def test_classicalRouteWithBranch(self): """ Multiple instances of a class with a L{Klein} attribute and L{Klein.route}'d methods can be created and their L{Klein}s used independently. """ class Foo(object): app = Klein() def __init__(self): self.bar_calls = [] @app.route("/bar/", branch=True) def bar(self, request): self.bar_calls.append((self, request)) return "bar" foo_1 = Foo() foo_1_app = foo_2 = Foo() foo_2_app = dr1 = DummyRequest(1) dr2 = DummyRequest(2) foo_1_app.execute_endpoint( fullyQualifiedName("Foo.", ""), dr1) foo_2_app.execute_endpoint( fullyQualifiedName("Foo.", ""), dr2) self.assertEqual(foo_1.bar_calls, [(foo_1, dr1)]) self.assertEqual(foo_2.bar_calls, [(foo_2, dr2)])
def test_classicalRoute(self): """ L{Klein.route} may be used a method decorator when a L{Klein} instance is defined as a class variable. """ bar_calls = [] class Foo(object): app = Klein() @app.route("/bar") def bar(self, request): bar_calls.append((self, request)) return "bar" foo = Foo() c ="bar") self.assertEqual( c.match("/bar"), (fullyQualifiedName("Foo.", ""), {})) self.assertEquals( fullyQualifiedName("Foo.", ""), DummyRequest(1)), "bar") self.assertEqual(bar_calls, [(foo, DummyRequest(1))])
def test_require_login(self): self.runtime_environment.configure() self.create_pb_server(checker=dict( name = 'twisted.cred.checkers.InMemoryUsernamePasswordDatabaseDontUse', arguments = dict(test_username='******') )) self.application.startService() self.addCleanup(self.application.stopService) self.server.pipeline_dependency = self.pipeline_dependency # connect to the server client = pb.PBClientFactory() reactor.connectTCP('localhost', self.port, client) root = yield client.getRootObject() self.addCleanup( # calling a remote function should result in no such method being found: try: yield root.callRemote('add', 42, b=93) except spread_provider.RemoteError as e: self.assertEquals(e.remoteType, reflect.fullyQualifiedName(flavors.NoSuchMethod)) else:'NoSuchMethod not raised.') # attempt to login with different bad credentials bad_credentials = list() bad_credentials.append(credentials.UsernamePassword('wrong', 'wrong')) bad_credentials.append(credentials.UsernamePassword('test_username', 'wrong')) bad_credentials.append(credentials.UsernamePassword('wrong', 'test_password')) for bad_credential in bad_credentials: try: yield client.login(bad_credential) except spread_provider.RemoteError as e: self.assertEquals(e.remoteType, reflect.fullyQualifiedName(error.UnauthorizedLogin)) else:'NoSuchMethod not raised.') perspective = yield client.login(credentials.UsernamePassword('test_username', 'test_password')) adding = perspective.callRemote('add', 42, b=93) # assert that the baton is on the expected form baton = yield self.pipeline.batons.get() self.assertEquals(baton['message'], 'add') self.assertEquals(baton['args'], (42,)) self.assertEquals(baton['kwargs'], dict(b=93)) # callback the deferred in the baton baton['deferred'].callback(42+93) # the above callbacking should result in the client getting its response result = yield adding self.assertEquals(result, 42+93)
def test_deprecatedPreservesName(self): """ The decorated function has the same name as the original. """ version = Version('Twisted', 8, 0, 0) dummy = deprecated(version)(dummyCallable) self.assertEqual(dummyCallable.__name__, dummy.__name__) self.assertEqual(fullyQualifiedName(dummyCallable), fullyQualifiedName(dummy))
def test_trapping_multiple_types(self): error_types = [reflect.fullyQualifiedName(FakeError), reflect.fullyQualifiedName(exceptions.ConfigurationError)] processor = self._create_processor(error_types=error_types, output_path='trapped') for error_type in (FakeError, exceptions.ConfigurationError): try: raise error_type('test') except error_type as fe: baton = processor.process(dict()) self.assertEquals(baton['trapped'], error_type)
def check(value): return ( isinstance(value, cls), u"{value!r} is instance of {actual!s}, required {required!s}". format( value=value, actual=fullyQualifiedName(type(value)), required=fullyQualifiedName(cls), ), )
