async def _(event): if event.fwd_from: return if not event.reply_to_msg_id: await event.edit("```Reply to any user message.```") return reply_message = await event.get_reply_message() chat = "@QuotLyBot" sender = reply_message.sender if await event.edit("```Reply to actual users message.```") return await event.edit("```Making a Quote```") async with bot.conversation(chat) as conv: try: response = conv.wait_event( events.NewMessage(incoming=True, from_users=1031952739)) await bot.forward_messages(chat, reply_message) response = await response except YouBlockedUserError: await event.reply("```Please unblock @QuotLyBot and try again```") return if response.text.startswith("Hi!"): await event.edit( "```Can you kindly disable your forward privacy settings for good?```" ) else: await event.delete() await bot.forward_messages(event.chat_id, response.message)
async def _(event): rksong = if not rksong: return await event.reply("`Give a link to scan.....`") rkp = await event.reply(" `Scanning url.........`") chat = "@DrWebBot" async with bot.conversation(chat) as conv: try: response = conv.wait_event(events.NewMessage(incoming=True,from_users=161163358)) await conv.send_message(rksong) song2 = await conv.get_response() return await rkp.edit(f"**{JAVES_NNAME}**: {song2.message}") except : return await event.reply("Please unblock @DrWebBot and try again")
async def _(event): if event.fwd_from: return ok = await event.edit("`Subscribing...`") sysarg = event.text[8:] async with borg.conversation(bot) as conv: try: await conv.send_message("/start") await conv.get_response() await conv.send_message("/fedsub " + sysarg) audio = await conv.get_response() await ok.edit(audio.text + "\n\nSubscribed to given fed ") except YouBlockedUserError: await ok.edit("**Error**\n `Unblock` @MissRose_Bot `and try again!" )
async def _(event): reply_message = await event.get_reply_message() if not reply_message or not event.reply_to_msg_id or not or not return await event.reply("```Reply to a media message```") chat = "@DrWebBot" sender = reply_message.sender rkp = await event.reply(" `Scanning......`") async with bot.conversation(chat) as conv: try: response = conv.wait_event(events.NewMessage(incoming=True,from_users=161163358)) await conv.send_message(reply_message) song2 = await conv.get_response() return await rkp.edit(f"**{JAVES_NNAME}:** {song2.message}") except: return await event.reply(f"Please unblock @DrWebBot and try again")
async def _(event): if event.fwd_from: return ok = await event.edit("`Extracting information...`") sysarg = async with borg.conversation(bot) as conv: try: await conv.send_message("/start") await conv.get_response() await conv.send_message("/fedinfo " + sysarg) audio = await conv.get_response() await ok.edit(audio.text + "\n\nFedInfo Excracted ") except YouBlockedUserError: await ok.edit("**Error**\n `Unblock` @MissRose_Bot `and try again!" )
async def _(event): bot = "@SpamBot" if event.fwd_from: return sysarg = if sysarg == "": async with borg.conversation(bot) as conv: try: await conv.send_message("/start") await conv.get_response() await conv.send_message("/start") audio = await conv.get_response() final = ("HeHe", "") await borg.send_message(event.chat_id, audio.text) await event.delete() except YouBlockedUserError: await event.edit("**Error:** `unblock` @spambot `and retry!")
