Exemple #1
class Operator(Expr):
    "Base class for all operators, i.e. non-terminal expression types."
    __slots__ = as_native_strings(("ufl_operands", ))

    def __init__(self, operands=None):

        # If operands is None, the type sets this itself. This is to
        # get around some tricky too-fancy __new__/__init__ design in
        # algebra.py, for now.  It would be nicer to make the classes
        # in algebra.py pass operands here.
        if operands is not None:
            self.ufl_operands = operands

    def _ufl_expr_reconstruct_(self, *operands):
        "Return a new object of the same type with new operands."
        return self._ufl_class_(*operands)

    def _ufl_signature_data_(self):
        return self._ufl_typecode_

    def _ufl_compute_hash_(self):
        "Compute a hash code for this expression. Used by sets and dicts."
        return hash((self._ufl_typecode_, ) +
                    tuple(hash(o) for o in self.ufl_operands))

    def __repr__(self):
        "Default repr string construction for operators."
        # This should work for most cases
        r = "%s(%s)" % (self._ufl_class_.__name__, ", ".join(
            repr(op) for op in self.ufl_operands))
        return as_native_str(r)
Exemple #2
class BinaryCondition(Condition):
    __slots__ = as_native_strings(('_name',))

    def __init__(self, name, left, right):
        left = as_ufl(left)
        right = as_ufl(right)

        Condition.__init__(self, (left, right))

        self._name = name

        if name in ('!=', '=='):
            # Since equals and not-equals are used for comparing
            # representations, we have to allow any shape here. The
            # scalar properties must be checked when used in
            # conditional instead!
        elif name in ('&&', '||'):
            # Binary operators acting on boolean expressions allow
            # only conditions
            for arg in (left, right):
                if not isinstance(arg, Condition):
                    error("Expecting a Condition, not %s." % ufl_err_str(arg))
            # Binary operators acting on non-boolean expressions allow
            # only scalars
            if left.ufl_shape != () or right.ufl_shape != ():
                error("Expecting scalar arguments.")
            if left.ufl_free_indices != () or right.ufl_free_indices != ():
                error("Expecting scalar arguments.")

    def __str__(self):
        return "%s %s %s" % (parstr(self.ufl_operands[0], self),
                             self._name, parstr(self.ufl_operands[1], self))
Exemple #3
class Cross(CompoundTensorOperator):
    __slots__ = as_native_strings(("ufl_free_indices",

    def __new__(cls, a, b):
        ash = a.ufl_shape
        bsh = b.ufl_shape

        # Checks
        if not (len(ash) == 1 and ash == bsh):
            error("Cross product requires arguments of rank 1, got %s and %s." % (
                ufl_err_str(a), ufl_err_str(b)))

        # Simplification
        if isinstance(a, Zero) or isinstance(b, Zero):
            fi, fid = merge_nonoverlapping_indices(a, b)
            return Zero(ash, fi, fid)

        return CompoundTensorOperator.__new__(cls)

    def __init__(self, a, b):
        CompoundTensorOperator.__init__(self, (a, b))
        fi, fid = merge_nonoverlapping_indices(a, b)
        self.ufl_free_indices = fi
        self.ufl_index_dimensions = fid

    ufl_shape = (3,)

    def __str__(self):
        return "%s x %s" % (parstr(self.ufl_operands[0], self),
                            parstr(self.ufl_operands[1], self))
Exemple #4
class NablaGrad(CompoundDerivative):
    __slots__ = as_native_strings(("_dim",))

    def __new__(cls, f):
        # Return zero if expression is trivially constant
        if is_cellwise_constant(f):
            dim = find_geometric_dimension(f)
            return Zero((dim,) + f.ufl_shape, f.ufl_free_indices,
        return CompoundDerivative.__new__(cls)

    def __init__(self, f):
        CompoundDerivative.__init__(self, (f,))
        self._dim = find_geometric_dimension(f)

    def _ufl_expr_reconstruct_(self, op):
        "Return a new object of the same type with new operands."
        if is_cellwise_constant(op):
            if op.ufl_shape != self.ufl_operands[0].ufl_shape:
                error("Operand shape mismatch in NablaGrad reconstruct.")
            if self.ufl_operands[0].ufl_free_indices != op.ufl_free_indices:
                error("Free index mismatch in NablaGrad reconstruct.")
            return Zero(self.ufl_shape, self.ufl_free_indices,
        return self._ufl_class_(op)

    def ufl_shape(self):
        return (self._dim,) + self.ufl_operands[0].ufl_shape

    def __str__(self):
        return "nabla_grad(%s)" % self.ufl_operands[0]
Exemple #5
class MathFunction(Operator):
    "Base class for all unary scalar math functions."
    # Freeze member variables for objects in this class
    __slots__ = as_native_strings(("_name", ))

    def __init__(self, name, argument):
        Operator.__init__(self, (argument, ))
        if not is_true_ufl_scalar(argument):
            error("Expecting scalar argument.")
        self._name = name

    def evaluate(self, x, mapping, component, index_values):
        a = self.ufl_operands[0].evaluate(x, mapping, component, index_values)
            if isinstance(a, numbers.Real):
                res = getattr(math, self._name)(a)
                res = getattr(cmath, self._name)(a)
        except ValueError:
                'Value error in evaluation of function %s with argument %s.' %
                (self._name, a))
        return res

    def __str__(self):
        return "%s(%s)" % (self._name, self.ufl_operands[0])
Exemple #6
class MeasureSum(object):
    """Represents a sum of measures.

    This is a notational intermediate object to translate the notation



        f*ds(1) + f*ds(3)
    __slots__ = as_native_strings(("_measures",))

    def __init__(self, *measures):
        self._measures = measures

    def __rmul__(self, other):
        integrals = [other*m for m in self._measures]
        return sum(integrals)

    def __add__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, Measure):
            return MeasureSum(*(self._measures + (other,)))
        elif isinstance(other, MeasureSum):
            return MeasureSum(*(self._measures + other._measures))
        return NotImplemented

    def __str__(self):
        return "{\n    " + "\n  + ".join(map(str, self._measures)) + "\n}"
Exemple #7
class Outer(CompoundTensorOperator):
    __slots__ = as_native_strings(("ufl_free_indices",

    def __new__(cls, a, b):
        ash, bsh = a.ufl_shape, b.ufl_shape
        if isinstance(a, Zero) or isinstance(b, Zero):
            fi, fid = merge_nonoverlapping_indices(a, b)
            return Zero(ash + bsh, fi, fid)
        if ash == () or bsh == ():
            return a * b
        return CompoundTensorOperator.__new__(cls)

    def __init__(self, a, b):
        CompoundTensorOperator.__init__(self, (a, b))
        fi, fid = merge_nonoverlapping_indices(a, b)
        self.ufl_free_indices = fi
        self.ufl_index_dimensions = fid

    def ufl_shape(self):
        return self.ufl_operands[0].ufl_shape + self.ufl_operands[1].ufl_shape

    def __str__(self):
        return "%s (X) %s" % (parstr(self.ufl_operands[0], self),
                              parstr(self.ufl_operands[1], self))
Exemple #8
class Index(IndexBase):
    """UFL value: An index with no value assigned.

