName.fromElement(caldavxml.SupportedCalendarComponentSet)) is None) # Resource type removed self.assertTrue( PropertyName.fromElement(element.ResourceType)) is None) # Ctag removed self.assertTrue( PropertyName.fromElement(customxml.GETCTag)) is None) # Availability self.assertEquals(str(home.getAvailability()), str(self.av1)) self.assertTrue( PropertyName.fromElement(customxml.CalendarAvailability)) is None) # Default calendar self.assertTrue(home.isDefaultCalendar(cal)) self.assertTrue( PropertyName.fromElement(caldavxml.ScheduleDefaultCalendarURL)) is None) def test_fileStoreFromPath(self): """ Verify that fileStoreFromPath() will return a CommonDataStore if the given path contains either "calendars" or "addressbooks" sub-directories. Otherwise it returns None """ # No child directories docRootPath = CachingFilePath(self.mktemp()) docRootPath.createDirectory() step = UpgradeToDatabaseStep.fileStoreFromPath(docRootPath) self.assertEquals(step, None) # "calendars" child directory exists childPath = docRootPath.child("calendars") childPath.createDirectory() step = UpgradeToDatabaseStep.fileStoreFromPath(docRootPath) self.assertTrue(isinstance(step, CommonDataStore)) childPath.remove() # "addressbooks" child directory exists childPath = docRootPath.child("addressbooks") childPath.createDirectory() step = UpgradeToDatabaseStep.fileStoreFromPath(docRootPath) self.assertTrue(isinstance(step, CommonDataStore)) childPath.remove()
def get_server_cert(): return getModule(__name__).filePath.sibling('server.pem').getContent()
def test_namespacedPackages(self): """ Duplicate packages are not yielded when iterating over namespace packages. """ # Force pkgutil to be loaded already, since the probe package being # created depends on it, and the replaceSysPath call below will make # pretty much everything unimportable. __import__("pkgutil") namespaceBoilerplate = ( b"import pkgutil; " b"__path__ = pkgutil.extend_path(__path__, __name__)") # Create two temporary directories with packages: # # entry: # test_package/ # # nested_package/ # # # # anotherEntry: # test_package/ # # nested_package/ # # # # test_package and test_package.nested_package are namespace packages, # and when both of these are in sys.path, test_package.nested_package # should become a virtual package containing both "module" and # "module2" entry = self.pathEntryWithOnePackage() testPackagePath = entry.child("test_package") testPackagePath.child("").setContent(namespaceBoilerplate) nestedEntry = testPackagePath.child("nested_package") nestedEntry.makedirs() nestedEntry.child("").setContent(namespaceBoilerplate) nestedEntry.child("").setContent(b"") anotherEntry = self.pathEntryWithOnePackage() anotherPackagePath = anotherEntry.child("test_package") anotherPackagePath.child("").setContent( namespaceBoilerplate) anotherNestedEntry = anotherPackagePath.child("nested_package") anotherNestedEntry.makedirs() anotherNestedEntry.child("").setContent( namespaceBoilerplate) anotherNestedEntry.child("").setContent(b"") self.replaceSysPath([entry.path, anotherEntry.path]) module = modules.getModule("test_package") # We have to use importPackages=True in order to resolve the namespace # packages, so we remove the imported packages from sys.modules after # walking try: walkedNames = [ for mod in module.walkModules(importPackages=True) ] finally: for module in list(sys.modules.keys()): if module.startswith("test_package"): del sys.modules[module] expected = [ "test_package", "test_package.nested_package", "test_package.nested_package.module", "test_package.nested_package.module2", ] self.assertEqual(walkedNames, expected)
