def do_win_title_list(): __logger.echo_msg(u"Ready to execute[win_title_list]") iresult = IResult() iresult.status = 0 try: dicResult = ubpa.base_cs_dll.getWinList() stringRst = dicResult["winlist"] if stringRst == "": # 表示没有得到窗口标题列表 for le in range(0, __try_times): dicResult = ubpa.base_cs_dll.getWinList() stringRst = dicResult["winlist"] if stringRst != "": + 1)) + "times,try success") break time.sleep(1) if stringRst == "":"Interface returns error information:" + str(stringRst)) iresult.obj = dicResult["winlist"] iresult.echo_result() return iresult except Exception as e: raise e finally: __logger.echo_msg(u"end execute[win_title_list]")
def img_exists(img_res_path, param):"Afferent parameter:" + param) __logger.echo_msg(u"Ready to execute[img_exists]") iresult = IResult() msg = is_exist_pack_au3(img_res_path, param) try: tmp_au3_file_path = gen_au3(img_res_path, msg) status, error_string, stdout_string = run_autoit(tmp_au3_file_path) iresult.obj = True if status: '''程序执行错误''' iresult.status = 1 iresult.err = get_cmd_message(error_string) iresult.obj = False elif str(get_cmd_message(stdout_string)) == "NO": '''autoit 执行返回结果为未找到''' iresult.status = 1 iresult.err = u'image not found' iresult.obj = False iresult.echo_result() return iresult except Exception as e: raise e finally: __cleanup(tmp_au3_file_path) __logger.echo_msg(u"end execute[img_exists]")
def img_click(img_res_path, param):"Afferent parameter:" + param) __logger.echo_msg(u"Ready to execute[img_click]") iresult = IResult() msg = cli_pack_au3(img_res_path, param, 1,1) ##组装生成au3所需的数据 try: tmp_au3_file_path = gen_au3(img_res_path, msg) # 生成XXX.au3文件并返回路径 status, error_string, stdout_string = run_autoit(tmp_au3_file_path) if status: '''程序执行错误''' iresult.status = 1 iresult.err = get_cmd_message(error_string) raise Exception(iresult.err) elif str(get_cmd_message(stdout_string)) == "NO": '''autoit 执行返回结果为未找到''' iresult.status = 1 iresult.err = u'image not found' raise Exception(iresult.err) iresult.echo_result() return iresult except Exception as e: raise e finally: __cleanup(tmp_au3_file_path) __logger.echo_msg(u"end execute[img_click]")
def capture_image(win_title = "", win_text = "", in_img_path = "", left_indent = 0, top_indent = 0, width = 0, height = 0):"Afferent parameter:left_indent:" + str(left_indent) + ",top_indent:" + str(top_indent) + ",width:" + str(width) + ",height:" + str(height)) __logger.echo_msg(u"Ready to execute[capture_image]") ran_str = ''.join(random.sample(string.ascii_letters + string.digits, 8)) if in_img_path == "": # 当没有输入路径的时候 in_img_path = tempfile.mktemp(prefix='tm_') in_img_path = in_img_path + ran_str + ".png" in_img_path = in_img_path.replace("\\", "\\\\") else: in_img_path = in_img_path + ran_str + ".png" iresult = IResult() right_indent = left_indent + width bottom_indent = top_indent + height msg = img_capture_pack_au3("'" +in_img_path+ "'",left_indent, top_indent, right_indent, bottom_indent) try: tmp_au3_file_path = gen_au3_file(msg) status, error_string, stdout_string = run_autoit(tmp_au3_file_path) iresult.obj = in_img_path if status != 0: '''程序执行错误''' iresult.status = 1 iresult.err = get_cmd_message(error_string) raise Exception(iresult.err) iresult.echo_result() return iresult except Exception as e: raise e finally: __cleanup(tmp_au3_file_path) __logger.echo_msg(u"end execute[capture_image]")
def readCell(param):"Afferent parameter:" + param) __logger.echo_msg(u"Ready to execute[readCell]") try: iresult = IResult() excelPath = json.loads(param)["target"]["excelPath"] sheetName = json.loads(param)["target"]["sheet"] data = json.loads(param)["target"]["cell"].upper() app = xw.App(visible=False, add_book=False) wb = sht = wb.sheets[sheetName] cellValue = sht.range(data).value iresult.obj = cellValue wb.close() iresult.echo_result() return iresult except Exception as e: print(e) finally: __logger.echo_msg(u"end execute[readCell]")
