def _draw_object(self, obj, trafo, fill_anyway=False): if obj.childs: for child in obj.childs: self._draw_object(child, trafo) else: path = obj.cache_cpath if obj.is_text(): path = libcairo.convert_bbox_to_cpath(obj.cache_bbox) fill_anyway = True if obj.is_curve() and len(obj.paths) > 100: path = libcairo.convert_bbox_to_cpath(obj.cache_bbox) fill_anyway = True if obj.is_pixmap(): fill_anyway = True self.ctx.set_matrix(libcairo.get_matrix_from_trafo(trafo)) self.ctx.new_path() self.ctx.append_path(path) stroke_width = config.stroke_sensitive_size if not self.canvas.stroke_view and[0]: self.ctx.fill_preserve() if fill_anyway: self.ctx.fill_preserve() if[1]: stroke =[1] width = stroke[1] * trafo[0] stroke_width /= trafo[0] if width < stroke_width: width = stroke_width self.ctx.set_line_width(width) self.ctx.stroke()
def _draw_object(self, obj, trafo): if obj.childs: for child in obj.childs: self._draw_object(child, trafo) else: fill_anyway = False path = obj.cache_cpath if obj.is_text(): path = libcairo.convert_bbox_to_cpath(obj.cache_bbox) fill_anyway = True if obj.is_curve() and len(obj.paths) > 100: path = libcairo.convert_bbox_to_cpath(obj.cache_bbox) fill_anyway = True if obj.is_pixmap(): fill_anyway = True self.ctx.set_matrix(libcairo.get_matrix_from_trafo(trafo)) self.ctx.new_path() self.ctx.append_path(path) stroke_width = config.stroke_sensitive_size if not self.canvas.stroke_view and[0]: self.ctx.fill_preserve() if fill_anyway: self.ctx.fill_preserve() if[1]: stroke =[1] width = stroke[1] * trafo[0] stroke_width /= trafo[0] if width < stroke_width: width = stroke_width self.ctx.set_line_width(width) self.ctx.stroke()
def cdc_draw_frame(self, start, end, temp_surfase=False): if start and end: if self.frame: if start == self.frame[0] and end == self.frame[1]: return cpath = libcairo.convert_bbox_to_cpath(start + end) bbox = self.cdc_to_int(*libcairo.get_cpath_bbox(cpath)) frame = self.cdc_bbox_to_frame(bbox) if not self.frame: self.frame = frame bbox2 = self.cdc_frame_to_bbox(self.frame) frame_sum = self.cdc_bbox_to_frame(libgeom.sum_bbox(bbox, bbox2)) x, y, w, h = self.cdc_normalize_rect(*frame_sum) self.frame = frame surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_RGB24, w + 2, h + 2) ctx = cairo.Context(surface) if temp_surfase: ctx.set_source_surface(self.temp_surface, -x + 1, -y + 1) else: ctx.set_source_surface(self.surface, -x + 1, -y + 1) ctx.paint() ctx.set_matrix(cairo.Matrix(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, -x + 1, -y + 1)) self._cdc_draw_cpath(ctx, cpath) self.canvas.dc.put_surface(surface, x - 1, y - 1) self.cdc_reflect_snapping()
def draw_move_frame(self, trafo): bbox = self.presenter.selection.bbox if bbox: path = libcairo.convert_bbox_to_cpath(bbox) libcairo.apply_trafo(path, trafo) libcairo.apply_trafo(path, self.canvas.trafo) self._draw_frame(path)
