Exemple #1
def notify(timestamp: int, node: valid_node_name, cage: valid_cage_name,
           level: one_of("INFO", "WARNING", "ERROR", "ALERT"), message: str):

    assert __cage__ == "health_monitor"

    current_timestamp = int(time())
    message_ts = localtime(timestamp)
    current_ts = localtime(current_timestamp)

    if abs(timestamp - current_timestamp) <= 5:
        time_mark = ""
    elif message_ts.tm_yday == current_ts.tm_yday:
        time_mark = strftime(" (%H:%M:%S)", message_ts)
        time_mark = strftime(" (%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S)", message_ts)

    message = "{0:s}.{1:s}{2:s}: {3:s}".format(node, cage, time_mark, message)

    if level == "INFO":
    elif level == "WARNING":
    elif level == "ERROR":
    elif level == "ALERT":
    def __init__(self, name: str, *,
                 server_address: (str, int),
                 connect_timeout: float,
                 response_timeout: float,
                 ping_interval: optional(float),
                 system_id: str,
                 password: str,
                 system_type: str,
                 esme_ton: byte,
                 esme_npi: byte,
                 esme_addr: str,
                 esme_type: one_of("rcvr", "xmit", "xcvr"),
                 request_timeout: optional(float) = None,
                 **kwargs): # this kwargs allows for extra application-specific
                            # settings in config_interface_smpp_X.py

        self._name = name
        self._response_timeout = response_timeout

        if ping_interval:
            self._ping_timeout = Timeout(ping_interval)
            self._ping_response_timeout = Timeout(response_timeout)
            self._ping_timeout = self._ping_response_timeout = None
        self._ping_request = None

        self._in_q = InterlockedQueue()
        self._out_q = InterlockedQueue()
        self._inflight = InflightRequests()
        self._ceased = Event()

        if esme_type == "rcvr":
            bind_pdu = BindReceiverPDU
        elif esme_type == "xmit":
            bind_pdu = BindTransmitterPDU
        elif esme_type == "xcvr":
            bind_pdu = BindTransceiverPDU

        self._create_connection = \
            lambda: _SMPPConnection(name, self._in_q, self._out_q, self._inflight,
                                    server_address = server_address,
                                    connect_timeout = connect_timeout,
                                    response_timeout = response_timeout,
                                    system_id = system_id,
                                    password = password,
                                    system_type = system_type,
                                    esme_ton = esme_ton,
                                    esme_npi = esme_npi,
                                    esme_addr = esme_addr,
                                    bind_pdu = bind_pdu)

        self._request_timeout = request_timeout or \
            pmnc.config_interfaces.get("request_timeout") # this is now static

        if pmnc.request.self_test == __name__: # self-test
            self._process_request = kwargs["process_request"]
def notify(timestamp: int, node: valid_node_name, cage: valid_cage_name,
           level: one_of("INFO", "WARNING", "ERROR", "ALERT"), message: str):

    assert __cage__ == "health_monitor"

    current_timestamp = int(time())
    message_ts = localtime(timestamp)
    current_ts = localtime(current_timestamp)

    if abs(timestamp - current_timestamp) <= 5:
        time_mark = ""
    elif message_ts.tm_yday == current_ts.tm_yday:
        time_mark = strftime(" (%H:%M:%S)", message_ts)
        time_mark = strftime(" (%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S)", message_ts)

    pmnc.log.message("[{0:s}] {1:s}.{2:s}{3:s}: {4:s}".\
                     format(level, node, cage, time_mark, message))
    def __init__(self, name: str, *,
                 source_addr_ton: byte,
                 source_addr_npi: byte,
                 source_addr: str,
                 asynchronous: bool,
                 pack_7bit: optional(bool) = None,
                 frag_method: optional(one_of("sar", "udh")) = None):

        TransactionalResource.__init__(self, name)

        self._interface_name = name.split("/", 1)[0]
        self._source_addr_ton = source_addr_ton
        self._source_addr_npi = source_addr_npi
        self._source_addr = source_addr
        self._asynchronous = asynchronous
        self._pack_7bit = pack_7bit or False
        self._frag_method = frag_method

        self._interface = None
    def __init__(self, name: str,
                 in_q: with_attr("push"),
                 out_q: with_attr("pop"),
                 inflight: with_attr("add", "remove"),
                 server_address: (str, int),
                 connect_timeout: float,
                 response_timeout: float,
                 system_id: str,
                 password: str,
                 system_type: str,
                 esme_ton: byte,
                 esme_npi: byte,
                 esme_addr: str,
                 bind_pdu: one_of(BindReceiverPDU, BindTransmitterPDU, BindTransceiverPDU)):

        self._name = name

        # input and output queues and inflight requests registry are external
        # to the connection object and remain persistent across disconnects to
        # prevent losing packets

        self._in_q = in_q
        self._out_q = out_q
        self._inflight = inflight

        self._server_address = server_address
        self._connect_timeout = connect_timeout
        self._response_timeout = response_timeout

        self._bind_pdu = \
            bind_pdu.create(system_id = system_id.encode("ascii", "replace"),
                            password = password.encode("ascii", "replace"),
                            system_type = system_type.encode("ascii", "replace"),
                            interface_version = 0x34,
                            addr_ton = esme_ton,
                            addr_npi = esme_npi,
                            address_range = esme_addr.encode("ascii", "replace"))

        self._bound = Event()
        self._failed = Event()
Exemple #6
    def wu_process_event(self, node: str, cage: str, up_down: one_of("up", "down"), probe_result: optional(dict)):

            # see for how long the request was on the execution queue up to this moment
            # and whether it has expired in the meantime, if it did there is no reason
            # to proceed and we simply bail out

            if pmnc.request.expired:
                pmnc.log.error("request has expired and will not be processed")
                success = False
                return  # goes through finally section below

            with pmnc.performance.request_processing():
                self._process_event(node, cage, up_down, probe_result)

            pmnc.log.error(exc_string())  # log and ignore
            success = False
            success = True
        finally:  # the request ends itself
            pmnc.interfaces.end_request(success)  # possibly way after deadline
Exemple #7
    def wu_process_event(self, node: str, cage: str, up_down: one_of("up", "down"),
                         probe_result: optional(dict)):

            # see for how long the request was on the execution queue up to this moment
            # and whether it has expired in the meantime, if it did there is no reason
            # to proceed and we simply bail out

            if pmnc.request.expired:
                pmnc.log.error("request has expired and will not be processed")
                success = False
                return # goes through finally section below

            with pmnc.performance.request_processing():
                self._process_event(node, cage, up_down, probe_result)

            pmnc.log.error(exc_string()) # log and ignore
            success = False
            success = True
        finally:                                 # the request ends itself
            pmnc.interfaces.end_request(success) # possibly way after deadline