def test_add_header_parsing(self): """ When --add-header is specific, the value is parsed. """ options = Options() options.parseOptions( ["--add-header", "K1: V1", "--add-header", "K2: V2"]) self.assertEqual(options["extraHeaders"], [("K1", "V1"), ("K2", "V2")])
def test_twoPorts(self): """ If the I{--http} option is given twice, there are two listeners """ options = Options() options.parseOptions(['--listen', 'tcp:8001', '--listen', 'tcp:8002']) self.assertIn('8001', options['ports'][0]) self.assertIn('8002', options['ports'][1])
def test_twoPorts(self): """ If the I{--http} option is given twice, there are two listeners """ options = Options() options.parseOptions(["--listen", "tcp:8001", "--listen", "tcp:8002"]) self.assertIn("8001", options["ports"][0]) self.assertIn("8002", options["ports"][1])
def test_add_header_parsing(self): """ When --add-header is specific, the value is parsed. """ options = Options() options.parseOptions( ['--add-header', 'K1: V1', '--add-header', 'K2: V2']) self.assertEqual(options['extraHeaders'], [('K1', 'V1'), ('K2', 'V2')])
def test_displayTracebacks(self): """ Passing --display-tracebacks will enable traceback rendering on the generated Site. """ options = Options() options.parseOptions(["--display-tracebacks"]) service = makeService(options) self.assertTrue([0].factory.displayTracebacks)
def test_displayTracebacksNotGiven(self): """ Not passing --display-tracebacks will leave traceback rendering on the generated Site off. """ options = Options() options.parseOptions([]) service = makeService(options) self.assertFalse([0].factory.displayTracebacks)
def test_HTTPSAcceptedOnAvailableSSL(self): """ When SSL support is present, it accepts the --https option. """ options = Options() options.parseOptions(['--https=443']) self.assertEqual('443', options['https'])
def test_defaultPort(self): """ If the I{--port} option is not specified, L{Options} defaults the port to C{8080}. """ options = Options() options.parseOptions([]) self.assertEqual( strports.parse(options['port'], None)[:2], ('TCP', (8080, None)))
def test_HTTPSAcceptedOnAvailableSSL(self): """ When SSL support is present, it accepts the --https option. """ options = Options() options.parseOptions(["--https=443"]) self.assertIn("ssl", options["ports"][0]) self.assertIn("443", options["ports"][0])
def test_invalidApplication(self): """ If I{--wsgi} is given an invalid name, L{Options.parseOptions} raises L{UsageError}. """ options = Options() for name in [__name__ + ".nosuchthing", "foo."]: exc = self.assertRaises(UsageError, options.parseOptions, ["--wsgi", name]) self.assertEqual(str(exc), f"No such WSGI application: {name!r}")
def test_defaultPort(self): """ If the I{--port} option is not specified, L{Options} defaults the port to C{8080}. """ options = Options() options.parseOptions([]) self.assertEqual( endpoints._parseServer(options["ports"][0], None)[:2], ("TCP", (8080, None)))
def test_invalidApplication(self): """ If I{--wsgi} is given an invalid name, L{Options.parseOptions} raises L{UsageError}. """ options = Options() for name in [__name__ + '.nosuchthing', 'foo.']: exc = self.assertRaises( UsageError, options.parseOptions, ['--wsgi', name]) self.assertEqual(str(exc), "No such WSGI application: %r" % (name,))
def test_HTTPSFailureOnMissingSSL(self): """ An L{UsageError} is raised when C{https} is requested but there is no support for SSL. """ options = Options() exception = self.assertRaises(UsageError, options.parseOptions, ['--https=443']) self.assertEqual('SSL support not installed', exception.args[0])
def test_defaultPersonalPath(self): """ If the I{--port} option not specified but the I{--personal} option is, L{Options} defaults the port to C{UserDirectory.userSocketName} in the user's home directory. """ options = Options() options.parseOptions(["--personal"]) path = os.path.expanduser( os.path.join("~", UserDirectory.userSocketName)) self.assertEqual(options["ports"][0], f"unix:{path}")
def test_defaultPersonalPath(self): """ If the I{--port} option not specified but the I{--personal} option is, L{Options} defaults the port to C{UserDirectory.userSocketName} in the user's home directory. """ options = Options() options.parseOptions(['--personal']) path = os.path.expanduser( os.path.join('~', UserDirectory.userSocketName)) self.assertEqual(options['ports'][0], 'unix:{}'.format(path))