def test_route(self): """ L{Klein.route} adds functions as routable endpoints. """ app = Klein() @app.route("/foo") def foo(request): return "foo" c = app.url_map.bind("foo") self.assertEqual(c.match("/foo"), (fullyQualifiedName(foo), {})) self.assertEqual(len(app.endpoints), 1) self.assertEqual(app.execute_endpoint(fullyQualifiedName(foo), DummyRequest(1)), "foo")
def returnQueueException(mq, queue): excType, excValue, _traceback = sys.exc_info() mq.send(queue, json.dumps({'success': False, 'data': {'stacktrace': errors.getStacktrace(), 'name': reflect.fullyQualifiedName(excType), 'msg': str(excValue)}})) return None
def _retry_exception(f, steps=(0.1, ) * 10, sleep=sleep): """ Retry a function if it raises an exception. :return: Whatever the function returns. """ steps = iter(steps) while True: try: message_type=( u"flocker:provision:libcloud:retry_exception:trying"), function=fullyQualifiedName(f), ).write() return f() except: # Try to get the next sleep time from the steps iterator. Do it # without raising an exception (StopIteration) to preserve the # current exception context. for step in steps: write_traceback() sleep(step) break else: # Didn't hit the break, so didn't iterate at all, so we're out # of retry steps. Fail now. raise
def deco(f): kwargs.setdefault('endpoint', fullyQualifiedName(f)) if kwargs.pop('branch', False): branchKwargs = kwargs.copy() branchKwargs['endpoint'] = branchKwargs['endpoint'] + '_branch' @wraps(f) def branch_f(instance, request, *a, **kw): IKleinRequest(request).branch_segments = kw.pop('__rest__', '').split('/') return _call(instance, f, request, *a, **kw) branch_f.segment_count = segment_count self._endpoints[branchKwargs['endpoint']] = branch_f self._url_map.add(Rule(url.rstrip('/') + '/' + '<path:__rest__>', *args, **branchKwargs)) @wraps(f) def _f(instance, request, *a, **kw): return _call(instance, f, request, *a, **kw) _f.segment_count = segment_count self._endpoints[kwargs['endpoint']] = _f self._url_map.add(Rule(url, *args, **kwargs)) return f
def generatePage(cgiPage): """ Takes an instance of CGIPage and generates a page from it, sending the proper headers and all that """ cgitb.enable() ## # A bit evil, I know, but we want all output to go to a logging file fout = open('/tmp/webservices.log', 'a') logging.OUTSTREAM = fout logging.ERRSTREAM = fout try: ## # Execute the body first, it may want to add to headers or modify them in soem way as # well as contentType body = cgiPage.body() print cgiPage.contentType if cgiPage.headers: print '\n'.join([h + ': ' + v for h, v in cgiPage.headers.iteritems()]) print print json.dumps(dict(success=True, data=body)) except Exception, err: print cgiPage.contentType print stream = StringIO() traceback.print_exc(file=stream) print json.dumps(dict(success=False, data=dict(stacktrace=stream.getvalue(), name=reflect.fullyQualifiedName(reflect.getClass(err)), msg=str(err))))
def clientEndpoint(self, reactor, serverAddress): """ Return an object providing L{IStreamClientEndpoint} for use in creating a client to use to establish the connection type to be tested. """ raise NotImplementedError("%s.clientEndpoint() not implemented" % ( fullyQualifiedName(self.__class__),))
def _format_exception(self, exctype, message, target_obj, found_names, obj, func): formatted = traceback.format_exc() argformat = ( "\nCALL ARGS: lazy_call%s\n" "args: %s\n" "keywords: %s\n\n") % (format_args(self.args, self.keywords), pprint.pformat(self.args), pprint.pformat(self.keywords)) if self.is_decorator: if self.simple_decorator: argformat = "" else: argformat += "\n" try: fqname = fullyQualifiedName(func) except AttributeError: fqname = None argformat += "decorated func: %s: %r" % (fqname, func) return exctype(("Original exception: \n%s" "%s\n\n" "%r is %r.%s\n" "is_decorator: %r\n" "%s") % (formatted, message, obj, target_obj, '.'.join(found_names), self.is_decorator, argformat))
