def valve2(self,toggle_v2): if toggle_v2: print "valve2 ON" #device.setFIOState(v2_lj, 1) DAC1_VALUE = device.voltageToDACBits(5.5, dacNumber = 1, is16Bits = False) device.getFeedback(u3.DAC1_8(DAC1_VALUE)) # Set DAC0 to 5 V if self.Valve1.isChecked() : #if valve1 activated self.odo.setValue(2) #odor 2 print "odor: 2" else : self.odo.setValue(0) #no odor print "odor: 0" else : print "valve2 OFF" #device.setFIOState(v2_lj, 0) DAC1_VALUE = device.voltageToDACBits(0, dacNumber = 1, is16Bits = False) device.getFeedback(u3.DAC1_8(DAC1_VALUE)) # Set DAC0 to 5 V if self.Valve1.isChecked() : #if valve2 activated self.odo.setValue(1) #odor 2 print "odor: 1" else : self.odo.setValue(0) #no odor print "odor: 0" self.odo.setValue(1) #odor 1
def setOdor(device,odor): if odor == 0: #device.setFIOState(v1_lj, 0) DAC0_VALUE = device.voltageToDACBits(0, dacNumber = 0, is16Bits = False) device.getFeedback(u3.DAC0_8(DAC0_VALUE)) else : if odor == 1 : #device.setFIOState(v2_lj, 0) DAC1_VALUE = device.voltageToDACBits(0, dacNumber = 1, is16Bits = False) device.getFeedback(u3.DAC1_8(DAC1_VALUE)) #device.setFIOState(v1_lj, 1) DAC0_VALUE = device.voltageToDACBits(5.5, dacNumber = 0, is16Bits = False) device.getFeedback(u3.DAC0_8(DAC0_VALUE)) else: #device.setFIOState(v2_lj, 1) DAC1_VALUE = device.voltageToDACBits(5.5, dacNumber = 1, is16Bits = False) device.getFeedback(u3.DAC1_8(DAC1_VALUE)) #device.setFIOState(v1_lj, 1) DAC0_VALUE = device.voltageToDACBits(5.5, dacNumber =0, is16Bits = False) device.getFeedback(u3.DAC0_8(DAC0_VALUE)) print "set odor to: "+str(odor)
def closeEvent(self, event): # to clean up, closes labjack and windows #global device device.setFIOState(green_lj, 0) device.setFIOState(red_lj, 0) #device.setFIOState(v1_lj, 0) #device.setFIOState(v2_lj, 0) DAC0_VALUE = device.voltageToDACBits(0, dacNumber = 0, is16Bits = False) device.getFeedback(u3.DAC0_8(DAC0_VALUE)) DAC1_VALUE = device.voltageToDACBits(0, dacNumber = 1, is16Bits = False) device.getFeedback(u3.DAC1_8(DAC1_VALUE)) device.close() print "closing device" ser.close() #arduino serial mmc.unloadAllDevices() event.accept()
def setDACVoltage(self, dac_channel, voltage): '''Set the voltage on the DAC0''' # Set DAC using Modbus #if dac_channel == 0: # DAC0_REGISTER = 5000 # self.lj.writeRegister(DAC0_REGISTER, voltage) #elif dac_channel == 1: # DAC1_REGISTER = 5002 # self.lj.writeRegister(DAC1_REGISTER, voltage) #else: # print 'Error: Not a channel' # Set DAC using 8 bit low level command dac_value = int(voltage * 255 / 4.95) if dac_channel == 0: self.lj.getFeedback(u3.DAC0_8(dac_value)) elif dac_channel == 1: self.lj.getFeedback(u3.DAC1_8(dac_value)) else: print 'Error: Not a channel'
def generate_command_lists(self, states): command_lists = [] previous_state = self.default for state in states: command_list = [] # FIOs for i in range(4, 8): if previous_state[i - 4] != state[i - 4]: command_list.append(u3.BitStateWrite(i, state[i - 4])) # DACs if previous_state[4] != state[4]: voltage_in_bits = self._device.voltageToDACBits(volts=state[4], dacNumber=0) command_list.append(u3.DAC0_8(voltage_in_bits)) if previous_state[5] != state[5]: voltage_in_bits = self._device.voltageToDACBits(volts=state[5], dacNumber=1) command_list.append(u3.DAC1_8(voltage_in_bits)) command_lists.append(command_list) previous_state = state return command_lists
