def decode(self, response, request):
        Do the default behavior but then strip out any 'qop' from the credential fields
        if no qop was specified.

        Decode the given response and attempt to generate a
        L{DigestedCredentials} from it.

        @type response: C{str}
        @param response: A string of comma seperated key=value pairs

        @type request: L{txweb2.server.Request}
        @param request: the request being processed

        @return: L{DigestedCredentials}

        @raise: L{error.LoginFailed} if the response does not contain a
            username, a nonce, an opaque, or if the opaque is invalid.

        response = ' '.join(response.splitlines())

            parts = split(tokenize((response,), foldCase=False), Token(","))

            auth = {}

            for (k, v) in [parseKeyValue(p) for p in parts]:
                auth[k.strip()] = v.strip()
        except ValueError:
            raise error.LoginFailed('Invalid response.')

        username = auth.get('username')
        if not username:
            raise error.LoginFailed('Invalid response, no username given.')

        if 'nonce' not in auth:
            raise error.LoginFailed('Invalid response, no nonce given.')

        # Now verify the nonce/cnonce values for this client
        result = (yield self._validate(auth, request))
        if result:
            if hasattr(request, "originalMethod"):
                originalMethod = request.originalMethod
                originalMethod = None

            credentials = DigestedCredentials(username,
                                              originalMethod or request.method,

            if not self.qop and credentials.fields.has_key('qop'):
                del credentials.fields['qop']

            raise error.LoginFailed('Invalid nonce/cnonce values')
Exemple #2
    def decode(self, response, request):
        Do the default behavior but then strip out any 'qop' from the credential fields
        if no qop was specified.

        Decode the given response and attempt to generate a
        L{DigestedCredentials} from it.

        @type response: C{str}
        @param response: A string of comma seperated key=value pairs

        @type request: L{txweb2.server.Request}
        @param request: the request being processed

        @return: L{DigestedCredentials}

        @raise: L{error.LoginFailed} if the response does not contain a
            username, a nonce, an opaque, or if the opaque is invalid.

        response = ' '.join(response.splitlines())

            parts = split(tokenize((response,), foldCase=False), Token(","))

            auth = {}

            for (k, v) in [parseKeyValue(p) for p in parts]:
                auth[k.strip()] = v.strip()
        except ValueError:
            raise error.LoginFailed('Invalid response.')

        username = auth.get('username')
        if not username:
            raise error.LoginFailed('Invalid response, no username given.')

        if 'nonce' not in auth:
            raise error.LoginFailed('Invalid response, no nonce given.')

        # Now verify the nonce/cnonce values for this client
        result = (yield self._validate(auth, request))
        if result:
            if hasattr(request, "originalMethod"):
                originalMethod = request.originalMethod
                originalMethod = None

            credentials = DigestedCredentials(username,
                                              originalMethod or request.method,

            if not self.qop and 'qop' in credentials.fields:
                del credentials.fields['qop']

            raise error.LoginFailed('Invalid nonce/cnonce values')
    def testParse(self):
        parser = lambda val: list(http_headers.tokenize([val, ]))
        Token = http_headers.Token
        tests = (('foo,bar', ['foo', Token(','), 'bar']),
                 ('FOO,BAR', ['foo', Token(','), 'bar']),
                 (' \t foo  \t bar  \t  ,  \t baz   ', ['foo', Token(' '), 'bar', Token(','), 'baz']),
                 ('()<>@,;:\\/[]?={}', [Token('('), Token(')'), Token('<'), Token('>'), Token('@'), Token(','), Token(';'), Token(':'), Token('\\'), Token('/'), Token('['), Token(']'), Token('?'), Token('='), Token('{'), Token('}')]),
                 (' "foo" ', ['foo']),
                 ('"FOO(),\\"BAR,"', ['FOO(),"BAR,']))

        raiseTests = ('"open quote', '"ending \\', "control character: \x127", "\x00", "\x1f")

        for test, result in tests:
            self.assertEquals(parser(test), result)
        for test in raiseTests:
            self.assertRaises(ValueError, parser, test)
Exemple #4
def _readHeaders(stream):
    """Read the MIME headers. Assumes we've just finished reading in the
    boundary string."""

    ctype = fieldname = filename = None
    headers = []

    # Now read headers
    while 1:
        line = stream.readline(size=1024)
        if isinstance(line, defer.Deferred):
            line = defer.waitForDeferred(line)
            yield line
            line = line.getResult()
        # print("GOT", line)
        if not line.endswith('\r\n'):
            if line == "":
                raise MimeFormatError("Unexpected end of stream.")
                raise MimeFormatError("Header line too long")

        line = line[:-2]  # strip \r\n
        if line == "":
            break  # End of headers

        parts = line.split(':', 1)
        if len(parts) != 2:
            raise MimeFormatError("Header did not have a :")
        name, value = parts
        name = name.lower()
        headers.append((name, value))

        if name == "content-type":
            ctype = http_headers.parseContentType(
                http_headers.tokenize((value, ), foldCase=False))
        elif name == "content-disposition":
            fieldname, filename = parseContentDispositionFormData(value)

    if ctype is None:
        ctype = http_headers.MimeType('application', 'octet-stream')
    if fieldname is None:
        raise MimeFormatError('Content-disposition invalid or omitted.')

    # End of headers, return (field name, content-type, filename)
    yield fieldname, filename, ctype
def _readHeaders(stream):
    """Read the MIME headers. Assumes we've just finished reading in the
    boundary string."""

    ctype = fieldname = filename = None
    headers = []

    # Now read headers
    while 1:
        line = stream.readline(size=1024)
        if isinstance(line, defer.Deferred):
            line = defer.waitForDeferred(line)
            yield line
            line = line.getResult()
        # print("GOT", line)
        if not line.endswith("\r\n"):
            if line == "":
                raise MimeFormatError("Unexpected end of stream.")
                raise MimeFormatError("Header line too long")

        line = line[:-2]  # strip \r\n
        if line == "":
            break  # End of headers

        parts = line.split(":", 1)
        if len(parts) != 2:
            raise MimeFormatError("Header did not have a :")
        name, value = parts
        name = name.lower()
        headers.append((name, value))

        if name == "content-type":
            ctype = http_headers.parseContentType(http_headers.tokenize((value,), foldCase=False))
        elif name == "content-disposition":
            fieldname, filename = parseContentDispositionFormData(value)

    if ctype is None:
        ctype == http_headers.MimeType("application", "octet-stream")
    if fieldname is None:
        raise MimeFormatError("Content-disposition invalid or omitted.")

    # End of headers, return (field name, content-type, filename)
    yield fieldname, filename, ctype