Exemple #1
 def sense(self, action):
     Perform an action at current location and get the belief distribution
     over all categories.
         req = InfoMaxRequest()
         req.num_objects = self.num_objects
         req.objectNames = self.category_names
         req.actionNames = self.action_names
         req.numCats = self.num_categories
         req.catID = self.objects[self.current_location]
         req.actionID.val = action
         rospy.logdebug('calling sense service with action %d (%s) on object %d(%s)' %
                        (req.actionID.val, self.action_names[req.actionID.val], req.catID, self.category_names[req.catID]))
         if not self.robot_server: res = self.get_belief_distribution(req)
         else: res = self.robot_server.handle_infomax_request(req)
         self.current_location = res.location
         self.current_state = res.state
         return res
     except rospy.ServiceException as e:
         rospy.logerr('Service call failed: %s' % e)
         return None
Exemple #2
    def sense(self, action):
        Perform an action at current location and get the belief distribution
        over all categories.
            req = InfoMaxRequest()
            req.num_objects = self.num_objects
            req.objectNames = self.category_names
            req.actionNames = self.action_names
            req.numCats = self.num_categories
            req.catID = self.objects[self.current_location]
            req.actionID.val = action

                'calling sense service with action %d (%s) on object %d(%s)' %
                (req.actionID.val, self.action_names[req.actionID.val],
                 req.catID, self.category_names[req.catID]))

            if not self.robot_server: res = self.get_belief_distribution(req)
            else: res = self.robot_server.handle_infomax_request(req)
            self.current_location = res.location
            self.current_state = res.state

            return res
        except rospy.ServiceException as e:
            rospy.logerr('Service call failed: %s' % e)
            return None
Exemple #3
    actions = [InfomaxAction.DROP] * 1

    req = InfoMaxRequest()
    req.objectNames = [
        'pink_glass',  #0
        'german_ball',  #1
        'blue_cup',  #2
        'blue_spiky_ball',  #3
        'screw_box',  #4
        'wire_spool',  #5
        'sqeaky_ball',  #6
        'duck_tape_roll',  #7
        'ace_terminals',  #8
        'chalkboard_eraser',  #9
    req.actionNames = map(str, actions)
    req.numCats = len(req.objectNames)
    req.catID = 4

    for trial in range(1):
        rospy.loginfo('Trial number %d, object is %s' %
                      (trial, req.objectNames[req.catID]))

        for action in actions:
            req.actionID.val = action

                rospy.loginfo('infomax test done action %d' % action)
            except Exception as e:
                rospy.logerr('Something happened: %s' % str(e))
Exemple #4
    actions = [InfomaxAction.DROP]*1
    req = InfoMaxRequest()
    req.objectNames = ['pink_glass',        #0
                       'german_ball',       #1
                       'blue_cup',          #2
                       'blue_spiky_ball',   #3
                       'screw_box',         #4
                       'wire_spool',        #5
                       'sqeaky_ball',       #6
                       'duck_tape_roll',    #7
                       'ace_terminals',     #8
                       'chalkboard_eraser', #9
    req.actionNames = map(str, actions)
    req.numCats = len(req.objectNames)
    req.catID = 4

    for trial in range(1):
        rospy.loginfo('Trial number %d, object is %s' % (trial,req.objectNames[req.catID]))
        for action in actions:
            req.actionID.val = action
                rospy.loginfo('infomax test done action %d' % action)
            except Exception as e:
                rospy.logerr('Something happened: %s' % str(e))