def read_value(self): """Read a TWP value from the stream. Automatically get more bytes from the stream if the buffer does not contain a complete TWP value.""" tag = self.read_tag() log.debug("Read tag %d" % tag) if tag == 0: raise EndOfContent("Unexpected End-Of-Content") elif tag == 1: return None elif tag == 2: # struct return self.read_complex() elif tag == 3: # sequence return self.read_complex() elif tag in range(4,12): return self.read_union(tag) elif tag == 12: return self.read_extension(tag) elif tag in range(13, 15): return self.read_int(tag) elif tag in range(15, 17): return self.read_binary(tag) elif tag in range(17, 128): return self.read_string(tag) elif tag in range(160, 256): return self.read_application_type(tag) else: # User-defined? raise TWPError("Invalid tag: %d" % tag)
def send_result_if_complete(self): if len(self.operands) != len(self.request.arguments): return result = self.perform_operation() reply = Reply(self.request.request_id, result) log.debug("Reply for %s: %s" % (reply.request_id, reply.result)) self.consumer.send_twp(reply)
def __init__(self, sock, addr): asyncore.dispatcher_with_send.__init__(self, sock) Connection.__init__(self) self._addr = addr log.debug("Connect from %s %s" % self._addr) self.has_read_magic = False self.has_read_protocol_id = False
def read_message(self): # Blocking socket, just keep trying while True: try: return super(TWPClient, self).read_message() except ValueError: log.debug("need more bytes") pass
def send_twp(self, twp_value): """Send pretty much anything that can be marshalled.""" log.debug("Sending TWP value %s" % twp_value) data = marshalling.marshal(twp_value) # bug in asyncore? When we .send() while handling another receive, this # client sometimes does not end up in the write queue. # Work around: don't send right away, just buffer self.out_buffer += data log.debug("Sent data %s" % data)
def _ensure_buffer_length(self, length): """Make sure we have at least length unprocessed bytes on the buffer. Read more bytes into the buffer if neccessary.""" if self.remaining_byte_length < length: if not self._read_from_connection(): raise ReaderError("Connection closed") if self.remaining_byte_length < length: log.debug("Not enough bytes to unmarshal") raise NotEnoughBytes()
def read_binary(self, tag): log.debug("Reading binary") formats = { 15: "!b", 16: "!I" } format = formats[tag] length = self.read_with_format(format) return self.read_bytes(length)
def on_message(self, message): if isinstance(message, Request): log.debug("Request: %s" % message) text = message.text letters = re.sub('[^A-Za-z]','', text) number_of_letters = len(letters) response = Response(text, number_of_letters) self.send_twp(response) else: raise error.TWPError("Unexpected Message %s" % message)
def _read_from_connection(self, size=1024): try: data = self.connection.recv(self._recvsize) except socket.error: raise if not len(data): return False log.debug("Recvd %d bytes:\n%s" % (len(data), data)) self.buffer += data return True
def __init__(self, host, port, message_handler_func=None, protocol_class=None): asyncore.dispatcher_with_send.__init__(self) self.protocol_class = protocol_class Connection.__init__(self) self.message_handler_func = message_handler_func self.create_socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) log.debug("Async client connecting to %s %s" % (host, port)) self.connect( (host, port) ) protocol_id = marshalling.marshal_int(self.protocol.protocol_id) self.out_buffer += TWP_MAGIC self.out_buffer += protocol_id
def read_string(self, tag): log.debug("Reading string") short_tag = 17 long_tag = 127 if tag < long_tag: length = tag - short_tag else: length = self.read_with_format("@I") value = self.read_bytes(length) try: value = value.decode("utf-8") except UnicodeError: raise TWPError("Failed to utf-8 decode string value") return value
def echo(self, text="Hello, World!"): ping = Request(text) self.send_twp(ping) message = self.read_message() log.debug(message)
def send_twp(self, twp_value): """Send pretty much anything that can be marshalled.""" log.debug("Sending TWP value %s" % twp_value) data = marshalling.marshal(twp_value) self.send(data) log.debug("Sent data %s" % data)
def on_message(self, message): log.debug("Recvd message: %s" % message)
def on_message(self, msg): log.debug("Received message %s" % msg) if isinstance(msg, Request): self.handle_request(msg) else: self.send_error("Expected a request.")
def strip_comments(input): comments = r"\/\*.*\*\/" input = re.sub(comments, "", input) return input if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) == 3: output = sys.argv[2] elif len(sys.argv) == 2: output = sys.stdout else: print("Usage: twp-parser <input> [<output>]") exit(1) try: input = open(sys.argv[1]) if isinstance(output, str): output = open(output, "w") log.debug("Reading input file...") idl = log.debug("Parsing input...") idl = strip_comments(idl) ast = specification.parse(idl) log.debug("Generating stub...") gen = StubGenerator(ast, output) gen.generate() finally: input.close() if output != sys.stdout: output.close()
def handle_request(self, req): log.debug("Received request (%s): %s " % (req.request_id, req.arguments)) self.log_request(req) handler = RequestHandler(self) handler.handle(req)