Exemple #1
    def evaluate(self, expr, args, assignments, lets, binding, statementTerm):
        exprAsFunction = expr.toFunction()

        args = [
            exprAsFunction.implVal_, ForaValue.FORAValue.symbol_Call.implVal_
        ] + args

        res = Evaluator.evaluator().evaluate(*args)
        # res is a ComputationResult instance, defined in ufora/FORA/Core/ComputationResult.hppml
        #@type ComputationResult =
        #       Exception of ImplValContainer exception
        #    -| Result of ImplValContainer result
        #    -| Failure of ErrorState error

        resVal = None
        if res.isResult():
            resVal = res.asResult.result
        elif res.isException():
            resVal = res.asException.exception
        elif res.isFailure():
            raise ForaValue.FORAFailure(res.asFailure.error)

        # At this point, resVal is an ImplValContainer
        resVal = ForaValue.FORAValue(resVal).implVal_

        boundValues = {}

        if res.isException():
            #the exception it a tuple ((exception, (a1, a2, ...)), stacktrace)
            #we want to propagate (exception, stacktrace)
            exceptionAndVariables, stacktrace = resVal
            exception, variableAssignments = exceptionAndVariables

            #iterate through the binding and update the original
            for ix, a in enumerate(assignments):
                boundValues[a] = binding[a] = variableAssignments[ix]

            boundValues['result'] = ForaValue.FORAException(
                (exception, ForaValue.FORAValue(stacktrace)))
            #packAssignedVarsIntoTuple puts the result in the first tuple element
            #and the assigned variables in the second
            actualResult, boundSymbolValues, assignedOutputs = resVal

            #iterate through the binding and update the original
            for ix, a in enumerate(lets):
                boundValues[a] = binding[a] = boundSymbolValues[ix]

            for ix, a in enumerate(assignments):
                boundValues[a] = binding[a] = assignedOutputs[ix]

            boundValues['result'] = actualResult

        return boundValues
Exemple #2
    def evaluate(self, expr, args, assignments, lets, binding, statementTerm):
        exprAsFunction = expr.toFunction()

        args = [exprAsFunction.implVal_, ForaValue.FORAValue.symbol_Call.implVal_] + args

        res = Evaluator.evaluator().evaluate(*args)
        # res is a ComputationResult instance, defined in ufora/FORA/Core/ComputationResult.hppml
        #@type ComputationResult =
        #       Exception of ImplValContainer exception, ImplValContainer computationLog
        #    -| Result of ImplValContainer result, ImplValContainer computationLog
        #    -| Failure of ErrorState error

        resVal = None
        logs = None
        if res.isResult():
            resVal = res.asResult.result
            logs = res.asResult.computationLog
        elif res.isException():
            resVal = res.asException.exception
            logs = res.asException.computationLog
        elif res.isFailure():
            raise ForaValue.FORAFailure(res.asFailure.error)

        # At this point, resVal and logs are both ImplValContainers.
        resVal = ForaValue.FORAValue(resVal).implVal_

        if logs is not None and logs.isVector() and logs.getVectorSize() > 0:
            if logs.getVectorSize() > 50:
                for ix in range(50):
                    print "log> " + ForaValue.FORAValue(logs)[ix]
                print " and", logs.getVectorSize() - 50, "additional log messages..."
                print "log> " + ForaValue.FORAValue("\nlog> ").join(ForaValue.FORAValue(logs))

        boundValues = {}

        if res.isException():
            #the exception it a tuple ((exception, (a1, a2, ...)), stacktrace)
            #we want to propagate (exception, stacktrace)
            exceptionAndVariables, stacktrace = resVal
            exception, variableAssignments = exceptionAndVariables

            #iterate through the binding and update the original
            for ix, a in enumerate(assignments):
                boundValues[a] = binding[a] = variableAssignments[ix]

            boundValues['result'] = ForaValue.FORAException((exception, ForaValue.FORAValue(stacktrace)))
            #packAssignedVarsIntoTuple puts the result in the first tuple element
            #and the assigned variables in the second
            actualResult, boundSymbolValues, assignedOutputs = resVal

            #iterate through the binding and update the original
            for ix, a in enumerate(lets):
                boundValues[a] = binding[a] = boundSymbolValues[ix]

            for ix, a in enumerate(assignments):
                boundValues[a] = binding[a] = assignedOutputs[ix]

            boundValues['result'] = actualResult

        return boundValues