def existsText(param):"Afferent parameter:" + param) __logger.echo_msg(u"Ready to execute[existsText]") iresult = IResult() iresult.status = 0 try: stringText = dll.existsText(param) stringRst = check_is_wrong() if stringRst != "": for le in range(0, __try_times): str((le + 1)) + "times," + "Afferent parameter:" + param) stringText = dll.existsText(param) stringRst = check_is_wrong() if stringRst == "": + 1)) + "times,try success") break time.sleep(1) if stringRst != "": iresult.status = 1"Interface returns error information:" + str(stringRst)) if stringText == 1: iresult.obj = True if stringText == 0: iresult.obj = False iresult.err = stringRst iresult.echo_result() return iresult except Exception as e: print(e) finally: __logger.echo_msg(u"end execute[existsText]")
def send_outlook(receiver=None, cc=None, bcc=None, subject=None, body=None, attachments=None): __logger.echo_msg(u"Ready to execute[send_outlook]") iresult = IResult() try: outlook = win32com.client.Dispatch("Outlook.Application") mail = outlook.CreateItem(0) if receiver != None: tos_receiver = receiver.split(";") for to in tos_receiver: mail.Recipients.Add(to) if cc != None: mail.CC = cc if bcc != None: mail.BCC = bcc if subject != None: mail.Subject = subject if body != None: mail.Body = body if attachments != None: attachment_list = attachments.split(",") for att in attachment_list: mail.Attachments.Add(att, 1, 1, '我的文件') mail.Send() iresult.obj = True except BaseException as ex: iresult.status = 1 iresult.err = u"Program execution error" + str(ex) __logger.error(u"Program execution error" + str(ex)) iresult.obj = False finally: __logger.echo_msg(u"end execute[send_outlook]") iresult.echo_result() return iresult
def do_cs_select(win_title="", win_text="", target=None, select_sring=""):"Afferent parameter:select_sring:" + str(select_sring)) __logger.echo_msg(u"Ready to execute[do_cs_select]") iresult = IResult() iresult.status = 0 try: dicResult = ubpa.base_cs_dll.dllControlCommand(win_title, win_text, target, select_sring) stringRst = dicResult["control_command"] if stringRst != 1: for le in range(0, __try_times): str((le + 1)) + "times," + "Afferent parameter:select_sring:" + str(select_sring)) dicResult = ubpa.base_cs_dll.dllControlCommand( win_title, win_text, target, select_sring) stringRst = dicResult["control_command"] if stringRst == 1: + 1)) + "times,try success") break time.sleep(1) if stringRst != 1:"Interface returns error information:" + str(stringRst)) raise Exception(u"Interface returns error information:" + str(stringRst)) iresult.obj = dicResult["control_command"] iresult.echo_result() return iresult except Exception as e: raise e finally: __logger.echo_msg(u"end execute[do_cs_select]")
def do_win_activate(win_title="", win_text=None):"Afferent parameter:win_title:" + str(win_title)) __logger.echo_msg(u"Ready to execute[win_activate_cs]") iresult = IResult() iresult.status = 0 try: dicResult = ubpa.base_cs_dll.dllWinActivate(win_title, win_text) stringRst = dicResult["win_activate"] if stringRst != 1: for le in range(0, __try_times): str((le + 1)) + "times," + "Afferent parameter:win_title:" + str(win_title)) dicResult = ubpa.base_cs_dll.dllWinActivate( win_title, win_text) stringRst = dicResult["win_activate"] if stringRst == 1: + 1)) + "times,try success") break time.sleep(1) if stringRst != 1:"Interface returns error information:" + str(stringRst)) raise Exception(u"Interface returns error information:" + str(stringRst)) iresult.obj = dicResult["win_activate"] iresult.echo_result() return iresult except Exception as e: raise e finally: __logger.echo_msg(u"end execute[win_activate_cs]")
def doSelect(param):"Afferent parameter:" + param) __logger.echo_msg(u"Ready to execute[doSelect]") iresult = IResult() iresult.status = 0 try: stringText = dll.doSelect(param) stringRst = check_is_wrong() if stringRst != "": for le in range(0, __try_times): str((le + 1)) + "times," + "Afferent parameter:" + param) stringText = dll.doSelect(param) stringRst = check_is_wrong() if stringRst == "": + 1)) + "times,try success") break time.sleep(1) if stringRst != "":"Interface returns error information:" + str(stringRst)) raise Exception(u"Interface returns error information:" + str(stringRst)) iresult.obj = stringText iresult.err = stringRst iresult.echo_result() return iresult except Exception as e: raise e finally: __logger.echo_msg(u"end execute[doSelect]")
