Exemple #1
class ClientOptions(options.ConchOptions):

    synopsis = """Usage:   cftp [options] [user@]host
         cftp [options] [user@]host[:dir[/]]
         cftp [options] [user@]host[:file [localfile]]
    longdesc = ("cftp is a client for logging into a remote machine and "
                "executing commands to send and receive file information")

    optParameters = [
                    ['buffersize', 'B', 32768, 'Size of the buffer to use for sending/receiving.'],
                    ['batchfile', 'b', None, 'File to read commands from, or \'-\' for stdin.'],
                    ['requests', 'R', 5, 'Number of requests to make before waiting for a reply.'],
                    ['subsystem', 's', 'sftp', 'Subsystem/server program to connect to.']]

    compData = usage.Completions(
            "buffersize": "Size of send/receive buffer (default: 32768)"},
                      usage.CompleteFiles(descr="local file")])

    def parseArgs(self, host, localPath=None):
        self['remotePath'] = ''
        if ':' in host:
            host, self['remotePath'] = host.split(':', 1)
        self['host'] = host
        self['localPath'] = localPath
Exemple #2
class ClientOptions(options.ConchOptions):

    synopsis = """Usage:   cftp [options] [user@]host
         cftp [options] [user@]host[:dir[/]]
         cftp [options] [user@]host[:file [localfile]]
    longdesc = (
        "cftp is a client for logging into a remote machine and "
        "executing commands to send and receive file information"

    optParameters: List[List[Optional[Union[str, int]]]] = [
        ["buffersize", "B", 32768, "Size of the buffer to use for sending/receiving."],
        ["batchfile", "b", None, "File to read commands from, or '-' for stdin."],
        ["requests", "R", 5, "Number of requests to make before waiting for a reply."],
        ["subsystem", "s", "sftp", "Subsystem/server program to connect to."],

    compData = usage.Completions(
        descriptions={"buffersize": "Size of send/receive buffer (default: 32768)"},
            usage.CompleteFiles(descr="local file"),

    def parseArgs(self, host, localPath=None):
        self["remotePath"] = ""
        if ":" in host:
            host, self["remotePath"] = host.split(":", 1)
        self["host"] = host
        self["localPath"] = localPath
Exemple #3
class Options(usage.Options):
    synopsis = "[loki options]"
    optParameters = [[
        "proxy", "p", None, "strports description of the port to "
        "start the proxy server on."
                         "ui", "u", None,
                         "strports description of the port to ",
                         "start the administrative ui server on."
                     ], ["tricks", "t", None, "path to YAML tricks file."]]

    compData = usage.Completions(
        optActions={"config": usage.CompleteFiles("*.yml")})

    def postOptions(self):
        if self['proxy'] is None:
            self['proxy'] = 'tcp:8080'

        if self['ui'] is None:
            self['ui'] = 'tcp:8181'

        if self['tricks'] is not None:
             self['responseTricks']) = load_tricks(file(self['tricks'], 'r'))
Exemple #4
class MyOptions(usage.Options):
    optFlags = [["unsigned", "u"]]
    optParameters = [
        ["tapfile", "t", "twistd.tap"],
            "maintainer", "m", "",
            "The maintainer's name and email in a specific format: "
            "'John Doe <*****@*****.**>'"
        ], ["protocol", "p", ""], ["description", "e", ""],
        ["long_description", "l", ""], ["set-version", "V", "1.0"],
        ["debfile", "d", None],
            "type", "y", "tap", "Type of configuration: 'tap', 'xml', "
            "'source' or 'python' for .tac files"

    compData = usage.Completions(
            "type": usage.CompleteList(["tap", "xml", "source", "python"]),
            "debfile": usage.CompleteFiles("*.deb")

    def postOptions(self):
        if not self["maintainer"]:
            raise usage.UsageError("maintainer must be specified.")
Exemple #5
    def test_files(self):
        CompleteFiles produces zsh shell-code that completes file names
        according to a glob.
        c = usage.CompleteFiles()
        got = c._shellCode('some-option', usage._ZSH)
        self.assertEqual(got, ':some-option (*):_files -g "*"')

        c = usage.CompleteFiles('*.py')
        got = c._shellCode('some-option', usage._ZSH)
        self.assertEqual(got, ':some-option (*.py):_files -g "*.py"')

        c = usage.CompleteFiles('*.py', descr="some action", repeat=True)
        got = c._shellCode('some-option', usage._ZSH)
        self.assertEqual(got, '*:some action (*.py):_files -g "*.py"')
Exemple #6
class ServerOptions(app.ServerOptions):
    synopsis = "Usage: twistd [options]"

    optFlags = [
        ["nodaemon", "n", "don't daemonize, don't use default umask of 0077"],
        ["originalname", None, "Don't try to change the process name"],
        ["syslog", None, "Log to syslog, not to file"],
            "Set only effective user-id rather than real user-id. "
            "(This option has no effect unless the server is running as "
            "root, in which case it means not to shed all privileges "
            "after binding ports, retaining the option to regain "
            "privileges in cases such as spawning processes. "
            "Use with caution.)",

    optParameters = [
        ["prefix", None, "twisted", "use the given prefix when syslogging"],
        ["pidfile", "", "twistd.pid", "Name of the pidfile"],
        ["chroot", None, None, "Chroot to a supplied directory before running"],
        ["uid", "u", None, "The uid to run as.", uidFromString],
            "The gid to run as.  If not specified, the default gid "
            "associated with the specified --uid is used.",
        ["umask", None, None, "The (octal) file creation mask to apply.", _umask],

    compData = usage.Completions(
            "pidfile": usage.CompleteFiles("*.pid"),
            "chroot": usage.CompleteDirs(descr="chroot directory"),
            "gid": usage.CompleteGroups(descr="gid to run as"),
            "uid": usage.CompleteUsernames(descr="uid to run as"),
            "prefix": usage.Completer(descr="syslog prefix"),

    def opt_version(self):
        Print version information and exit.
            "twistd (the Twisted daemon) {}".format(copyright.version), file=self.stdout
        print(copyright.copyright, file=self.stdout)

    def postOptions(self):
        if self["pidfile"]:
            self["pidfile"] = os.path.abspath(self["pidfile"])
Exemple #7
class Options(usage.Options):
    synopsis = """%s [options] [path to test].py
    """ % (os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), )

    longdesc = ("ooniprobe loads and executes a suite or a set of suites of"
                " network tests. These are loaded from modules, packages and"
                " files listed on the command line")

    optFlags = [["help", "h"], ["resume", "r"], ["no-collector", "n"]]

    optParameters = [
        ["reportfile", "o", None, "report file name"],
            "testdeck", "i", None,
            "Specify as input a test deck: a yaml file containig the tests to run an their arguments"
            "collector", "c", 'httpo://nkvphnp3p6agi5qq.onion',
            "Address of the collector of test results. default: httpo://nkvphnp3p6agi5qq.onion"
        ["logfile", "l", None, "log file name"],
        ["pcapfile", "O", None, "pcap file name"],
        ["parallelism", "p", "10", "input parallelism"],

    compData = usage.Completions(extraActions=[
            descr="file | module | package | TestCase | testMethod",
    ], )

    tracer = None

    def __init__(self):
        self['test'] = None

    def opt_asciilulz(self):
        from ooni.utils import logo
        print logo.getlogo()

    def opt_spew(self):
        Print an insanely verbose log of everything that happens.  Useful
        when debugging freezes or locks in complex code.

    def parseArgs(self, *args):
        if self['testdeck']:
            self['test_file'] = args[0]
            self['subargs'] = args[1:]
            raise usage.UsageError("No test filename specified!")
Exemple #8
class ServerOptions(app.ServerOptions):
    synopsis = "Usage: twistd [options]"

    optFlags = [
        ['nodaemon', 'n', "don't daemonize, don't use default umask of 0077"],
        ['originalname', None, "Don't try to change the process name"],
        ['syslog', None, "Log to syslog, not to file"],
            'euid', '', "Set only effective user-id rather than real user-id. "
            "(This option has no effect unless the server is running as "
            "root, in which case it means not to shed all privileges "
            "after binding ports, retaining the option to regain "
            "privileges in cases such as spawning processes. "
            "Use with caution.)"