async def _(event): if event.fwd_from: return if not event.reply_to_msg_id: await event.reply(f"`{JAVES_NNAME}`: **Reply to a Photo**") return reply_message = await event.get_reply_message() if not await event.reply(f"`{JAVES_NNAME}`: **Reply to a photo**") return chat = "@BuildStickerBot" sender = reply_message.sender if await event.reply( f"`{JAVES_NNAME}`: **Reply to actual users message.**") return await event.reply(f"`{JAVES_NNAME}`: **processing Img to Sticker.......**") async with bot.conversation(chat) as conv: try: await conv.send_message("/start") response2 = await conv.get_response() if response2.text.startswith("🔸"): await asyncio.sleep(0.3) response = conv.wait_event( events.NewMessage(incoming=True, from_users=164977173)) await bot.forward_messages(chat, reply_message) response = await response #await event.reply(f"`{JAVES_NNAME}`: **Converted @{sender.username}'s photo to Sticker Sucessfully**") if response.text.startswith("🔸"): await event.reply( f"`{JAVES_NNAME}`: **Sorry, Failed to decode this img \n try use alternative way !ss3**" ) else: await bot.send_file(event.chat_id, else: await event.reply( f"`{JAVES_NNAME}`: **Sorry, currently this command in maintaince..... please try later \nOr use alternative way !ss3 **" ) except YouBlockedUserError: await event.reply( f"`{JAVES_NNAME}`: **Please unblock @BuildStickerBot and try again**" )
async def _(event): if event.fwd_from: return ok = await event.edit(f"**CHECKING**`...`") fid = event.text[10:] if event.reply_to_msg_id: previous_message = await event.get_reply_message() sysarg = str(previous_message.sender_id) user = f"[user](tg://user?id={sysarg})" else: sysarg = event.text[10:] user, fid = sysarg.split(";") sysarg, fid = sysarg.split(";") if sysarg == "": await ok.edit( "`Give me someones id, or reply to somones message to check his/her fedstat.`" ) return else: async with borg.conversation(bot) as conv: try: await conv.send_message("/start") await conv.get_response() await conv.send_message(f"/fedstat {sysarg} {fid}") audio = await conv.get_response() if "Looks like" in audio.text: await await asyncio.sleep(2) audio = await conv.get_response() await borg.send_file( event.chat_id, audio, caption= f"List of feds {user} has been banned in.\n\nFSTATS CHECKED BY @MissRose_bot 🔥\n\nCollected.", ) else: await borg.send_message(event.chat_id, audio.text) await event.delete() except YouBlockedUserError: await ok.edit( "**Error**\n `Unblock` @MissRose_Bot `and try again!")
async def _(event): msg = await event.edit("Starting a Mass-FedBan...") fedList = [] if event.reply_to_msg_id: previous_message = await event.get_reply_message() if downloaded_file_name = await ultroid_bot.download_media( previous_message, "fedlist") file = open(downloaded_file_name, encoding="utf8") lines = file.readlines() for line in lines: try: fedList.append(line[:36]) except BaseException: pass arg = event.text.split(" ", maxsplit=2) if len(arg) > 2: FBAN = arg[1] REASON = arg[2] else: FBAN = arg[1] REASON = " #TBMassBanned " else: FBAN = previous_message.sender_id try: REASON = event.text.split(" ", maxsplit=1)[1] except BaseException: REASON = "" if REASON.strip() == "": REASON = " #TBMassBanned " else: arg = event.text.split(" ", maxsplit=2) if len(arg) > 2: try: FBAN = arg[1] REASON = arg[2] except BaseException: return await msg.edit("`No user designated!`") else: try: FBAN = arg[1] REASON = " #TBMassBanned " except BaseException: return await msg.edit("`No user designated!