Exemple #1
    def sitemap(self):
        site_sections = cherrypy.tree.apps[c.PATH].root
        modules = {
            name: getattr(site_sections, name)
            for name in dir(site_sections) if not name.startswith('_')
        pages = defaultdict(list)
        access_set = AdminAccount.access_set()
        for module_name, module_root in modules.items():
            for name in dir(module_root):
                method = getattr(module_root, name)
                if getattr(method, 'exposed', False):
                    spec = inspect.getfullargspec(unwrap(method))
                    has_defaults = len([
                        arg for arg in spec.args[1:] if arg != 'session'
                    ]) == len(spec.defaults or [])
                    if set(getattr(method, 'restricted', []) or []).intersection(access_set) \
                            and not getattr(method, 'ajax', False) \
                            and (getattr(method, 'site_mappable', False)
                                 or has_defaults and not spec.varkw):

                            name.replace('_', ' ').title(),
                            '/{}/{}'.format(module_name, name)

        return {'pages': sorted(pages.items())}
Exemple #2
    def internal(self, session, message=''):
        if c.HIDE_SCHEDULE and not AdminAccount.access_set(
        ) and not cherrypy.session.get('staffer_id'):
            return "The {} schedule is being developed and will be made public " \
                "when it's closer to being finalized.".format(c.EVENT_NAME)

        schedule = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list))
        for event in session.query(Event).all():
            for i in range(1, event.duration):
                half_hour = event.start_time_local + timedelta(minutes=30 * i)

        max_simul = {}
        for id, name in c.EVENT_LOCATION_OPTS:
            max_events = 1
            for i in range(2 * c.CON_LENGTH):
                half_hour = c.EPOCH + timedelta(minutes=30 * i)
                max_events = max(max_events, len(schedule[half_hour][id]))
            max_simul[id] = max_events

        for half_hour in schedule:
            for location in schedule[half_hour]:
                for event in schedule[half_hour][location]:
                    if isinstance(event, Event):
                        simul = max(
                            for half_hour in event.half_hours)
                        event.colspan = 1 if simul > 1 else max_simul[
                        for i in range(1, event.duration):
                            schedule[half_hour + timedelta(
                                minutes=30 * i)][event.location].remove(
                            schedule[half_hour + timedelta(
                                minutes=30 * i)][event.location].append(

        for half_hour in schedule:
            for id, name in c.EVENT_LOCATION_OPTS:
                span_sum = sum(
                    getattr(e, 'colspan', e) for e in schedule[half_hour][id])
                for i in range(max_simul[id] - span_sum):

            schedule[half_hour] = sorted(
                key=lambda tup: c.ORDERED_EVENT_LOCS.index(tup[0]))

        max_simul = [(id, c.EVENT_LOCATIONS[id], colspan)
                     for id, colspan in max_simul.items()]
        return {
                   key=lambda tup: c.ORDERED_EVENT_LOCS.index(tup[0]))
Exemple #3
    def index(self, session, message='', decline=None, **params):
        if c.AFTER_ROOM_DEADLINE and c.STAFF_ROOMS not in AdminAccount.access_set():
            raise HTTPRedirect('../signups/index?message={}', 'The room deadline has passed')
        attendee = session.logged_in_volunteer()
        if not attendee.hotel_eligible:
            raise HTTPRedirect('../signups/index?message={}', 'You have not been marked as eligible for hotel space')
        requests = session.hotel_requests(params, checkgroups=['nights'], restricted=True)
        if 'attendee_id' in params:
            requests.attendee = attendee  # foreign keys are automatically admin-only
            if decline or not requests.nights:
                requests.nights = ''
                raise HTTPRedirect(
                    '../signups/index?message={}', "We've recorded that you've declined hotel room space")
                if requests.setup_teardown:
                    days = ' / '.join(
                        c.NIGHTS[day] for day in sorted(requests.nights_ints, key=c.NIGHT_DISPLAY_ORDER.index)
                        if day not in c.CORE_NIGHTS)

                    message = "Your hotel room request has been submitted. " \
                        "We'll let you know whether your offer to help on {} is accepted, " \
                        "and who your roommates will be, a few weeks after the deadline.".format(days)

                    message = "You've accepted hotel room space for {}. " \
                        "We'll let you know your roommates a few weeks after the " \

                raise HTTPRedirect('../signups/index?message={}', message)
            requests = attendee.hotel_requests or requests
            if requests.is_new:
                requests.nights = ','.join(map(str, c.CORE_NIGHTS))

        nights = []
        two_day_before = (c.EPOCH - timedelta(days=2)).strftime('%A')
        day_before = (c.EPOCH - timedelta(days=1)).strftime('%A')
        last_day = c.ESCHATON.strftime('%A').upper()
        day_after = (c.ESCHATON + timedelta(days=1)).strftime('%A')
        nights.append([getattr(c, two_day_before.upper()), getattr(requests, two_day_before.upper()),
                       "I'd like to help set up on " + two_day_before])
        nights.append([getattr(c, day_before.upper()), getattr(requests, day_before.upper()),
                       "I'd like to help set up on " + day_before])
        for night in c.CORE_NIGHTS:
            nights.append([night, night in requests.nights_ints, c.NIGHTS[night]])
        nights.append([getattr(c, last_day), getattr(requests, last_day),
                       "I'd like to help tear down on {} / {}".format(c.ESCHATON.strftime('%A'), day_after)])

        return {
            'nights':   nights,
            'message':  message,
            'requests': requests,
            'attendee': attendee
Exemple #4
    def index(self, session, message=''):
        # show a public-facing view of the schedule
        # anything returned here should be cache-friendly and ready to be shown to the public.

