def get_data_flow_results(info_str=None):
    """Ask a TA2 to GetDataflowResults via gRPC"""
    if info_str is None:
        err_msg = 'UI Str for PipelineReference is None'
        return get_failed_precondition_response(err_msg)

    # --------------------------------
    # Is this valid JSON?
    # --------------------------------
        raven_dict = json.loads(info_str, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
    except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as err_obj:
        err_msg = 'Failed to convert UI Str to JSON: %s' % (err_obj)
        return get_failed_precondition_response(err_msg)

    # --------------------------------
    # convert the JSON string to a gRPC request
    # --------------------------------
        req = Parse(info_str, dataflow_ext_pb2.PipelineReference())
    except ParseError as err_obj:
        err_msg = 'Failed to convert JSON to gRPC: %s' % (err_obj)
        return get_failed_precondition_response(err_msg)

    # In test mode, return canned response
    if settings.TA2_STATIC_TEST_MODE:
        info_dict = dict(pipelineId=raven_dict.get('pipelineId'))
        return get_grpc_test_json(
            'test_responses/get_dataflow_results_ok.json', info_dict)

    # --------------------------------
    # Get the connection, return an error if there are channel issues
    # --------------------------------
    dataflow_stub, err_msg = TA2Connection.get_grpc_dataflow_stub()
    if err_msg:
        return get_failed_precondition_sess_response(err_msg)

    # --------------------------------
    # Send the gRPC request
    # --------------------------------
        reply = dataflow_stub.GetDataflowResults(req)
    except Exception as ex:
        return get_failed_precondition_response(str(ex))

    if reply and str(reply) == VAL_GRPC_STATE_CODE_NONE:
        err_msg = ('Unkown gRPC state.'
                   ' (Was an GetDataflowResults request sent?)')
        return get_failed_precondition_response(err_msg)

    # --------------------------------
    # Convert the reply to JSON and send it on
    # --------------------------------
    results = map(MessageToJson, reply)
    result_str = '[' + ', '.join(results) + ']'

    return result_str
Exemple #2
def describe_data_flow(raven_json_str=None):
    Send a PipelineReference to the DescribeDataflow command
    if raven_json_str is None:
        err_msg = 'No data found for the PipelineReference'
        return get_failed_precondition_sess_response(err_msg)

    # --------------------------------
    # The UI has sent JSON in string format that contains the PipelineReference
    # Make sure it's valid JSON
    # --------------------------------
        raven_dict = json.loads(raven_json_str)
    except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as err_obj:
        err_msg = 'Failed to convert UI Str to JSON: %s' % (err_obj)
        return get_failed_precondition_sess_response(err_msg)

    # --------------------------------
    # convert the JSON string to a gRPC request
    # --------------------------------
        req = Parse(raven_json_str, dataflow_ext_pb2.PipelineReference())
    except ParseError as err_obj:
        err_msg = 'Failed to convert JSON to gRPC: %s' % (err_obj)
        return get_failed_precondition_sess_response(err_msg)

    # In test mode, return canned response
    if settings.TA2_STATIC_TEST_MODE:
        info_dict = dict(pipelineId=raven_dict.get('pipelineId'))
        return get_grpc_test_json('test_responses/describe_data_flow_ok.json',

    # --------------------------------
    # Get the connection, return an error if there are channel issues
    # --------------------------------
    dataflow_stub, err_msg = TA2Connection.get_grpc_dataflow_stub()
    if err_msg:
        return get_failed_precondition_sess_response(err_msg)

    # --------------------------------
    # Send the gRPC request
    # --------------------------------
        reply = dataflow_stub.DataflowDescription(req)
    except Exception as ex:
        return get_failed_precondition_sess_response(str(ex))

    # --------------------------------
    # Convert the reply to JSON and send it back
    # --------------------------------
    return MessageToJson(reply)