    optParameters = [
        ['prefix', None, 'twisted', "use the given prefix when syslogging"],
        ['pidfile', '', 'twistd.pid', "Name of the pidfile"],
            'chroot', None, None,
            'Chroot to a supplied directory before running'
        ['uid', 'u', None, "The uid to run as.", uidFromString],
        ['gid', 'g', None, "The gid to run as.", gidFromString],
            'umask', None, None, "The (octal) file creation mask to apply.",

    compData = usage.Completions(optActions={
        usage.CompleteDirs(descr="chroot directory"),
        usage.CompleteGroups(descr="gid to run as"),
        usage.CompleteUsernames(descr="uid to run as"),
        usage.Completer(descr="syslog prefix"),
    }, )

    def opt_version(self):
        """Print version information and exit.
        print 'twistd (the Twisted daemon) %s' % copyright.version
        print copyright.copyright

    def postOptions(self):
        if self['pidfile']:
            self['pidfile'] = os.path.abspath(self['pidfile'])
Exemple #9
class Options(usage.Options, app.ReactorSelectionMixin):
    synopsis = """%s [options] [path to test].py
    """ % (os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), )

    longdesc = ("ooniprobe loads and executes a suite or a set of suites of"
                " network tests. These are loaded from modules, packages and"
                " files listed on the command line")

    optFlags = [
        ["help", "h"],
            'debug-stacktraces', 'B',
            'Report deferred creation and callback stack traces'

    optParameters = [
        ["reportfile", "o", None, "report file name"],
            "collector", "c", None,
            "Address of the collector of test results. (example:"
        ], ["logfile", "l", None, "log file name"],
        ["pcapfile", "p", None, "pcap file name"]

    compData = usage.Completions(extraActions=[
            descr="file | module | package | TestCase | testMethod",
    ], )

    tracer = None

    def __init__(self):
        self['test'] = None

    def opt_asciilulz(self):
        from ooni.utils import logo
        print logo.getlogo()

    def opt_spew(self):
        Print an insanely verbose log of everything that happens.  Useful
        when debugging freezes or locks in complex code.

    def parseArgs(self, *args):
            self['test'] = args[0]
            self['subArgs'] = args[1:]
            raise usage.UsageError("No test filename specified!")
Exemple #10
class ConvertOptions(usage.Options):
    synopsis = "Usage: tapconvert [options]"
    optParameters = [
        ['in', 'i', None, "The filename of the tap to read from"],
        ['out', 'o', None, "A filename to write the tap to"],
            'typein', 'f', 'guess',
            "The  format to use; this can be 'guess', 'python', "
            "'pickle', 'xml', or 'source'."
            'typeout', 't', 'source',
            "The output format to use; this can be 'pickle', 'xml', or 'source'."

    optFlags = [[
        'decrypt', 'd', "The specified tap/aos/xml file is encrypted."
    ], ['encrypt', 'e', "Encrypt file before writing"]]

    compData = usage.Completions(
            usage.CompleteList(["guess", "python", "pickle", "xml", "source"]),
            usage.CompleteList(["pickle", "xml", "source"]),
            usage.CompleteFiles(descr="tap file to read from"),
            usage.CompleteFiles(descr="tap file to write to"),

    def postOptions(self):
        if self['in'] is None:
            raise usage.UsageError("%s\nYou must specify the input filename." %
        if self["typein"] == "guess":
                self["typein"] = sob.guessType(self["in"])
            except KeyError:
                raise usage.UsageError("Could not guess type for '%s'" %
Exemple #11
class Options(usage.Options):

    optParameters = [['rpc', 'r', '/etc/rpc', 'RPC procedure table file'],
                         'file', 'f', '/etc/inetd.conf',
                         'Service configuration file'

    optFlags = [['nointernal', 'i', "Don't run internal services"]]

    compData = usage.Completions(
        optActions={"file": usage.CompleteFiles('*.conf')})
Exemple #12
class Options(usage.Options):
    synopsis = "[-i <interface>] [-p <port>] [-l <file>]"
    optParameters = [["interface", "i", "", "local interface to which we listen"],
                  ["port", "p", 1080, "Port on which to listen"],
                  ["log", "l", None, "file to log connection data to"]]

    compData = usage.Completions(
        optActions={"log": usage.CompleteFiles("*.log"),
                    "interface": usage.CompleteNetInterfaces()}

    longdesc = "Makes a SOCKSv4 server."
Exemple #13
class Options(usage.Options):
    synopsis = """{} [options] source.py
    """.format(os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), )

    optParameters = [
        ("stylesheet", "s", None, "URL of stylesheet to link to."),

    compData = usage.Completions(
        extraActions=[usage.CompleteFiles("*.py", descr="source python file")])

    def parseArgs(self, filename):
        self["filename"] = filename
Exemple #14
class Options(usage.Options):
    synopsis = """%s [options] source.py
    """ % (os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), )

    optParameters = [
        ('stylesheet', 's', None, "URL of stylesheet to link to."),

    compData = usage.Completions(
        extraActions=[usage.CompleteFiles('*.py', descr='source python file')])

    def parseArgs(self, filename):
        self['filename'] = filename
Exemple #15
class MyOptions(usage.Options):
    optFlags = [['quiet', 'q']]
    optParameters = [
                     ["tapfile", "t", "twistd.tap"],
                     ["maintainer", "m", "tap2rpm"],
                     ["protocol", "p", None],
                     ["description", "e", None],
                     ["long_description", "l",
                         "Automatically created by tap2rpm"],
                     ["set-version", "V", "1.0"],
                     ["rpmfile", "r", None],
                     ["type", "y", "tap", "type of configuration: 'tap', 'xml, "
                      "'source' or 'python'"],

    compData = usage.Completions(
        optActions={"type": usage.CompleteList(["tap", "xml", "source",
                    "rpmfile": usage.CompleteFiles("*.rpm")}

    def postOptions(self):
        Calculate the default values for certain command-line options.
        # Options whose defaults depend on other parameters.
        if self['protocol'] is None:
            base_tapfile = os.path.basename(self['tapfile'])
            self['protocol'] = os.path.splitext(base_tapfile)[0]
        if self['description'] is None:
            self['description'] = "A TCP server for %s" % (self['protocol'],)
        if self['rpmfile'] is None:
            self['rpmfile'] = 'twisted-%s' % (self['protocol'],)

        # Values that aren't options, but are calculated from options and are
        # handy to have around.
        self['twistd_option'] = type_dict[self['type']]
        self['release-name'] = '%s-%s' % (self['rpmfile'], self['set-version'])

    def opt_unsigned(self):
        Generate an unsigned rather than a signed RPM. (DEPRECATED; unsigned
        is the default)
        msg = deprecate.getDeprecationWarningString(
            self.opt_unsigned, versions.Version("Twisted", 12, 1, 0))
        warnings.warn(msg, category=DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)

    # Maintain the -u short flag
    opt_u = opt_unsigned
Exemple #16
class Options(usage.Options):

    longdesc = "lore converts documentation formats."

    optFlags = [
        ["plain", 'p', "Report filenames without progress bar"],
        ["null", 'n', "Do not report filenames"],
        ["number", 'N', "Add chapter/section numbers to section headings"],

    optParameters = [
        ["input", "i", 'lore'],
            "inputext", "e", ".xhtml",
            "The extension that your Lore input files have"
        ["docsdir", "d", None],
        ["linkrel", "l", ''],
        ["output", "o", 'html'],
            "index", "x", None,
            "The base filename you want to give your index file"
        ["book", "b", None, "The book file to generate a book from"],
            "prefixurl", None, "",
            "The prefix to stick on to relative links; only useful when processing directories"

    compData = usage.Completions(
        extraActions=[usage.CompleteFiles(descr="files", repeat=True)])

    def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
        usage.Options.__init__(self, *args, **kw)
        self.config = {}

    def opt_config(self, s):
        if '=' in s:
            k, v = s.split('=', 1)
            self.config[k] = v
            self.config[s] = 1

    def parseArgs(self, *files):
        self['files'] = files
Exemple #17
class CheckConfigOptions(base.SubcommandOptions):
    subcommandFunction = "buildbot.scripts.checkconfig.checkconfig"
    optFlags = [
        ['quiet', 'q', "Don't display error messages or tracebacks"],

    # on tab completion, suggest files as first argument
    if hasattr(usage, 'Completions'):
        # only set completion suggestion if running with
        # twisted version (>=11.1.0) that supports it
        compData = usage.Completions(extraActions=[usage.CompleteFiles()])

    def getSynopsis(self):
        return "Usage:\t\tbuildbot checkconfig [configFile]\n" + \
            "\t\tIf not specified, the config file specified in " + \
            "'buildbot.tac' from the current directory will be used"

    def parseArgs(self, *args):
        if len(args) >= 1:
            self['configFile'] = args[0]
Exemple #18
class Options(usage.Options):
    To use it, create a file named `sample-inetd.conf` with:

