def chgk_parse(text): """ Parsing rationale: every Question has two required fields: 'question' and the immediately following 'answer'. All the rest are optional, as is the order of these fields. On the other hand, everything except the 'question' is obligatorily marked, while the 'question' is optionally marked. But IF the question is not marked, 'meta' comments between Questions will not be parsed as 'meta' but will be merged to 'question's. Parsing is done by regexes in the following steps: 1. Identify all the fields you can, mark them with their respective labels, mark all the others with '' 2. Merge fields inside Question with '' lines between them 3. Ensure every 'answer' has a 'question' 4. Mark all remaining '' fields as 'meta' 5. Prettify input 6. Pack Questions into dicts 7. Return the resulting structure """ BADNEXTFIELDS = set(['question', 'answer']) WHITESPACE = set([' ', ' ', '\n', '\r']) PUNCTUATION = set([',', '.', ':', ';', '?', '!']) re_tour = re.compile(r'^ТУР ?([0-9IVXLCDM]*)([\.:])?$', re.I | re.U) re_tourrev = re.compile(r'^([0-9]+) ТУР([\.:])?$', re.I | re.U) re_question = re.compile(r'ВОПРОС ?[№N]?([0-9]*) ?[\.:]', re.I | re.U) re_answer = re.compile(r'ОТВЕТЫ? ?[№N]?([0-9]+)? ?[:]', re.I | re.U) re_zachet = re.compile(r'ЗАЧ[ЕЁ]Т ?[\.:]', re.I | re.U) re_nezachet = re.compile(r'НЕЗАЧ[ЕЁ]Т ?[\.:]', re.I | re.U) re_comment = re.compile(r'КОММЕНТАРИ[ИЙ] ?[№N]?([0-9]+)? ?[\.:]', re.I | re.U) re_author = re.compile(r'АВТОР\(?Ы?\)? ?[\.:]', re.I | re.U) re_source = re.compile(r'ИСТОЧНИК\(?И?\)? ?[\.:]', re.I | re.U) re_editor = re.compile(r'РЕДАКТОР(Ы|СКАЯ ГРУППА)? ?[\.:]', re.I | re.U) re_date = re.compile(r'ДАТА ?[\.:]', re.I | re.U) re_handout = re.compile(r'РАЗДА(ЧА|ТКА|ТОЧНЫЙ МАТЕРИАЛ) ?[\.:]', re.I | re.U) re_number = re.compile(r'^[0-9]+[\.\)] *') regexes = { 'tour' : re_tour, 'tourrev' : re_tourrev, 'question' : re_question, 'answer' : re_answer, 'zachet' : re_zachet, 'nezachet' : re_nezachet, 'comment' : re_comment, 'author' : re_author, 'source' : re_source, 'editor' : re_editor, 'date' : re_date, } chgk_parse.structure = [] def merge_to_previous(index): target = index - 1 chgk_parse.structure[target][1] = ( chgk_parse.structure[target][1] + SEP + chgk_parse.structure.pop(index)[1]) def merge_to_next(index): target = chgk_parse.structure.pop(index) chgk_parse.structure[index][1] = (target[1] + SEP + chgk_parse.structure[index][1]) def find_next_specific_field(index, fieldname): target = index + 1 while chgk_parse.structure[target][0] != fieldname: target += 1 return target def find_next_fieldname(index): target = index + 1 if target < len(chgk_parse.structure): debug_print(pprint.pformat( chgk_parse.structure[target])) while (target < len(chgk_parse.structure)-1 and chgk_parse.structure[target][0] == ''): target += 1 return chgk_parse.structure[target][0] def merge_y_to_x(x, y): i = 0 while i < len(chgk_parse.structure): if chgk_parse.structure[i][0] == x: while (i+1 < len(chgk_parse.structure) and chgk_parse.structure[i+1][0] != y): merge_to_previous(i+1) i += 1 def merge_to_x_until_nextfield(x): i = 0 while i < len(chgk_parse.structure): if chgk_parse.structure[i][0] == x: while (i+1 < len(chgk_parse.structure) and chgk_parse.structure[i+1][0] == '' and find_next_fieldname(i) not in BADNEXTFIELDS): merge_to_previous(i+1) i += 1 def dirty_merge_to_x_until_nextfield(x): i = 0 while i < len(chgk_parse.structure): if chgk_parse.structure[i][0] == x: while (i+1 < len(chgk_parse.structure) and chgk_parse.structure[i+1][0] == ''): merge_to_previous(i+1) i += 1 def swap_elements(x, y): z = chgk_parse.structure[y] chgk_parse.structure[y] = chgk_parse.structure[x] chgk_parse.structure[x] = z # 1. for x in re.split(r'\r?