Exemple #1
def set_has_ext_modules(dist):
    """ Set new function handler to dist object """
    from types import MethodType as instancemethod
    if sys.version_info[0] == 2:
        m = instancemethod(has_ext_modules, dist, Distribution)
        m = instancemethod(has_ext_modules, dist)
    dist.has_ext_modules = m
Exemple #2
def set_has_ext_modules(dist):
    """ Set new function handler to dist object """
    from types import MethodType as instancemethod
        m = instancemethod(has_ext_modules, dist, Distribution)
    except TypeError:
        m = instancemethod(has_ext_modules, dist)
    dist.has_ext_modules = m
def applyCatalogPatch(portal):
    """Patch catalog
    catalog = getToolByName(portal, 'portal_catalog')
    klass = catalog.__class__
    LOG.info('Patching catalog_object and uncatalog_object of %s' %
    if hasattr(klass, '_atct_catalog_object'):
        raise RuntimeError, "%s already has _atct_catalog_object" % catalog
    if hasattr(klass, '_atct_uncatalog_object'):
        raise RuntimeError, "%s already has _atct_uncatalog_object" % catalog

    klass._atct_catalog_object = klass.catalog_object.im_func
    klass.catalog_object = instancemethod(catalog_object, None, klass)

    klass._atct_uncatalog_object = klass.uncatalog_object.im_func
    klass.uncatalog_object = instancemethod(uncatalog_object, None, klass)

    return klass
def applyCatalogPatch(portal):
    """Patch catalog
    catalog = getToolByName(portal, 'portal_catalog')
    klass = catalog.__class__
    LOG.info('Patching catalog_object and uncatalog_object of %s' %
    if hasattr(klass, '_atct_catalog_object'):
        raise RuntimeError("%s already has _atct_catalog_object" % catalog)
    if hasattr(klass, '_atct_uncatalog_object'):
        raise RuntimeError("%s already has _atct_uncatalog_object" % catalog)

    klass._atct_catalog_object = klass.catalog_object.im_func
    klass.catalog_object = instancemethod(catalog_object, None, klass)

    klass._atct_uncatalog_object = klass.uncatalog_object.im_func
    klass.uncatalog_object = instancemethod(uncatalog_object, None, klass)

    return klass
Exemple #5
    def __get__(self, instance, cls):
        """Descriptor protocol support.

        This makes an instance of this class function correctly when it
        is used to decorate a method on a user-defined class. If called
        as a bound method, we store the decorated function in the instance
        dictionary, so we will not be called again for that instance. If
        called as an unbound method, we store a reference to the decorated
        function internally and use it on future unbound method calls.
        if instance:
            deco = instancemethod(self._decorated(cls, instance), instance, cls)
            # This prevents us from being called again for this instance
            setattr(instance, self._func.__name__, deco)
        elif cls:
            if not self.__clsfunc:
                self.__clsfunc = instancemethod(self._decorated(cls), None, cls)
            deco = self.__clsfunc
            raise ValueError("Must supply instance or class to descriptor.")
        return deco
Exemple #6
    def create(self, maps = None, arg = None, initkw = None):
        """ Creates a new struct with extended properties

             - `maps`: The mappers to use (``{'membername': mapper, ...}``)
             - `arg`: Initializer argument for the descriptors
             - `initkw`: Initial values of members
               (``{'name', 'value', ...}``)

             - `maps`: ``dict``
             - `arg`: any
             - `initkw`: ``dict``

            :return: A new instance of the class
            :rtype: `Struct`

            :exception AssertionError: The parameter set was inconsistent
        cls = self._cls
        private = self._createPrivate()

        # merge alias maps to real
        maps = dict(maps or {})
        for alias, real in self._aliases.items():
            if maps.has_key(alias):
                maps[real] = maps[alias]
                del maps[alias]

        # add members
        space = self._generateMembers(private, maps, arg)
        space.update({'__module__': cls.__module__, '__slots__': self._names})

        # create new class
        cls = self._createMetaClass(cls.__name__, (cls,), space)

        # add __special__s
        for name, func in self._generateSpecials(private).items():
            setattr(cls, name, instancemethod(func, None, cls))

        # return instance of the new class
        return cls(**(initkw or {}))
Exemple #7
 def __get__(self, obj, type=None):
     if obj is None:
         return self
     return instancemethod(self, obj)
Exemple #8
 def __get__(self, obj, type=None):
     if obj is None:
         return self
     return instancemethod(self, obj)
Exemple #9
 def wrapped(*args):
     if args and type(args[0]) is not dict:
         self = args[0]
         args = args[1:]                
         return wrapper(instancemethod(app, self), *args)
     return wrapper(app, *args)
Exemple #10
def bind(func, inst):
    return instancemethod(func, inst, inst.__class__)
Exemple #11
def set_has_ext_modules(dist):
    """ Set new function handler to dist object """
    from types import MethodType as instancemethod
    m = instancemethod(has_ext_modules, dist, Distribution)
    dist.has_ext_modules = m