    Used to represent free indices in Einstein indexing notation."""
    __slots__ = as_native_strings(("_count", ))

    _globalcount = 0

    def __init__(self, count=None):
        counted_init(self, count, Index)

    def count(self):
        return self._count

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash(("Index", self._count))

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return isinstance(other, Index) and (self._count == other._count)

    def __str__(self):
        c = str(self._count)
        if len(c) > 1:
            c = "{%s}" % c
        return "i_%s" % c

    def __repr__(self):
        r = "Index(%d)" % self._count
        return as_native_str(r)
Exemple #9
class Inner(CompoundTensorOperator):
    __slots__ = as_native_strings(("ufl_free_indices",

    def __new__(cls, a, b):
        # Checks
        ash, bsh = a.ufl_shape, b.ufl_shape
        if ash != bsh:
            error("Shapes do not match: %s and %s." % (ufl_err_str(a), ufl_err_str(b)))

        # Simplification
        if isinstance(a, Zero) or isinstance(b, Zero):
            fi, fid = merge_nonoverlapping_indices(a, b)
            return Zero((), fi, fid)
        elif ash == ():
            return a*b

        return CompoundTensorOperator.__new__(cls)

    def __init__(self, a, b):
        # sort operands for unique representation, must be independent
        # of various counts etc.  as explained in cmp_expr
        a, b = sorted_expr((a, b))

        CompoundTensorOperator.__init__(self, (a, b))

        fi, fid = merge_nonoverlapping_indices(a, b)
        self.ufl_free_indices = fi
        self.ufl_index_dimensions = fid

    ufl_shape = ()

    def __str__(self):
        return "%s : %s" % (parstr(self.ufl_operands[0], self),
                            parstr(self.ufl_operands[1], self))
Exemple #10
class Identity(ConstantValue):
    "UFL literal type: Representation of an identity matrix."
    __slots__ = as_native_strings(("_dim", "ufl_shape"))

    def __init__(self, dim):
        self._dim = dim
        self.ufl_shape = (dim, dim)

    def evaluate(self, x, mapping, component, index_values):
        "Evaluates the identity matrix on the given components."
        a, b = component
        return 1 if a == b else 0

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        if len(key) != 2:
            error("Size mismatch for Identity.")
        if all(isinstance(k, (int, FixedIndex)) for k in key):
            return IntValue(1) if (int(key[0]) == int(key[1])) else Zero()
        return Expr.__getitem__(self, key)

    def __str__(self):
        return "I"

    def __repr__(self):
        r = "Identity(%d)" % self._dim
        return as_native_str(r)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return isinstance(other, Identity) and self._dim == other._dim
Exemple #11
class ScalarValue(ConstantValue):
    "A constant scalar value."
    __slots__ = as_native_strings(("_value",))

    def __init__(self, value):
        self._value = value

    def value(self):
        return self._value

    def evaluate(self, x, mapping, component, index_values):
        return self._value

    def __eq__(self, other):
        """This is implemented to allow comparison with python scalars.

        Note that this will make IntValue(1) != FloatValue(1.0),
        but ufl-python comparisons like
            IntValue(1) == 1.0
            FloatValue(1.0) == 1
        can still succeed. These will however not have the same
        hash value and therefore not collide in a dict.
        if isinstance(other, self._ufl_class_):
            return self._value == other._value
        elif isinstance(other, (int, float)):
            # FIXME: Disallow this, require explicit 'expr ==
            # IntValue(3)' instead to avoid ambiguities!
            return other == self._value
            return False

    def __str__(self):
        return str(self._value)

    def __float__(self):
        return float(self._value)

    def __int__(self):
        return int(self._value)

    def __complex__(self):
        return complex(self._value)

    def __neg__(self):
        return type(self)(-self._value)

    def __abs__(self):
        return type(self)(abs(self._value))

    def real(self):
        return self._value.real

    def imag(self):
        return self._value.imag
Exemple #12
class IntegralData(object):
    """Utility class with the members (domain, integral_type,
        subdomain_id, integrals, metadata)

    where metadata is an empty dictionary that may be used for
    associating metadata with each object.

    __slots__ = as_native_strings(
        ('domain', 'integral_type', 'subdomain_id', 'integrals', 'metadata',
         'integral_coefficients', 'enabled_coefficients'))

    def __init__(self, domain, integral_type, subdomain_id, integrals,
        if 1 != len(set(itg.ufl_domain() for itg in integrals)):
            error("Multiple domains mismatch in integral data.")
        if not all(integral_type == itg.integral_type() for itg in integrals):
            error("Integral type mismatch in integral data.")
        if not all(subdomain_id == itg.subdomain_id() for itg in integrals):
            error("Subdomain id mismatch in integral data.")

        self.domain = domain
        self.integral_type = integral_type
        self.subdomain_id = subdomain_id

        self.integrals = integrals

        # This is populated in preprocess using data not available at
        # this stage:
        self.integral_coefficients = None
        self.enabled_coefficients = None

        # TODO: I think we can get rid of this with some refactoring
        # in ffc:
        self.metadata = metadata

    def __lt__(self, other):
        # To preserve behaviour of extract_integral_data:
        return ((self.integral_type, self.subdomain_id, self.integrals,
                 self.metadata) < (other.integral_type, other.subdomain_id,
                                   other.integrals, other.metadata))

    def __eq__(self, other):
        # Currently only used for tests:
        return (self.integral_type == other.integral_type
                and self.subdomain_id == other.subdomain_id
                and self.integrals == other.integrals
                and self.metadata == other.metadata)

    def __str__(self):
        s = "IntegralData over domain(%s, %s), with integrals:\n%s\nand metadata:\n%s" % (
            self.integral_type, self.subdomain_id, '\n\n'.join(
                map(str, self.integrals)), self.metadata)
        return s
Exemple #13
class AbstractCell(object):
    """Representation of an abstract finite element cell with only the
    dimensions known.

    __slots__ = as_native_strings(
        ("_topological_dimension", "_geometric_dimension"))

    def __init__(self, topological_dimension, geometric_dimension):
        # Validate dimensions
        if not isinstance(geometric_dimension, numbers.Integral):
            error("Expecting integer geometric_dimension.")
        if not isinstance(topological_dimension, numbers.Integral):
            error("Expecting integer topological_dimension.")
        if topological_dimension > geometric_dimension:
                "Topological dimension cannot be larger than geometric dimension."