def __exit__(self, exceptionType, exceptionValue, traceback): """ Check exit exception against expected exception. """ # No exception raised. if exceptionType is None: "{0} not raised ({1} returned)".format( self._expectedName, self._returnValue) ) if not isinstance(exceptionValue, exceptionType): # Support some Python 2.6 ridiculousness. Exceptions raised using # the C API appear here as the arguments you might pass to the # exception class to create an exception instance. So... do that # to turn them into the instances. if isinstance(exceptionValue, tuple): exceptionValue = exceptionType(*exceptionValue) else: exceptionValue = exceptionType(exceptionValue) # Store exception so that it can be access from context. self.exception = exceptionValue # Wrong exception raised. if not issubclass(exceptionType, self._expected): reason = failure.Failure(exceptionValue, exceptionType, traceback) "{0} raised instead of {1}:\n {2}".format( fullyQualifiedName(exceptionType), self._expectedName, reason.getTraceback()), ) # All good. return True
def _checkFullyQualifiedName(self, obj, expected): """ Helper to check that fully qualified name of C{obj} results to C{expected}. """ self.assertEquals( reflect.fullyQualifiedName(obj), expected)
def generatePage(cgiPage): """ Takes an instance of CGIPage and generates a page from it, sending the proper headers and all that """ cgitb.enable() ## # A bit evil, I know, but we want all output to go to a logging file fout = open('/tmp/webservices.log', 'a') logging.OUTSTREAM = fout logging.ERRSTREAM = fout try: ## # Execute the body first, it may want to add to headers or modify them in soem way as # well as contentType body = cgiPage.body() print cgiPage.contentType if cgiPage.headers: print '\n'.join( [h + ': ' + v for h, v in cgiPage.headers.iteritems()]) print print json.dumps(dict(success=True, data=body)) except Exception, err: print cgiPage.contentType print stream = StringIO() traceback.print_exc(file=stream) print json.dumps( dict(success=False, data=dict(stacktrace=stream.getvalue(), name=reflect.fullyQualifiedName( reflect.getClass(err)), msg=str(err))))
def _format_exception(self, exctype, message, target_obj, found_names, obj, func): formatted = traceback.format_exc() argformat = ("\nCALL ARGS: lazy_call%s\n" "args: %s\n" "keywords: %s\n\n") % (format_args( self.args, self.keywords), pprint.pformat( self.args), pprint.pformat(self.keywords)) if self.is_decorator: if self.simple_decorator: argformat = "" else: argformat += "\n" try: fqname = fullyQualifiedName(func) except AttributeError: fqname = None argformat += "decorated func: %s: %r" % (fqname, func) return exctype( ("Original exception: \n%s" "%s\n\n" "%r is %r.%s\n" "is_decorator: %r\n" "%s") % (formatted, message, obj, target_obj, '.'.join(found_names), self.is_decorator, argformat))
def g(self, request): # Bind the method to the instance so it has a better # fullyQualifiedName later on. This is not necessary on Python 3. bound_render = render.__get__(self, type(self)) action = start_action( action_type=u"allmydata:web:common-render", uri=request.uri, method=request.method, handler=fullyQualifiedName(bound_render), ) if getattr(request, "dont_apply_extra_processing", False): with action: return bound_render(request) with action.context(): result = DeferredContext(maybeDeferred(bound_render, request)) # Apply `_finish` all of our result handling logic to whatever it # returned. result.addBoth(_finish, bound_render, request) d = result.addActionFinish() # If the connection is lost then there's no point running our _finish # logic because it has nowhere to send anything. There may also be no # point in finishing whatever operation was being performed because # the client cannot be informed of its result. Also, Twisted Web # raises exceptions from some Request methods if they're used after # the connection is lost. request.notifyFinish().addErrback(lambda ignored: d.cancel(), ) return NOT_DONE_YET
def test_newStyleClassesOnly(self): """ Test that C{self.module} has no old-style classes in it. """ try: module = namedAny(self.module) except ImportError as e: raise unittest.SkipTest("Not importable: {}".format(e)) oldStyleClasses = [] for name, val in inspect.getmembers(module): if hasattr(val, "__module__") \ and val.__module__ == self.module: if isinstance(val, types.ClassType): oldStyleClasses.append(fullyQualifiedName(val)) if oldStyleClasses: self.todo = "Not all classes are made new-style yet. See #8243." for x in forbiddenModules: if self.module.startswith(x): delattr(self, "todo") raise unittest.FailTest( "Old-style classes in {module}: {val}".format( module=self.module, val=", ".join(oldStyleClasses)))
