def get_prop_stack(self): stack = self.prop_stack if not stack.load_AddStyle( stack.condense() if self.base_style is not None: self.prop_stack = PropertyStack(base=self.base_style.Duplicate()) else: self.prop_stack = PropertyStack() = Style() return stack
def __init__(self, file, filename, match): LoaderWithComposites.__init__(self) self.file = file self.filename = filename self.match = match = Style() if self.base_style is not None: self.prop_stack = PropertyStack(base=self.base_style.Duplicate()) else: self.prop_stack = PropertyStack() self.messages = {}
def do_load(self): self.model = None self.fileptr.readline() = Style() while True: self.line = self.fileptr.readline() if not self.line: break self.line = self.line.rstrip('\r\n') self.check_loading() if self.line: try: code = compile('self.' + self.line, '<string>', 'exec') exec code except: print 'error>>', self.line errtype, value, traceback = sys.exc_info() print errtype, value, traceback
def do_load(self): self.file.readline() = Style() while True: self.line = self.file.readline() if not self.line: break self.line = self.line.rstrip('\r\n') position = float(self.file.tell()) / float(self.file_size) * 0.95 if position - self.position > 0.01: self.position = position msg = _('Parsing in process...') events.emit(events.FILTER_INFO, msg, position) if self.line: try: code = compile('self.' + self.line, '<string>', 'exec') exec code except: print 'error>>', self.line errtype, value, traceback = sys.exc_info() print errtype, value, traceback
def do_load(self): self.model = None self.paths = [] self.options = {} self.parent_stack = [] self.obj_style = [] self.style_dict = {} self.fileptr.readline() self.style_obj = Style() while True: self.line = self.fileptr.readline() if not self.line: break self.line = self.line.rstrip('\r\n') self.check_loading() if self.line: try: code = compile('self.' + self.line, '<string>', 'exec') exec code except Exception as e: LOG.warn('Parsing error in "%s"', self.line) LOG.warn('Error traceback: %s', e)
def get_style(self): if is None: = Style() style = = Style() return style
def set_style(self, style=None): if style is None: = Style() = style
def __init__(self): self.curstyle = Style() self.verbosity = 0 self.gdiobjects = [] self.dcstack = [] self.curpoint = Point(0, 0)
class WMF_Loader(GenericLoader): def __init__(self): self.curstyle = Style() self.verbosity = 0 self.gdiobjects = [] self.dcstack = [] self.curpoint = Point(0, 0) def do_load(self): # self.document() # self.layer(name=_("WMF objects")) self.read_headers() self.interpret() self.end_all() return self.model def _print(self, format, *args, **kw): if self.verbosity: try: if kw: text = format % kw elif args: text = format % args else: text = format except: text = string.join([format] + map(str, args)) if text[-1] != '\n': text = text + '\n' sys.stdout.write(text) def get_struct(self, format): size = calcsize(format) return unpack(format, def get_int16(self): return self.get_struct('<h')[0] def get_int32(self): return self.get_struct('<i')[0] def read_headers(self): placeable = key, handle, left, top, right, bottom, inch, reserved, checksum\ = unpack(STRUCT_PLACEABLE, placeable) if key != WMF_SIGNATURE: # raise SketchLoadError(_("The file is not a placeable " # "windows metafile")) self._print("The file is not a placeable windows metafile") sum = 0 for word in unpack('<10h', placeable[:20]): sum = sum ^ word if sum != checksum: # raise SketchLoadError(_("The file has an incorrect checksum")) self._print("The file has an incorrect checksum") self.inch = inch