Exemple #1
def run_parser(source_dirs, search_dirs):
        types = dsdl.parse_namespaces(source_dirs, search_dirs)
    except dsdl.DsdlException as ex:
        logger.info('Parser failure', exc_info=True)
    return types
Exemple #2
def run_parser(source_dirs, search_dirs):
        types = dsdl.parse_namespaces(source_dirs, search_dirs)
    except dsdl.DsdlException as ex:
        logger.info('Parser failure', exc_info=True)
    return types
def load_dsdl(paths):
    """Loads the DSDL files under the given directory/directories, and creates
    types for each of them in the current module's namespace.

    Also adds entries for all datatype (ID, kind)s to the DATATYPES
    dictionary, which maps datatype (ID, kind)s to their respective type

    if isinstance(paths, basestring):
        paths = [paths]

    root_namespace = Namespace()
    dtypes = dsdl.parse_namespaces(paths, [])
    for dtype in dtypes:
        namespace, _, typename = dtype.full_name.rpartition(".")
        root_namespace._path(namespace).__dict__[typename] = dtype
        TYPENAMES[dtype.full_name] = dtype

        if dtype.default_dtid:
            DATATYPES[(dtype.default_dtid, dtype.kind)] = dtype
            # Add the base CRC to each data type capable of being transmitted
            dtype.base_crc = dsdl.common.crc16_from_bytes(
                struct.pack("<Q", dtype.get_data_type_signature()))
                "DSDL Load {: >30} DTID: {: >4} base_crc:{: >8}".format(
                    typename, dtype.default_dtid, hex(dtype.base_crc)))

        def create_instance_closure(closure_type):
            def create_instance(*args, **kwargs):
                return transport.CompoundValue(closure_type,

            return create_instance

        dtype.__call__ = create_instance_closure(dtype)

    namespace = root_namespace._path("uavcan")
    for top_namespace in namespace._namespaces():
        MODULE.__dict__[str(top_namespace)] = namespace.__dict__[top_namespace]

    MODULE.__dict__["thirdparty"] = Namespace()
    for ext_namespace in root_namespace._namespaces():
        if str(ext_namespace) != "uavcan":
            MODULE.thirdparty.__dict__[str(ext_namespace)] = \
Exemple #4
def load_dsdl(paths):
    """Loads the DSDL files under the given directory/directories, and creates
    types for each of them in the current module's namespace.

    Also adds entries for all datatype (ID, kind)s to the DATATYPES
    dictionary, which maps datatype (ID, kind)s to their respective type

    if isinstance(paths, basestring):
        paths = [paths]

    root_namespace = Namespace()
    dtypes = dsdl.parse_namespaces(paths, [])
    for dtype in dtypes:
        namespace, _, typename = dtype.full_name.rpartition(".")
        root_namespace._path(namespace).__dict__[typename] = dtype
        TYPENAMES[dtype.full_name] = dtype

        if dtype.default_dtid:
            DATATYPES[(dtype.default_dtid, dtype.kind)] = dtype
            # Add the base CRC to each data type capable of being transmitted
            dtype.base_crc = dsdl.common.crc16_from_bytes(
                struct.pack("<Q", dtype.get_data_type_signature()))
            logging.debug("DSDL Load {: >30} DTID: {: >4} base_crc:{: >8}".
                          format(typename, dtype.default_dtid,

        def create_instance_closure(closure_type):
            def create_instance(*args, **kwargs):
                return transport.CompoundValue(closure_type, tao=True, *args,
            return create_instance

        dtype.__call__ = create_instance_closure(dtype)

    namespace = root_namespace._path("uavcan")
    for top_namespace in namespace._namespaces():
        MODULE.__dict__[str(top_namespace)] = namespace.__dict__[top_namespace]

    MODULE.__dict__["thirdparty"] = Namespace()
    for ext_namespace in root_namespace._namespaces():
        if str(ext_namespace) != "uavcan":
            MODULE.thirdparty.__dict__[str(ext_namespace)] = \
Exemple #5
def load_dsdl(*paths, **args):
    Loads the DSDL files under the given directory/directories, and creates
    types for each of them in the current module's namespace.

    If the exclude_dist argument is not present, or False, the DSDL
    definitions installed with this package will be loaded first.