def _checkFullyQualifiedName(self, obj, expected): """ Helper to check that fully qualified name of C{obj} results to C{expected}. """ self.assertEqual( reflect.fullyQualifiedName(obj), expected)
def _relaying_test(self, eliot_logger_publish, eliot_logger_consume): """ Publish an event using ``logger.Logger` with an Eliot relay handler hooked up to the root logger and assert that the event ends up b eing seen by ``eliot_logger_consumer`. """ cleanup = stdlib_logging_to_eliot_configuration( logging.getLogger(), eliot_logger_publish, ) self.addCleanup(cleanup) logger = logging.getLogger(fullyQualifiedName(self.__class__)) logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)"Hello, world.") [event] = eliot_logger_consume.messages self.assertThat( event, ContainsDict(dict( # A couple things from the stdlib side of the fence. module=Equals(__name__.split(".")[-1]), levelno=Equals(logging.INFO), # Also some Eliot stuff. task_uuid=IsInstance(unicode), task_level=IsInstance(list), )), )
def _retry_exception(f, steps=(0.1,) * 10, sleep=sleep): """ Retry a function if it raises an exception. :return: Whatever the function returns. """ steps = iter(steps) while True: try: message_type=( u"flocker:provision:libcloud:retry_exception:trying" ), function=fullyQualifiedName(f), ).write() return f() except: # Try to get the next sleep time from the steps iterator. Do it # without raising an exception (StopIteration) to preserve the # current exception context. for step in steps: write_traceback() sleep(step) break else: # Didn't hit the break, so didn't iterate at all, so we're out # of retry steps. Fail now. raise
def _determine_calling_module(self, by_module): if not by_module: # if the caller did not specify a module that made the logging call, attempt to find # the module by inspecting the stack: record 0 is this, 1 is _should_log, 2 is the # logging function, and 3 will be the caller. record = inspect.stack()[3] # the first element of the record is the frame, which contains the locals and globals frame = record[0] f_globals = frame.f_globals # check the stack frame's globals for the __name__ attribute, which is the module name if '__name__' in f_globals: by_module = f_globals['__name__'] else: # but it might not be a regular python module (such as a service.tac), # in which case we have to fall back to using the __file__ attribute. by_module = reflect.filenameToModuleName(f_globals['__file__']) elif not isinstance(by_module, basestring): # if the caller gave us an actual module, and not just its name, determine its # name and use it. by_module = reflect.fullyQualifiedName(by_module) modules = by_module.split('.') return modules
def check(cls, instance): for baseClass in inspect.getmro(instance.__class__): fqn = reflect.fullyQualifiedName(baseClass) if fqn == DEFAULT_WWU_FQN: return True raise TypeError( "You must provide a WireWorkerUniverse subclass instance")
def _relaying_test(self, eliot_logger_publish, eliot_logger_consume): """ Publish an event using ``logger.Logger` with an Eliot relay handler hooked up to the root logger and assert that the event ends up b eing seen by ``eliot_logger_consumer`. """ cleanup = stdlib_logging_to_eliot_configuration( logging.getLogger(), eliot_logger_publish, ) self.addCleanup(cleanup) logger = logging.getLogger(fullyQualifiedName(self.__class__)) logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)"Hello, world.") [event] = eliot_logger_consume.messages self.assertThat( event, ContainsDict( dict( # A couple things from the stdlib side of the fence. module=Equals(__name__.split(".")[-1]), levelno=Equals(logging.INFO), # Also some Eliot stuff. task_uuid=IsInstance(unicode), task_level=IsInstance(list), )), )