self.bbox = (left, top, right, bottom) factor = 72.0 / self.inch self.wx = self.wy = 0 self.wwidth = right - left self.wheight = bottom - top self.vx = self.vy = 0 self.vwidth = self.wwidth self.vheight = self.wheight self.base_trafo = Trafo(factor, 0, 0, -factor, 0, factor * self.vheight) self.update_trafo() header = filetype, headersize, version, filesize, numobj, maxrecord, numparams\ = unpack(STRUCT_HEADER, header) self._print('\nHeader\n------\n') fmt = '% 10s: %s\n' self._print(fmt, 'inch', self.inch) self._print(fmt, 'bbox', self.bbox) self._print(fmt, 'headersize', headersize) self._print(fmt, 'version', version) self._print(fmt, 'numobj', numobj) self._print(fmt, 'numparams', numparams) self._print(fmt, 'maxrecord', maxrecord) self._print('\n') def update_trafo(self): wt = Translation(-self.wx, -self.wy) vt = Translation(self.vx, self.vy) scale = Scale(float(self.vwidth) / self.wwidth, float(self.vheight) / self.wheight) self.trafo = self.base_trafo(vt(scale(wt))) def add_gdiobject(self, object): try: idx = self.gdiobjects.index(None) except ValueError: self.gdiobjects.append(object) else: self.gdiobjects[idx] = object def delete_gdiobject(self, idx): self.gdiobjects[idx] = None def SelectObject(self): idx = self.get_int16() try: object = self.gdiobjects[idx] except IndexError: print 'Index Error:', idx, self.gdiobjects raise for property, value in object: setattr(self.curstyle, property, value) self._print('->', idx, object) def DeleteObject(self): idx = self.get_int16() self.delete_gdiobject(idx) self._print('->', idx) def get_dc(self): return self.curstyle.copy(), self.trafo, self.curpoint def set_dc(self, dc): self.curstyle, self.trafo, self.curpoint = dc def SaveDC(self): self.dcstack.append(self.get_dc()) def RestoreDC(self): self.set_dc(self.dcstack[-1]) del self.dcstack[-1] def SetMapMode(self): mode = self.get_int16() self._print('->', mode) def SetWindowOrg(self): self.wy, self.wx = self.get_struct('<hh') self.update_trafo() self._print('->', self.wx, self.wy) def SetWindowExt(self): self.wheight, self.wwidth = self.get_struct('<hh') self.update_trafo() self._print('->', self.wwidth, self.wheight) def SetPolyFillMode(self): mode = self.get_int16() self._print('->', mode) SetBkMode = noop SetBkColor = noop SetROP2 = noop def CreateBrushIndirect(self): style, r, g, b, hatch = self.get_struct('<hBBBxh') if style == 1: pattern = EmptyPattern else: pattern = SolidPattern(CreateRGBColor(r / 255.0, g / 255.0, b / 255.0)) self.add_gdiobject((('fill_pattern', pattern),)) self._print('->', style, r, g, b, hatch) def DibCreatePatternBrush(self): self.add_message(_("Bitmap brushes not yet implemented. Using black")) pattern = SolidPattern( self.add_gdiobject((('fill_pattern', pattern),)) def CreatePenIndirect(self): style, widthx, widthy, r, g, b = self.get_struct('<hhhBBBx') cap = (style & 0x0F00) >> 8 join = (style & 0x00F0) >> 4 style = style & 0x000F if style == 5: pattern = EmptyPattern else: pattern = SolidPattern(CreateRGBColor(r / 255.0, g / 255.0, b / 255.0)) width = abs(widthx * self.trafo.m11) self.add_gdiobject((('line_pattern', pattern,), ('line_width', width))) self._print('->', style, widthx, widthy, r, g, b, cap, join) def CreatePalette(self): self.add_gdiobject((('ignore', None),)) def CreateRegion(self): self.add_gdiobject((('ignore', None),)) CreateFontIndirect = CreatePalette SelectPalette = noop RealizePalette = noop SetTextColor = noop SetTextAlign = noop SetTextJustification = noop SetStretchBltMode = noop def read_points(self, num): coords = self.get_struct('<' + num * 'hh') points = []; append = points.append trafo = self.trafo for i in range(0, 2 * num, 2): append(trafo(coords[i], coords[i + 1])) return points def Polyline(self): points = self.read_points(self.get_int16()) if points: path = CreatePath() map(path.AppendLine, points) # self.prop_stack.AddStyle(self.curstyle.copy()) # self.prop_stack.SetProperty(fill_pattern=EmptyPattern) self.set_style(self.curstyle.copy()) = EmptyPattern self.bezier((path,)) # for i in range(len(points)): # self._print('->', points[i]) def Polygon(self): points = self.read_points(self.get_int16()) if points: path = CreatePath() map(path.AppendLine, points) if path.Node(-1) != path.Node(0): # print 'correct polygon' path.AppendLine(path.Node(0)) path.load_close() # self.prop_stack.AddStyle(self.curstyle.copy()) self.set_style(self.curstyle.copy()) self.bezier((path,)) # for i in range(len(points)): # self._print('->', points[i]) def PolyPolygon(self): nr_of_polygons = self.get_int16() nr_of_points = [] for i in range(nr_of_polygons): nr_of_points.append(self.get_int16()) path = () for i in nr_of_points: points = self.read_points(i) if points: subpath = CreatePath() map(subpath.AppendLine, points) if subpath.Node(-1) != subpath.Node(0): subpath.AppendLine(subpath.Node(0)) subpath.load_close() path = path + (subpath,) if path: # self.prop_stack.AddStyle(self.curstyle.copy()) self.set_style(self.curstyle.copy()) self.bezier(path) def MoveTo(self): y, x = self.get_struct('<hh') self.curpoint = self.trafo(x, y) self._print('->', self.curpoint) def LineTo(self): y, x = self.get_struct('<hh') p = self.trafo(x, y) # self.prop_stack.AddStyle(self.curstyle.copy()) # self.prop_stack.SetProperty(fill_pattern=EmptyPattern) self.set_style(self.curstyle.copy()) = EmptyPattern path = CreatePath() path.AppendLine(self.curpoint) path.AppendLine(p) self.bezier((path,)) self.curpoint = p self._print('->', self.curpoint) def Ellipse(self): bottom, right, top, left = self.get_struct('<hhhh') left, top = self.trafo(left, top) right, bottom = self.trafo(right, bottom) # self.prop_stack.AddStyle(self.curstyle.copy()) self.set_style(self.curstyle.copy()) self.ellipse((right - left) / 2, 0, 0, (bottom - top) / 2, (right + left) / 2, (top + bottom) / 2) def Arc(self, arc_type=ArcArc): ye, xe, ys, xs, bottom, right, top, left = self.get_struct('<hhhhhhhh') left, top = self.trafo(left, top) right, bottom = self.trafo(right, bottom) xs, ys = self.trafo(xs, ys) xe, ye = self.trafo(xe, ye) # self.prop_stack.AddStyle(self.curstyle.copy()) self.set_style(self.curstyle.copy()) if arc_type == ArcArc: # self.prop_stack.SetProperty(fill_pattern=EmptyPattern) = EmptyPattern if left != right and top != bottom: t = Trafo((right - left) / 2, 0, 0, (bottom - top) / 2, (right + left) / 2, (top + bottom) / 2).inverse() # swap start and end-angle end_angle = t(xs, ys).polar()[1] start_angle = t(xe, ye).polar()[1] else: start_angle = end_angle = 0.0 self.ellipse((right - left) / 2, 0, 0, (bottom - top) / 2, (right + left) / 2, (top + bottom) / 2, start_angle=start_angle, end_angle=end_angle, arc_type=arc_type) def Pie(self): self.Arc(ArcPieSlice) def Rectangle(self): bottom, right, top, left = self.get_struct('<hhhh') left, top = self.trafo(left, top) right, bottom = self.trafo(right, bottom) # self.prop_stack.AddStyle(self.curstyle.copy()) self.set_style(self.curstyle.copy()) self.rectangle(right - left, 0, 0, bottom - top, left, top) def RoundRect(self): ellh, ellw, bottom, right, top, left = self.get_struct('<hhhhhh') left, top = self.trafo(left, top) right, bottom = self.trafo(right, bottom) ellw, ellh = self.trafo.DTransform(ellw, ellh) self._print('->', left, top, right, bottom, ellw, ellh) # self.prop_stack.AddStyle(self.curstyle.copy()) self.set_style(self.curstyle.copy()) self.rectangle(right - left, 0, 0, bottom - top, left, top, radius1=abs(ellw / (right - left)), radius2=abs(ellh / (bottom - top))) def Escape(self): pass def interpret(self): tell = self.file.tell function = -1 while function: pos = tell() size, function = self.get_struct('<ih') self._print('%5d: %4x: %s' % (size, function, wmf_functions.get(function, ''))) if hasattr(self, wmf_functions.get(function, '')): getattr(self, wmf_functions[function])() else: if function: * (size - 3)) self._print('*** unimplemented:', wmf_functions.get(function, '')) pos = pos + 2 * size if tell() < pos: - tell()) elif tell() > pos: self._print('read too many bytes') - tell(), 1)
def set_style(self, obj): = self.style_obj self.style_obj = Style()
def dstyle(self, name=''): if name: = name self.model.styles[name] = self.style_obj self.style_obj = Style()
def set_style(self, obj): = = Style()
def dstyle(self, name=''): if name: = name self.model.styles[name] = = Style()
class WMF_Loader(GenericLoader): def __init__(self): self.curstyle = Style() self.verbosity = 0 self.gdiobjects = [] self.dcstack = [] self.curpoint = Point(0, 0) def do_load(self): # self.document() # self.layer(name=_("WMF objects")) self.read_headers() self.interpret() self.end_all() return self.model def _print(self, format, *args, **kw): if self.verbosity: try: if kw: text = format % kw elif args: text = format % args else: text = format except: text = string.join([format] + map(str, args)) if text[-1] != '\n': text = text + '\n' sys.stdout.write(text) def get_struct(self, format): size = calcsize(format) return unpack(format, def get_int16(self): return self.get_struct('<h')[0] def get_int32(self): return self.get_struct('<i')[0] def read_headers(self): placeable = key, handle, left, top, right, bottom, inch, reserved, checksum\ = unpack(struct_placeable_header, placeable) if key != WMF_SIGNATURE: # raise SketchLoadError(_("The file is not a placeable " # "windows metafile")) self._print("The file is not a placeable windows metafile") sum = 0 for word in unpack('<10h', placeable[:20]): sum = sum ^ word if sum != checksum: #raise SketchLoadError(_("The file has an incorrect checksum")) self._print("The file has an incorrect checksum") self.inch = inch self.bbox = (left, top, right, bottom) factor = 72.0 / self.inch self.wx = self.wy = 0 self.wwidth = right - left self.wheight = bottom - top self.vx = self.vy = 0 self.vwidth = self.wwidth self.vheight = self.wheight self.base_trafo = Trafo(factor, 0, 0, -factor, 0, factor * self.vheight) self.update_trafo() header = filetype, headersize, version, filesize, numobj, maxrecord, numparams\ = unpack(struct_wmf_header, header) self._print('\nHeader\n------\n') fmt = '% 10s: %s\n' self._print(fmt, 'inch', self.inch) self._print(fmt, 'bbox', self.bbox) self._print(fmt, 'headersize', headersize) self._print(fmt, 'version', version) self._print(fmt, 'numobj', numobj) self._print(fmt, 'numparams', numparams) self._print(fmt, 'maxrecord', maxrecord) self._print('\n') def update_trafo(self): wt = Translation(-self.wx, -self.wy) vt = Translation(self.vx, self.vy) scale = Scale(float(self.vwidth) / self.wwidth, float(self.vheight) / self.wheight) self.trafo = self.base_trafo(vt(scale(wt))) def add_gdiobject(self, object): try: idx = self.gdiobjects.index(None) except ValueError: self.gdiobjects.append(object) else: self.gdiobjects[idx] = object def delete_gdiobject(self, idx): self.gdiobjects[idx] = None def SelectObject(self): idx = self.get_int16() try: object = self.gdiobjects[idx] except IndexError: print 'Index Error:', idx, self.gdiobjects raise for property, value in object: setattr(self.curstyle, property, value) self._print('->', idx, object) def DeleteObject(self): idx = self.get_int16() self.delete_gdiobject(idx) self._print('->', idx) def get_dc(self): return self.curstyle.copy(), self.trafo, self.curpoint def set_dc(self, dc): self.curstyle, self.trafo, self.curpoint = dc def SaveDC(self): self.dcstack.append(self.get_dc()) def RestoreDC(self): self.set_dc(self.dcstack[-1]) del self.dcstack[-1] def SetMapMode(self): mode = self.get_int16() self._print('->', mode) def SetWindowOrg(self): self.wy, self.wx = self.get_struct('<hh') self.update_trafo() self._print('->', self.wx, self.wy) def SetWindowExt(self): self.wheight, self.wwidth = self.get_struct('<hh') self.update_trafo() self._print('->', self.wwidth, self.wheight) def SetPolyFillMode(self): mode = self.get_int16() self._print('->', mode) SetBkMode = noop SetBkColor = noop SetROP2 = noop def CreateBrushIndirect(self): style, r, g, b, hatch = self.get_struct('<hBBBxh') if style == 1: pattern = EmptyPattern else: pattern = SolidPattern(CreateRGBColor(r / 255.0, g / 255.0, b / 255.0)) self.add_gdiobject((('fill_pattern', pattern),)) self._print('->', style, r, g, b, hatch) def DibCreatePatternBrush(self): self.add_message(_("Bitmap brushes not yet implemented. Using black")) pattern = SolidPattern( self.add_gdiobject((('fill_pattern', pattern),)) def CreatePenIndirect(self): style, widthx, widthy, r, g, b = self.get_struct('<hhhBBBx') cap = (style & 0x0F00) >> 8 join = (style & 0x00F0) >> 4 style = style & 0x000F if style == 5: pattern = EmptyPattern else: pattern = SolidPattern(CreateRGBColor(r / 255.0, g / 255.0, b / 255.0)) width = abs(widthx * self.trafo.m11) self.add_gdiobject((('line_pattern', pattern,), ('line_width', width))) self._print('->', style, widthx, widthy, r, g, b, cap, join) def CreatePalette(self): self.add_gdiobject((('ignore', None),)) def CreateRegion(self): self.add_gdiobject((('ignore', None),)) CreateFontIndirect = CreatePalette SelectPalette = noop RealizePalette = noop SetTextColor = noop SetTextAlign = noop SetTextJustification = noop SetStretchBltMode = noop def read_points(self, num): coords = self.get_struct('<' + num * 'hh') points = []; append = points.append trafo = self.trafo for i in range(0, 2 * num, 2): append(trafo(coords[i], coords[i + 1])) return points def Polyline(self): points = self.read_points(self.get_int16()) if points: path = CreatePath() map(path.AppendLine, points) # self.prop_stack.AddStyle(self.curstyle.copy()) # self.prop_stack.SetProperty(fill_pattern=EmptyPattern) self.set_style(self.curstyle.copy()) = EmptyPattern self.bezier((path,)) #for i in range(len(points)): # self._print('->', points[i]) def Polygon(self): points = self.read_points(self.get_int16()) if points: path = CreatePath() map(path.AppendLine, points) if path.Node(-1) != path.Node(0): #print 'correct polygon' path.AppendLine(path.Node(0)) path.load_close() # self.prop_stack.AddStyle(self.curstyle.copy()) self.set_style(self.curstyle.copy()) self.bezier((path,)) #for i in range(len(points)): # self._print('->', points[i]) def PolyPolygon(self): nr_of_polygons = self.get_int16() nr_of_points = [] for i in range(nr_of_polygons): nr_of_points.append(self.get_int16()) path = () for i in nr_of_points: points = self.read_points(i) if points: subpath = CreatePath() map(subpath.AppendLine, points) if subpath.Node(-1) != subpath.Node(0): subpath.AppendLine(subpath.Node(0)) subpath.load_close() path = path + (subpath,) if path: # self.prop_stack.AddStyle(self.curstyle.copy()) self.set_style(self.curstyle.copy()) self.bezier(path) def MoveTo(self): y, x = self.get_struct('<hh') self.curpoint = self.trafo(x, y) self._print('->', self.curpoint) def LineTo(self): y, x = self.get_struct('<hh') p = self.trafo(x, y) # self.prop_stack.AddStyle(self.curstyle.copy()) # self.prop_stack.SetProperty(fill_pattern=EmptyPattern) self.set_style(self.curstyle.copy()) = EmptyPattern path = CreatePath() path.AppendLine(self.curpoint) path.AppendLine(p) self.bezier((path,)) self.curpoint = p self._print('->', self.curpoint) def Ellipse(self): bottom, right, top, left = self.get_struct('<hhhh') left, top = self.trafo(left, top) right, bottom = self.trafo(right, bottom) # self.prop_stack.AddStyle(self.curstyle.copy()) self.set_style(self.curstyle.copy()) self.ellipse((right - left) / 2, 0, 0, (bottom - top) / 2, (right + left) / 2, (top + bottom) / 2) def Arc(self, arc_type=ArcArc): ye, xe, ys, xs, bottom, right, top, left = self.get_struct('<hhhhhhhh') left, top = self.trafo(left, top) right, bottom = self.trafo(right, bottom) xs, ys = self.trafo(xs, ys) xe, ye = self.trafo(xe, ye) # self.prop_stack.AddStyle(self.curstyle.copy()) self.set_style(self.curstyle.copy()) if arc_type == ArcArc: # self.prop_stack.SetProperty(fill_pattern=EmptyPattern) = EmptyPattern if left != right and top != bottom: t = Trafo((right - left) / 2, 0, 0, (bottom - top) / 2, (right + left) / 2, (top + bottom) / 2).inverse() # swap start and end-angle end_angle = t(xs, ys).polar()[1] start_angle = t(xe, ye).polar()[1] else: start_angle = end_angle = 0.0 self.ellipse((right - left) / 2, 0, 0, (bottom - top) / 2, (right + left) / 2, (top + bottom) / 2, start_angle=start_angle, end_angle=end_angle, arc_type=arc_type) def Pie(self): self.Arc(ArcPieSlice) def Rectangle(self): bottom, right, top, left = self.get_struct('<hhhh') left, top = self.trafo(left, top) right, bottom = self.trafo(right, bottom) # self.prop_stack.AddStyle(self.curstyle.copy()) self.set_style(self.curstyle.copy()) self.rectangle(right - left, 0, 0, bottom - top, left, top) def RoundRect(self): ellh, ellw, bottom, right, top, left = self.get_struct('<hhhhhh') left, top = self.trafo(left, top) right, bottom = self.trafo(right, bottom) ellw, ellh = self.trafo.DTransform(ellw, ellh) self._print('->', left, top, right, bottom, ellw, ellh) # self.prop_stack.AddStyle(self.curstyle.copy()) self.set_style(self.curstyle.copy()) self.rectangle(right - left, 0, 0, bottom - top, left, top, radius1=abs(ellw / (right - left)), radius2=abs(ellh / (bottom - top))) def Escape(self): pass def interpret(self): tell = self.file.tell function = -1 while function: pos = tell() size, function = self.get_struct('<ih') self._print('%5d: %4x: %s' % (size, function, wmf_functions.get(function, ''))) if hasattr(self, wmf_functions.get(function, '')): getattr(self, wmf_functions[function])() else: if function: * (size - 3)) self._print('*** unimplemented:', wmf_functions.get(function, '')) pos = pos + 2 * size if tell() < pos: - tell()) elif tell() > pos: self._print('read too many bytes') - tell(), 1)