\n',text): if x != '': chgk_parse.structure.append(['',rew(x)]) i = 0 st = chgk_parse.structure while i < len(st): matching_regexes = {(regex, regexes[regex].search(st[i][1]).start(0)) for regex in regexes if regexes[regex].search(st[i][1])} # If more than one regex matches string, split it and # insert into structure separately. if len(matching_regexes) == 1: st[i][0] = matching_regexes.pop()[0] elif len(matching_regexes) > 1: sorted_r = sorted(matching_regexes, key=lambda x: x[1]) slices = [] for j in range(1, len(sorted_r)): slices.append( [sorted_r[j][0], st[i][1][ sorted_r[j][1] : sorted_r[j+1][1] if j+1 < len(sorted_r) else len(st[i][1])]]) for slice_ in slices: chgk_parse.structure.insert( i+1, slice_) st[i][0] = sorted_r[0][0] st[i][1] = st[i][1][:sorted_r[1][1]] i += 1 chgk_parse.structure = st i = 0 # 2. merge_y_to_x('question','answer') merge_to_x_until_nextfield('answer') merge_to_x_until_nextfield('comment') # 3. i = 0 while i < len(chgk_parse.structure): if (chgk_parse.structure[i][0] == 'answer' and chgk_parse.structure[i-1][0] not in ('question', 'newquestion')): chgk_parse.structure.insert(i,['newquestion','']) i = 0 i += 1 i = 0 while i < len(chgk_parse.structure) - 1: if (chgk_parse.structure[i][0] == '' and chgk_parse.structure[i+1][0] == 'newquestion'): merge_to_next(i) if ( rew(chgk_parse.structure[i][1])) and not rew(chgk_parse.structure[i-1][1]))): chgk_parse.structure[i][0] = 'question' chgk_parse.structure[i][1] = re_number.sub('',rew( chgk_parse.structure[i][1])) try: chgk_parse.structure.insert(i, ['number', int( rew(chgk_parse.structure[i][1])).group(0))]) except: pass i = 0 i += 1 for element in chgk_parse.structure: if element[0] == 'newquestion': element[0] = 'question' dirty_merge_to_x_until_nextfield('source') for id, element in enumerate(chgk_parse.structure): if (element[0] == 'author' and'^{}$'.format(re_author. pattern), rew(element[1])) and id + 1 < len(chgk_parse.structure)): merge_to_previous(id+1) merge_to_x_until_nextfield('zachet') merge_to_x_until_nextfield('nezachet') # 4. chgk_parse.structure = [x for x in chgk_parse.structure if [x[0], rew(x[1])] != ['', '']] if chgk_parse.structure[0][0] == '' and rew(chgk_parse.structure[0][1])): merge_to_next(0) for id, element in enumerate(chgk_parse.structure): if element[0] == '': element[0] = 'meta' if element[0] in regexes and element[0] not in ['tour', 'tourrev']: if element[0] == 'question': try: num =[1]).group(1) chgk_parse.structure.insert(id, ['number', num]) except: pass element[1] = regexes[element[0]].sub('', element[1]) # 5. for id, element in enumerate(chgk_parse.structure): # typogrify if element[0] != 'date': element[1] = typotools.recursive_typography(element[1]) # remove question numbers if element[0] == 'question': try: num =[1]).group(1) chgk_parse.structure.insert(id, ['number', num]) except: pass element[1] = re_number.sub('', element[1]) # detect inner lists mo = {m for m in re.finditer(r'(\s+|^)(\d+)[\.\)]\s*(?!