        # Store validated dimensions
        self._topological_dimension = topological_dimension
        self._geometric_dimension = geometric_dimension

    def topological_dimension(self):
        "Return the dimension of the topology of this cell."
        return self._topological_dimension

    def geometric_dimension(self):
        "Return the dimension of the space this cell is embedded in."
        return self._geometric_dimension

    def is_simplex(self):
        "Return True if this is a simplex cell."
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "Implement this to allow important checks and optimizations.")

    def has_simplex_facets(self):
        "Return True if all the facets of this cell are simplex cells."
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "Implement this to allow important checks and optimizations.")

    def __lt__(self, other):
        "Define an arbitrarily chosen but fixed sort order for all cells."
        if not isinstance(other, AbstractCell):
            return NotImplemented
        # Sort by gdim first, tdim next, then whatever's left
        # depending on the subclass
        s = (self.geometric_dimension(), self.topological_dimension())
        o = (other.geometric_dimension(), other.topological_dimension())
        if s != o:
            return s < o
        return self._ufl_hash_data_() < other._ufl_hash_data_()
Exemple #14
class PermutationSymbol(ConstantValue):
    """UFL literal type: Representation of a permutation symbol.

    This is also known as the Levi-Civita symbol, antisymmetric symbol,
    or alternating symbol."""
    __slots__ = as_native_strings(("ufl_shape", "_dim"))

    def __init__(self, dim):
        self._dim = dim
        self.ufl_shape = (dim,)*dim

    def evaluate(self, x, mapping, component, index_values):
        "Evaluates the permutation symbol."
        return self.__eps(component)

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        if len(key) != self._dim:
            error("Size mismatch for PermutationSymbol.")
        if all(isinstance(k, (int, FixedIndex)) for k in key):
            return self.__eps(key)
        return Expr.__getitem__(self, key)

    def __str__(self):
        return "eps"

    def __repr__(self):
        r = "PermutationSymbol(%d)" % self._dim
        return as_native_str(r)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return isinstance(other, PermutationSymbol) and self._dim == other._dim

    def __eps(self, x):
        """This function body is taken from

        result = IntValue(1)
        for i, x1 in enumerate(x):
            for j in range(i + 1, len(x)):
                x2 = x[j]
                if x1 > x2:
                    result = -result
                elif x1 == x2:
                    return Zero()
        return result
Exemple #15
class BesselFunction(Operator):
    "Base class for all bessel functions"
    __slots__ = as_native_strings(("_name", "_classname"))

    def __init__(self, name, classname, nu, argument):
        if not is_true_ufl_scalar(nu):
            error("Expecting scalar nu.")
        if not is_true_ufl_scalar(argument):
            error("Expecting scalar argument.")

        # Use integer representation if suitable
        fnu = float(nu)
        inu = int(nu)
        if fnu == inu:
            nu = as_ufl(inu)
            nu = as_ufl(fnu)

        Operator.__init__(self, (nu, argument))

        self._classname = classname
        self._name = name

    def evaluate(self, x, mapping, component, index_values):
        a = self.ufl_operands[1].evaluate(x, mapping, component, index_values)
            import scipy.special
        except ImportError:
                "You must have scipy installed to evaluate bessel functions in python."
        name = self._name[-1]
        if isinstance(self.ufl_operands[0], IntValue):
            nu = int(self.ufl_operands[0])
            functype = 'n' if name != 'i' else 'v'
            nu = self.ufl_operands[0].evaluate(x, mapping, component,
            functype = 'v'
        func = getattr(scipy.special, name + functype)
        return func(nu, a)

    def __str__(self):
        return "%s(%s, %s)" % (self._name, self.ufl_operands[0],
Exemple #16
class ExampleCounted(object):
    """An example class for classes of objects identified by a global counter.

    Mimic this class to create globally counted objects within a single type.
    # Store the count for each object
    __slots__ = as_native_strings(("_count", ))

    # Store a global counter with the class
    _globalcount = 0

    # Call counted_init with an optional constructor argument and the class
    def __init__(self, count=None):
        counted_init(self, count, ExampleCounted)

    # Make the count accessible
    def count(self):
        return self._count
Exemple #17
class ExprTupleKey(object):
    __slots__ = as_native_strings(('x', ))

    def __init__(self, x):
        self.x = x

    def __lt__(self, other):
        # Comparing expression first
        c = cmp_expr(self.x[0], other.x[0])
        if c < 0:
            return True
        elif c > 0:
            return False
            # Comparing form compiler data
            mds = canonicalize_metadata(self.x[1])
            mdo = canonicalize_metadata(other.x[1])
            return mds < mdo
class ReferenceGrad(CompoundDerivative):
    __slots__ = as_native_strings(("_dim", ))

    def __new__(cls, f):
        # Return zero if expression is trivially constant
        if is_cellwise_constant(f):
            dim = f.ufl_domain().topological_dimension()
            return Zero(f.ufl_shape + (dim, ), f.ufl_free_indices,
        return CompoundDerivative.__new__(cls)

    def __init__(self, f):
        CompoundDerivative.__init__(self, (f, ))
        self._dim = f.ufl_domain().topological_dimension()

    def _ufl_expr_reconstruct_(self, op):
        "Return a new object of the same type with new operands."
        if is_cellwise_constant(op):
            if op.ufl_shape != self.ufl_operands[0].ufl_shape:
                error("Operand shape mismatch in ReferenceGrad reconstruct.")
            if self.ufl_operands[0].ufl_free_indices != op.ufl_free_indices:
                error("Free index mismatch in ReferenceGrad reconstruct.")
            return Zero(self.ufl_shape, self.ufl_free_indices,
        return self._ufl_class_(op)

    def evaluate(self, x, mapping, component, index_values, derivatives=()):
        "Get child from mapping and return the component asked for."
        component, i = component[:-1], component[-1]
        derivatives = derivatives + (i, )
        result = self.ufl_operands[0].evaluate(x,
        return result

    def ufl_shape(self):
        return self.ufl_operands[0].ufl_shape + (self._dim, )

    def __str__(self):
        return "reference_grad(%s)" % self.ufl_operands[0]
Exemple #19
class FixedIndex(IndexBase):
    """UFL value: An index with a specific value assigned."""
    __slots__ = as_native_strings(("_value", "_hash"))

    _cache = {}

    def __getnewargs__(self):
        return (self._value, )

    def __new__(cls, value):
        self = FixedIndex._cache.get(value)
        if self is None:
            if not isinstance(value, int):
                error("Expecting integer value for fixed index.")
            self = IndexBase.__new__(cls)
            FixedIndex._cache[value] = self
        return self

    def _init(self, value):
        self._value = value
        self._hash = hash(("FixedIndex", self._value))

    def __init__(self, value):

    def __hash__(self):
        return self._hash

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return isinstance(other, FixedIndex) and (self._value == other._value)

    def __int__(self):
        return self._value

    def __str__(self):
        return "%d" % self._value

    def __repr__(self):
        r = "FixedIndex(%d)" % self._value
        return as_native_str(r)
Exemple #20
class Dot(CompoundTensorOperator):
    __slots__ = as_native_strings(("ufl_free_indices",

    def __new__(cls, a, b):
        ash = a.ufl_shape
        bsh = b.ufl_shape
        ar, br = len(ash), len(bsh)
        scalar = (ar == 0 and br == 0)

        # Checks
        if not ((ar >= 1 and br >= 1) or scalar):
            error("Dot product requires non-scalar arguments, "
                  "got arguments with ranks %d and %d." % (ar, br))
        if not (scalar or ash[-1] == bsh[0]):
            error("Dimension mismatch in dot product.")