class WebAdminPage(Element): """ Web administration renderer for HTML. @ivar resource: a L{WebAdminResource}. """ loader = XMLFile(getModule(__name__).filePath.sibling("delegation.html")) def __init__(self, resource): super(WebAdminPage, self).__init__() self.resource = resource @renderer def main(self, request, tag): """ Main renderer, which fills page-global slots like 'title'. """ searchTerm = request.args.get('resourceSearch', [''])[0] return tag.fillSlots(resourceSearch=searchTerm) @renderer @inlineCallbacks def hasSearchResults(self, request, tag): """ Renderer which detects if there are resource search results and continues if so. """ if 'resourceSearch' not in request.args: returnValue('') if (yield self.performSearch(request)): returnValue(tag) else: returnValue('') @renderer @inlineCallbacks def noSearchResults(self, request, tag): """ Renderer which detects if there are resource search results and continues if so. """ if 'resourceSearch' not in request.args: returnValue('') rows = yield self.performSearch(request) if rows: returnValue("") else: returnValue(tag) _searchResults = None @inlineCallbacks def performSearch(self, request): """ Perform a directory search for users, groups, and resources based on the resourceSearch query parameter. Cache the results of that search so that it will only be done once per request. """ if self._searchResults is not None: returnValue(self._searchResults) searchTerm = request.args.get('resourceSearch', [''])[0] if searchTerm: results = sorted((yield, key=lambda record: record.fullNames[0]) else: results = [] self._searchResults = results returnValue(results) @renderer def searchResults(self, request, tag): """ Renderer which renders resource search results. """ d = self.performSearch(request) return d.addCallback(searchToSlots, tag) @renderer @inlineCallbacks def resourceDetails(self, request, tag): """ Renderer which fills slots for details of the resource selected by the resourceId request parameter. """ resourceId = request.args.get('resourceId', [''])[0] propertyName = request.args.get('davPropertyName', [''])[0] proxySearch = request.args.get('proxySearch', [''])[0] if resourceId: principalResource = yield self.resource.getResourceById( request, resourceId) returnValue( DetailsElement(resourceId, principalResource, propertyName, proxySearch, tag, self.resource)) else: returnValue("")
def get_public_cert(): return getModule(__name__).filePath.sibling('public.pem').getContent()
def setUp(self): self.packageNames = [] for mod in getModule('twisted').walkModules(): if mod.isPackage(): self.packageNames.append(
def parseArgs(self, *benchmarks): if not benchmarks: raise UsageError("Specify at least one benchmark") self['benchmarks'] = self._selectBenchmarks(list(benchmarks)) def whichPIDs(source, conf): """ Return a list of PIDs to dtrace. """ run = source.preauthChild(conf['ServerRoot']).preauthChild(conf['RunRoot']) return [run.child(conf['PIDFile']).getContent() ] + [pid.getContent() for pid in run.globChildren('*instance*')] _benchmarks = getModule("contrib.performance.benchmarks") def resolveBenchmark(name): for module in _benchmarks.iterModules(): if == ".".join((, name)): return module.load() raise ValueError("Unknown benchmark: %r" % (name, )) def main(): from twisted.python.log import startLogging, err options = BenchmarkOptions() try: options.parseOptions(sys.argv[1:])
def getCache(module): """ Compute all the possible loadable plugins, while loading as few as possible and hitting the filesystem as little as possible. @param module: a Python module object. This represents a package to search for plugins. @return: a dictionary mapping module names to CachedDropin instances. """ allCachesCombined = {} mod = getModule(module.__name__) # don't want to walk deep, only immediate children. buckets = {} # Fill buckets with modules by related entry on the given package's # __path__. There's an abstraction inversion going on here, because this # information is already represented internally in twisted.python.modules, # but it's simple enough that I'm willing to live with it. If anyone else # wants to fix up this iteration so that it's one path segment at a time, # be my guest. --glyph for plugmod in mod.iterModules(): fpp = plugmod.filePath.parent() if fpp not in buckets: buckets[fpp] = [] bucket = buckets[fpp] bucket.append(plugmod) for pseudoPackagePath, bucket in buckets.iteritems(): dropinPath = pseudoPackagePath.child('dropin.cache') try: lastCached = dropinPath.getModificationTime() dropinDotCache = pickle.load('r')) except: dropinDotCache = {} lastCached = 0 needsWrite = False existingKeys = {} for pluginModule in bucket: pluginKey ='.')