def cdc_draw_move_frame(self, trafo): bbox = self.presenter.selection.bbox if bbox: cpath = libcairo.convert_bbox_to_cpath(bbox) libcairo.apply_trafo(cpath, trafo) libcairo.apply_trafo(cpath, self.canvas.trafo) bbox = self.cdc_to_int(*libcairo.get_cpath_bbox(cpath)) frame = self.cdc_bbox_to_frame(bbox) if self.frame and frame == self.frame: return if not self.frame: self.frame = frame bbox2 = self.cdc_frame_to_bbox(self.frame) frame_sum = self.cdc_bbox_to_frame(libgeom.sum_bbox(bbox, bbox2)) x, y, w, h = self.cdc_normalize_rect(*frame_sum) self.frame = frame surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_RGB24, w + 2, h + 2) ctx = cairo.Context(surface) ctx.set_source_surface(self.surface, -x + 1, -y + 1) ctx.paint() ctx.set_matrix(cairo.Matrix(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, -x + 1, -y + 1)) self._cdc_draw_cpath(ctx, cpath) dc = wx.ClientDC(self.canvas) dc.DrawBitmap(copy_surface_to_bitmap(surface), x - 1, y - 1) self.cdc_reflect_snapping()
def draw_text_selection(self, bboxs, trafo): self.set_direct_matrix() self.ctx.set_antialias(cairo.ANTIALIAS_DEFAULT) self.ctx.set_source_rgba(*config.text_selection_color) for item in bboxs: cpath = libcairo.convert_bbox_to_cpath(item) libcairo.apply_trafo(cpath, trafo) libcairo.apply_trafo(cpath, self.canvas.trafo) self.ctx.new_path() self.ctx.append_path(cpath) self.ctx.fill()
def cdc_draw_move_frame(self, trafo): bbox = self.presenter.selection.bbox if bbox: cpath = libcairo.convert_bbox_to_cpath(bbox) libcairo.apply_trafo(cpath, trafo) libcairo.apply_trafo(cpath, self.canvas.trafo) bbox = self.cdc_to_int(*libcairo.get_cpath_bbox(cpath)) frame = self.cdc_bbox_to_frame(bbox) if self.frame and frame == self.frame:return if not self.frame:self.frame = frame bbox2 = self.cdc_frame_to_bbox(self.frame) frame_sum = self.cdc_bbox_to_frame(libgeom.sum_bbox(bbox, bbox2)) x, y, w, h = self.cdc_normalize_rect(*frame_sum) self.frame = frame surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_RGB24, w + 2, h + 2) ctx = cairo.Context(surface) ctx.set_source_surface(self.surface, -x + 1, -y + 1) ctx.paint() ctx.set_matrix(cairo.Matrix(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, -x + 1, -y + 1)) self._cdc_draw_cpath(ctx, cpath) dc = wx.ClientDC(self.canvas) dc.DrawBitmap(copy_surface_to_bitmap(surface), x - 1, y - 1) self.cdc_reflect_snapping()
def cdc_draw_frame(self, start, end, temp_surfase=False): if start and end: if self.frame: if start == self.frame[0] and end == self.frame[1]:return cpath = libcairo.convert_bbox_to_cpath(start + end) bbox = self.cdc_to_int(*libcairo.get_cpath_bbox(cpath)) frame = self.cdc_bbox_to_frame(bbox) if not self.frame:self.frame = frame bbox2 = self.cdc_frame_to_bbox(self.frame) frame_sum = self.cdc_bbox_to_frame(libgeom.sum_bbox(bbox, bbox2)) x, y, w, h = self.cdc_normalize_rect(*frame_sum) self.frame = frame surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_RGB24, w + 2, h + 2) ctx = cairo.Context(surface) if temp_surfase: ctx.set_source_surface(self.temp_surface, -x + 1, -y + 1) else: ctx.set_source_surface(self.surface, -x + 1, -y + 1) ctx.paint() ctx.set_matrix(cairo.Matrix(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, -x + 1, -y + 1)) self._cdc_draw_cpath(ctx, cpath) dc = wx.ClientDC(self.canvas) dc.DrawBitmap(copy_surface_to_bitmap(surface), x - 1, y - 1) self.cdc_reflect_snapping()
def draw_text_frame(self, bbox, trafo): cpath = libcairo.convert_bbox_to_cpath(bbox) libcairo.apply_trafo(cpath, trafo) libcairo.apply_trafo(cpath, self.canvas.trafo) self._draw_frame(cpath)
def draw_frame(self, start, end): if start and end: path = libcairo.convert_bbox_to_cpath(start + end) self._draw_frame(path)