def control_set_text_cs(param):"Afferent parameter:" + param) __logger.echo_msg(u"Ready to execute[control_set_text_cs]") iresult = IResult() iresult.status = 0 try: dicResult = ubpa.base_cs_dll.dllsetText(param) stringRst = dicResult["setText"] if stringRst != 1: # for le in range(0, __try_times): str((le + 1)) + "times," + "Afferent parameter:" + param) dicResult = ubpa.base_cs_dll.dllsetText(param) stringRst = dicResult["setText"] if stringRst == 1: + 1)) + "times,try success") break time.sleep(1) if stringRst != 1:"Interface returns error information:" + str(stringRst)) raise Exception(u"Interface returns error information:" + str(stringRst)) iresult.obj = dicResult["setText"] iresult.echo_result() return iresult except Exception as e: raise e finally: __logger.echo_msg(u"end execute[control_set_text_cs]")
def run_cs(param):"Afferent parameter:" + param) __logger.echo_msg(u"Ready to execute[run_cs]") iresult = IResult() # new一个返回结果的新对象 iresult.status = 0 # status初始赋值 status =0 成功 1 表示失败 try: dicResult = ubpa.base_cs_dll.dllRun(param) stringRst = dicResult["run"] if stringRst == 0: # 返回pid 为0表示没有运行成功 for le in range(0, __try_times): str((le + 1)) + "times," + "Afferent parameter:" + param) dicResult = ubpa.base_cs_dll.dllRun(param) stringRst = dicResult["run"] if stringRst != 0: + 1)) + "times,try success") break time.sleep(1) if stringRst == 0:"Interface returns error information:" + str(stringRst)) raise Exception(u"Interface returns error information:" + str(stringRst)) iresult.obj = dicResult["run"] iresult.echo_result() return iresult except Exception as e: raise e finally: __logger.echo_msg(u"end execute[run_cs]")
def getHtml(param):"Afferent parameter:" + param) __logger.echo_msg(u"Ready to execute[getHtml]") iresult = IResult() # new一个返回结果的新对象 iresult.status = 0 # status初始赋值 status =0 成功 1 表示失败 try: stringText = get_html(param) #取得getHtml方法返回值 stringRst = check_is_wrong() #判断getHtml方法是否成功 if stringRst != "": #表示报错了 for le in range(0, __try_times): str((le + 1)) + "times," + "Afferent parameter:" + param) stringText = get_html(param) stringRst = check_is_wrong() if stringRst == "": + 1)) + "times,try success") break time.sleep(1) if stringRst != "": iresult.status = 1"Interface returns error information:" + str(stringRst)) iresult.obj = stringText iresult.err = stringRst iresult.echo_result() return iresult except Exception as e: print(e) finally: __logger.echo_msg(u"end execute[getHtml]")
def sendMail(param):"Afferent parameter:" + param) __logger.echo_msg(u"Ready to execute[sendMail]") try: iresult = IResult() msgRoot = MIMEMultipart() target = json.loads(param)["target"] host = target.get('host', "") port = target.get('port', "") username = target.get('username', "") password = target.get('password', "") sender = target.get('sender', "") receiver = target.get('receiver', "") cc = target.get('cc', "") input = json.loads(param)["input"] subject = input.get('subject', "") body = input.get('body', "") fileDir = input.get('fileDir', "") if len(fileDir) > 0: fileDirs = fileDir.split(",") for s in fileDirs: excelFile = open(s, 'rb').read() #单个附件 if s.find("/") >= 0: file = s.split("/") else: file = s.split("\\") fileName = file[len(file) - 1] att = MIMEApplication(excelFile) att.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment', filename=('gb2312', '', fileName)) msgRoot.attach(att) # 构造附件 bodyText = MIMEText(body) msgRoot['Subject'] = subject #构造标题 msgRoot.attach(bodyText) #构造正文 msgRoot['Cc'] = cc #构造抄送 msgRoot['From'] = sender msgRoot['To'] = receiver if cc != "": re = receiver.split(',') + cc.split(',') else: re = receiver.split(',') smtp = smtplib.SMTP() smtp.connect(host, port) smtp.login(username, password) smtp.sendmail(sender, re, msgRoot.as_string()) smtp.quit() iresult.status = 0 iresult.echo_result() return iresult except Exception as e: raise e finally: __logger.echo_msg(u"end execute[sendMail]")