`") try: if str(FBAN) == str(929138153): await msg.edit("You can't ban my dev !!") return elif FBAN.startswith("@"): try: x = await borg.get_entity(str(FBAN)) uid = if str(uid) == str(929138153): await msg.edit("You can't ban my dev!!") return except Exception as e: print(str(e)) return await msg.edit(str(e)) except Exception as e: print(str(e)) return await msg.edit(str(e)) chat = await event.get_chat() if not len(fedList): for a in range(3): async with ultroid_bot.conversation("@MissRose_bot") as bot_conv: await bot_conv.send_message("/start") await asyncio.sleep(3) await bot_conv.send_message("/myfeds") await asyncio.sleep(3) try: response = await bot_conv.get_response() except asyncio.exceptions.TimeoutError: return await msg.edit( "`Seems like rose isn't responding, or, the plugin is misbehaving`" ) await asyncio.sleep(3) if "make a file" in response.text or "Looks like" in response.text: await await asyncio.sleep(3) fedfile = await bot_conv.get_response() await asyncio.sleep(3) if downloaded_file_name = await ultroid_bot.download_media( fedfile, "fedlist") await asyncio.sleep(6) file = open(downloaded_file_name, "r", errors="ignore") lines = file.readlines() for line in lines: try: fedList.append(line[:36]) except BaseException: pass elif "You can only use fed commands once every 5 minutes" in ( await bot_conv.get_edit): await msg.edit("Try again after 5 mins.") return if len(fedList) == 0: await msg.edit( f"Unable to collect FedAdminList. Retrying ({a+1}/3)..." ) else: break else: await msg.edit("Error") In = False tempFedId = "" for x in response.text: if x == "`": if In: In = False fedList.append(tempFedId) tempFedId = "" else: In = True elif In: tempFedId += x if len(fedList) == 0: await msg.edit("Unable to collect FedAdminList.") return await msg.edit(f"FBaning in {len(fedList)} feds.") try: await ultroid_bot.send_message(FED_LOGGER, f"/start") except BaseException: await msg.edit("Specified FBan Group ID is incorrect.") return await asyncio.sleep(3) exCount = 0 for fed in fedList: await ultroid_bot.send_message(FED_LOGGER, f"/joinfed {fed}") await asyncio.sleep(3) await ultroid_bot.send_message(FED_LOGGER, f"/fban {FBAN} {REASON}") await asyncio.sleep(3) try: os.remove("fedlist") except Exception as e: print(f"Error in removing FedAdmin file.\n{str(e)}") await msg.edit("SuperFBan Completed.\n#TB")
async def kang(args): """ For .kang command, kangs stickers or creates new ones. """ kang_meme = random.choice(KANGING_STR) user = await bot.get_me() if not user.username: user.username = user.first_name message = await args.get_reply_message() photo = None emojibypass = False is_anim = False emoji = None if message and if isinstance(, MessageMediaPhoto): await args.edit(f"`{kang_meme}`") photo = io.BytesIO() photo = await bot.download_media(, photo) elif "image" in'/'): await args.edit(f"`{kang_meme}`") photo = io.BytesIO() await bot.download_file(, photo) if (DocumentAttributeFilename(file_name='sticker.webp') in emoji =[1].alt emojibypass = True elif "tgsticker" in await args.edit(f"`{kang_meme}`") await bot.download_file(, 'AnimatedSticker.tgs') attributes = for attribute in attributes: if isinstance(attribute, DocumentAttributeSticker): emoji = attribute.alt emojibypass = True is_anim = True photo = 1 else: await args.edit("`Unsupported File!`") return else: await args.edit("`I can't kang that...`") return if photo: splat = args.text.split() if not emojibypass: emoji = "🤔" pack = 1 if len(splat) == 3: pack = splat[2] # User sent both emoji = splat[1] elif len(splat) == 2: if splat[1].isnumeric(): # User wants to push into different pack, but is okay with # thonk as emote. pack = int(splat[1]) else: # User sent just custom emote, wants to push to default # pack emoji = splat[1] packname = f"a{}_by_{user.username}_{pack}" packnick = f"@{user.username}'s pack Vol.{pack}" cmd = '/newpack' file = io.BytesIO() if not is_anim: image = await resize_photo(photo) = "sticker.png", "PNG") else: packname += "_anim" packnick += " (Animated)" cmd = '/newanimated' response = urllib.request.urlopen( urllib.request.Request(f'{packname}')) htmlstr ="utf8").split('\n') if " A <strong>Telegram</strong> user has created the <strong>Sticker Set</strong>." not in htmlstr: async with bot.conversation('Stickers') as conv: await conv.send_message('/addsticker') await conv.get_response() # Ensure user doesn't get spamming notifications await bot.send_read_acknowledge(conv.chat_id) await conv.send_message(packname) x = await conv.get_response() while x.text == PACK_FULL: pack += 1 packname = f"a{}_by_{user.username}_{pack}" packnick = f"@{user.username}'s pack Vol.