        dont_allow_schedule_to_be_viewed = \
            c.HIDE_SCHEDULE and not AdminAccount.access_set() and not cherrypy.session.get('staffer_id')

        if dont_allow_schedule_to_be_viewed:
            return "The {} schedule is being developed and will be made public " \
                   "when it's closer to being finalized.".format(c.EVENT_NAME)

        if c.ALT_SCHEDULE_URL:
            raise HTTPRedirect(c.ALT_SCHEDULE_URL)
            # external view attendees can look at with no admin menus/etc
            # we cache this view because it takes a while to generate
            return get_schedule_data(session, message)
Exemple #5
    def index(self, session, message=''):
        # show a public-facing view of the schedule
        # anything returned here should be cache-friendly and ready to be shown to the public.

        dont_allow_schedule_to_be_viewed = \
            c.HIDE_SCHEDULE and not AdminAccount.access_set() and not cherrypy.session.get('staffer_id')

        if dont_allow_schedule_to_be_viewed:
            return "The {} schedule is being developed and will be made public " \
                   "when it's closer to being finalized.".format(c.EVENT_NAME)

        if c.ALT_SCHEDULE_URL:
            raise HTTPRedirect(c.ALT_SCHEDULE_URL)
            # external view attendees can look at with no admin menus/etc
            # we cache this view because it takes a while to generate
            return get_schedule_data(session, message)
Exemple #6
    def sitemap(self):
        site_sections = cherrypy.tree.apps[c.CHERRYPY_MOUNT_PATH].root
        modules = {name: getattr(site_sections, name) for name in dir(site_sections) if not name.startswith('_')}
        pages = defaultdict(list)
        access_set = AdminAccount.access_set()
        for module_name, module_root in modules.items():
            for name in dir(module_root):
                method = getattr(module_root, name)
                if getattr(method, 'exposed', False):
                    spec = inspect.getfullargspec(unwrap(method))
                    has_defaults = len([arg for arg in spec.args[1:] if arg != 'session']) == len(spec.defaults or [])
                    if set(getattr(method, 'restricted', []) or []).intersection(access_set) \
                            and not getattr(method, 'ajax', False) \
                            and (getattr(method, 'site_mappable', False)
                                 or has_defaults and not spec.varkw):

                            'name': name.replace('_', ' ').title(),
                            'path': '/{}/{}'.format(module_name, name)

        return {'pages': sorted(pages.items())}
    def index(self, session, message='', decline=None, **params):
        if c.AFTER_ROOM_DEADLINE and c.STAFF_ROOMS not in AdminAccount.access_set(
            raise HTTPRedirect('../signups/index?message={}',
                               'The room deadline has passed')
        attendee = session.logged_in_volunteer()
        if not attendee.hotel_eligible:
            raise HTTPRedirect(
                'You have not been marked as eligible for hotel space')
        requests = session.hotel_requests(params,
        if 'attendee_id' in params:
            requests.attendee = attendee  # foreign keys are automatically admin-only
            if decline or not requests.nights:
                requests.nights = ''
                raise HTTPRedirect(
                    "We've recorded that you've declined hotel room space")
                if requests.setup_teardown:
                    days = ' / '.join(c.NIGHTS[day] for day in sorted(
                        requests.nights_ints, key=c.NIGHT_DISPLAY_ORDER.index)
                                      if day not in c.CORE_NIGHTS)

                    message = "Your hotel room request has been submitted. " \
                        "We'll let you know whether your offer to help on {} is accepted, " \
                        "and who your roommates will be, a few weeks after the deadline.".format(days)

                    message = "You've accepted hotel room space for {}. " \
                        "We'll let you know your roommates a few weeks after the " \

                raise HTTPRedirect('../signups/index?message={}', message)
            requests = attendee.hotel_requests or requests
            if requests.is_new:
                requests.nights = ','.join(map(str, c.CORE_NIGHTS))

        nights = []
        two_day_before = (c.EPOCH - timedelta(days=2)).strftime('%A')
        day_before = (c.EPOCH - timedelta(days=1)).strftime('%A')
        last_day = c.ESCHATON.strftime('%A').upper()
        day_after = (c.ESCHATON + timedelta(days=1)).strftime('%A')
            getattr(c, two_day_before.upper()),
            getattr(requests, two_day_before.upper()),
            "I'd like to help set up on " + two_day_before
            getattr(c, day_before.upper()),
            getattr(requests, day_before.upper()),
            "I'd like to help set up on " + day_before
        for night in c.CORE_NIGHTS:
                [night, night in requests.nights_ints, c.NIGHTS[night]])
            getattr(c, last_day),
            getattr(requests, last_day),
            "I'd like to help tear down on {} / {}".format(
                c.ESCHATON.strftime('%A'), day_after)

        return {
            'nights': nights,
            'message': message,
            'requests': requests,
            'attendee': attendee