        # Simplification
        if isinstance(a, Zero) or isinstance(b, Zero):
            shape = ash[:-1] + bsh[1:]
            fi, fid = merge_nonoverlapping_indices(a, b)
            return Zero(shape, fi, fid)
        elif scalar:  # TODO: Move this to def dot()?
            return a * b

        return CompoundTensorOperator.__new__(cls)

    def __init__(self, a, b):
        CompoundTensorOperator.__init__(self, (a, b))
        fi, fid = merge_nonoverlapping_indices(a, b)
        self.ufl_free_indices = fi
        self.ufl_index_dimensions = fid

    def ufl_shape(self):
        return self.ufl_operands[0].ufl_shape[:-1] + self.ufl_operands[1].ufl_shape[1:]

    def __str__(self):
        return "%s . %s" % (parstr(self.ufl_operands[0], self),
                            parstr(self.ufl_operands[1], self))
Exemple #21
class MeasureProduct(object):
    """Represents a product of measures.

    This is a notational intermediate object to handle the notation


    This is work in progress and not functional. It needs support
    in other parts of ufl and the rest of the code generation chain.

    __slots__ = as_native_strings(("_measures", ))

    def __init__(self, *measures):
        "Create MeasureProduct from given list of measures."
        self._measures = measures
        if len(self._measures) < 2:
            error("Expecting at least two measures.")

    def __mul__(self, other):
        """Flatten multiplication of product measures.

        This is to ensure that (dm1*dm2)*dm3 is stored as a simple
        list (dm1,dm2,dm3) in a single MeasureProduct.

        if isinstance(other, Measure):
            measures = self.sub_measures() + [other]
            return MeasureProduct(*measures)
            return NotImplemented

    def __rmul__(self, integrand):
            "TODO: Implement MeasureProduct.__rmul__ to construct integral and form somehow."

    def sub_measures(self):
        "Return submeasures."
        return self._measures
Exemple #22
class HCurlElement(FiniteElementBase):
    """A curl-conforming version of an outer product element, assuming
    this makes mathematical sense."""
    __slots__ = as_native_strings(("_element", ))

    def __init__(self, element):
        self._element = element
        self._repr = as_native_str("HCurlElement(%s)" % repr(element))

        family = "TensorProductElement"
        cell = element.cell()
        degree = element.degree()
        quad_scheme = element.quadrature_scheme()
        cell = element.cell()
        value_shape = (cell.geometric_dimension(), )
        reference_value_shape = (cell.topological_dimension(),
                                 )  # TODO: Is this right?
        # Skipping TensorProductElement constructor! Bad code smell,
        # refactor to avoid this non-inheritance somehow.
        FiniteElementBase.__init__(self, family, cell, degree, quad_scheme,
                                   value_shape, reference_value_shape)

    def mapping(self):
        return "covariant Piola"

    def sobolev_space(self):
        "Return the underlying Sobolev space."
        return HCurl

    def reconstruct(self, **kwargs):
        return HCurlElement(self._element.reconstruct(**kwargs))

    def __str__(self):
        return "HCurlElement(%s)" % str(self._element)

    def shortstr(self):
        "Format as string for pretty printing."
        return "HCurlElement(%s)" % str(self._element.shortstr())
Exemple #23
class GeometricQuantity(Terminal):
    __slots__ = as_native_strings(("_domain", ))

    def __init__(self, domain):
        self._domain = as_domain(domain)

    def ufl_domains(self):
        return (self._domain, )

    def is_cellwise_constant(self):
        "Return whether this expression is spatially constant over each cell (or over each facet for facet quantities)."
        # NB! Geometric quantities are piecewise constant by
        # default. Override if needed.
        return True

    # NB! Geometric quantities are scalar by default. Override if
    # needed.
    ufl_shape = ()

    def _ufl_signature_data_(self, renumbering):
        "Signature data of geometric quantities depend on the domain numbering."
        return (self._ufl_class_.__name__,
                ) + self._domain._ufl_signature_data_(renumbering)

    def __str__(self):
        return self._ufl_class_.name

    def __repr__(self):
        r = "%s(%s)" % (self._ufl_class_.__name__, repr(self._domain))
        return as_native_str(r)

    def _ufl_compute_hash_(self):
        return hash((type(self).__name__, ) + self._domain._ufl_hash_data_())

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return isinstance(other,
                          self._ufl_class_) and other._domain == self._domain
Exemple #24
class Label(Terminal):
    __slots__ = as_native_strings(("_count", ))

    _globalcount = 0

    def __init__(self, count=None):
        counted_init(self, count, Label)

    def count(self):
        return self._count

    def __str__(self):
        return "Label(%d)" % self._count

    def __repr__(self):
        r = "Label(%d)" % self._count
        return as_native_str(r)

    def ufl_shape(self):
        error("Label has no shape (it is not a tensor expression).")

    def ufl_free_indices(self):
        error("Label has no free indices (it is not a tensor expression).")

    def ufl_index_dimensions(self):
        error("Label has no free indices (it is not a tensor expression).")

    def is_cellwise_constant(self):
        return True

    def ufl_domains(self):
        "Return tuple of domains related to this terminal object."
        return ()
Exemple #25
class ReferenceCurl(CompoundDerivative):
    __slots__ = as_native_strings(("ufl_shape",))

    def __new__(cls, f):
        # Validate input
        sh = f.ufl_shape
        if f.ufl_shape not in ((), (2,), (3,)):
            error("Expecting a scalar, 2D vector or 3D vector.")
        if f.ufl_free_indices:
            error("Free indices in the curl argument is not allowed.")

        # Return zero if expression is trivially constant
        if is_cellwise_constant(f):
            sh = {(): (2,), (2,): (), (3,): (3,)}[sh]
            return Zero(sh)  # No free indices asserted above
        return CompoundDerivative.__new__(cls)

    def __init__(self, f):
        global _curl_shapes
        CompoundDerivative.__init__(self, (f,))
        self.ufl_shape = _curl_shapes[f.ufl_shape]

    def __str__(self):
        return "reference_curl(%s)" % self.ufl_operands[0]
Exemple #26
class VariableDerivative(Derivative):
    __slots__ = as_native_strings((

    def __new__(cls, f, v):
        # Checks
        if not isinstance(f, Expr):
            error("Expecting an Expr in VariableDerivative.")
        if not isinstance(v, (Variable, Coefficient)):
            error("Expecting a Variable in VariableDerivative.")
        if v.ufl_free_indices:
            error("Differentiation variable cannot have free indices.")

