def testIsSymlink(self): """ Tests the isSymlink() method. 1. existing valid symlink 2. existing invalid symlink 3. non-existing symlink """ P = lambda p: ufsi.TarPath(self.tarFilePath, p) existingValidSymlinkPath = P(self.existingValidSymlinkFilePathStr) existingInvalidSymlinkPath = P(self.existingInvalidSymlinkFilePathStr) nonExistingSymlinkPath = P(self.nonExistingSymlinkPathStr) # 1 self.assertEquals(existingValidSymlinkPath.isSymlink(), True, 'Symlink %r exists' % str(existingValidSymlinkPath)) # 2 self.assertEquals( existingInvalidSymlinkPath.isSymlink(), True, 'Symlink %r exists' % str(existingInvalidSymlinkPath)) # 3 self.assertEquals( nonExistingSymlinkPath.isSymlink(), False, 'Symlink %r does not exist' % str(nonExistingSymlinkPath))
def testIsAbsolute(self): """ Tests the isAbsolute() method. 1. relative path 2. absolute root path 3. absolute home path 4. absolute user path # TODO: correct this - all tar paths are absolute """ data = { # 1 'relative': ['dir/file', True], # 2 'absoluteRoot': ['/dir/file', True], } for k in data.iterkeys(): r1 = ufsi.TarPath(self.tarFilePath, data[k][0]).isAbsolute() r2 = data[k][1] self.assertEquals( r1, r2, '%s: isAbsolute result was %r but should be %r' % (k, r1, r2))
def setUp(self): """ Creates the test data: * existing dir, containing files: test1,test2 * non existing dir """ # tar file self.tarFilePath = ufsi.Path('data/tarfile.tar') # paths self.existingDirPathStr = 'existingDir/' self.existingDirPath = ufsi.TarPath(self.tarFilePath, self.existingDirPathStr) self.existingDirDirList = ['test1', 'test2'] self.nonExistingDirPathStr = 'nonexistingDir/' self.nonExistingDirPath = ufsi.TarPath(self.tarFilePath, self.nonExistingDirPathStr)
def setUp(self): """ Creates the test data: * existing file, content '12345678901234567890\nSecondLine\nThirdLine' * non existing file """ self.tarFilePath = ufsi.Path('data/tarfile.tar') # file paths self.existingFilePathStr = 'existing' self.existingFilePath = ufsi.TarPath(self.tarFilePath, self.existingFilePathStr) self.existingFileContents=\ '12345678901234567890\nSecondLine\nThirdLine\n' self.nonExistingFilePathStr = 'nonExisting' self.nonExistingFilePath = ufsi.TarPath(self.tarFilePath, self.nonExistingFilePathStr) self.writeFilePathStr = 'write' self.writeFilePath = ufsi.TarPath(self.tarFilePath, self.writeFilePathStr) self.writeFileContents = 'test content\nsecond line\n'
def testJoin(self): """ Tests the join() method. 1. append a relative path 2. append an absolute path 3. append to a path not terminated by a separator character 4. append an empty path 5. append a non-native path """ #TODO: change this to ufsi.Path and account for separators in assert P = lambda p: ufsi.NativeUnixPath(p) data = { # 1 'relativePath': ['/dir1/', P('dir2/fileBase.ext'), '/dir1/dir2/fileBase.ext'], # 2 'absolutePath': ['/dir1/', P('/dir2/fileBase.ext'), '/dir2/fileBase.ext'], # 3 'notSeparatorTerminatedPath': ['dir1', P('dir2/fileBase.ext'), 'dir1/dir2/fileBase.ext'], # 4 'emptyPath': ['dir1', P(''), 'dir1/'], # 5 'nonNativePath': [ 'dir1', ufsi.HttpPath(''), '' ] } for k in data.iterkeys(): p1 = ufsi.TarPath(self.tarFilePath, data[k][0]) p2 = data[k][1] r1 = str(p1.join(p2)) r2 = data[k][2] self.assertEquals( r1, r2, '%s: join result was %r but should have been %r' % (k, r1, r2))
def testIsDir(self): """ Tests the isDir() method. 1. existing dir 2. non-existing dir 3. existing dir, no trailing slash 4. existing dir referenced through a symlink 5. non-existing dir referenced through a symlink 6. existing file """ P = lambda p: ufsi.TarPath(self.tarFilePath, p) existingDirPath = P(self.existingDirPathStr) nonExistingDirPath = P(self.nonExistingDirPathStr) existingDirNoTrailingSlashPath = P(self.existingDirPathStr[:-1]) existingValidDirSymlinkPath = P(self.existingValidSymlinkDirPathStr) existingInvalidDirSymlinkPath = P( self.existingInvalidSymlinkDirPathStr) existingFilePath = P(self.existingFilePathStr) # 1 self.assertEquals(existingDirPath.isDir(), True, '%r is a dir' % str(existingDirPath)) # 2 self.assertEquals(nonExistingDirPath.isDir(), False, '%r does not exist' % str(nonExistingDirPath)) # 3 self.assertEquals(existingDirNoTrailingSlashPath.isDir(), True, '%r is a dir' % str(existingDirNoTrailingSlashPath)) # 4 - TODO: fix TarPath impl # self.assertEquals(existingValidDirSymlinkPath.isDir(),True, # '%r is a dir'%str(existingValidDirSymlinkPath)) # 5 self.assertEquals( existingInvalidDirSymlinkPath.isDir(), False, '%r is an invalid symlink' % str(existingInvalidDirSymlinkPath)) # 6 self.assertEquals(existingFilePath.isDir(), False, '%r is a file' % str(existingFilePath))