{pack}" await args.edit(f"`{kang_meme}\ \nMoving on to Vol.{str(pack)}..`") await conv.send_message(packname) x = await conv.get_response() if x.text == "Invalid pack selected.": await conv.send_message(cmd) await conv.get_response() # Ensure user doesn't get spamming notifications await bot.send_read_acknowledge(conv.chat_id) await conv.send_message(packnick) await conv.get_response() # Ensure user doesn't get spamming notifications await bot.send_read_acknowledge(conv.chat_id) if is_anim: await conv.send_file('AnimatedSticker.tgs') remove('AnimatedSticker.tgs') else: await conv.send_file(file, force_document=True) await conv.get_response() await conv.send_message(emoji) # Ensure user doesn't get spamming notifications await bot.send_read_acknowledge(conv.chat_id) await conv.get_response() await conv.send_message("/publish") if is_anim: await conv.get_response() await conv.send_message(f"<{packnick}>") # Ensure user doesn't get spamming notifications await conv.get_response() await bot.send_read_acknowledge(conv.chat_id) await conv.send_message("/skip") # Ensure user doesn't get spamming notifications await bot.send_read_acknowledge(conv.chat_id) await conv.get_response() await conv.send_message(packname) # Ensure user doesn't get spamming notifications await bot.send_read_acknowledge(conv.chat_id) await conv.get_response() # Ensure user doesn't get spamming notifications await bot.send_read_acknowledge(conv.chat_id) await args.edit(f"`Haha, yes. New kang pack unlocked!\ \nPack can be found [here]({packname})", parse_mode='md') return if is_anim: await conv.send_file('AnimatedSticker.tgs') remove('AnimatedSticker.tgs') else: await conv.send_file(file, force_document=True) rsp = await conv.get_response() if "Sorry, the file type is invalid." in rsp.text: await args.edit( "`Failed to add sticker, use` @Stickers `bot to add the sticker manually.`" ) return await conv.send_message(emoji) # Ensure user doesn't get spamming notifications await bot.send_read_acknowledge(conv.chat_id) await conv.get_response() await conv.send_message('/done') await conv.get_response() # Ensure user doesn't get spamming notifications await bot.send_read_acknowledge(conv.chat_id) else: await args.edit(f"`{JAVES_NNAME}`: **Brewing a new Pack...**") async with bot.conversation('Stickers') as conv: await conv.send_message(cmd) await conv.get_response() # Ensure user doesn't get spamming notifications await bot.send_read_acknowledge(conv.chat_id) await conv.send_message(packnick) await conv.get_response() # Ensure user doesn't get spamming notifications await bot.send_read_acknowledge(conv.chat_id) if is_anim: await conv.send_file('AnimatedSticker.tgs') remove('AnimatedSticker.tgs') else: await conv.send_file(file, force_document=True) rsp = await conv.get_response() if "Sorry, the file type is invalid." in rsp.text: await args.edit( "`Failed to add sticker, use` @Stickers `bot to add the sticker manually.`" ) return await conv.send_message(emoji) # Ensure user doesn't get spamming notifications await bot.send_read_acknowledge(conv.chat_id) await conv.get_response() await conv.send_message("/publish") if is_anim: await conv.get_response() await conv.send_message(f"<{packnick}>") # Ensure user doesn't get spamming notifications await conv.get_response() await bot.send_read_acknowledge(conv.chat_id) await conv.send_message("/skip") # Ensure user doesn't get spamming notifications await bot.send_read_acknowledge(conv.chat_id) await conv.get_response() await conv.send_message(packname) # Ensure user doesn't get spamming notifications await bot.send_read_acknowledge(conv.chat_id) await conv.get_response() # Ensure user doesn't get spamming notifications await bot.send_read_acknowledge(conv.chat_id) await args.edit(f"`{JAVES_NNAME}`: **Sticker kanged successfully!**\ \nPack can be found [here]({packname})", parse_mode='md')