Exemple #1
def _init_package( ):
	"""Do the main initialization of this package"""
	import mrv.maya.mdb as mdb
	typ.targetModule = _thismodule			# init metaclass with our module
	typ._nodesdict = globals()
	typ.initNodeHierarchy( )
	typ.initTypeNameToMfnClsMap( )
	typ.initWrappers( globals() )
	# code generator needs an initialized nodes dict to work
	typ.codegen = mdb.PythonMFnCodeGenerator(typ._nodesdict)

	# initialize base module with our global namespace dict
	import base
	base._nodesdict = globals()

	# must come last as typ needs full initialization first
	import apipatch
	apipatch.init_applyPatches( )
	# initialize modules
	init_modules( __file__, "mrv.maya.nt", self_module = _thismodule )
Exemple #2
	were imported"""
    from mrv.maya.util import StandinClass
    for cls in globals().itervalues():
        if isinstance(cls, StandinClass):
        # END create type
    # END for each stored type

#} END initialization utilities

#{ Initialization
if not init_done:
    import typ
    typ.init_classhierarchy()  # populate hierarchy DAG from cache
    typ.initWrappers()  # create wrappers for all classes

    import base
    base._uidict = globals()

    # assure we do not run several times
    # import modules - this way we overwrite actual wrappers lateron
    from base import *
    from control import *
    from dialog import *
    from layout import *
    from panel import *
    from editor import *
    from util import Signal

    # automatic types need to be created in the end !
Exemple #3
    """Enforce the creation of all ui types - must be called once all custom types 
    were imported"""
    from mrv.maya.util import StandinClass
    for cls in globals().itervalues():
        if isinstance( cls, StandinClass ):
        # END create type 
    # END for each stored type

#} END initialization utilities

#{ Initialization
if not init_done:
    import typ
    typ.init_classhierarchy()               # populate hierarchy DAG from cache
    typ.initWrappers( )                 # create wrappers for all classes
    import base
    base._uidict = globals()

    # assure we do not run several times
    # import modules - this way we overwrite actual wrappers lateron
    from base import *
    from control import *
    from dialog import *
    from layout import *
    from panel import *
    from editor import *
    from util import (