def parse(cls, line: str, file_handle: TextIO) -> "LevelTemplate":
        directive, comment = split_comment(line)
        name = directive[2:]

        if not name:
            raise ValueError("Directive missing name.")

        chunks = []
        level_template = cls(name, comment, chunks)

        next_line = file_handle.peek()
        while next_line:
            next_line, comment = split_comment(next_line)

            # We've reached the next Template, return
            if next_line.startswith(DirectivePrefixes.TEMPLATE.value):
                return level_template

            if next_line or comment:
                chunk = Chunk.parse(file_handle)
                # Advance the cursor and peek the next line.

            next_line = file_handle.peek()

        return level_template