Exemple #1
def twitter_battle(call_prompt, boss): # add on followers and amt later
    Input: boss (boss kw) and prompt (player kw)
    Output: rhymes_diff, ats_diff
    boss_ats = TW.recent_tweets([boss],2)[1]
    boss_rhymes = TW.recent_tweets([boss],2)[2]
    player_ats = TW.recent_tweets([call_prompt],3)[1]
    player_rhymes = TW.recent_tweets([call_prompt],3)[2]
    ats_diff = player_ats - boss_ats
    rhymes_diff = player_rhymes - boss_rhymes
    print "Rhyme-Count from battle:", rhymes_diff
    print "Holler-Ats from battle:",ats_diff
    if ats_diff > 0:
        ats_winner = 'player'
    elif ats_diff == 0:
        ats_winner = 'equal'
        ats_winner = 'boss'
    if rhymes_diff >0:
        rhymes_winner = 'player'
    elif rhymes_diff ==0:
        rhymes_winner = 'equal'
        rhymes_winner = 'boss'
    #add in check for followers here.
    for scen in g_map.scenario:
        if scen.attrs.get('rhymes') == rhymes_winner and scen.attrs.get('ats')==ats_winner:
            print scen.value
    return rhymes_diff, ats_diff #returns to twitter_data
Exemple #2
def battle(boss_kw, call_prompt):
    Input: boss_kw and prompt for 'call' or 'gang call'
    boss_ats = retweets()[1]
    boss_hashes = retweets()[2]
    player_ats = TW.recent_tweets([call_prompt],1)[1]
    player_hashes = TW.recent_tweets([call_prompt],1)[2]
    ats_diff = player_ats - boss_ats
    hashes_diff = player_hashes - boss_hashes
    print "Hash from battle:", hashes_diff
    print "Holler-Ats from battle:",ats_diff
    if ats_diff > 0:
        ats_winner = 'player'
    elif ats_diff == 0:
        ats_winner = 'equal'
        ats_winner = 'boss'

    if hashes_diff >0:
        hashes_winner = 'player'
    elif hashes_diff ==0:
        hashes_winner = 'equal'
        hashes_winner = 'boss'
    print battles[(ats_winner,hashes_winner)].desc[0].value
    return hashes_diff, ats_diff
Exemple #3
def battle(boss_kw, call_prompt):
    boss_ats = retweets()[1]
    boss_hashes = retweets()[2]
    player_ats = TW.recent_tweets([call_prompt],1)[1]
    player_hashes = TW.recent_tweets([call_prompt],1)[2]
    ats_diff = player_ats - boss_ats
    hashes_diff = player_hashes - boss_hashes
    if boss_ats == player_ats:
        if player_hashes == boss_hashes:
            print "It's a draw!"

        elif player_hashes > boss_hashes:
            print "You smoked them out!"

        elif boss_hashes > player_hashes:
            print "They smoked you out!"
            print "You lose", hashes_diff, "of your stash."

    elif boss_ats > player_ats:
        if player_hashes == boss_hashes:

            print "They're packing the same hashes!"
            print "Run brother, run!!"

        elif player_hashes > boss_hashes:
            print "They got a big crew, but you smoked them out!"
            print "Add the difference to your stack! And roll on back!"
        elif boss_hashes > player_hashes:
            print "They smoked you out! And you couldn't fight!"
            print "And you lose", ats_diff,"of your holler @s."
            print "You lose", hashes_diff, "of your stash."

    elif boss_ats < player_ats:
        print "You out hollered them. You mad tweeter, you!"
        if player_hashes == boss_hashes:
            print "You sly mother. You beat that turkey!"

        elif player_hashes > boss_hashes:
            print "You smoked them out, too!"

        elif boss_ats > player_ats:
            print "They smoked you out!"
            print "You lose", hashes_diff, "of your stash."
    return ats_diff, hashes_diff
Exemple #4
def retweets(): #returns ats and hashes of most recent retweet
    tweets, ats, hashes= TW.recent_tweets(['RT'], 1)
    return tweets, ats, hashes