def testGetSymlinkPath(self): """ Tests the getSymlinkPath() method. 1. existing symlink to a file 2. existing symlink to a dir 3. existing file 4. existing dir 5. non-existing symlink """ P = lambda p: ufsi.TarPath(self.tarFilePath, p) existingValidFileSymlinkPath = P(self.existingValidSymlinkFilePathStr) existingValidDirSymlinkPath = P(self.existingValidSymlinkDirPathStr) existingFilePath = P(self.existingFilePathStr) existingDirPath = P(self.existingDirPathStr) nonExistingSymlinkPath = P(self.nonExistingSymlinkPathStr) # 1 r1 = str(existingValidFileSymlinkPath.getSymlinkPath()) r2 = self.existingValidFileSymlinkPath self.assertEquals(r1, r2, 'Symlink path expected %r. Got %r' % (r2, r1)) # 2 r1 = str(existingValidDirSymlinkPath.getSymlinkPath()) r2 = self.existingValidDirSymlinkPath self.assertEquals(r1, r2, 'Symlink path expected %r. Got %r' % (r2, r1)) # 3 self.assertRaises(ufsi.NotASymlinkError, existingFilePath.getSymlinkPath) # 4 self.assertRaises(ufsi.NotASymlinkError, existingDirPath.getSymlinkPath) # 5 self.assertRaises(ufsi.NotASymlinkError, nonExistingSymlinkPath.getSymlinkPath)
def testIsFile(self): """ Tests the isFile() method. 1. existing file 2. non-existing file 3. existing file referenced through a symlink 4. non-existing file referenced through a symlink 5. existing dir """ P = lambda p: ufsi.TarPath(self.tarFilePath, p) existingFilePath = P(self.existingFilePathStr) nonExistingFilePath = P(self.nonExistingFilePathStr) existingValidFileSymlinkPath = P(self.existingValidSymlinkFilePathStr) existingInvalidFileSymlinkPath=\ P(self.existingInvalidSymlinkFilePathStr) existingDirPath = P(self.existingDirPathStr) # 1 self.assertEquals(existingFilePath.isFile(), True, '%r is a file' % str(existingFilePath)) # 2 self.assertEquals(nonExistingFilePath.isFile(), False, 'File %r does not exist' % str(nonExistingFilePath)) # 3 self.assertEquals(existingValidFileSymlinkPath.isFile(), True, '%r is a file' % str(existingValidFileSymlinkPath)) # 4 self.assertEquals( existingInvalidFileSymlinkPath.isFile(), False, '%r is an invalid symlink' % str(existingInvalidFileSymlinkPath)) # 5 self.assertEquals(existingDirPath.isFile(), False, '%r is a dir' % str(existingDirPath))
def testSplit(self): """ Tests the split() method. 1. empty path 2. fileBase only 3. fileExt only 4. fileBase with empty fileExt 5. full fileName 6. single dir 7. two dirs 8. absolute path, two dirs, full fileName 9. dir with a period """ data = { # 1 'emptyPath': ['', { 'fileBase': '', 'fileExt': None, 'dirs': [] }], # 2 'fileBaseOnly': [ 'fileBase', { 'fileBase': 'fileBase', 'fileExt': None, 'dirs': [] } ], # 3 'fileExtOnly': ['.ext', { 'fileBase': '', 'fileExt': 'ext', 'dirs': [] }], # 4 'fileBaseEmptyFileExt': ['fileBase.', { 'fileBase': 'fileBase', 'fileExt': '', 'dirs': [] }], # 5 'fullFileName': [ 'fileBase.ext', { 'fileBase': 'fileBase', 'fileExt': 'ext', 'dirs': [] } ], # 6 'singleDir': ['dir/', { 'fileBase': '', 'fileExt': None, 'dirs': ['dir'] }], # 7 'twoDirs': [ 'dir1/dir2/', { 'fileBase': '', 'fileExt': None, 'dirs': ['dir1', 'dir2'] } ], # 8 'absolutePathTwoDirsFullFileName': [ '/dir1/dir2/fileBase.ext', { 'fileBase': 'fileBase', 'fileExt': 'ext', 'dirs': ['', 'dir1', 'dir2'] } ], # 9 'dirWithAPeriod': [ '/dir.dirExt/fileBase.fileExt', { 'fileBase': 'fileBase', 'fileExt': 'fileExt', 'dirs': ['', 'dir.dirExt'] } ] } for k in data.iterkeys(): s1 = ufsi.TarPath(self.tarFilePath, data[k][0]).split() s2 = data[k][1] for s2k in s2.iterkeys(): self.assertEquals( s1[s2k], s2[s2k], '%s: Item %s of dict %r should be %s' % (k, s2k, s1, s2[s2k]))