def test_simple_trapping(self): processor = self._create_processor(error_types=reflect.fullyQualifiedName(FakeError), output_path='trapped') try: raise FakeError('test') except FakeError as fe: baton = processor.process(dict()) self.assertEquals(baton['trapped'], FakeError)
def __repr__(self): args = (fullyQualifiedName(self.protocol.__class__),) if self.connected: args = args + ("",) else: args = args + ("not ",) args = args + (, self.interface) return "<%s %slistening on %s/%s>" % args
def test_redirecting_stderr_to_stdout(self): test_protocol_name = reflect.fullyQualifiedName(process_provider.RedirectToStdout) protocol = self._make_protocol(stderr=dict(protocol=test_protocol_name)) stdout = self._make_baton_collector(protocol.stdout_protocol) protocol.errReceived('some text\n') baton = yield stdout.get() self.assertEquals(baton, dict(line='some text'))
def _register_plugin(self, plugin): name = getattr(plugin, 'name', None) or reflect.fullyQualifiedName(plugin) self._fail_if_plugin_name_is_already_registered(plugin, name) self._plugin_factory_by_name[name] = plugin provided_keywords = getattr(plugin, 'provides', []) for keyword in provided_keywords: self._providers_by_keyword.setdefault(keyword, []).append(name)
def _getChild_done(child, parent): Message.log( message_type=u"allmydata:web:common-getChild:result", result=fullyQualifiedName(type(child)), ) if child is None: return resource.NoResource() return child
def check(value): return ( iface.providedBy(value), u"{value!r} does not provide {interface!s}".format( value=value, interface=fullyQualifiedName(iface), ), )
def addException(self, msg, exc, stacktrace): t = time.time() return self.update(timestamp=t, messages=self.messages + [dict(mtype=MSG_ERROR, text=msg, name=reflect.fullyQualifiedName(reflect.getClass(exc)), stacktrace=stacktrace, timestamp=t)])
def __repr__(self): args = (fullyQualifiedName(self.protocol.__class__), ) if self.connected: args = args + ("", ) else: args = args + ("not ", ) args = args + (, self.interface) return "<%s %slistening on %s/%s>" % args
def test_unlisteningString(self): """ The string representation of a L{TuntapPort} instance includes the tunnel type and interface and the protocol associated with the port. """ if _PY3: self.assertRegex(str(self.port), fullyQualifiedName(self.protocol.__class__)) expected = " not listening on %s/%s>" % (self._tunnelTypeOnly( self.helper.TUNNEL_TYPE).name, self.assertTrue(str(self.port).find(expected) != -1) else: expected = "<%s not listening on %s/%s>" % ( fullyQualifiedName(self.protocol.__class__), self._tunnelTypeOnly(self.helper.TUNNEL_TYPE).name, self.assertEqual(expected, str(self.port))
def test_named_any_simple(self): """ Test that the processor can successfully instantiate an instance of its own class. """ processor_name = reflect.fullyQualifiedName(util_processors.CallNamedAny) processor = util_processors.CallNamedAny(name=processor_name, kwargs=dict(name='test_name')) result = processor.process(dict()) self.assertIsInstance(result['result'], util_processors.CallNamedAny) self.assertEquals(result['result'].name, 'test_name')
def test_unlisteningString(self): """ The string representation of a L{TuntapPort} instance includes the tunnel type and interface and the protocol associated with the port. """ if _PY3: self.assertRegex(str(self.port), fullyQualifiedName(self.protocol.__class__)) expected = " not listening on %s/%s>" % ( self._tunnelTypeOnly(self.helper.TUNNEL_TYPE).name, self.assertTrue(str(self.port).find(expected) != -1) else: expected = "<%s not listening on %s/%s>" % ( fullyQualifiedName(self.protocol.__class__), self._tunnelTypeOnly(self.helper.TUNNEL_TYPE).name, self.assertEqual(expected, str(self.port))
def test_named_any_replacing_baton(self): """ Test that the processor can replace the baton. """ processor_name = reflect.fullyQualifiedName(util_processors.CallNamedAny) processor = util_processors.CallNamedAny(name=processor_name, kwargs=dict(name='test_name'), output_path='') result = processor.process(dict()) self.assertIsInstance(result, util_processors.CallNamedAny) self.assertEquals(, 'test_name')