\d)',element[1], re.U)} if len(mo) > 1: sorted_up = sorted(mo, key=lambda m: int( j = 0 list_candidate = [] while j == int(sorted_up[j].group(2)) - 1: list_candidate.append((j+1, sorted_up[j].group(0), sorted_up[j].start())) if j+1 < len(sorted_up): j += 1 else: break if len(list_candidate) > 1: if (element[0] != 'question' or (element[0] == 'question' and 'дуплет' in element[1].lower() or 'блиц' in element[1].lower())): part = partition(element[1], [x[2] for x in list_candidate]) lc = 0 while lc < len(list_candidate): part[lc+1] = part[lc+1].replace(list_candidate[lc][1], '') lc += 1 element[1] = ([part[0], part[1:]] if part[0] != '' else part[1:]) # turn source into list if necessary if (element[0] == 'source' and isinstance(element[1], basestring) and len(re.split(r'\r?\n', element[1])) > 1): element[1] = [re_number.sub('', rew(x)) for x in re.split(r'\r?\n', element[1])] # 6. final_structure = [] current_question = {} for element in chgk_parse.structure: if element[0] in set(['tour', 'question', 'meta']): if current_question != {}: check_question(current_question) final_structure.append(['Question', current_question]) current_question = {} if element[0] in QUESTION_LABELS: if element[0] in current_question: try: current_question[element[0]] += SEP + element[1] except: print('{}'.format(current_question).decode('unicode_escape')) pdb.set_trace() else: current_question[element[0]] = element[1] else: final_structure.append([element[0], element[1]]) if current_question != {}: check_question(current_question) final_structure.append(['Question', current_question]) # 7. debug_print(pprint.pformat(final_structure).decode('unicode_escape')) return final_structure
def __init__(self, text): """ Parsing rationale: every Question has two required fields: 'question' and the immediately following 'answer'. All the rest are optional, as is the order of these fields. On the other hand, everything except the 'question' is obligatorily marked, while the 'question' is optionally marked. But IF the question is not marked, 'meta' comments between Questions will not be parsed as 'meta' but will be merged to 'question's. Parsing is done by regexes in the following steps: 1. Identify all the fields you can, mark them with their respective labels, mark all the others with '' 2. Merge fields inside Question with '' lines between them 3. Ensure every 'answer' has a 'question' 4. Mark all remaining '' fields as 'meta' 5. Prettify input 6. Pack Questions into dicts 7. Store the resulting structure as self.structure """ self.structure = [] # 1. for x in re.split(r'\r?\n',text): if x != '': self.structure.append(['',remove_excessive_whitespace(x)]) i = 0 st = self.structure while i < len(st): matching_regexes = { (regex, self.regexes[regex].search(st[i][1]).start(0)) for regex in self.regexes if self.regexes[regex].search(st[i][1])} # If more than one regex matches string, split it and # insert into structure separately. if len(matching_regexes) == 1: st[i][0] = matching_regexes.pop()[0] elif len(matching_regexes) > 1: sorted_r = sorted(matching_regexes, key=lambda x: x[1]) slices = [] for j in range(1, len(sorted_r)): slices.append( [sorted_r[j][0], st[i][1][ sorted_r[j][1] : sorted_r[j+1][1] if j+1 < len(sorted_r) else len(st[i][1])]]) for slice_ in slices: self.structure.insert( i+1, slice_) st[i][0] = sorted_r[0][0] st[i][1] = st[i][1][:sorted_r[1][1]] i += 1 self.structure = st i = 0 # 2. self.merge_y_to_x('question','answer') self.merge_to_x_until_nextfield('answer') self.merge_to_x_until_nextfield('comment') # 3. i = 0 while i < len(self.structure): if (self.structure[i][0] == 'answer' and self.structure[i-1][0] not in ('question', 'newquestion')): self.structure.insert(i,['newquestion','']) i = 0 i += 1 i = 0 while i < len(self.structure) - 1: if (self.structure[i][0] == '' and