def test_defaultPersonalPath(self): """ If the I{--port} option not specified but the I{--personal} option is, L{Options} defaults the port to C{UserDirectory.userSocketName} in the user's home directory. """ options = Options() options.parseOptions(['--personal']) path = os.path.expanduser( os.path.join('~', UserDirectory.userSocketName)) self.assertEqual( strports.parse(options['port'], None)[:2], ('UNIX', (path, None)))
def test_add_header_resource(self): """ When --add-header is specified, the resource is a composition that adds headers. """ options = Options() options.parseOptions( ["--add-header", "K1: V1", "--add-header", "K2: V2"]) service = makeService(options) resource =[0].factory.resource self.assertIsInstance(resource, _AddHeadersResource) self.assertEqual(resource._headers, [("K1", "V1"), ("K2", "V2")]) self.assertIsInstance(resource._originalResource, demo.Test)
def test_noTracebacksDeprecation(self): """ Passing --notracebacks is deprecated. """ options = Options() options.parseOptions(["--notracebacks"]) makeService(options) warnings = self.flushWarnings([self.test_noTracebacksDeprecation]) self.assertEqual(warnings[0]['category'], DeprecationWarning) self.assertEqual(warnings[0]['message'], "--notracebacks was deprecated in Twisted NEXT") self.assertEqual(len(warnings), 1)
def test_add_header_resource(self): """ When --add-header is specified, the resource is a composition that adds headers. """ options = Options() options.parseOptions( ['--add-header', 'K1: V1', '--add-header', 'K2: V2']) service = makeService(options) resource =[0].factory.resource self.assertIsInstance(resource, _AddHeadersResource) self.assertEqual(resource._headers, [('K1', 'V1'), ('K2', 'V2')]) self.assertIsInstance(resource._originalResource, demo.Test)
def test_personalServer(self): """ The I{--personal} option to L{makeService} causes it to return a service which will listen on the server address given by the I{--port} option. """ port = self.mktemp() options = Options() options.parseOptions(['--port', 'unix:' + port, '--personal']) service = makeService(options) service.startService() self.addCleanup(service.stopService) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(port)) self.assertTrue(stat.S_ISSOCK(os.stat(port).st_mode))
def _pathOption(self): """ Helper for the I{--path} tests which creates a directory and creates an L{Options} object which uses that directory as its static filesystem root. @return: A two-tuple of a L{FilePath} referring to the directory and the value associated with the C{'root'} key in the L{Options} instance after parsing a I{--path} option. """ path = FilePath(self.mktemp()) path.makedirs() options = Options() options.parseOptions(['--path', path.path]) root = options['root'] return path, root
def test_pathServer(self): """ The I{--path} option to L{makeService} causes it to return a service which will listen on the server address given by the I{--port} option. """ path = FilePath(self.mktemp()) path.makedirs() port = self.mktemp() options = Options() options.parseOptions(['--port', 'unix:' + port, '--path', path.path]) service = makeService(options) service.startService() self.addCleanup(service.stopService) self.assertIsInstance([0].factory.resource, File) self.assertEqual([0].factory.resource.path, path.path) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(port)) self.assertTrue(stat.S_ISSOCK(os.stat(port).st_mode))
def test_wsgi(self): """ The I{--wsgi} option takes the fully-qualifed Python name of a WSGI application object and creates a L{WSGIResource} at the root which serves that application. """ options = Options() options.parseOptions(['--wsgi', __name__ + '.application']) root = options['root'] self.assertTrue(root, WSGIResource) self.assertIdentical(root._reactor, reactor) self.assertTrue(isinstance(root._threadpool, ThreadPool)) self.assertIdentical(root._application, application) # The threadpool should start and stop with the reactor. self.assertFalse(root._threadpool.started) reactor.fireSystemEvent('startup') self.assertTrue(root._threadpool.started) self.assertFalse(root._threadpool.joined) reactor.fireSystemEvent('shutdown') self.assertTrue(root._threadpool.joined)