def setUp(self): """ """ # location of the testing server host = 'localhost' server = 'ftp://' + host + '/' self.testDataDir = 'ufsiTd/' # authentication details readUser = '******' readPassword = '******' writeUser = '******' writePassword = '******' # to save from creating another account, simply assign # readUserAuth to None for anonymous login self.readUserAuth = ufsi.UserPasswordAuthentication( readUser, readPassword) self.writeUserAuth = ufsi.UserPasswordAuthentication( writeUser, writePassword) self.anonUserAuth = None # files self.existingFile = 'existing' self.existingFilePath = ufsi.FtpPath(server + self.testDataDir + self.existingFile) self.existingFileContents=\ '12345678901234567890\nSecondLine\nThirdLine\n' self.nonExistingFile = 'nonExisting' self.nonExistingFilePath = ufsi.FtpPath(server + self.testDataDir + self.nonExistingFile) # dirs self.existingDir = 'existingDir' self.existingDirPath = ufsi.FtpPath(server + self.testDataDir + self.existingDir) self.nonExistingDir = 'nonExistingDir' self.nonExistingDirPath = ufsi.FtpPath(server + self.testDataDir + self.nonExistingDir) # write file self.writeFile = 'write' self.writeFilePath = ufsi.Path(server + self.testDataDir + self.writeFile) self.writeFileContents = 'a couple\nof\nlines' # TODO: test symlinks (when implemented) self.server = server = host
def testIsAbsolute(self): """ Tests the isAbsolute() method. 1. server without trailing slash 2. server with trailing slash 3. server with file 4. server with dir """ server=self.server data={ # 1 'noTrailingSlash':[server[:-1],True], # 2 'trailingSlash':[server,True], # 3 'serverFile':[server+'file',True], # 4 'serverDir':[server+'dir/',True] } for k in data.iterkeys(): r1=ufsi.FtpPath(data[k][0]).isAbsolute() r2=data[k][1] self.assertEquals(r1,r2, '%s: isAbsolute result was %r but should be %r' %(k,r1,r2))
def setUp(self): """ Creates the test data: * existing dir, contents unimportant * non existing dir TODO: update docstring TODO: add index.html or something like that to existingDir """ # location of the testing server host='localhost' server='ftp://'+host+'/' self.testDataDir='ufsiTd/' # files self.existingFile='existing' self.existingFilePath=ufsi.FtpPath( server+self.testDataDir+self.existingFile) self.nonExistingFile='nonExisting' self.nonExistingFilePath=ufsi.FtpPath( server+self.testDataDir+self.nonExistingFile) # dirs self.existingDir='existingDir' self.existingDirPath=ufsi.FtpPath(server+self.testDataDir+ self.existingDir) self.nonExistingDir='nonExistingDir' self.nonExistingDirPath=ufsi.FtpPath(server+self.testDataDir+ self.nonExistingDir) # TODO: test symlinks (when implemented) self.server=server
def setUp(self): """ Creates the test data: * existing dir, containing files: test1,test2 * non existing dir TODO: update docstring """ # location of the testing server host = 'localhost' server = 'ftp://' + host + '/' self.testDataDir = 'ufsiTd/' # dirs self.existingDir = 'existingDir' self.existingDirPath = ufsi.FtpPath(server + self.testDataDir + self.existingDir) self.existingDirDirList = ['file1', 'file2'] self.nonExistingDir = 'nonExistingDir' self.nonExistingDirPath = ufsi.FtpPath(server + self.testDataDir + self.nonExistingDir)
def testJoin(self): """ Tests the join() method. 1. append a relative path 2. append an absolute path 3. append to a path not terminated by a separator character 4. append an empty path """ server=self.server P=lambda p:ufsi.Path(p) data={ # 1 'relativePath': [server+'dir1/',P('dir2/fileBase.ext'), server+'dir1/dir2/fileBase.ext'], # 2 'absolutePath': [server+'dir1/',P('/dir2/fileBase.ext'), str(P('/dir2/fileBase.ext'))], # 3 'notSeparatorTerminatedPath': [server+'dir1',P('dir2/fileBase.ext'), server+'dir1/dir2/fileBase.ext'], # 4 'emptyPath': [server+'dir1',P(''),server+'dir1/'], } for k in data.iterkeys(): p1=ufsi.FtpPath(data[k][0]) p2=data[k][1] r1=str(p1.join(p2)) r2=data[k][2] self.assertEquals(r1,r2, '%s: join result was %r but should have been %r' %(k,r1,r2))
def testSplit(self): """ Tests the split() method. 1. empty urlPath 2. urlPath of a fileBase only 3. urlPath of a fileExt only 4. urlPath of a fileBase with empty fileExt 5. urlPath with a full fileName 6. urlPath with a single dir 7. urlPath with two dirs 8. urlPath with two dirs, full fileName 9. urlPath with a dir with a period TODO: also test port numbers, user and passwords """ server=self.server data={ # 1 'emptyPath': [server+'', {'host', 'urlPath':'', 'fileBase':'', 'fileExt':None, 'dirs':[]}], # 2 'fileBaseOnly': [server+'fileBase', {'host', 'urlPath':'fileBase', 'fileBase':'fileBase', 'fileExt':None, 'dirs':[]}], # 3 'fileExtOnly': [server+'.ext', {'host', 'urlPath':'.ext', 'fileBase':'', 'fileExt':'ext', 'dirs':[]}], # 4 'fileBaseEmptyFileExt': [server+'fileBase.', {'host', 'urlPath':'fileBase.', 'fileBase':'fileBase', 'fileExt':'', 'dirs':[]}], # 5 'fullFileName': [server+'fileBase.ext', {'host', 'urlPath':'fileBase.ext', 'fileBase':'fileBase', 'fileExt':'ext', 'dirs':[]}], # 6 'singleDir': [server+'dir/', {'host', 'urlPath':'dir/', 'fileBase':'', 'fileExt':None, 'dirs':['dir']}], # 7 'twoDirs': [server+'dir1/dir2/', {'host', 'urlPath':'dir1/dir2/', 'fileBase':'', 'fileExt':None, 'dirs':['dir1','dir2']}], # 8 'absolutePathTwoDirsFullFileName': [server+'dir1/dir2/fileBase.ext', {'host', 'urlPath':'dir1/dir2/fileBase.ext', 'fileBase':'fileBase', 'fileExt':'ext', 'dirs':['dir1','dir2']}], # 9 'dirWithAPeriod': [server+'dir.dirExt/fileBase.fileExt', {'host', 'urlPath':'dir.dirExt/fileBase.fileExt', 'fileBase':'fileBase', 'fileExt':'fileExt', 'dirs':['dir.dirExt']}] } for k in data.iterkeys(): s1=ufsi.FtpPath(data[k][0]).split() s2=data[k][1] for s2k in s2.iterkeys(): self.assertEquals(s1[s2k],s2[s2k], '%s: Item %s of dict %r should be %s' %(k,s2k,s1,s2[s2k]))