    8123 stream tcp wait some_user /bin/cat -

    You can then run it as in the following example and port 8123 became an
    echo server.

    twistd -n inetd -f sample-inetd.conf

    optParameters = [[
        'rpc', 'r', '/etc/rpc', 'DEPRECATED. RPC procedure table file'
    ], ['file', 'f', '/etc/inetd.conf', 'Service configuration file']]

    optFlags = [['nointernal', 'i', "Don't run internal services"]]

    compData = usage.Completions(
        optActions={"file": usage.CompleteFiles('*.conf')})
Exemple #19
class Options(usage.Options):
    To use it, create a file named `sample-inetd.conf` with:

    8123 stream tcp wait some_user /bin/cat -

    You can then run it as in the following example and port 8123 became an
    echo server.

    twistd -n inetd -f sample-inetd.conf

    optParameters = [
        ["rpc", "r", "/etc/rpc", "DEPRECATED. RPC procedure table file"],
        ["file", "f", "/etc/inetd.conf", "Service configuration file"],

    optFlags = [["nointernal", "i", "Don't run internal services"]]

    compData = usage.Completions(optActions={"file": usage.CompleteFiles("*.conf")})
Exemple #20
class MyOptions(usage.Options):
    optFlags = [["unsigned", "u"], ['quiet', 'q']]
    optParameters = [
        ["tapfile", "t", "twistd.tap"],
        ["maintainer", "m", "tap2rpm"],
        ["protocol", "p", None],
        ["description", "e", None],
        ["long_description", "l", "Automatically created by tap2rpm"],
        ["set-version", "V", "1.0"],
        ["rpmfile", "r", None],
            "type", "y", "tap", "type of configuration: 'tap', 'xml, "
            "'source' or 'python'"

    compData = usage.Completions(
            "type": usage.CompleteList(["tap", "xml", "source", "python"]),
            "rpmfile": usage.CompleteFiles("*.rpm")

    def postOptions(self):
        Calculate the default values for certain command-line options.
        # Options whose defaults depend on other parameters.
        if self['protocol'] is None:
            base_tapfile = os.path.basename(self['tapfile'])
            self['protocol'] = os.path.splitext(base_tapfile)[0]
        if self['description'] is None:
            self['description'] = "A TCP server for %s" % (self['protocol'], )
        if self['rpmfile'] is None:
            self['rpmfile'] = 'twisted-%s' % (self['protocol'], )

        # Values that aren't options, but are calculated from options and are
        # handy to have around.
        self['twistd_option'] = type_dict[self['type']]
        self['release-name'] = '%s-%s' % (self['rpmfile'], self['set-version'])
Exemple #21
class Options(usage.Options, app.ReactorSelectionMixin):
    synopsis = """%s [options] [[file|package|module|TestCase|testmethod]...]
    """ % (os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), )

    longdesc = ("trial loads and executes a suite of unit tests, obtained "
                "from modules, packages and files listed on the command line.")

    optFlags = [
        ["help", "h"],
            "rterrors", "e", "realtime errors, print out tracebacks as "
            "soon as they occur"
            "debug", "b", "Run tests in the Python debugger. Will load "
            "'.pdbrc' from current directory if it exists."
            "debug-stacktraces", "B", "Report Deferred creation and "
            "callback stack traces"
            "nopm", None, "don't automatically jump into debugger for "
            "postmorteming of exceptions"
        ], ["dry-run", 'n', "do everything but run the tests"],
            "force-gc", None, "Have Trial run gc.collect() before and "
            "after each test case."
        ], ["profile", None, "Run tests under the Python profiler"],
        ["unclean-warnings", None, "Turn dirty reactor errors into warnings"],
        ["until-failure", "u", "Repeat test until it fails"],
        ["no-recurse", "N", "Don't recurse into packages"],
            'help-reporters', None,
            "Help on available output plugins (reporters)"

    optParameters = [
        ["logfile", "l", "test.log", "log file name"],
            "random", "z", None,
            "Run tests in random order using the specified seed"
            'temp-directory', None, '_trial_temp',
            'Path to use as working directory for tests.'
            'reporter', None, 'verbose',
            'The reporter to use for this test run.  See --help-reporters for '
            'more info.'

    compData = usage.Completions(
            "tbformat": usage.CompleteList(["plain", "emacs", "cgitb"]),
            "reporter": _reporterAction,
            "logfile": usage.CompleteFiles(descr="log file name"),
            "random": usage.Completer(descr="random seed")
                descr="file | module | package | TestCase | testMethod",

    fallbackReporter = reporter.TreeReporter
    extra = None
    tracer = None

    def __init__(self):
        self['tests'] = set()

    def coverdir(self):
        Return a L{FilePath} representing the directory into which coverage
        results should be written.
        coverdir = 'coverage'
        result = FilePath(self['temp-directory']).child(coverdir)
        print "Setting coverage directory to %s." % (result.path, )
        return result

    def opt_coverage(self):
        Generate coverage information in the I{coverage} file in the
        directory specified by the I{trial-temp} option.
        import trace
        self.tracer = trace.Trace(count=1, trace=0)

    def opt_testmodule(self, filename):
        Filename to grep for test cases (-*- test-case-name)
        # If the filename passed to this parameter looks like a test module
        # we just add that to the test suite.
        # If not, we inspect it for an Emacs buffer local variable called
        # 'test-case-name'.  If that variable is declared, we try to add its
        # value to the test suite as a module.
        # This parameter allows automated processes (like Buildbot) to pass
        # a list of files to Trial with the general expectation of "these files,
        # whatever they are, will get tested"
        if not os.path.isfile(filename):
            sys.stderr.write("File %r doesn't exist\n" % (filename, ))
        filename = os.path.abspath(filename)
        if isTestFile(filename):

    def opt_spew(self):
        Print an insanely verbose log of everything that happens.  Useful
        when debugging freezes or locks in complex code.

    def opt_help_reporters(self):
        synopsis = ("Trial's output can be customized using plugins called "
                    "Reporters. You can\nselect any of the following "
                    "reporters using --reporter=<foo>\n")
        print synopsis
        for p in plugin.getPlugins(itrial.IReporter):
            print '   ', p.longOpt, '\t', p.description

    def opt_disablegc(self):
        Disable the garbage collector

    def opt_tbformat(self, opt):
        Specify the format to display tracebacks with. Valid formats are
        'plain', 'emacs', and 'cgitb' which uses the nicely verbose stdlib
        cgitb.text function
            self['tbformat'] = TBFORMAT_MAP[opt]
        except KeyError:
            raise usage.UsageError(
                "tbformat must be 'plain', 'emacs', or 'cgitb'.")

    def opt_extra(self, arg):
        Add an extra argument.  (This is a hack necessary for interfacing with
        emacs's `gud'.)  NOTE: This option is deprecated as of Twisted 11.0
            Options.opt_extra, versions.Version('Twisted', 11, 0, 0)),

        if self.extra is None:
            self.extra = []

    opt_x = opt_extra

    def opt_recursionlimit(self, arg):
        see sys.setrecursionlimit()
        except (TypeError, ValueError):
            raise usage.UsageError(
                "argument to recursionlimit must be an integer")

    def opt_random(self, option):
            self['random'] = long(option)
        except ValueError:
            raise usage.UsageError(
                "Argument to --random must be a positive integer")
            if self['random'] < 0:
                raise usage.UsageError(
                    "Argument to --random must be a positive integer")
            elif self['random'] == 0:
                self['random'] = long(time.time() * 100)

    def opt_without_module(self, option):
        Fake the lack of the specified modules, separated with commas.
        for module in option.split(","):
            if module in sys.modules:
                warnings.warn("Module '%s' already imported, "
                              "disabling anyway." % (module, ),
            sys.modules[module] = None

    def parseArgs(self, *args):
        if self.extra is not None:

    def _loadReporterByName(self, name):
        for p in plugin.getPlugins(itrial.IReporter):
            qual = "%s.%s" % (p.module, p.klass)
            if p.longOpt == name:
                return reflect.namedAny(qual)
        raise usage.UsageError("Only pass names of Reporter plugins to "
                               "--reporter. See --help-reporters for "
                               "more info.")