self.structure[i+1][0] == 'newquestion'): self.merge_to_next(i) if ( remove_excessive_whitespace(self.structure[i][1])) and not remove_excessive_whitespace(self.structure[i-1][1]))): self.structure[i][0] = 'question' self.structure[i][1] = re_number.sub( '',remove_excessive_whitespace(self.structure[i][1])) try: self.structure.insert(i, ['number', int( remove_excessive_whitespace( self.structure[i][1]) ).group(0))]) except: pass # TODO: figure out what this means i = 0 i += 1 for element in self.structure: if element[0] == 'newquestion': element[0] = 'question' self.dirty_merge_to_x_until_nextfield('source') for id, element in enumerate(self.structure): if (element[0] == 'author' and'^{}$'.format(re_author. pattern), remove_excessive_whitespace(element[1])) and id + 1 < len(self.structure)): merge_to_previous(id+1) self.merge_to_x_until_nextfield('accept') self.merge_to_x_until_nextfield('reject') # 4. self.structure = [x for x in self.structure if [x[0], remove_excessive_whitespace(x[1])] != ['', '']] if self.structure[0][0] == '' and remove_excessive_whitespace(self.structure[0][1])): self.merge_to_next(0) for id, element in enumerate(self.structure): if element[0] == '': element[0] = 'meta' if (element[0] in self.regexes and element[0] not in ['tour', 'tourrev']): if element[0] == 'question': try: num =[1]).group(1) self.structure.insert(id, ['number', num]) except: pass element[1] = self.regexes[element[0]].sub('', element[1]) # 5. for id, element in enumerate(self.structure): # typogrify if element[0] != 'date': element[1] = recursive_typography(element[1]) # remove question numbers if element[0] == 'question': try: num =[1]).group(1) self.structure.insert(id, ['number', num]) except: pass element[1] = re_number.sub('', element[1]) # detect inner lists mo = {m for m in re.finditer(r'(\s+|^)(\d+)[\.\)]\s*(?!\d)', element[1], re.U)} if len(mo) > 1: sorted_up = sorted(mo, key=lambda m: int( j = 0 list_candidate = [] while j == int(sorted_up[j].group(2)) - 1: list_candidate.append((j+1, sorted_up[j].group(0), sorted_up[j].start())) if j+1 < len(sorted_up): j += 1 else: break if len(list_candidate) > 1: if (element[0] != 'question' or (element[0] == 'question' and 'дуплет' in element[1].lower() or 'блиц' in element[1].lower())): part = partition(element[1], [x[2] for x in list_candidate]) lc = 0 while lc < len(list_candidate): part[lc+1] = part[lc+1].replace( list_candidate[lc][1], '') lc += 1 element[1] = ([part[0], part[1:]] if part[0] != '' else part[1:]) # turn source into list if necessary if (element[0] == 'source' and isinstance(element[1], basestring) and len(re.split(r'\r?\n', element[1])) > 1): element[1] = [re_number.sub('', remove_excessive_whitespace(x)) for x in re.split(r'\r?\n', element[1])] # 6. final_structure = [] current_question = {} for element in self.structure: if element[0] in set(['tour', 'question', 'meta']): if current_question != {}: check_question(current_question) final_structure.append(Question(**current_question)) current_question = {} if element[0] in QUESTION_LABELS: if element[0] in current_question: try: current_question[element[0]] += SEP + element[1] except: print('{}'.format( current_question).decode('unicode_escape')) pdb.set_trace() else: current_question[element[0]] = element[1] else: final_structure.append([element[0], element[1]]) if current_question != {}: check_question(current_question) final_structure.append(Question(**current_question)) # 7. self.structure = final_structure