def dac1out8(d,v=0.0): # v is the floating point voltage. Range is 0 to 4.95 DAC1_VALUE = d.voltageToDACBits(v, dacNumber = 1, is16Bits = False) d.getFeedback(u3.DAC1_8(DAC1_VALUE)) # Set DAC1 to v Volts
def runEpoch(mmc,device,rep): import time global epoch_seq #epochs items as list (name,exp,led,odor,duration,noRec) global meta_index # list: epoch name, start frame, end frame namep=window.path.text() print "create hdf5" hdfpath = createHdf5andClose(namep,savepath) n_epoch=len(epoch_seq) total =0 epoch_times =[] eps = 0.005 #delay... error in time passed lj_delay = 0#0.012 count = 1 #epoch 0 effectuated before loop m=0 #tiff saving index namep=window.path.text() print "namep..."+str(namep) window.progressBar.setMinimum(0) window.progressBar.setMaximum(n_epoch+(rep-1)*n_epoch) print str(n_epoch) for i in range(n_epoch): total += epoch_seq[i][4] epoch_times.append(total) print str(n_epoch)+" epochs" print "should take "+str(total)+"s and repeated "+str(rep)+" time(s)" mmc.prepareSequenceAcquisition('Zyla') #print "preparing sequence acquisition took", time.clock()-start, "seconds" # cv2.namedWindow('Video') text_file_globalTime = open(savepath+"/globalTime"+namep+".txt", 'w') #text_file_globalTime.write(str(time.clock()-start)+", "+ser.readline()+"\n") for i in range(rep): #LOOP FOR TRIALS print "trial "+str(i+1) text_file = open(savepath+"/respi"+namep+"_trial_"+str(i+1)+".txt", 'w') text_file_globalTime.write( str(time.time())+", "+str(i+1)+"\n") frame_i=0 #mmc.setProperty(DEVICE[0], 'Exposure', epoch_seq[0][1]) setLed(device,epoch_seq[0][2]) setOdor(device,epoch_seq[0][3]) mmc.initializeCircularBuffer() mmc.startContinuousSequenceAcquisition(10) start=time.clock() while time.clock()-start < total: if mmc.getRemainingImageCount()>0 : im = mmc.popNextImage() #im = mmc.getLastImage() #cv2.imshow('Video', im) #raw_input("pause") frames.append(im) timestamps.append(time.clock()-start) #0.6s from start !!! meta.append( (epoch_seq[count-1], i)) if (count < n_epoch) and (time.clock()-start+eps > epoch_times[count-1]) : print "count "+str(count) print epoch_seq[count-1][0] print frame_i print len(frames)-1 #mmc.setProperty(DEVICE[0], 'Exposure', epoch_seq[count][1]) setLed(device,epoch_seq[count][2]) setOdor(device,epoch_seq[count][3]) window.progressBar.setValue(count+i*n_epoch) # #saving index of previous epoch (name,start frame, end frame) # frame_f=len(frames)-1 # meta_index.append((epoch_seq[count-1][0],frame_i,frame_f)) # frame_i=len(frames) if epoch_seq[count-1][5] == 0 : frame_f=len(frames)-1 meta_index.append((epoch_seq[count-1][0],frame_i,frame_f)) frame_i=len(frames) # nrec = 0 # mmc.stopSequenceAcquisition() # mmc.clearCircularBuffer() if (epoch_seq[count][5] == 1): print "stop recording "+str(epoch_seq[count][4])+ "sec" time.sleep(epoch_seq[count][4]) mmc.clearCircularBuffer() #meta_index.pop() # if epoch_seq[count-1][5] == 1: # mmc.initializeCircularBuffer() # mmc.startContinuousSequenceAcquisition(10) # nrec=1 count += 1 if ser.inWaiting() : text_file.write(str(time.clock()-start)+", "+ser.readline()+"\n") # if cv2.waitKey(1) >= 0: # break frame_f=len(frames)-1 meta_index.append((epoch_seq[count-1][0],frame_i,frame_f)) frame_i=len(frames) m_i_trial.append(meta_index) meta_index=[] window.progressBar.setValue(n_epoch+i*n_epoch) #reset device.setFIOState(green_lj, 0) device.setFIOState(red_lj, 1) #device.setFIOState(v1_lj, 0) #device.setFIOState(v2_lj, 0) DAC0_VALUE = device.voltageToDACBits(0, dacNumber = 0, is16Bits = False) device.getFeedback(u3.DAC0_8(DAC0_VALUE)) DAC1_VALUE = device.voltageToDACBits(0, dacNumber = 1, is16Bits = False) device.getFeedback(u3.DAC1_8(DAC1_VALUE)) print str(total)+"s acquisition took", time.clock()-start, "seconds" mmc.stopSequenceAcquisition() mmc.clearCircularBuffer() if i < rep: #end of an epoch #time spent savong files savingTime=time.time() #print "saving tiff.."