    def postOptions(self):
        # Only load reporters now, as opposed to any earlier, to avoid letting
        # application-defined plugins muck up reactor selecting by importing
        # t.i.reactor and causing the default to be installed.
        self['reporter'] = self._loadReporterByName(self['reporter'])

        if 'tbformat' not in self:
            self['tbformat'] = 'default'
        if self['nopm']:
            if not self['debug']:
                raise usage.UsageError("you must specify --debug when using "
                                       "--nopm ")
            failure.DO_POST_MORTEM = False
Exemple #22
class Options(usage.Options):
    Define the options accepted by the I{twistd web} plugin.
    synopsis = "[web options]"

    optParameters = [
            "port", "p", None, "strports description of the port to "
            "start the server on."
            "logfile", "l", None,
            "Path to web CLF (Combined Log Format) log file."
        ["https", None, None, "Port to listen on for Secure HTTP."],
            "certificate", "c", "server.pem",
            "SSL certificate to use for HTTPS. "
        ["privkey", "k", "server.pem", "SSL certificate to use for HTTPS."],

    optFlags = [
            "personal", "",
            "Instead of generating a webserver, generate a "
            "ResourcePublisher which listens on  the port given by "
            "--port, or ~/%s " % (distrib.UserDirectory.userSocketName, ) +
            "if --port is not specified."
            "notracebacks", "n",
            "Do not display tracebacks in broken web pages. " +
            "Displaying tracebacks to users may be security risk!"

    compData = usage.Completions(
            "logfile": usage.CompleteFiles("*.log"),
            "certificate": usage.CompleteFiles("*.pem"),
            "privkey": usage.CompleteFiles("*.pem")

    longdesc = """\
This starts a webserver.  If you specify no arguments, it will be a
demo webserver that has the Test class from twisted.web.demo in it."""

    def __init__(self):
        self['indexes'] = []
        self['root'] = None

    def opt_index(self, indexName):
        Add the name of a file used to check for directory indexes.
        [default: index, index.html]

    opt_i = opt_index

    def opt_user(self):
        Makes a server with ~/public_html and ~/.twistd-web-pb support for
        self['root'] = distrib.UserDirectory()

    opt_u = opt_user

    def opt_path(self, path):
        <path> is either a specific file or a directory to be set as the root
        of the web server. Use this if you have a directory full of HTML, cgi,
        php3, epy, or rpy files or any other files that you want to be served
        up raw.
        def php3(*args, **kwargs):
            # Help avoid actually importing twisted.web.twcgi.PHP3Script until
            # it is really needed. This avoids getting a deprecation warning if
            # you're not using deprecated functionality.
            from twisted.web.twcgi import PHP3Script
            return PHP3Script(*args, **kwargs)

        def php(*args, **kwargs):
            # Help avoid actually importing twisted.web.twcgi.PHPScript until it
            # is really needed. This avoids getting a deprecation warning if
            # you're not using deprecated functionality.
            from twisted.web.twcgi import PHPScript
            return PHPScript(*args, **kwargs)

        self['root'] = static.File(os.path.abspath(path))
        self['root'].processors = {
            '.cgi': twcgi.CGIScript,
            '.php3': php3,
            '.php': php,
            '.epy': script.PythonScript,
            '.rpy': script.ResourceScript,

    def opt_processor(self, proc):
        `ext=class' where `class' is added as a Processor for files ending
        with `ext'.
        if not isinstance(self['root'], static.File):
            raise usage.UsageError(
                "You can only use --processor after --path.")
        ext, klass = proc.split('=', 1)
        self['root'].processors[ext] = reflect.namedClass(klass)

    def opt_class(self, className):
        Create a Resource subclass with a zero-argument constructor.
        classObj = reflect.namedClass(className)
        self['root'] = classObj()

    def opt_resource_script(self, name):
        An .rpy file to be used as the root resource of the webserver.
        self['root'] = script.ResourceScriptWrapper(name)

    def opt_wsgi(self, name):
        The FQPN of a WSGI application object to serve as the root resource of
        the webserver.
        pool = threadpool.ThreadPool()
        reactor.addSystemEventTrigger('after', 'shutdown', pool.stop)
            application = reflect.namedAny(name)
        except (AttributeError, ValueError):
            raise usage.UsageError("No such WSGI application: %r" % (name, ))
        self['root'] = wsgi.WSGIResource(reactor, pool, application)

    def opt_mime_type(self, defaultType):
        Specify the default mime-type for static files.
        if not isinstance(self['root'], static.File):
            raise usage.UsageError(
                "You can only use --mime_type after --path.")
        self['root'].defaultType = defaultType

    opt_m = opt_mime_type

    def opt_allow_ignore_ext(self):
        Specify whether or not a request for 'foo' should return 'foo.ext'
        if not isinstance(self['root'], static.File):
            raise usage.UsageError("You can only use --allow_ignore_ext "
                                   "after --path.")

    def opt_ignore_ext(self, ext):
        Specify an extension to ignore.  These will be processed in order.
        if not isinstance(self['root'], static.File):
            raise usage.UsageError("You can only use --ignore_ext "
                                   "after --path.")

    def postOptions(self):
        Set up conditional defaults and check for dependencies.

        If SSL is not available but an HTTPS server was configured, raise a
        L{UsageError} indicating that this is not possible.

        If no server port was supplied, select a default appropriate for the
        other options supplied.
        if self['https']:
                from twisted.internet.ssl import DefaultOpenSSLContextFactory
            except ImportError:
                raise usage.UsageError("SSL support not installed")
        if self['port'] is None:
            if self['personal']:
                path = os.path.expanduser(
                    os.path.join('~', distrib.UserDirectory.userSocketName))
                self['port'] = 'unix:' + path
                self['port'] = 'tcp:8080'
Exemple #23
class Options(usage.Options):
    Define the options accepted by the I{twistd web} plugin.

    synopsis = "[web options]"

    optParameters = [
            "logfile", "l", None,
            "Path to web CLF (Combined Log Format) log file."
            "(DEPRECATED: use --listen) "
            "SSL certificate to use for HTTPS. ",
            "(DEPRECATED: use --listen) "
            "SSL certificate to use for HTTPS.",

    optFlags = [
            ("(DEPRECATED: Tracebacks are disabled by default. "
             "See --enable-tracebacks to turn them on."),
            ("Show uncaught exceptions during rendering tracebacks to "
             "the client. WARNING: This may be a security risk and "
             "expose private data!"),

        "Instead of generating a webserver, generate a "
        "ResourcePublisher which listens on  the port given by "
        "--listen, or ~/%s " % (distrib.UserDirectory.userSocketName, ) +
        "if --listen is not specified.",

    compData = usage.Completions(
            "logfile": usage.CompleteFiles("*.log"),
            "certificate": usage.CompleteFiles("*.pem"),
            "privkey": usage.CompleteFiles("*.pem"),

    longdesc = """\
This starts a webserver.  If you specify no arguments, it will be a
demo webserver that has the Test class from twisted.web.demo in it."""

    def __init__(self):
        self["indexes"] = []
        self["root"] = None
        self["extraHeaders"] = []
        self["ports"] = []
        self["port"] = self["https"] = None

    def opt_port(self, port):
        (DEPRECATED: use --listen)
        Strports description of port to start the server on
        msg = deprecate.getDeprecationWarningString(
            self.opt_port, incremental.Version("Twisted", 18, 4, 0))
        warnings.warn(msg, category=DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
        self["port"] = port

    opt_p = opt_port

    def opt_https(self, port):
        (DEPRECATED: use --listen)
        Port to listen on for Secure HTTP.
        msg = deprecate.getDeprecationWarningString(
            self.opt_https, incremental.Version("Twisted", 18, 4, 0))
        warnings.warn(msg, category=DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
        self["https"] = port

    def opt_listen(self, port):
        Add an strports description of port to start the server on.
        [default: tcp:8080]

    def opt_index(self, indexName):
        Add the name of a file used to check for directory indexes.
        [default: index, index.html]

    opt_i = opt_index

    def opt_user(self):
        Makes a server with ~/public_html and ~/.twistd-web-pb support for
        self["root"] = distrib.UserDirectory()

    opt_u = opt_user

    def opt_path(self, path):
        <path> is either a specific file or a directory to be set as the root
        of the web server. Use this if you have a directory full of HTML, cgi,
        epy, or rpy files or any other files that you want to be served up raw.
        self["root"] = static.File(os.path.abspath(path))
        self["root"].processors = {
            ".epy": script.PythonScript,
            ".rpy": script.ResourceScript,
        self["root"].processors[".cgi"] = twcgi.CGIScript