        # Simplification
        # Return zero if expression is trivially independent of variable
        if f._ufl_is_terminal_ and f != v:
            return Zero(f.ufl_shape + v.ufl_shape, f.ufl_free_indices,

        # Construction
        return Derivative.__new__(cls)

    def __init__(self, f, v):
        Derivative.__init__(self, (f, v))
        self.ufl_free_indices = f.ufl_free_indices
        self.ufl_index_dimensions = f.ufl_index_dimensions
        self.ufl_shape = f.ufl_shape + v.ufl_shape

    def __str__(self):
        if isinstance(self.ufl_operands[0], Terminal):
            return "d%s/d[%s]" % (self.ufl_operands[0], self.ufl_operands[1])
        return "d/d[%s] %s" % (self.ufl_operands[1],
                               parstr(self.ufl_operands[0], self))
Exemple #27
# along with UFL. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# Modified by Anders Logg, 2008-2009
# Modified by Massimiliano Leoni, 2016.

import ufl
from ufl.log import error
from ufl.core.expr import Expr
from ufl.checks import is_python_scalar, is_scalar_constant_expression
from ufl.measure import Measure  # noqa
from ufl.protocols import id_or_none
from ufl.utils.str import as_native_str
from ufl.utils.str import as_native_strings

# Export list for ufl.classes
__all_classes__ = as_native_strings(["Integral"])

class Integral(object):
    "An integral over a single domain."
    __slots__ = as_native_strings((

    def __init__(self, integrand, integral_type, domain, subdomain_id,
                 metadata, subdomain_data):
Exemple #28
# (at your option) any later version.
# UFL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with UFL. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

from ufl.utils.str import as_native_strings
from ufl.log import error
from ufl.finiteelement import FiniteElement, VectorElement, TensorElement, \
    MixedElement, EnrichedElement, NodalEnrichedElement

__all__ = as_native_strings(['increase_order', 'tear'])

def increase_order(element):
    "Return element of same family, but a polynomial degree higher."
    return _increase_degree(element, +1)

def change_regularity(element, family):
    For a given finite element, return the corresponding space
    specified by 'family'.
    return element.reconstruct(family=family)

Exemple #29
# Modified by Kristian B. Oelgaard, 2009
# Modified by Marie E. Rognes 2012
# Modified by Andrew T. T. McRae, 2014
# Modified by Massimiliano Leoni, 2016

import numbers
import functools

from ufl.utils.str import as_native_str
from ufl.utils.str import as_native_strings
from ufl.log import error
from ufl.core.ufl_type import attach_operators_from_hash_data

# Export list for ufl.classes
__all_classes__ = as_native_strings(["AbstractCell", "Cell", "TensorProductCell"])

# --- The most abstract cell class, base class for other cell types

class AbstractCell(object):
    """Representation of an abstract finite element cell with only the
    dimensions known.

    __slots__ = as_native_strings(("_topological_dimension",

    def __init__(self, topological_dimension, geometric_dimension):
        # Validate dimensions
        if not isinstance(geometric_dimension, numbers.Integral):
Exemple #30
# (at your option) any later version.
# UFL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with UFL. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

from ufl.log import error
from ufl.utils.str import as_native_str
from ufl.utils.str import as_native_strings

# Export list for ufl.classes
__all_classes__ = as_native_strings(["Equation"])

class Equation(object):
    """This class is used to represent equations expressed by the "=="
    operator. Examples include a == L and F == 0 where a, L and F are
    Form objects."""

    def __init__(self, lhs, rhs):
        "Create equation lhs == rhs"
        self.lhs = lhs
        self.rhs = rhs

    def __bool__(self):
        """Evaluate bool(lhs_form == rhs_form).
Exemple #31
import logging
from logging import DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL  # noqa: F401
from ufl.utils.str import as_native_strings

log_functions = ["log", "debug", "info", "deprecate", "warning", "error",
                 "begin", "end",
                 "set_level", "push_level", "pop_level", "set_indent",
                 "set_handler", "get_handler", "get_logger", "add_logfile",
                 "info_red", "info_green", "info_blue",
                 "warning_red", "warning_green", "warning_blue"]

__all__ = as_native_strings(
    log_functions +
    ["Logger", "log_functions"] +


# This is used to override emit() in StreamHandler for printing
# without newline
def emit(self, record):
    message = self.format(record)
    format_string = "%s" if getattr(record, "continued", False) else "%s\n"
    self.stream.write(format_string % message)

Exemple #32
class IndexSum(Operator):
    __slots__ = as_native_strings((

    def __new__(cls, summand, index):
        # Error checks
        if not isinstance(summand, Expr):
            error("Expecting Expr instance, got %s" % ufl_err_str(summand))
        if not isinstance(index, MultiIndex):
            error("Expecting MultiIndex instance, got %s" % ufl_err_str(index))
        if len(index) != 1:
            error("Expecting a single Index but got %d." % len(index))

        # Simplification to zero
        if isinstance(summand, Zero):
            sh = summand.ufl_shape
            j, = index
            fi = summand.ufl_free_indices
            fid = summand.ufl_index_dimensions
            pos = fi.index(j.count())
            fi = fi[:pos] + fi[pos + 1:]
            fid = fid[:pos] + fid[pos + 1:]
            return Zero(sh, fi, fid)

        return Operator.__new__(cls)

    def __init__(self, summand, index):
        j, = index
        fi = summand.ufl_free_indices
        fid = summand.ufl_index_dimensions
        pos = fi.index(j.count())
        self._dimension = fid[pos]
        self.ufl_free_indices = fi[:pos] + fi[pos + 1:]
        self.ufl_index_dimensions = fid[:pos] + fid[pos + 1:]
        Operator.__init__(self, (summand, index))

    def index(self):
        return self.ufl_operands[1][0]

    def dimension(self):
        return self._dimension

    def ufl_shape(self):
        return self.ufl_operands[0].ufl_shape

    def evaluate(self, x, mapping, component, index_values):
        i, = self.ufl_operands[1]
        tmp = 0
        for k in range(self._dimension):
            index_values.push(i, k)
            tmp += self.ufl_operands[0].evaluate(x, mapping, component,
        return tmp

    def __str__(self):
        return "sum_{%s} %s " % (str(
            self.ufl_operands[1]), parstr(self.ufl_operands[0], self))
Exemple #33
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with UFL. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# Modified by Massimiliano Leoni, 2016.

