Exemple #1
def arccurv(x, y):
    """ Just calculates the curvature and the arclengths corresponding to those curvatures. 
    curv = curvature(x, y)
    steps = np.sqrt(np.diff(x, axis=0)**2 + np.diff(y, axis=0)**2)[:-1]
    arc = np.cumsum(steps)
    return arc, curv
Exemple #2
def lombs(x, y):
    """ lombs calculates LombScargle for inputs x, y.
    # Calculate curvature.
    curv = curvature(x, y)
    steps = np.sqrt(np.diff(x, axis=0)**2 + np.diff(y, axis=0)**2)[:-1]
    arc = np.cumsum(steps)
    # Calculate LS.
    ls_f, ls_p = LombScargle(arc, curv).autopower()
    return ls_f, ls_p
Exemple #3
def calc_dtds(x,y):
    """ dtds calculates the derivative dT/ds, with respect to the tangent.
    # Deal with arrays again.
    x = np.asarray(x)
    y = np.asarray(y)
    x = x.reshape(len(x),)
    y = y.reshape(len(y),)
    # Calculate curvature.
    kappa = curvature(x,y)
    normvec = -np.diff(y) + np.diff(x)*1j
    return kappa*(normvec[0:-1] + normvec[1:])/2 
Exemple #4
def calc_dnds(x,y):
    """ dnds calculates the derivative dN/ds, with respect to the normal vector. 
    # Deal with arrays again.
    x = np.asarray(x)
    y = np.asarray(y)
    x = x.reshape(len(x),)
    y = y.reshape(len(y),)
    # Calculate curvature.
    kappa = curvature(x,y)
    tanvec = np.diff(x) + np.diff(y)*1j 
    return -kappa*(tanvec[0:-1] + tanvec[1:])/2 
Exemple #5
def arccurv_i(x, y, l=0):
    """ Calculates the curvature and associated arclength for an interpolated channel.
    if l == 0:
        l = len(x)
    interp_coords = ia.interparc(l, x, y)
    x_i = interp_coords[:, 0]
    y_i = interp_coords[:, 1]
    # Calculate curvature.
    curv = curvature(x_i, y_i)
    steps = np.sqrt(np.diff(x_i, axis=0)**2 + np.diff(y_i, axis=0)**2)[:-1]
    arc = np.cumsum(steps)
    return arc, curv
Exemple #6
def periodogram_i(x, y, l=0):
    """ periodogram_i calculates per. for inputs x, y, after interpolating over l=len(x) (default).
    if l == 0:
        l = len(x)
    interp_coords = ia.interparc(l, x, y)
    x_i = interp_coords[:, 0]
    y_i = interp_coords[:, 1]
    # Calculate curvature.
    curv = curvature(x_i, y_i)
    steps = np.sqrt(np.diff(x_i, axis=0)**2 + np.diff(y_i, axis=0)**2)[:-1]
    arc = np.cumsum(steps)
    fs = 1. / steps[0]
    # Calculate periodogram.
    per_f, per_p = psdfull(curv, fs)
    return per_f, per_p, fs