[-1] existingKeys[pluginKey] = True if ((pluginKey not in dropinDotCache) or (pluginModule.filePath.getModificationTime() >= lastCached)): needsWrite = True try: provider = pluginModule.load() except: # dropinDotCache.pop(pluginKey, None) log.err() else: entry = _generateCacheEntry(provider) dropinDotCache[pluginKey] = entry # Make sure that the cache doesn't contain any stale plugins. for pluginKey in dropinDotCache.keys(): if pluginKey not in existingKeys: del dropinDotCache[pluginKey] needsWrite = True if needsWrite: try: dropinPath.setContent(pickle.dumps(dropinDotCache)) except: log.err() allCachesCombined.update(dropinDotCache) return allCachesCombined
def holiday(uid): return (getModule("twistedcaldav.test").filePath.sibling("data").child( "Holidays").child(uid + ".ics").getContent())
from import CalendarDirectoryRecordMixin from txdav.xml import element as davxml from txweb2 import responsecode from txweb2.auth.digest import DigestedCredentials from txweb2.auth.tls import TLSCredentials from txweb2.dav.noneprops import NonePropertyStore from txweb2.dav.util import joinURL from txweb2.http import HTTPError try: from twistedcaldav.authkerb import NegotiateCredentials NegotiateCredentials # sigh, pyflakes except ImportError: NegotiateCredentials = None thisModule = getModule(__name__) log = Logger() class PermissionsMixIn(ReadOnlyResourceMixIn): def defaultAccessControlList(self): return succeed(authReadACL) @inlineCallbacks def accessControlList(self, request, inheritance=True, expanding=False, inherited_aces=None): try:
import OpenSSL import pytest from service_identity.exceptions import VerificationError from twisted.internet import reactor from twisted.internet.ssl import PrivateCertificate from twisted.python.modules import getModule from twisted.web.client import Agent, BrowserLikePolicyForHTTPS from twisted.web.http_headers import Headers sslcgit_trustRoot = (getModule(__name__).filePath.parent().sibling( 'certs').child('ssl.cgit.main.pem').getContent()) invalid_trustRoot = ( getModule(__name__).filePath.sibling('invalid.pem').getContent()) @pytest.fixture def url_trustRoot(request): return request.param @pytest.fixture def agent_call(url_trustRoot): url, trustRoot = url_trustRoot if trustRoot: customPolicy = BrowserLikePolicyForHTTPS( PrivateCertificate.loadPEM(trustRoot)) agent = Agent(reactor, customPolicy) else: agent = Agent(reactor) headers = Headers({
from errno import EPERM from zope.interface import implements from twisted.trial import unittest from twisted.internet import error, interfaces from twisted.internet import endpoints from twisted.internet.address import IPv4Address, UNIXAddress from twisted.internet.protocol import ClientFactory, Protocol from twisted.test.proto_helpers import MemoryReactor, RaisingMemoryReactor from twisted.python.failure import Failure from twisted import plugins from twisted.python.modules import getModule from twisted.python.filepath import FilePath pemPath = getModule("twisted.test").filePath.sibling("server.pem") casPath = getModule(__name__).filePath.sibling("fake_CAs") escapedPEMPathName = endpoints.quoteStringArgument(pemPath.path) escapedCAsPathName = endpoints.quoteStringArgument(casPath.path) try: from twisted.test.test_sslverify import makeCertificate from twisted.internet.ssl import CertificateOptions, Certificate, \ KeyPair, PrivateCertificate from OpenSSL.SSL import ContextType testCertificate = Certificate.loadPEM(pemPath.getContent()) testPrivateCertificate = PrivateCertificate.loadPEM(pemPath.getContent()) skipSSL = False except ImportError: skipSSL = "OpenSSL is required to construct SSL Endpoints"