from ufl.utils.str import as_native_str
from ufl.utils.str import as_native_strings
from ufl.log import error
from ufl.utils.counted import counted_init
from ufl.core.ufl_type import ufl_type
from ufl.core.terminal import Terminal

# Export list for ufl.classes
__all_classes__ = as_native_strings(["IndexBase", "FixedIndex", "Index"])

class IndexBase(object):
    """Base class for all indices."""
    __slots__ = ()

    def __init__(self):

class FixedIndex(IndexBase):
    """UFL value: An index with a specific value assigned."""
    __slots__ = as_native_strings(("_value", "_hash"))

    _cache = {}
Exemple #34
import sys
import types
import logging
from logging import DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL  # noqa: F401
from ufl.utils.str import as_native_strings

log_functions = [
    "log", "debug", "info", "deprecate", "warning", "error", "begin", "end",
    "set_level", "push_level", "pop_level", "set_indent", "add_indent",
    "set_handler", "get_handler", "get_logger", "add_logfile", "set_prefix",
    "info_red", "info_green", "info_blue", "warning_red", "warning_green",

__all__ = as_native_strings(
    log_functions + ["Logger", "log_functions"] +


# This is used to override emit() in StreamHandler for printing
# without newline
def emit(self, record):
    message = self.format(record)
    format_string = "%s" if getattr(record, "continued", False) else "%s\n"
    self.stream.write(format_string % message)

# Colors if the terminal supports it (disabled e.g. when piped to
Exemple #35
# Modified by Marie E. Rognes 2012

import numbers

from ufl.utils.str import as_native_str
from ufl.utils.str import as_native_strings
from ufl.core.ufl_type import attach_operators_from_hash_data
from ufl.core.ufl_id import attach_ufl_id
from ufl.corealg.traversal import traverse_unique_terminals
from ufl.log import error
from ufl.cell import as_cell, AbstractCell, TensorProductCell
from ufl.finiteelement.tensorproductelement import TensorProductElement

# Export list for ufl.classes
__all_classes__ = as_native_strings(["AbstractDomain", "Mesh", "MeshView", "TensorProductMesh"])

class AbstractDomain(object):
    """Symbolic representation of a geometric domain with only a geometric
    and topological dimension.


    def __init__(self, topological_dimension, geometric_dimension):
        # Validate dimensions
        if not isinstance(geometric_dimension, numbers.Integral):
            error("Expecting integer geometric dimension, not %s" % (geometric_dimension.__class__,))
        if not isinstance(topological_dimension, numbers.Integral):
            error("Expecting integer topological dimension, not %s" % (topological_dimension.__class__,))
        if topological_dimension > geometric_dimension:
Exemple #36
__all__ = as_native_strings([
    'get_handler', 'get_logger', 'set_handler', 'set_level', 'add_logfile',
    'UFLException', 'DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARNING', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL',
    'as_cell', 'AbstractCell', 'Cell', 'TensorProductCell',
    'as_domain', 'AbstractDomain', 'Mesh', 'MeshView', 'TensorProductMesh',
    'L2', 'H1', 'H2', 'HCurl', 'HDiv',
    'CellVolume', 'CellDiameter', 'Circumradius',
    'MinCellEdgeLength', 'MaxCellEdgeLength',
    'FacetArea', 'MinFacetEdgeLength', 'MaxFacetEdgeLength',
    'FacetNormal', 'CellNormal',
    'Jacobian', 'JacobianDeterminant', 'JacobianInverse',
    'FiniteElementBase', 'FiniteElement',
    'MixedElement', 'VectorElement', 'TensorElement', 'EnrichedElement',
    'NodalEnrichedElement', 'RestrictedElement', 'TensorProductElement',
    'HDivElement', 'HCurlElement',
    'BrokenElement', 'FacetElement', 'InteriorElement',
    'register_element', 'show_elements',
    'Argument', 'TestFunction', 'TrialFunction',
    'Arguments', 'TestFunctions', 'TrialFunctions',
    'Coefficient', 'Coefficients',
    'Constant', 'VectorConstant', 'TensorConstant',
    'PermutationSymbol', 'Identity', 'zero', 'as_ufl',
    'Index', 'indices',
    'as_tensor', 'as_vector', 'as_matrix', 'relabel',
    'unit_vector', 'unit_vectors', 'unit_matrix', 'unit_matrices',
    'rank', 'shape', 'conj', 'real', 'imag', 
    'outer', 'inner', 'dot', 'cross', 'perp',
    'det', 'inv', 'cofac',
    'transpose', 'tr', 'diag', 'diag_vector', 'dev', 'skew', 'sym',
    'sqrt', 'exp', 'ln', 'erf',
    'cos', 'sin', 'tan',
    'acos', 'asin', 'atan', 'atan_2',
    'cosh', 'sinh', 'tanh',
    'bessel_J', 'bessel_Y', 'bessel_I', 'bessel_K',
    'eq', 'ne', 'le', 'ge', 'lt', 'gt', 'And', 'Or', 'Not',
    'conditional', 'sign', 'max_value', 'min_value', 'Max', 'Min',
    'variable', 'diff',
    'Dx', 'grad', 'div', 'curl', 'rot', 'nabla_grad', 'nabla_div', 'Dn', 'exterior_derivative',
    'jump', 'avg', 'cell_avg', 'facet_avg',
    'elem_mult', 'elem_div', 'elem_pow', 'elem_op',
    'Integral', 'Measure', 'register_integral_type', 'integral_types', 'custom_integral_types',
    'replace', 'replace_integral_domains', 'derivative', 'action', 'energy_norm', 'rhs', 'lhs', 'block_split',
    'system', 'functional', 'adjoint', 'sensitivity_rhs',
    'dx', 'ds', 'dS', 'dP',
    'dc', 'dC', 'dO', 'dI', 'dX',
    'ds_b', 'ds_t', 'ds_tb', 'ds_v', 'dS_h', 'dS_v',
    'vertex', 'interval', 'triangle', 'tetrahedron',
    'quadrilateral', 'hexahedron', 'facet',
    'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's',
    'e', 'pi',
Exemple #37
class Measure(object):
    __slots__ = as_native_strings(("_integral_type",
    """Representation of an integration measure.

    The Measure object holds information about integration properties
    to be transferred to a Form on multiplication with a scalar


    def __init__(self,
                 integral_type,  # "dx" etc
            str, one of "cell", etc.,
            or short form "dx", etc.

            an AbstractDomain object (most often a Mesh)

            either string "everywhere",
            a single subdomain id int,
            or tuple of ints

            dict, with additional compiler-specific parameters
            affecting how code is generated, including parameters
            for optimization or debugging of generated code.

            object representing data to interpret subdomain_id with.
        # Map short name to long name and require a valid one
        self._integral_type = as_integral_type(integral_type)

        # Check that we either have a proper AbstractDomain or none
        self._domain = None if domain is None else as_domain(domain)
        if not (self._domain is None or isinstance(self._domain, AbstractDomain)):
            error("Invalid domain.")