    def opt_processor(self, proc):
        `ext=class' where `class' is added as a Processor for files ending
        with `ext'.
        if not isinstance(self["root"], static.File):
            raise usage.UsageError(
                "You can only use --processor after --path.")
        ext, klass = proc.split("=", 1)
        self["root"].processors[ext] = reflect.namedClass(klass)

    def opt_class(self, className):
        Create a Resource subclass with a zero-argument constructor.
        classObj = reflect.namedClass(className)
        self["root"] = classObj()

    def opt_resource_script(self, name):
        An .rpy file to be used as the root resource of the webserver.
        self["root"] = script.ResourceScriptWrapper(name)

    def opt_wsgi(self, name):
        The FQPN of a WSGI application object to serve as the root resource of
        the webserver.
            application = reflect.namedAny(name)
        except (AttributeError, ValueError):
            raise usage.UsageError(f"No such WSGI application: {name!r}")
        pool = threadpool.ThreadPool()
        reactor.addSystemEventTrigger("after", "shutdown", pool.stop)
        self["root"] = wsgi.WSGIResource(reactor, pool, application)

    def opt_mime_type(self, defaultType):
        Specify the default mime-type for static files.
        if not isinstance(self["root"], static.File):
            raise usage.UsageError(
                "You can only use --mime_type after --path.")
        self["root"].defaultType = defaultType

    opt_m = opt_mime_type

    def opt_allow_ignore_ext(self):
        Specify whether or not a request for 'foo' should return 'foo.ext'
        if not isinstance(self["root"], static.File):
            raise usage.UsageError("You can only use --allow_ignore_ext "
                                   "after --path.")

    def opt_ignore_ext(self, ext):
        Specify an extension to ignore.  These will be processed in order.
        if not isinstance(self["root"], static.File):
            raise usage.UsageError("You can only use --ignore_ext "
                                   "after --path.")

    def opt_add_header(self, header):
        Specify an additional header to be included in all responses. Specified
        as "HeaderName: HeaderValue".
        name, value = header.split(":", 1)
        self["extraHeaders"].append((name.strip(), value.strip()))

    def postOptions(self):
        Set up conditional defaults and check for dependencies.

        If SSL is not available but an HTTPS server was configured, raise a
        L{UsageError} indicating that this is not possible.

        If no server port was supplied, select a default appropriate for the
        other options supplied.
        if self["port"] is not None:
        if self["https"] is not None:
            except ImportError:
                raise usage.UsageError("SSL support not installed")
            sslStrport = "ssl:port={}:privateKey={}:certKey={}".format(
        if len(self["ports"]) == 0:
            if self["personal"]:
                path = os.path.expanduser(
                    os.path.join("~", distrib.UserDirectory.userSocketName))
                self["ports"].append("unix:" + path)
Exemple #24
class Options(usage.Options, strcred.AuthOptionMixin):
    synopsis = "[options]"

    optParameters = [
            "pop3s", "S", 0,
            "Port to start the POP3-over-SSL server on (0 to disable). "
            "DEPRECATED: use "
            "'--pop3 ssl:port:privateKey=pkey.pem:certKey=cert.pem'"
            "certificate", "c", None,
            "Certificate file to use for SSL connections. "
            "DEPRECATED: use "
            "'--pop3 ssl:port:privateKey=pkey.pem:certKey=cert.pem'"
            "relay", "R", None,
            "Relay messages according to their envelope 'To', using "
            "the given path as a queue directory."
            "hostname", "H", None,
            "The hostname by which to identify this server."

    optFlags = [
        ["esmtp", "E", "Use RFC 1425/1869 SMTP extensions"],
            "disable-anonymous", None,
            "Disallow non-authenticated SMTP connections"
        ["no-pop3", None, "Disable the default POP3 server."],
        ["no-smtp", None, "Disable the default SMTP server."],

    _protoDefaults = {
        "pop3": 8110,
        "smtp": 8025,

    compData = usage.Completions(
            "hostname": usage.CompleteHostnames(),
            "certificate": usage.CompleteFiles("*.pem")

    longdesc = "This creates a mail.tap file that can be used by twistd."

    def __init__(self):
        self.service = mail.MailService()
        self.last_domain = None
        for service in self._protoDefaults:
            self[service] = []

    def addEndpoint(self, service, description, certificate=None):
        Given a 'service' (pop3 or smtp), add an endpoint.
        self[service].append(_toEndpoint(description, certificate=certificate))

    def opt_pop3(self, description):
        Add a pop3 port listener on the specified endpoint.  You can listen on
        multiple ports by specifying multiple --pop3 options.  For backwards
        compatibility, a bare TCP port number can be specified, but this is
        deprecated. [SSL Example: ssl:8995:privateKey=mycert.pem] [default:
        self.addEndpoint('pop3', description)

    opt_p = opt_pop3

    def opt_smtp(self, description):
        Add an smtp port listener on the specified endpoint.  You can listen on
        multiple ports by specifying multiple --smtp options For backwards
        compatibility, a bare TCP port number can be specified, but this is
        deprecated.  [SSL Example: ssl:8465:privateKey=mycert.pem] [default:
        self.addEndpoint('smtp', description)

    opt_s = opt_smtp

    def opt_passwordfile(self, filename):
        Specify a file containing username:password login info for authenticated
        ESMTP connections. (DEPRECATED; see --help-auth instead)
        ch = checkers.OnDiskUsernamePasswordDatabase(filename)
        msg = deprecate.getDeprecationWarningString(
            self.opt_passwordfile, versions.Version('twisted.mail', 11, 0, 0))
        warnings.warn(msg, category=DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)

    opt_P = opt_passwordfile

    def opt_default(self):
        """Make the most recently specified domain the default domain."""
        if self.last_domain:
            self.service.addDomain('', self.last_domain)
            raise usage.UsageError(
                "Specify a domain before specifying using --default")

    opt_D = opt_default

    def opt_maildirdbmdomain(self, domain):
        """generate an SMTP/POP3 virtual domain which saves to \"path\"
            name, path = domain.split('=')
        except ValueError:
            raise usage.UsageError(
                "Argument to --maildirdbmdomain must be of the form 'name=path'"

        self.last_domain = maildir.MaildirDirdbmDomain(self.service,
        self.service.addDomain(name, self.last_domain)

    opt_d = opt_maildirdbmdomain

    def opt_user(self, user_pass):
        """add a user/password to the last specified domains
            user, password = user_pass.split('=', 1)
        except ValueError:
            raise usage.UsageError(
                "Argument to --user must be of the form 'user=password'")
        if self.last_domain:
            self.last_domain.addUser(user, password)
            raise usage.UsageError("Specify a domain before specifying users")

    opt_u = opt_user

    def opt_bounce_to_postmaster(self):
        """undelivered mails are sent to the postmaster
        self.last_domain.postmaster = 1

    opt_b = opt_bounce_to_postmaster

    def opt_aliases(self, filename):
        """Specify an aliases(5) file to use for this domain"""
        if self.last_domain is not None:
            if mail.IAliasableDomain.providedBy(self.last_domain):
                aliases = alias.loadAliasFile(self.service.domains, filename)
                    AliasUpdater(self.service.domains, self.last_domain))
                raise usage.UsageError("%s does not support alias files" %
                                       (self.last_domain.__class__.__name__, ))
            raise usage.UsageError(
                "Specify a domain before specifying aliases")

    opt_A = opt_aliases

    def _getEndpoints(self, reactor, service):
        Return a list of endpoints for the specified service, constructing
        defaults if necessary.

        @param reactor: If any endpoints are created, this is the reactor with
            which they are created.

        @param service: A key into self indicating the type of service to
            retrieve endpoints for.  This is either C{"pop3"} or C{"smtp"}.

        @return: A C{list} of C{IServerStreamEndpoint} providers corresponding
            to the command line parameters that were specified for C{service}.
            If none were and the protocol was not explicitly disabled with a
            I{--no-*} option, a default endpoint for the service is created
            using C{self._protoDefaults}.
        if service == 'pop3' and self['pop3s'] and len(self[service]) == 1:
            # The single endpoint here is the POP3S service we added in
            # postOptions.  Include the default endpoint alongside it.
            return self[service] + [
        elif self[service]:
            # For any non-POP3S case, if there are any services set up, just
            # return those.
            return self[service]
        elif self['no-' + service]:
            # If there are no services, but the service was explicitly disabled,
            # return nothing.
            return []
            # Otherwise, return the old default service.
            return [

    def postOptions(self):
        from twisted.internet import reactor

        if self['pop3s']:
            if not self['certificate']:
                raise usage.UsageError("Cannot specify --pop3s without "
            elif not os.path.exists(self['certificate']):
                raise usage.UsageError("Certificate file %r does not exist." %

        if self['esmtp'] and self['hostname'] is None:
            raise usage.UsageError("--esmtp requires --hostname")

        # If the --auth option was passed, this will be present -- otherwise,
        # it won't be, which is also a perfectly valid state.
        if 'credCheckers' in self:
            for ch in self['credCheckers']:

        if not self['disable-anonymous']:

        anything = False
        for service in self._protoDefaults:
            self[service] = self._getEndpoints(reactor, service)
            if self[service]:
                anything = True

        if not anything:
            raise usage.UsageError("You cannot disable all protocols")
Exemple #25
class Options(usage.Options, strcred.AuthOptionMixin):
    An options list parser for twistd mail.