def test_processor_invokes_the_schema(self): schema = reflect.fullyQualifiedName(FakeSchema) # We just check if the schema is invoked, we don't really care # about the validation here, since we're not unittesting # FormEncode. processor = processors.FormEncodeValidator(schema, 'input', 'output') baton = dict(input='disregarded') processor.process(baton) self.assertEquals(baton, dict(input='disregarded', output=dict(faked='schema')))
def test_named_any_with_custom_output_path(self): """ Test that the processor sets the expected key in the baton. """ processor_name = reflect.fullyQualifiedName(util_processors.CallNamedAny) processor = util_processors.CallNamedAny(name=processor_name, kwargs=dict(name='test_name'), output_path='custom') result = processor.process(dict()) self.assertIsInstance(result['custom'], util_processors.CallNamedAny) self.assertEquals(result['custom'].name, 'test_name')
def test_repr(self): """ The C{repr} of a L{failure.Failure} shows the type and string representation of the underlying exception. """ f = getDivisionFailure() typeName = reflect.fullyQualifiedName(ZeroDivisionError) self.assertEqual( repr(f), '<twisted.python.failure.Failure ' '%s: division by zero>' % (typeName, ))
def test_it_can_locate_methods_directly_by_name(self): locator = locators.ObjectLocator() this_name = "test_it_can_locate_methods_directly_by_name" this_fully_qualified_name = ".".join( [fullyQualifiedName(self.__class__), this_name], ) self.assertEqual( list(locator.locate_by_name(this_fully_qualified_name)), [AttributeLoader(cls=self.__class__, attr=this_name)], )
def test_repr(self): """ The C{repr} of a L{failure.Failure} shows the type and string representation of the underlying exception. """ f = getDivisionFailure() typeName = reflect.fullyQualifiedName(ZeroDivisionError) self.assertEqual( repr(f), '<twisted.python.failure.Failure ' '%s: division by zero>' % (typeName,))
def provider_invariant(interface): """ :param zope.interface.Interface interface: An interface to require. :return: A pyrsistent invariant which requires that values provide the given interface. """ return lambda o: ( interface.providedBy(o), "does not provide {}".format(fullyQualifiedName(interface)), )
def _getDeprecationSuppression(f): """ Returns a tuple of arguments needed to suppress deprecation warnings from a specified function. @param f: function to suppress dperecation warnings for @type f: L{callable} @return: tuple to add to C{suppress} attribute """ return SUPPRESS(category=DeprecationWarning, message="%s was deprecated" % (fullyQualifiedName(f),))
def buildReactor(self): """ Create and return a reactor using C{self.reactorFactory}. """ try: from twisted.internet.cfreactor import CFReactor from twisted.internet import reactor as globalReactor except ImportError: pass else: if (isinstance(globalReactor, CFReactor) and self.reactorFactory is CFReactor): raise SkipTest( "CFReactor uses APIs which manipulate global state, " "so it's not safe to run its own reactor-builder tests " "under itself") try: reactor = self.reactorFactory() except: # Unfortunately, not all errors which result in a reactor # being unusable are detectable without actually # instantiating the reactor. So we catch some more here # and skip the test if necessary. We also log it to aid # with debugging, but flush the logged error so the test # doesn't fail. log.err(None, "Failed to install reactor") self.flushLoggedErrors() raise SkipTest(Failure().getErrorMessage()) else: if self.requiredInterfaces is not None: missing = filter( lambda required: not required.providedBy(reactor), self.requiredInterfaces) if missing: self.unbuildReactor(reactor) raise SkipTest( "%s does not provide %s" % (fullyQualifiedName(reactor.__class__), ",".join( [fullyQualifiedName(x) for x in missing]))) self.addCleanup(self.unbuildReactor, reactor) return reactor
def _(request, *args, **kwargs): transaction_id = generate_transaction_id() request.setHeader('X-Response-Id', transaction_id) bound_log = log.bind(system=reflect.fullyQualifiedName(f), transaction_id=transaction_id) bound_log.bind(method=request.method, uri=request.uri, clientproto=request.clientproto, referer=request.getHeader("referer"), useragent=request.getHeader("user-agent")).msg( "Received request") return bind_log(f)(request, bound_log, *args, **kwargs)
