Exemple #1
    def getBindingLocal(self, index):
        assert index >= 0, "Frame index was negative!?"
        assert index < len(self.local), "Frame index out-of-bounds :c"
        if self.local[index] is None:
            print "Warning: Use-before-define on local index", index
            print "Expect an imminent crash."
            from typhon.objects.refs import UnconnectedRef
            return UnconnectedRef(StrObject(
                u"Local index %d used before definition" % index))

        assert self.local[index] is not None, "Local binding use-before-define"
        return self.local[index]
Exemple #2
 def commit(self):
     if self.committed:
         raise userError(u"already commited")
     self.committed = True
     if isinstance(self.resolutionBox, FinalSlot):
         res = self.resolutionBox.get()
         res = UnconnectedRef(
             StrObject(u"Resolution promise of a proxy handled by " +
                       self.handler.toString() +
                       u" didn't resolve to a FinalSlot, but " +
                       self.resolutionBox.toString() + u" instead."))
         self.resolutionBox = FinalSlot(res, anyGuard)
     self.handler = None
     return res
Exemple #3
 def __init__(self, vat, handler, resolutionIdentity, problem):
     UnconnectedRef.__init__(self, vat, problem)
     self.handler = handler
     self.resolutionIdentity = resolutionIdentity
Exemple #4
 def __init__(self, handler, resolutionIdentity, problem):
     UnconnectedRef.__init__(self, problem)
     self.handler = handler
     self.resolutionIdentity = resolutionIdentity
Exemple #5

unboxedStrategies = [
    makeUnboxedListStrategy(cls, box, unbox, exemplar)
    for (cls, box, unbox, exemplar) in [
        # Chars.
        (CharObject, CharObject, unwrapChar, CharObject(u'▲')),
        # Small ints.
        (IntObject, IntObject, unwrapInt, IntObject(42)),
        # Unicode strings.
        (StrObject, StrObject, unwrapStr, StrObject(u"▲")),
        # Bytestrings.
        (BytesObject, BytesObject, unwrapBytes, BytesObject("M")),
        # _booleanFlow-generated lists of unconnected refs.
        (UnconnectedRef, UnconnectedRef, unboxUnconnectedRef,
         UnconnectedRef(StrObject(u"Implementation detail leaked"))),

@rstrategies.strategy(generalize=[NullListStrategy] + unboxedStrategies +
class EmptyListStrategy(Strategy):
    A list with no elements.


class StrategyFactory(rstrategies.StrategyFactory):
Exemple #6
 def wrap(self, value):
     return UnconnectedRef(value)
Exemple #7
 def default_value(self):
     return UnconnectedRef(StrObject(u"Implementation detail leaked"))