    @type synopsis: L{bytes}
    @ivar synopsis: A description of options for use in the usage message.

    @type optParameters: L{list} of L{list} of (0) L{bytes}, (1) L{bytes},
        (2) L{object}, (3) L{bytes}, (4) L{None} or
        callable which takes L{bytes} and returns L{object}
    @ivar optParameters: Information about supported parameters.  See
        L{Options <twisted.python.usage.Options>} for details.

    @type optFlags: L{list} of L{list} of (0) L{bytes}, (1) L{bytes} or
        L{None}, (2) L{bytes}
    @ivar optFlags: Information about supported flags.  See
        L{Options <twisted.python.usage.Options>} for details.

    @type _protoDefaults: L{dict} mapping L{bytes} to L{int}
    @ivar _protoDefaults: A mapping of default service to port.

    @type compData: L{Completions <usage.Completions>}
    @ivar compData: Metadata for the shell tab completion system.

    @type longdesc: L{bytes}
    @ivar longdesc: A long description of the plugin for use in the usage

    @type service: L{MailService}
    @ivar service: The email service.

    @type last_domain: L{IDomain} provider or L{None}
    @ivar last_domain: The most recently specified domain.
    synopsis = "[options]"

    optParameters = [
            "pop3s", "S", 0,
            "Port to start the POP3-over-SSL server on (0 to disable). "
            "DEPRECATED: use "
            "'--pop3 ssl:port:privateKey=pkey.pem:certKey=cert.pem'"
            "certificate", "c", None,
            "Certificate file to use for SSL connections. "
            "DEPRECATED: use "
            "'--pop3 ssl:port:privateKey=pkey.pem:certKey=cert.pem'"
            "relay", "R", None,
            "Relay messages according to their envelope 'To', using "
            "the given path as a queue directory."
            "hostname", "H", None,
            "The hostname by which to identify this server."

    optFlags = [
        ["esmtp", "E", "Use RFC 1425/1869 SMTP extensions"],
            "disable-anonymous", None,
            "Disallow non-authenticated SMTP connections"
        ["no-pop3", None, "Disable the default POP3 server."],
        ["no-smtp", None, "Disable the default SMTP server."],

    _protoDefaults = {
        "pop3": 8110,
        "smtp": 8025,

    compData = usage.Completions(
            "hostname": usage.CompleteHostnames(),
            "certificate": usage.CompleteFiles("*.pem")

    longdesc = """
    An SMTP / POP3 email server plugin for twistd.


    1. SMTP and POP server

    twistd mail --maildirdbmdomain=example.com=/tmp/example.com

    Starts an SMTP server that only accepts emails to [email protected] and saves
    them to /tmp/example.com.

    Also starts a POP mail server which will allow a client to log in using
    username: [email protected] and password: password and collect any email that
    has been saved in /tmp/example.com.

    2. SMTP relay

    twistd mail --relay=/tmp/mail_queue

    Starts an SMTP server that accepts emails to any email address and relays
    them to an appropriate remote SMTP server. Queued emails will be
    temporarily stored in /tmp/mail_queue.

    def __init__(self):
        Parse options and create a mail service.
        self.service = mail.MailService()
        self.last_domain = None
        for service in self._protoDefaults:
            self[service] = []

    def addEndpoint(self, service, description, certificate=None):
        Add an endpoint to a service.

        @type service: L{bytes}
        @param service: A service, either C{b'smtp'} or C{b'pop3'}.

        @type description: L{bytes}
        @param description: An endpoint description string or a TCP port

        @type certificate: L{bytes} or L{None}
        @param certificate: The name of a file containing an SSL certificate.
        self[service].append(_toEndpoint(description, certificate=certificate))

    def opt_pop3(self, description):
        Add a POP3 port listener on the specified endpoint.

        You can listen on multiple ports by specifying multiple --pop3 options.
        For backwards compatibility, a bare TCP port number can be specified,
        but this is deprecated.  [SSL Example: ssl:8995:privateKey=mycert.pem]
        [default: tcp:8110]
        self.addEndpoint('pop3', description)

    opt_p = opt_pop3

    def opt_smtp(self, description):
        Add an SMTP port listener on the specified endpoint.

        You can listen on multiple ports by specifying multiple --smtp options.
        For backwards compatibility, a bare TCP port number can be specified,
        but this is deprecated.  [SSL Example: ssl:8465:privateKey=mycert.pem]
        [default: tcp:8025]
        self.addEndpoint('smtp', description)

    opt_s = opt_smtp

    def opt_default(self):
        Make the most recently specified domain the default domain.
        if self.last_domain:
            self.service.addDomain('', self.last_domain)
            raise usage.UsageError(
                "Specify a domain before specifying using --default")

    opt_D = opt_default

    def opt_maildirdbmdomain(self, domain):
        Generate an SMTP/POP3 virtual domain.

        This option requires an argument of the form 'NAME=PATH' where NAME is
        the DNS domain name for which email will be accepted and where PATH is
        a the filesystem path to a Maildir folder.
        [Example: 'example.com=/tmp/example.com']
            name, path = domain.split('=')
        except ValueError:
            raise usage.UsageError(
                "Argument to --maildirdbmdomain must be of the form 'name=path'"

        self.last_domain = maildir.MaildirDirdbmDomain(self.service,
        self.service.addDomain(name, self.last_domain)

    opt_d = opt_maildirdbmdomain

    def opt_user(self, user_pass):
        Add a user and password to the last specified domain.
            user, password = user_pass.split('=', 1)
        except ValueError:
            raise usage.UsageError(
                "Argument to --user must be of the form 'user=password'")
        if self.last_domain:
            self.last_domain.addUser(user, password)
            raise usage.UsageError("Specify a domain before specifying users")

    opt_u = opt_user

    def opt_bounce_to_postmaster(self):
        Send undeliverable messages to the postmaster.
        self.last_domain.postmaster = 1

    opt_b = opt_bounce_to_postmaster

    def opt_aliases(self, filename):
        Specify an aliases(5) file to use for the last specified domain.
        if self.last_domain is not None:
            if mail.IAliasableDomain.providedBy(self.last_domain):
                aliases = alias.loadAliasFile(self.service.domains, filename)
                    AliasUpdater(self.service.domains, self.last_domain))
                raise usage.UsageError("%s does not support alias files" %
                                       (self.last_domain.__class__.__name__, ))
            raise usage.UsageError(
                "Specify a domain before specifying aliases")

    opt_A = opt_aliases

    def _getEndpoints(self, reactor, service):
        Return a list of endpoints for the specified service, constructing
        defaults if necessary.

        If no endpoints were configured for the service and the protocol
        was not explicitly disabled with a I{--no-*} option, a default
        endpoint for the service is created.

        @type reactor: L{IReactorTCP <twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorTCP>}
        @param reactor: If any endpoints are created, the reactor with
            which they are created.

        @type service: L{bytes}
        @param service: The type of service for which to retrieve endpoints,
            either C{b'pop3'} or C{b'smtp'}.

        @rtype: L{list} of L{IStreamServerEndpoint
            <twisted.internet.interfaces.IStreamServerEndpoint>} provider
        @return: The endpoints for the specified service as configured by the
            command line parameters.
        if service == 'pop3' and self['pop3s'] and len(self[service]) == 1:
            # The single endpoint here is the POP3S service we added in
            # postOptions.  Include the default endpoint alongside it.
            return self[service] + [
        elif self[service]:
            # For any non-POP3S case, if there are any services set up, just
            # return those.
            return self[service]
        elif self['no-' + service]:
            # If there are no services, but the service was explicitly disabled,
            # return nothing.
            return []
            # Otherwise, return the old default service.
            return [

    def postOptions(self):
        Check the validity of the specified set of options and
        configure authentication.