    Also adds entries for all datatype (ID, kind)s to the DATATYPES
    dictionary, which maps datatype (ID, kind)s to their respective type

    paths = list(paths)

    # Try to prepend the built-in DSDL files
    # TODO: why do we need try/except here?
    # noinspection PyBroadException
        if not args.get("exclude_dist", None):
            dsdl_path = pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__, "dsdl_files")  # @UndefinedVariable
            paths = [os.path.join(dsdl_path, "uavcan")] + paths
    except Exception:

    root_namespace = Namespace()
    dtypes = dsdl.parse_namespaces(paths)
    for dtype in dtypes:
        namespace, _, typename = dtype.full_name.rpartition(".")
        root_namespace._path(namespace).__dict__[typename] = dtype
        TYPENAMES[dtype.full_name] = dtype

        if dtype.default_dtid:
            DATATYPES[(dtype.default_dtid, dtype.kind)] = dtype
            # Add the base CRC to each data type capable of being transmitted
            dtype.base_crc = dsdl.crc16_from_bytes(struct.pack("<Q", dtype.get_data_type_signature()))
            logger.debug("DSDL Load {: >30} DTID: {: >4} base_crc:{: >8}"
                         .format(typename, dtype.default_dtid, hex(dtype.base_crc)))

        def create_instance_closure(closure_type, _mode=None):
            # noinspection PyShadowingNames
            def create_instance(*args, **kwargs):
                if _mode:
                    assert '_mode' not in kwargs, 'Mode cannot be supplied to service type instantiation helper'
                    kwargs['_mode'] = _mode
                return transport.CompoundValue(closure_type, *args, **kwargs)
            return create_instance

        dtype._instantiate = create_instance_closure(dtype)

        if dtype.kind == dtype.KIND_SERVICE:
            dtype.Request = create_instance_closure(dtype, _mode='request')
            dtype.Response = create_instance_closure(dtype, _mode='response')

    namespace = root_namespace._path("uavcan")
    for top_namespace in namespace._namespaces():
        MODULE.__dict__[str(top_namespace)] = namespace.__dict__[top_namespace]

    MODULE.__dict__["thirdparty"] = Namespace()
    for ext_namespace in root_namespace._namespaces():
        if str(ext_namespace) != "uavcan":
            # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
            MODULE.thirdparty.__dict__[str(ext_namespace)] = root_namespace.__dict__[ext_namespace]
Exemple #6
def load_dsdl(*paths, **args):
    Loads the DSDL files under the given directory/directories, and creates
    types for each of them in the current module's namespace.

    If the exclude_dist argument is not present, or False, the DSDL
    definitions installed with this package will be loaded first.

    Also adds entries for all datatype (ID, kind)s to the DATATYPES
    dictionary, which maps datatype (ID, kind)s to their respective type

    paths = list(paths)

    # Try to prepend the built-in DSDL files
    # TODO: why do we need try/except here?
    # noinspection PyBroadException
        if not args.get("exclude_dist", None):
            dsdl_path = pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__, "dsdl_files")  # @UndefinedVariable
            paths = [os.path.join(dsdl_path, "uavcan")] + paths
            custom_path = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), "uavcan_vendor_specific_types")
            if os.path.isdir(custom_path):
                paths += [f for f in [os.path.join(custom_path, f) for f in os.listdir(custom_path)]
                          if os.path.isdir(f)]
    except Exception:

    root_namespace = Namespace()
    dtypes = dsdl.parse_namespaces(paths)
    for dtype in dtypes:
        namespace, _, typename = dtype.full_name.rpartition(".")
        root_namespace._path(namespace).__dict__[typename] = dtype
        TYPENAMES[dtype.full_name] = dtype

        if dtype.default_dtid:
            DATATYPES[(dtype.default_dtid, dtype.kind)] = dtype
            # Add the base CRC to each data type capable of being transmitted
            dtype.base_crc = dsdl.crc16_from_bytes(struct.pack("<Q", dtype.get_data_type_signature()))
            logger.debug("DSDL Load {: >30} DTID: {: >4} base_crc:{: >8}"
                         .format(typename, dtype.default_dtid, hex(dtype.base_crc)))

        def create_instance_closure(closure_type, _mode=None):
            # noinspection PyShadowingNames
            def create_instance(*args, **kwargs):
                if _mode:
                    assert '_mode' not in kwargs, 'Mode cannot be supplied to service type instantiation helper'
                    kwargs['_mode'] = _mode
                return transport.CompoundValue(closure_type, *args, **kwargs)
            return create_instance

        dtype._instantiate = create_instance_closure(dtype)

        if dtype.kind == dtype.KIND_SERVICE:
            dtype.Request = create_instance_closure(dtype, _mode='request')
            dtype.Response = create_instance_closure(dtype, _mode='response')

    namespace = root_namespace._path("uavcan")
    for top_namespace in namespace._namespaces():
        MODULE.__dict__[str(top_namespace)] = namespace.__dict__[top_namespace]

    MODULE.__dict__["thirdparty"] = Namespace()
    for ext_namespace in root_namespace._namespaces():
        if str(ext_namespace) != "uavcan":
            # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
            MODULE.thirdparty.__dict__[str(ext_namespace)] = root_namespace.__dict__[ext_namespace]
Exemple #7
#!/usr/bin/env python3

import sys
import logging

logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stderr, level='DEBUG', format='%(levelname)s: %(message)s')

from uavcan import dsdl

parsed = dsdl.parse_namespaces(['uavcan','com','ardupilot', 'dronecan']);
if parsed:
    logging.info('%d data types parsed successfully', len(parsed))