class GenericLoader(LoaderWithComposites): format_name = '' base_style = None def __init__(self, file, filename, match): LoaderWithComposites.__init__(self) self.file = file self.filename = filename self.match = match = Style() if self.base_style is not None: self.prop_stack = PropertyStack(base=self.base_style.Duplicate()) else: self.prop_stack = PropertyStack() self.messages = {} def get_prop_stack(self): stack = self.prop_stack if not stack.load_AddStyle( stack.condense() if self.base_style is not None: self.prop_stack = PropertyStack(base=self.base_style.Duplicate()) else: self.prop_stack = PropertyStack() = Style() return stack def set_prop_stack(self, stack): self.prop_stack = stack def document(self, *args, **kw): self.begin_composite(doc_class, args, kw) def layer(self, *args, **kw): self.begin_layer_class(SK1Layer, args, kw) def masterlayer(self, *args, **kw): while not issubclass(self.composite_class, doc_class): self.end_composite() kw['is_MasterLayer'] = 1 self.begin_layer_class(SK1Layer, args, kw) def begin_page(self, *args, **kw): while not issubclass(self.composite_class, doc_class): self.end_composite() if not len(args): args = ["", deepcopy(self.page_layout)] self.begin_composite(page_class, args, kw) def end_layer(self): self.end_composite() def begin_layer_class(self, layer_class, args, kw=None): if issubclass(self.composite_class, SK1Layer): self.end_composite() if issubclass(self.composite_class, doc_class) or issubclass( self.composite_class, page_class): self.begin_composite(layer_class, args, kw) else: print 'self.composite_class is %s, not a document', self.composite_class # raise SketchLoadError('self.composite_class is %s, not a document', # self.composite_class) def bezier(self, paths=None): self.append_object( PolyBezier(paths=paths, properties=self.get_prop_stack())) def rectangle(self, m11, m21, m12, m22, v1, v2, radius1=0, radius2=0): trafo = Trafo(m11, m21, m12, m22, v1, v2) self.append_object( Rectangle(trafo, radius1=radius1, radius2=radius2, properties=self.get_prop_stack())) def ellipse(self, m11, m21, m12, m22, v1, v2, start_angle=0.0, end_angle=0.0, arc_type=sk1const.ArcPieSlice): self.append_object( Ellipse(Trafo(m11, m21, m12, m22, v1, v2), start_angle, end_angle, arc_type, properties=self.get_prop_stack())) def simple_text(self, str, trafo=None, valign=sk1const.ALIGN_BASE, halign=sk1const.ALIGN_LEFT): if type(trafo) == TupleType: if len(trafo) == 2: trafo = apply(Translation, trafo) else: raise TypeError, "trafo must be a Trafo-object or a 2-tuple" self.append_object( text.SimpleText(text=str, trafo=trafo, valign=valign, halign=halign, properties=self.get_prop_stack())) def image(self, image, trafo): if type(trafo) == TupleType: if len(trafo) == 2: trafo = apply(Translation, trafo) else: raise TypeError, "trafo must be a Trafo-object or a 2-tuple" self.append_object(SK1Image(image, trafo=trafo)) def begin_group(self, *args, **kw): self.begin_composite(SK1Group, args, kw) def end_group(self): self.end_composite() def guess_cont(self): self.guess_continuity = 1 def end_composite(self): isdoc = self.composite_class is doc_class LoaderWithComposites.end_composite(self) if isdoc: self.add_meta(self.object) def add_meta(self, doc): doc.meta.fullpathname = self.filename dir, name = os.path.split(self.filename) = dir doc.meta.filename = name doc.meta.native_format = 0 doc.meta.format_name = self.format_name def add_message(self, message): # pdebug(('load', 'echo_messages'), message) self.messages[message] = self.messages.get(message, 0) + 1 def Messages(self): messages = self.messages.items() list = [] for message, count in messages: if count > 1: list.append(_("%(message)s (%(count)d times)") % locals()) else: list.append(message) list.sort() return string.join(list, '\n')