        @raise UsageError: When the set of options is invalid.
        from twisted.internet import reactor

        if self['pop3s']:
            if not self['certificate']:
                raise usage.UsageError("Cannot specify --pop3s without "
            elif not os.path.exists(self['certificate']):
                raise usage.UsageError("Certificate file %r does not exist." %

        if self['esmtp'] and self['hostname'] is None:
            raise usage.UsageError("--esmtp requires --hostname")

        # If the --auth option was passed, this will be present -- otherwise,
        # it won't be, which is also a perfectly valid state.
        if 'credCheckers' in self:
            for ch in self['credCheckers']:

        if not self['disable-anonymous']:

        anything = False
        for service in self._protoDefaults:
            self[service] = self._getEndpoints(reactor, service)
            if self[service]:
                anything = True

        if not anything:
            raise usage.UsageError("You cannot disable all protocols")
Exemple #26
class Options(usage.Options):
    synopsis = """%s [options] [path to test].py
    """ % (os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), )

    longdesc = ("ooniprobe loads and executes a suite or a set of suites of"
                " network tests. These are loaded from modules, packages and"
                " files listed on the command line")

    optFlags = [["help", "h"], ["resume", "r"], ["no-collector", "n"],
                ["no-geoip", "g"], ["list", "s"], ["printdeck", "p"],
                ["verbose", "v"]]

    optParameters = [
        ["reportfile", "o", None, "report file name"],
            "testdeck", "i", None,
            "Specify as input a test deck: a yaml file containing the tests to run and their arguments"
            "collector", "c", None,
            "Address of the collector of test results. This option should not be used, but you should always use a bouncer."
            "bouncer", "b", 'httpo://nkvphnp3p6agi5qq.onion',
            "Address of the bouncer for test helpers. default: httpo://nkvphnp3p6agi5qq.onion"
        ], ["logfile", "l", None, "log file name"],
        ["pcapfile", "O", None, "pcap file name"],
            "configfile", "f", None,
            "Specify a path to the ooniprobe configuration file"
            "datadir", "d", None,
            "Specify a path to the ooniprobe data directory"
            "annotations", "a", None,
            "Annotate the report with a key:value[, key:value] format."

    compData = usage.Completions(extraActions=[
            descr="file | module | package | TestCase | testMethod",
    ], )

    tracer = None

    def __init__(self):
        self['test'] = None

    def opt_spew(self):
        Print an insanely verbose log of everything that happens.  Useful
        when debugging freezes or locks in complex code.

    def opt_version(self):
        Display the ooniprobe version and exit.
        print "ooniprobe version:", __version__

    def parseArgs(self, *args):
        if self['testdeck'] or self['list']:
            self['test_file'] = args[0]
            self['subargs'] = args[1:]
            raise usage.UsageError("No test filename specified!")
Exemple #27
class Options(usage.Options):
    synopsis = """%s [options] [path to test].py
    """ % (os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), )

    longdesc = ("ooniprobe loads and executes a suite or a set of suites of"
                " network tests. These are loaded from modules, packages and"
                " files listed on the command line.")

    optFlags = [["help", "h"],
                ["no-collector", "n", "Disable writing to collector"],
                ["no-yamloo", "N", "Disable writing to YAML file"],
                ["no-geoip", "g", "Disable geoip lookup on start"],
                    "list", "s", "List the currently installed ooniprobe "
                    "printdeck", "p", "Print the equivalent deck for the "
                    "provided command"
                ], ["verbose", "v", "Show more verbose information"]]

    optParameters = [
        ["reportfile", "o", None, "Specify the report file name to write to."],
            "testdeck", "i", None, "Specify as input a test deck: a yaml file "
            "containing the tests to run and their "
            "collector", "c", None, "Specify the address of the collector for "
            "test results. In most cases a user will "
            "prefer to specify a bouncer over this."
            "bouncer", "b", None, "Specify the bouncer used to "
            "obtain the address of the "
            "collector and test helpers."
        ], ["logfile", "l", None, "Write to this logs to this filename."],
            "pcapfile", "O", None, "Write a PCAP of the ooniprobe session to "
            "this filename."
            "configfile", "f", None, "Specify a path to the ooniprobe "
            "configuration file."
            "datadir", "d", None, "Specify a path to the ooniprobe data "
            "annotations", "a", None, "Annotate the report with a key:value[, "
            "key:value] format."
            "preferred-backend", "P", None, "Set the preferred backend to use "
            "when submitting results and/or "
            "communicating with test helpers. "
            "Can be either onion, "
            "https or cloudfront"
            "queue", "Q", None,
            "AMQP Queue URL amqp://user:pass@host:port/vhost/queue"

    compData = usage.Completions(extraActions=[
            descr="file | module | package | TestCase | testMethod",
    ], )

    tracer = None

    def __init__(self):

    def getUsage(self, width=None):
        return super(Options, self).getUsage(width) + """
To get started you may want to run:

$ oonideckgen

This will tell you how to run ooniprobe :)

    def opt_spew(self):
        Print an insanely verbose log of everything that happens.
        Useful when debugging freezes or locks in complex code.
        from twisted.python.util import spewer

    def opt_version(self):
        Display the ooniprobe version and exit.
        print "ooniprobe version:", __version__

    def parseArgs(self, *args):
        if self['testdeck'] or self['list']:
            self['test_file'] = args[0]
            self['subargs'] = args[1:]
            raise usage.UsageError("No test filename specified!")
Exemple #28
class ServerOptions(usage.Options, ReactorSelectionMixin):

    longdesc = ("twistd reads a twisted.application.service.Application out "
                "of a file and runs it.")

    optFlags = [[
        'savestats', None,
        "save the Stats object rather than the text output of "
        "the profiler."
    ], ['no_save', 'o', "do not save state on shutdown"],
                ['encrypted', 'e', "The specified tap/aos file is encrypted."]]

    optParameters = [
        ['logfile', 'l', None, "log to a specified file, - for stdout"],
            'logger', None, None,
            "A fully-qualified name to a log observer factory to use "
            "for the initial log observer.  Takes precedence over "
            "--logfile and --syslog (when available)."
            'profile', 'p', None,
            "Run in profile mode, dumping results to specified file"
            'profiler', None, "hotshot",
            "Name of the profiler to use (%s)." %
            ", ".join(AppProfiler.profilers)
        ], ['file', 'f', 'twistd.tap', "read the given .tap file"],
            'python', 'y', None,
            "read an application from within a Python file "
            "(implies -o)"
            'source', 's', None,
            "Read an application from a .tas file (AOT format)."
        ['rundir', 'd', '.', 'Change to a supplied directory before running']

    compData = usage.Completions(mutuallyExclusive=[("file", "python",
                                     "file": usage.CompleteFiles("*.tap"),
                                     "source": usage.CompleteFiles("*.tas"),
                                     "rundir": usage.CompleteDirs()

    _getPlugins = staticmethod(plugin.getPlugins)

    def __init__(self, *a, **kw):
        self['debug'] = False
        usage.Options.__init__(self, *a, **kw)

    def opt_debug(self):
        Run the application in the Python Debugger (implies nodaemon),
        sending SIGUSR2 will drop into debugger
        self['debug'] = True

    opt_b = opt_debug

    def opt_spew(self):
        Print an insanely verbose log of everything that happens.
        Useful when debugging freezes or locks in complex code."""
            import threading
        except ImportError:

    def parseOptions(self, options=None):
        if options is None:
            options = sys.argv[1:] or ["--help"]
        usage.Options.parseOptions(self, options)

    def postOptions(self):
        if self.subCommand or self['python']:
            self['no_save'] = True
        if self['logger'] is not None:
                self['logger'] = namedAny(self['logger'])
            except Exception as e:
                raise usage.UsageError(
                    "Logger '%s' could not be imported: %s" %
                    (self['logger'], e))

    def subCommands(self):
        plugins = self._getPlugins(service.IServiceMaker)
        self.loadedPlugins = {}
        for plug in sorted(plugins, key=attrgetter('tapname')):
            self.loadedPlugins[plug.tapname] = plug
            yield (
                # Avoid resolving the options attribute right away, in case
                # it's a property with a non-trivial getter (eg, one which
                # imports modules).
                lambda plug=plug: plug.options(),

    subCommands = property(subCommands)
Exemple #29
class _BasicOptions(object):
    Basic options shared between trial and its local workers.
    synopsis = """%s [options] [[file|package|module|TestCase|testmethod]...]
    """ % (os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), )

    longdesc = ("trial loads and executes a suite of unit tests, obtained "
                "from modules, packages and files listed on the command line.")