        # Store subdomain data
        self._subdomain_data = subdomain_data
        # FIXME: Cannot require this (yet) because we currently have
        # no way to implement ufl_id for dolfin SubDomain
        # if not (self._subdomain_data is None or hasattr(self._subdomain_data, "ufl_id")):
        #     error("Invalid domain data, missing ufl_id() implementation.")

        # Accept "everywhere", single subdomain, or multiple
        # subdomains
        if isinstance(subdomain_id, tuple):
            for did in subdomain_id:
                if not isinstance(did, numbers.Integral):
                    error("Invalid subdomain_id %s." % (did,))
            if not (subdomain_id in ("everywhere",) or isinstance(subdomain_id, numbers.Integral)):
                error("Invalid subdomain_id %s." % (subdomain_id,))
        self._subdomain_id = subdomain_id

        # Validate compiler options are None or dict
        if metadata is not None and not isinstance(metadata, dict):
            error("Invalid metadata.")
        self._metadata = metadata or EmptyDict

    def integral_type(self):
        """Return the domain type.

        Valid domain types are "cell", "exterior_facet", "interior_facet", etc.
        return self._integral_type

    def ufl_domain(self):
        """Return the domain associated with this measure.

        This may be None or a Domain object.
        return self._domain

    def subdomain_id(self):
        "Return the domain id of this measure (integer)."
        return self._subdomain_id

    def metadata(self):
        """Return the integral metadata. This data is not interpreted by UFL.
        It is passed to the form compiler which can ignore it or use
        it to compile each integral of a form in a different way.

        return self._metadata

    def reconstruct(self,
        """Construct a new Measure object with some properties replaced with
        new values.

            <dm = Measure instance>
            b = dm.reconstruct(subdomain_id=2)
            c = dm.reconstruct(metadata={ "quadrature_degree": 3 })

        Used by the call operator, so this is equivalent:
            b = dm(2)
            c = dm(0, { "quadrature_degree": 3 })

        if subdomain_id is None:
            subdomain_id = self.subdomain_id()
        if domain is None:
            domain = self.ufl_domain()
        if metadata is None:
            metadata = self.metadata()
        if subdomain_data is None:
            subdomain_data = self.subdomain_data()
        return Measure(self.integral_type(),
                       domain=domain, subdomain_id=subdomain_id,
                       metadata=metadata, subdomain_data=subdomain_data)

    def subdomain_data(self):
        """Return the integral subdomain_data. This data is not interpreted by
        UFL.  Its intension is to give a context in which the domain
        id is interpreted.

        return self._subdomain_data

    # Note: Must keep the order of the first two arguments here
    # (subdomain_id, metadata) for backwards compatibility, because
    # some tutorials write e.g. dx(0, {...}) to set metadata.
    def __call__(self, subdomain_id=None, metadata=None, domain=None,
                 subdomain_data=None, degree=None, scheme=None, rule=None):
        """Reconfigure measure with new domain specification or metadata."""

        # Deprecation of 'rule' in favour of 'scheme'
        if rule is not None:
            deprecate("Measure argument 'rule' has been renamed to 'scheme'.")
            assert scheme is None or scheme == rule
            scheme = rule

        # Let syntax dx() mean integral over everywhere
        all_args = (subdomain_id, metadata, domain, subdomain_data,
                    degree, scheme)
        if all(arg is None for arg in all_args):
            return self.reconstruct(subdomain_id="everywhere")

        # Let syntax dx(domain) or dx(domain, metadata) mean integral
        # over entire domain.  To do this we need to hijack the first
        # argument:
        if subdomain_id is not None and (isinstance(subdomain_id,
                                                    AbstractDomain) or
                                         hasattr(subdomain_id, 'ufl_domain')):
            if domain is not None:
                error("Ambiguous: setting domain both as keyword argument and first argument.")
            subdomain_id, domain = "everywhere", as_domain(subdomain_id)

        # If degree or scheme is set, inject into metadata. This is a
        # quick fix to enable the dx(..., degree=3) notation.
        # TODO: Make degree and scheme properties of integrals instead of adding to metadata.
        if (degree, scheme) != (None, None):
            metadata = {} if metadata is None else metadata.copy()
            if degree is not None:
                metadata["quadrature_degree"] = degree
            if scheme is not None:
                metadata["quadrature_rule"] = scheme

        # If we get any keywords, use them to reconstruct Measure.
        # Note that if only one argument is given, it is the
        # subdomain_id, e.g. dx(3) == dx(subdomain_id=3)
        return self.reconstruct(subdomain_id=subdomain_id, domain=domain,

    def __getitem__(self, data):
        """This operator supports legacy syntax in python dolfin programs.

        The old documentation reads: Return a new Measure for same
        integration type with an attached context for interpreting
        domain ids. By default this new Measure integrates over
        everywhere, but it can be restricted with a domain id as
        usual. Example: dx = dx[boundaries]; L = f*v*dx + g*v+dx(1).

        deprecate("Notation dx[meshfunction] is deprecated. Please use dx(subdomain_data=meshfunction) instead.")
        return self(subdomain_data=data)

    def __str__(self):
        global integral_type_to_measure_name
        name = integral_type_to_measure_name[self._integral_type]
        args = []

        if self._subdomain_id is not None:
            args.append("subdomain_id=%s" % (self._subdomain_id,))
        if self._domain is not None:
            args.append("domain=%s" % (self._domain,))
        if self._metadata:  # Stored as EmptyDict if None
            args.append("metadata=%s" % (self._metadata,))
        if self._subdomain_data is not None:
            args.append("subdomain_data=%s" % (self._subdomain_data,))

        return "%s(%s)" % (name, ', '.join(args))

    def __repr__(self):
        "Return a repr string for this Measure."
        global integral_type_to_measure_name

        args = []

        if self._subdomain_id is not None:
            args.append("subdomain_id=%s" % repr(self._subdomain_id))
        if self._domain is not None:
            args.append("domain=%s" % repr(self._domain))
        if self._metadata:  # Stored as EmptyDict if None
            args.append("metadata=%s" % repr(self._metadata))
        if self._subdomain_data is not None:
            args.append("subdomain_data=%s" % repr(self._subdomain_data))

        r = "%s(%s)" % (type(self).__name__, ', '.join(args))
        return as_native_str(r)

    def __hash__(self):
        "Return a hash value for this Measure."
        hashdata = (self._integral_type,
        return hash(hashdata)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        "Checks if two Measures are equal."
        return (isinstance(other, Measure) and
                self._integral_type == other._integral_type and
                self._subdomain_id == other._subdomain_id and
                self._domain == other._domain and
                id_or_none(self._subdomain_data) == id_or_none(other._subdomain_data) and
                metadata_equal(self._metadata, other._metadata))

    def __add__(self, other):
        """Add two measures (self+other).