+str(len(frames))+" frames" #namep=window.path.text() framesnp = np.asarray(frames) #display avg green print "save green"+str(i)+" in "+savepath scipy.misc.imsave(savepath+'/green'+str(i)+'.jpg', np.mean(framesnp[0:20],axis=0)) #plt.imshow(np.mean(framesnp[0:20],axis=0)) #saveAsMultipageTif(framesnp,savepath,namep,meta,k=512)# #m = saveAsMultipageTif_inter(framesnp,savepath,namep,m) #print "number of tiff files :"+str(m) print "save trial hdf5" print m_i_trial[-1] print i+1 hdfs=saveTrialHdf5andClose(hdfpath,framesnp,m_i_trial[-1],i+1,epoch_seq) #modified added epoch print "closing hdfs" hdfs.close() print "closed" #print "save respiratory signal" # text_file = open("respi"+".txt", 'w') print "empty frames list.." frames[:]=[] text_file.close() timeSpentSaving=time.time()-savingTime newDelay=window.dur_2.value()-timeSpentSaving print "in total wating for "+str(window.dur_2.value())+" s" print "after time spent saving wating for "+str(newDelay)+" s" if (newDelay>0): time.sleep(newDelay) count =1 #cv2.destroyAllWindows() #print "nOfFrames :"+str(len(frames)) print "exposure was", mmc.getProperty('Zyla','Exposure') print "Framerate was", mmc.getProperty('Zyla','FrameRate') print "saving metadata, timestamps and comments" if not os.path.exists(savepath+"/"+namep): os.makedirs(savepath+"/"+namep) with open(savepath+"/"+namep+"/epoch.p", "wb") as fp: #Pickling pickle.dump(epoch_seq, fp) with open(savepath+"/"+namep+"/comment.p", "wb") as fpp: #Pickling pickle.dump(window.comment.toPlainText(), fpp) with open(savepath+"/"+namep+"/timestamps.p", "wb") as fppp: #Pickling pickle.dump(timestamps, fppp) with open(savepath+"/"+namep+"/meta.p", "wb") as fppp: #Pickling pickle.dump(meta, fppp) with open(savepath+"/"+namep+"/m_i_trial.p", "wb") as fppp: #Pickling pickle.dump(m_i_trial, fppp) print "restart kernel to be safe" text_file_globalTime.close() print "global time txt closed" window.progressBar.setValue(0)
a12_averages_NGENon = [] a13_averages_NGENon = [] a14_averages_NGENon = [] a15_averages_NGENon = [] save_values = [] times = [] ################################################################################ ## Measurement Loop ################################################################################ #LabJack and SA dig_offset = 0.024 DAC1_VALUE = lj.voltageToDACBits( 3 + dig_offset, dacNumber=1, is16Bits=False) #CAL voltage value is set to 3V lj.getFeedback(u3.DAC1_8(DAC1_VALUE)) # Get data when NGEN is OFF DAC0_VALUE = lj.voltageToDACBits(0 - dig_offset + 0.010, dacNumber=1, is16Bits=False) #NGEN is OFF lj.getFeedback(u3.DAC0_8(DAC0_VALUE)) k = 0 with GracefulInterruptHandler() as h: while True: for i in range(n_avg): a0 = lj.getAIN(0) a1 = lj.getAIN(1) a2 = lj.getAIN(2) a3 = lj.getAIN(3)
def set_DAC1(self, voltage): voltage_in_bits = self._device.voltageToDACBits(volts=voltage, dacNumber=1) self._try_command('getFeedback', u3.DAC1_8(voltage_in_bits))