    optFlags = [
        ["help", "h"],
        ["no-recurse", "N", "Don't recurse into packages"],
        ['help-orders', None, "Help on available test running orders"],
            'help-reporters', None,
            "Help on available output plugins (reporters)"
            "rterrors", "e", "realtime errors, print out tracebacks as "
            "soon as they occur"
        ["unclean-warnings", None, "Turn dirty reactor errors into warnings"],
            "force-gc", None, "Have Trial run gc.collect() before and "
            "after each test case."
            "exitfirst", "x",
            "Exit after the first non-successful result (cannot be "
            "specified along with --jobs)."

    optParameters = [
            "order", "o", None,
            "Specify what order to run test cases and methods. "
            "See --help-orders for more info.", _checkKnownRunOrder
            "random", "z", None,
            "Run tests in random order using the specified seed"
            'temp-directory', None, '_trial_temp',
            'Path to use as working directory for tests.'
            'reporter', None, 'verbose',
            'The reporter to use for this test run.  See --help-reporters for '
            'more info.'

    compData = usage.Completions(
            "order": usage.CompleteList(_runOrders),
            "reporter": _reporterAction,
            "logfile": usage.CompleteFiles(descr="log file name"),
            "random": usage.Completer(descr="random seed")
                descr="file | module | package | TestCase | testMethod",

    fallbackReporter = reporter.TreeReporter
    tracer = None

    def __init__(self):
        self['tests'] = []

    def coverdir(self):
        Return a L{FilePath} representing the directory into which coverage
        results should be written.
        coverdir = 'coverage'
        result = FilePath(self['temp-directory']).child(coverdir)
        print("Setting coverage directory to %s." % (result.path, ))
        return result

    # TODO: Some of the opt_* methods on this class have docstrings and some do
    #       not. This is mostly because usage.Options's currently will replace
    #       any intended output in optFlags and optParameters with the
    #       docstring. See #6427. When that is fixed, all methods should be
    #       given docstrings (and it should be verified that those with
    #       docstrings already have content suitable for printing as usage
    #       information).

    def opt_coverage(self):
        Generate coverage information in the coverage file in the
        directory specified by the temp-directory option.
        import trace
        self.tracer = trace.Trace(count=1, trace=0)
        self['coverage'] = True

    def opt_testmodule(self, filename):
        Filename to grep for test cases (-*- test-case-name).
        # If the filename passed to this parameter looks like a test module
        # we just add that to the test suite.
        # If not, we inspect it for an Emacs buffer local variable called
        # 'test-case-name'.  If that variable is declared, we try to add its
        # value to the test suite as a module.
        # This parameter allows automated processes (like Buildbot) to pass
        # a list of files to Trial with the general expectation of "these files,
        # whatever they are, will get tested"
        if not os.path.isfile(filename):
            sys.stderr.write("File %r doesn't exist\n" % (filename, ))
        filename = os.path.abspath(filename)
        if isTestFile(filename):

    def opt_spew(self):
        Print an insanely verbose log of everything that happens.  Useful
        when debugging freezes or locks in complex code.

    def opt_help_orders(self):
        synopsis = ("Trial can attempt to run test cases and their methods in "
                    "a few different orders. You can select any of the "
                    "following options using --order=<foo>.\n")

        for name, (description, _) in sorted(_runOrders.items()):
            print('   ', name, '\t', description)

    def opt_help_reporters(self):
        synopsis = ("Trial's output can be customized using plugins called "
                    "Reporters. You can\nselect any of the following "
                    "reporters using --reporter=<foo>\n")
        for p in plugin.getPlugins(itrial.IReporter):
            print('   ', p.longOpt, '\t', p.description)

    def opt_disablegc(self):
        Disable the garbage collector
        self["disablegc"] = True

    def opt_tbformat(self, opt):
        Specify the format to display tracebacks with. Valid formats are
        'plain', 'emacs', and 'cgitb' which uses the nicely verbose stdlib
        cgitb.text function
            self['tbformat'] = TBFORMAT_MAP[opt]
        except KeyError:
            raise usage.UsageError(
                "tbformat must be 'plain', 'emacs', or 'cgitb'.")

    def opt_recursionlimit(self, arg):
        see sys.setrecursionlimit()
        except (TypeError, ValueError):
            raise usage.UsageError(
                "argument to recursionlimit must be an integer")
            self["recursionlimit"] = int(arg)

    def opt_random(self, option):
            self['random'] = long(option)
        except ValueError:
            raise usage.UsageError(
                "Argument to --random must be a positive integer")
            if self['random'] < 0:
                raise usage.UsageError(
                    "Argument to --random must be a positive integer")
            elif self['random'] == 0:
                self['random'] = long(time.time() * 100)

    def opt_without_module(self, option):
        Fake the lack of the specified modules, separated with commas.
        self["without-module"] = option
        for module in option.split(","):
            if module in sys.modules:
                warnings.warn("Module '%s' already imported, "
                              "disabling anyway." % (module, ),
            sys.modules[module] = None

    def parseArgs(self, *args):

    def _loadReporterByName(self, name):
        for p in plugin.getPlugins(itrial.IReporter):
            qual = "%s.%s" % (p.module, p.klass)
            if p.longOpt == name:
                return reflect.namedAny(qual)
        raise usage.UsageError("Only pass names of Reporter plugins to "
                               "--reporter. See --help-reporters for "
                               "more info.")

    def postOptions(self):
        # Only load reporters now, as opposed to any earlier, to avoid letting
        # application-defined plugins muck up reactor selecting by importing
        # t.i.reactor and causing the default to be installed.
        self['reporter'] = self._loadReporterByName(self['reporter'])
        if 'tbformat' not in self:
            self['tbformat'] = 'default'
        if self['order'] is not None and self['random'] is not None:
            raise usage.UsageError(
                "You can't specify --random when using --order")
Exemple #30
class Options(usage.Options):
    synopsis = """%s [options] [path to test].py
    """ % (os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]),)

    longdesc = ("ooniprobe loads and executes a suite or a set of suites of"
                " network tests. These are loaded from modules, packages and"
                " files listed on the command line.")

    optFlags = [["help", "h"],
                ["no-collector", "n", "Disable writing to collector"],
                ["no-njson", "N", "Disable writing to disk"],
                ["no-geoip", "g", "Don't include geoip related information inside of the report."
                                  "Note: Even with this option your IP address can be disclosed in the report."],
                ["list", "s", "List the currently installed ooniprobe "
                ["verbose", "v", "Show more verbose information"],
                ["web-ui", "w", "Start the web UI"],
                ["initialize", "z", "Initialize ooniprobe to begin running "
                ["info", None, "Print system wide info and exit"]

    optParameters = [
        ["reportfile", "o", None, "Specify the report file name to write "
        ["testdeck", "i", None, "Specify as input a test deck: a yaml file "
                                 "containing the tests to run and their "
        ["collector", "c", None, "Specify the address of the collector for "
                                 "test results. In most cases a user will "
                                 "prefer to specify a bouncer over this."],
        ["bouncer", "b", None, "Specify the bouncer used to "
                               "obtain the address of the "
                               "collector and test helpers."],
        ["logfile", "l", None, "Write to this logs to this filename."],
        ["pcapfile", "O", None, "Write a PCAP of the ooniprobe session to "
                                "this filename."],
        ["configfile", "f", None, "Specify a path to the ooniprobe "
                                  "configuration file."],
        ["datadir", "d", None, "Specify a path to the ooniprobe data "
        ["annotations", "a", None, "Annotate the report with a key:value[, "
                                   "key:value] format."],
        ["preferred-backend", "P", None, "Set the preferred backend to use "
                                         "when submitting results and/or "
                                         "communicating with test helpers. "
                                         "Can be either onion, "
                                         "https or cloudfront"],
        ["queue", "Q", None, "AMQP Queue URL "

    compData = usage.Completions(
            "*.py", descr="file | module | package | TestCase | testMethod",

    tracer = None

    def __init__(self):

    def opt_spew(self):
        Print an insanely verbose log of everything that happens.
        Useful when debugging freezes or locks in complex code.
        from twisted.python.util import spewer

    def opt_version(self):
        Display the ooniprobe version and exit.
        print "ooniprobe version:", __version__

    def parseArgs(self, *args):
        flag_opts = ['testdeck', 'list', 'web-ui', 'info']
        if any([self[opt] for opt in flag_opts]):
            self['test_file'] = args[0]
            self['subargs'] = args[1:]
            raise usage.UsageError("No test filename specified!")