def _(self, request, *args, **kwargs): transaction_id = generate_transaction_id() request.setHeader('X-Response_Id', transaction_id) bound_log = log.bind(system=reflect.fullyQualifiedName(f), transaction_id=transaction_id) bound_log.bind(method=request.method, uri=request.uri, clientproto=request.clientproto, referer=request.getHeader('referer'), useragent=request.getHeader('user-agent')).msg( 'Recieved request') return f(self, request, bound_log, *args, **kwargs)
def _getDeprecationSuppression(f): """ Returns a tuple of arguments needed to suppress deprecation warnings from a specified function. @param f: function to suppress dperecation warnings for @type f: L{callable} @return: tuple to add to C{suppress} attribute """ return SUPPRESS(category=DeprecationWarning, message='%s was deprecated' % (fullyQualifiedName(f), ))
def getDeprecationWarningString(callableThing, version): """ Return a string indicating that the callable was deprecated in the given version. @param callableThing: A callable to be deprecated. @param version: The L{twisted.python.versions.Version} that the callable was deprecated in. @return: A string describing the deprecation. """ return "%s was deprecated in %s" % (fullyQualifiedName(callableThing), getVersionString(version))
def credentialToDict(cred): """ The main difference here is the ctype is turned into a string representation of the class/module name """ return dict(, desc=cred.desc, ctype=reflect.fullyQualifiedName(cred.ctype), cert=cred.cert, pkey=cred.pkey,, metadata=cred.metadata)
def strToFQN(self, x): """ Returns the fully qualified name of the supplied string if it can be imported and then reflected back into the FQN, or C{None} if not. """ try: obj = reflect.namedObject(x) fqn = reflect.fullyQualifiedName(obj) except: return return fqn
def objToFQN(self, x): """ Returns the fully qualified name of the supplied object if it can be reflected into an FQN and back again, or C{None} if not. """ try: fqn = reflect.fullyQualifiedName(x) reflect.namedObject(fqn) except: return return fqn
def test_listeningString(self): """ The string representation of a L{TuntapPort} instance includes the tunnel type and interface and the protocol associated with the port. """ self.port.startListening() expected = "<%s listening on %s/%s>" % ( fullyQualifiedName(self.protocol.__class__), self._tunnelTypeOnly(self.helper.TUNNEL_TYPE).name, self.system.getTunnel(self.port).name) self.assertEqual(expected, str(self.port))
def __init__(self, backend, partition=''): """ @param backend instance providing interface. @param partition Logical name spacing in an otherwise flat key/value space. @note Design decision on qualifying/naming a store name space (like a git repository tree) """ cas.CAStore.__init__(self, backend, partition) self.partition = partition self.storemeta = cas.StoreContextWrapper(backend, partition + '.meta.') self.refs = cas.StoreContextWrapper(backend, partition + '.refs:') self.type = reflect.fullyQualifiedName(self.__class__)
def DEBUG_calling_name(): #pragma: no cover if not DEBUG: # TODO: print warning if this code is run return "<**CROW2_DEBUG not in environment**>" stackframe = inspect.stack()[2] # 0 = us, 1 = who called us, 2 = who called them frame = stackframe[0] code_name = frame.f_code.co_name module = inspect.getmodule(frame) modulename = fullyQualifiedName(module) return modulename + '.' + code_name
def _(self, request, *args, **kwargs): transaction_id = generate_transaction_id() request.setHeader('X-Response-Id', transaction_id) self.log = self.log.bind(system=reflect.fullyQualifiedName(f), transaction_id=transaction_id) self.log.msg("Received request", method=request.method, uri=request.uri, clientproto=request.clientproto, referer=request.getHeader("referer"), useragent=request.getHeader("user-agent"), request_status="received") return f(self, request, *args, **kwargs)