        Creates an intermediate object used for the notation

          expr * (dx(1) + dx(2)) := expr * dx(1) + expr * dx(2)
        if isinstance(other, Measure):
            # Let dx(1) + dx(2) equal dx((1,2))
            return MeasureSum(self, other)
            # Can only add Measures
            return NotImplemented

    def __mul__(self, other):
        """Multiply two measures (self*other).

        Creates an intermediate object used for the notation

          expr * (dm1 * dm2) := expr * dm1 * dm2

        This is work in progress and not functional.
        if isinstance(other, Measure):
            # Tensor product measure support
            return MeasureProduct(self, other)
            # Can't multiply Measure from the right with non-Measure type
            return NotImplemented

    def __rmul__(self, integrand):
        """Multiply a scalar expression with measure to construct a form with
        a single integral.

        This is to implement the notation

            form = integrand * self

        Integration properties are taken from this Measure object.

        # Avoid circular imports
        from ufl.integral import Integral
        from ufl.form import Form

        # Allow python literals: 1*dx and 1.0*dx
        if isinstance(integrand, (int, float)):
            integrand = as_ufl(integrand)

        # Let other types implement multiplication with Measure if
        # they want to (to support the dolfin-adjoint TimeMeasure)
        if not isinstance(integrand, Expr):
            return NotImplemented

        # Allow only scalar integrands
        if not is_true_ufl_scalar(integrand):
            error("Can only integrate scalar expressions. The integrand is a "
                  "tensor expression with value shape %s and free indices with labels %s." %
                  (integrand.ufl_shape, integrand.ufl_free_indices))

        # If we have a tuple of domain ids, delegate composition to
        # Integral.__add__:
        subdomain_id = self.subdomain_id()
        if isinstance(subdomain_id, tuple):
            return sum(integrand*self.reconstruct(subdomain_id=d) for d in subdomain_id)

        # Check that we have an integer subdomain or a string
        # ("everywhere" or "otherwise", any more?)
        if not isinstance(subdomain_id, (str, numbers.Integral,)):
            error("Expecting integer or string domain id.")

        # If we don't have an integration domain, try to find one in
        # integrand
        domain = self.ufl_domain()
        if domain is None:
            domains = extract_domains(integrand)
            if len(domains) == 1:
                domain, = domains
            elif len(domains) == 0:
                error("This integral is missing an integration domain.")
                error("Multiple domains found, making the choice of integration domain ambiguous.")

        # Otherwise create and return a one-integral form
        integral = Integral(integrand=integrand,
        return Form([integral])
Exemple #38
import numbers

from ufl.utils.str import as_native_strings
from ufl.utils.str import as_native_str
from ufl.log import error, deprecate
from ufl.core.expr import Expr
from ufl.checks import is_true_ufl_scalar
from ufl.constantvalue import as_ufl
from ufl.utils.dicts import EmptyDict
from ufl.domain import as_domain, AbstractDomain, extract_domains
from ufl.protocols import id_or_none, metadata_equal, metadata_hashdata

# Export list for ufl.classes
__all_classes__ = as_native_strings(["Measure", "MeasureSum", "MeasureProduct"])

# TODO: Design a class IntegralType(name, shortname, codim, num_cells, ...)?
# TODO: Improve descriptions below:

# Enumeration of valid domain types
_integral_types = [
    # === Integration over full topological dimension:
    ("cell", "dx"),                     # Over cells of a mesh
    # ("macro_cell", "dE"),              # Over a group of adjacent cells (TODO: Arbitrary cell group? Not currently used.)

    # === Integration over topological dimension - 1:
    ("exterior_facet", "ds"),           # Over one-sided exterior facets of a mesh
    ("interior_facet", "dS"),           # Over two-sided facets between pairs of adjacent cells of a mesh
Exemple #39
import ufl.finiteelement  # noqa E401
__all__ += populate_namespace_with_module_classes(ufl.finiteelement, locals())

import ufl.domain  # noqa E401
__all__ += populate_namespace_with_module_classes(ufl.domain, locals())

import ufl.functionspace  # noqa E401
__all__ += populate_namespace_with_module_classes(ufl.functionspace, locals())

import ufl.core.multiindex  # noqa E401
__all__ += populate_namespace_with_module_classes(ufl.core.multiindex, locals())

import ufl.argument  # noqa E401
__all__ += populate_namespace_with_module_classes(ufl.argument, locals())

import ufl.measure  # noqa E401
__all__ += populate_namespace_with_module_classes(ufl.measure, locals())

import ufl.integral  # noqa E401
__all__ += populate_namespace_with_module_classes(ufl.integral, locals())

import ufl.form  # noqa E401
__all__ += populate_namespace_with_module_classes(ufl.form, locals())

import ufl.equation  # noqa E401
__all__ += populate_namespace_with_module_classes(ufl.equation, locals())

__all__ = as_native_strings(__all__)
Exemple #40
from itertools import chain
from collections import defaultdict

from ufl.log import error, warning
from ufl.domain import sort_domains
from ufl.integral import Integral
from ufl.checks import is_scalar_constant_expression
from ufl.equation import Equation
from ufl.core.expr import Expr
from ufl.core.expr import ufl_err_str
from ufl.constantvalue import Zero
from ufl.utils.str import as_native_strings, as_native_str

# Export list for ufl.classes
__all_classes__ = as_native_strings(["Form"])

# --- The Form class, representing a complete variational form or functional ---

def _sorted_integrals(integrals):
    """Sort integrals by domain id, integral type, subdomain id
    for a more stable signature computation."""

    # Group integrals in multilevel dict by keys
    # [domain][integral_type][subdomain_id]
    integrals_dict = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list)))
    for integral in integrals:
        d = integral.ufl_domain()
        if d is None:
            error("Each integral in a form must have a uniquely defined integration domain.")
Exemple #41
__all__ = as_native_strings([
Exemple #42
# Modified by Anders Logg, 2008-2009.
# Modified by Massimiliano Leoni, 2016.

import numbers
from ufl.utils.str import as_native_str
from ufl.utils.str import as_native_strings
from ufl.log import error
from ufl.core.ufl_type import ufl_type
from ufl.core.terminal import FormArgument
from ufl.split_functions import split
from ufl.finiteelement import FiniteElementBase
from ufl.domain import default_domain
from ufl.functionspace import AbstractFunctionSpace, FunctionSpace

# Export list for ufl.classes (TODO: not actually classes: drop? these are in ufl.*)
__all_classes__ = as_native_strings(["TestFunction", "TrialFunction", "TestFunctions", "TrialFunctions"])

# --- Class representing an argument (basis function) in a form ---

class Argument(FormArgument):
    """UFL value: Representation of an argument to a form."""
    __slots__ = as_native_strings((